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4061689 No.4061689 [Reply] [Original]

We will cover the need for secure and maximally decentralized oracles for Ethereum smart contracts. The focus of the presentation will be on how allowing data providers, payment providers, and various API-based services to be accessed by Ethereum smart contracts through a decentralized oracle network can greatly expand functionality, while maintaining the key security guarantees of smart contracts. We’ll focus on how TownCrier’s approach to implementing Intel SGX enables third party oracles to be provably secure, as is already being done on production using the currently live TownCrier implementation. We’ll also look at how oracle operations and off-chain computation can be written in solidity to be run entirely in an SGX Enclave, allowing provable off-chain computation and retrieval of external resources. Smart contracts need to retain a high level of security in both the network they run on, and the inputs/outputs they rely on, we aim to show how decentralized oracle networks, TownCrier’s approach to using Intel SGX for secure external access , and off-chain computation using solidity in Intel SGX can together allow smart contracts to remain secure as they access key resources outside the Ethereum network.

Location: Main Hall
Date: November 3, 2017
Time: 4:10 pm - 4:30 pm
Sergey Nazarov

>> No.4061721

Priced in

>> No.4061729

Translation for a brainlet?

>> No.4061769
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>> No.4061772

We needs oracles

imagine u gonna fuk som ho and she lik u payin up front and u dont wanna

so u set up a smart contract, she gets the money when your nut hits her skin nom sayin?

But how the smart contract know wats good?


>> No.4061785

We will cover the need for secure and maximally decentralized toilets for Ethereum smart contracts. The focus of the presentation will be on how allowing bowel movements, digestive enzymes, and various microbiome-based therapies to be accessed by Ethereum smart contracts through a decentralized toilet network can greatly expand your bowels, while maintaining the key stink of your feces. We’ll focus on how BrownCrier’s approach to implementing laxatives enables third party toilets to be provably secure, as is already being relieved on the toilets using the currently live BrownCrier implementation. We’ll also look at how toilets operations and off-seat computation can be written in solidity to be run entirely in a toilet Enclave, allowing provable off-chain bowel movements and retrieval of external fecal matter. Toilets need to retain a high level of security in both the pipes they run on, and the inputs/outputs of feces they rely on, we aim to show how decentralized toilet networks, BrownCrier’s approach to using laxatives for secure external output , and off-chain bowel movements using solidity in toilets can together allow toilets to remain secure as they access key laxatives outside the Ethereum network.

>> No.4061789

>I'm gonna sell you smart contracts like I tried to do the last few years but only got 2 active customers
>also I'll never mention chainlink

>> No.4061791

Lmao, this guy’s a future billionaire, no wonder he never talks to the mouth breathers in the slack.

>> No.4061793

Every Link holder gets a free toilet stall door signed by Sergey and packed by limp-wrist Rory.

>> No.4061811
File: 85 KB, 790x934, bitcoinfraud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Priced in for trading or hodling?
>$83,084,400 market cap
Seems about low for something that just announced speaking on the Main Hall

>> No.4061815

Maybe he’s in talks to sell Chainlink to some company (Microsoft?) hence why he never talks about it.

>> No.4061852


not many know about hyperledger project and this shit flys over there head

>> No.4061928
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SO what exactly is going to happen?

>> No.4061989

It's going to be 20 cents per until it's suddenly 3 dollars per. Assuming it lives up to the goals and partnerships it has.

All it requires is one bank or business deciding to buy a huge amount of Link in addition to the amount that was given in the node stipend.

>> No.4062009


>> No.4062036

Same as always, absolutely nothing

>> No.4062054

banks are really curious about all of this at the moment. but i doubt they will send the price of link to 3 dollars

your guess is as good as mine

Many of the technologies we now take for granted were quiet revolutions in their time. Just think about how much smartphones have changed the way we live and work. It used to be that when people were out of the office, they were gone, because a telephone was tied to a place, not to a person. Now we have global nomads building new businesses straight from their phones. And to think: Smartphones have been around for merely a decade.

We’re now in the midst of another quiet revolution: blockchain, a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records, called “blocks.” Consider what’s happened in just the past 10 years:

The first major blockchain innovation was bitcoin, a digital currency experiment. The market cap of bitcoin now hovers between $10–$20 billion dollars, and is used by millions of people for payments, including a large and growing remittances market.
The second innovation was called blockchain, which was essentially the realization that the underlying technology that operated bitcoin could be separated from the currency and used for all kinds of other interorganizational cooperation. Almost every major financial institution in the world is doing blockchain research at the moment, and 15% of banks are expected to be using blockchain in 2017.

>> No.4062066


>read this shit nigga this is the most important post you will find on biz today , LEARN
The third innovation was called the “smart contract,” embodied in a second-generation blockchain system called ethereum, which built little computer programs directly into blockchain that allowed financial instruments, like loans or bonds, to be represented, rather than only the cash-like tokens of the bitcoin. The ethereum smart contract platform now has a market cap of around a billion dollars, with hundreds of projects headed toward the market.
The fourth major innovation, the current cutting edge of blockchain thinking, is called “proof of stake.” Current generation blockchains are secured by “proof of work,” in which the group with the largest total computing power makes the decisions. These groups are called “miners” and operate vast data centers to provide this security, in exchange for cryptocurrency payments. The new systems do away with these data centers, replacing them with complex financial instruments, for a similar or even higher degree of security. Proof-of-stake systems are expected to go live later this year.
The fifth major innovation on the horizon is called blockchain scaling. Right now, in the blockchain world, every computer in the network processes every transaction. This is slow. A scaled blockchain accelerates the process, without sacrificing security, by figuring out how many computers are necessary to validate each transaction and dividing up the work efficiently. To manage this without compromising the legendary security and robustness of blockchain is a difficult problem, but not an intractable one. A scaled blockchain is expected to be fast enough to power the internet of things and go head-to-head with the major payment middlemen (VISA and SWIFT) of the banking world.

>> No.4062070
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Lets brain storm...they are partnered with Swift right? If so who would be the best player to grab up all these cheap links for nodes?

>> No.4062539

You haven't mentioned anything relatable to Chainlink.
Is that on purpose?

>> No.4062591

>and 15% of banks are expected to be using blockchain in 2017.
source? its almost the end of 2017, how many banks are using it?

>> No.4062691
File: 442 KB, 1180x842, kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't Google: banks using blockchain

>> No.4062759

World Economics Forum. Expected 30% of the global wealth to be contained within blockchain technology by 2018. That's ~30-40 Trillion dollars btw.

you can look it up yourself because if I send links to you you'd just think I'd be shilling.

>> No.4063201

This anon gets it. All signs clearly point towards an acquisition which is in progress.

>> No.4063255



FUDers: they've only got two employees! REEEEEE

IMO the fact that they've only got two employees and have been cozying up to institutional level players for years screams acquisition. Someone, whether its SWIFT or Microsoft, will "acquihire" them, and you'll start to see implementations rolls out that take it to the moon.

>> No.4063316

Kek, Microsoft. You guys are just setting yourselves up for disappointment.

>> No.4063329


Oh... nobody told him?

>> No.4063381


>> No.4063741

Kek, exactly this.
The guy doesn't care about the token, took 32mil only to promote his shitty company.
Enjoy holding your bags for all of eternity.

>> No.4063838

Guess not ... Retards will be retards