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4056484 No.4056484 [Reply] [Original]

Amazon rumor will drive this shit into new ATH tomorrow.

Anyone in alts right now is a fucking moron

>> No.4056487

Rumor and then sell-off when this shit does not happen.

Jeff Bezos does not fuck around like that.

>> No.4056494

Amazon rumor meaning some random pajeet said it in another thread or what?

Who else is talking about this? I've seen it nowhere.

>> No.4056506

That bullshitter James Altucher has been echoing it.

Amazon spokesperson: “(Amazon) opts to include new products or services only when these are useful for our customers - until that point, we do not engage in rough speculation.”

>> No.4056514

>Amazon rumor meaning some random pajeet said it in another thread or what?
exactly that

>> No.4056519

Is that what caused it to not die today? Oh boy I hope it is tomorrow. I may actually 100x short it.

>> No.4056527

AKA "That question is above my pay grade. Wait for the Thursday call for a big honcho to do his thing."

>> No.4056530
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>> No.4056540

Why the fuck would you short it you idiot lol

>> No.4056543

Sell the news

>> No.4056544

I'm sure it's nothing. They'll just say how "bitcoin is interesting" and how they'll eventually be using "blockchain technology" in order to streamline their operation...

>and btc will drop to $3700

>> No.4056546

honestly Im thinking the same of shorting. Reason being, the chance of Amazon actually implementing bitcoin is very slim, as of right now anyways. If the rumors is true. Im fucked.

>> No.4056551
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People thinking the piece of shit current blockchain for bitcoin could handle anything like even a small percentage of amazon level of transactions.

>> No.4056562

"Blockchain technology" for a single business is just memespeak for "distributed database"

>> No.4056566

It would make perfect sense for amazon or any business to start collecting crypto-currency. They can sell it at a later date and profit even higher.

10K btc by end of year regardless of what Amazon does.

>> No.4056571


Fucking THIS.

>> No.4056582

amazon will wait until the dust settles after the forckalypse

>> No.4056585

First rule of crypto: Never short bitcoin.
How many people with their worthless TA were saying <$4XXX by this time today? Now they have to wait or buy back higher like they deserve for breaking the golden rule.

>> No.4056605


>> No.4056609

Amazon isn't some fucking bobo company like Overstock with a $1B market cap.

They are going to wait until it's a valid spending currency until it's worth their time to do this on the backend.

James Altucher is probably selling this Amazon rumor rally. Beware.

>> No.4056620

>mad he didn't buy ostk at 14 dollars a share

>> No.4056631

These. Bitcoin isn't usable as a currency and Amazon doesn't give two shits about it. Maybe in another 5 years.

>> No.4056638


Just being realistic, friend.

If it was worth their time, Amazon would have already done this. Before Overstock.

>> No.4056679


>> No.4056693
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Amazon is developing their own crypto coin.

Get read for Amazoin

>> No.4056705


amazoin.com -> amazon.com


>> No.4056711

>sell to who
anon you feel the disconnect here

>> No.4056722

if I was Bezos, I would be buying up Gemini and Coinbase, accept BTC on amazon.com, and become the largest holder of bitcoin in the world overnight

>> No.4056740


Amazon won't start accepting a volatile as fuck currency as tender any time soon.

Think about it. I buy a TV for 2k Usd equivalent of Btc. Then, by the time the transaction goes through on the blockchain, Btc has dropped 5%. Now Amazon have to contact me and get more money, or cancel the order, or wear the loss. Never mind that now I, the customer, am expected to pay 5% more than I did yesterday? All three create friction. Amazon are the 1 click patent mother fuckers, Btc doest fit their business.

Rumour is rumour.

>> No.4056782

are you aware bitcoin is only capable of about 4 transactions per second?


>> No.4056797

Derp, capacity is getting upgraded with the fork.

>> No.4056806

Well It's a rumour, but IF Amazon starts accepting bitcoin, they will charge BIG fees, I'm talking about instead of 600$ for a tv in BTC it will be 700. I'm sure they'll figure something smart. Or just accept ETH or LTC which are way faster

>> No.4056816

that isn't even a sure thing and 2mb blocks aren't gonna do shit to get close to amazon volume

>> No.4056825

derp like .1% of transactions on Amazon will be with Bitcoin initially.

>> No.4056833
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>> No.4056842


You're being extremely generous.

>> No.4056844

uh derp haha uhh derp lmao lol derp hurrr

>> No.4057129

Eliminates chargebacks
Makes cross border payments simple
Lower fees if bitcoin cash is used
Instant conversion to cash with liquid
exchange partner or hold if they want the risk of volatility
And then there could always be tax avoidance

>> No.4057195
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>> No.4057203

You goons are gullible as fuck lmao

>> No.4057273

Insider here..
So, there was speculation about using "any" network business computers for bot net bitcoin mining, but that didn't graduate from pipe dreams
However, there is a department in amazon Web services (aws) that specifically deals with block chain applications, and they are currently working on a standard service within (aws) to offer clients.
There is no plan to overtake or utilize bitcoin right now.
You're welcome

>> No.4057309

>Been getting REQT for days
>BTC forks and now amazon rumor
>Throw more money into REQ

>> No.4057333
