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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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404977 No.404977 [Reply] [Original]

So guys, after graduating from college in 2011, I have been looking for jobs to no avail. Although I had an unpaid internship from 2013-2014, I still am getting rejected to entry level 0-2 year experienced jobs. How am I going to get experience when companies don't want to hire me? If I cannot get into entry level jobs, what do

Any help/advice would be of help. I majored in business management which sort of fucked me over.

>> No.404978

bumping. I might begin to pull my last resort card and study for the GRE to go become a teacher or something. At what point should I stop looking for jobs? I am 25 and live with my parents, certainly cannot do this for another 2 years.

>> No.404981

You lie.

>> No.404988



>> No.404990


You say something that isn't true.

>> No.404993


please explain. I am here for advice not someone to mock me

>> No.404994


>I'm a giant bitch.

Okay, that aside, I really am at a loss how to explain the act of lying to you any further. Are you confused by lying in speech versus lying on paper? The utterance, or written word, is not true with the intent of gaining favor from another person.

>> No.404998

HOHOHOHO You say funny thing


>> No.405010


He's telling you to lie to them. he's not saying that you're lying about your situation

>> No.405057

Question, are you getting interviews or not?

And with entry level jobs, do you mean with your degree or just warehouse/store work or whatever?

>> No.405123

ask people at your former internship to help you with finding a job or get another internship, paid this time and also ask to help you find a job if they dont make you full time.

>> No.405264


I have gotten a few interviews. But they always end in, we aren't interested we found someone better suited. It's as if why bother making me prepare and have phone calls for 3 months?

Entry level jobs with a degree. I mean I could just work at Mcdonalds but my parents insist they rather have me be NEET than work at a job that didn't require a degree.

I did look for other internships...most are unpaid or clearly ask...why are you interning at 25? then usually never follow up for an in person interview

Yeah...lie all over my resume is a good way to find a job.

>> No.405302

Not all over your resume, just small amount. Enough to get a job. When they find out a year or two down the road, BAM! Experience under your belt.



>> No.405313

OP, you don't have to put your birthday on your resume. In fact, it's illegal for them to ask you your age.

>> No.405340


your parents are definitely wrong. It's better to have shit job and work on your skills on your own time than employment gap.

If you aren't trying to get rich quick at finance like everyone on /biz/ try something like Americorps, not very competitive but it looks better on your resume than working at starbux, and can sometimes lead to a job.

Also consider going back to school, get a masters in something that you know there is a demand for. Or move somewhere where there are jobs. Fuck it op, the economy is as good as it's been since the crash. Fuck it op, if you have no job it's your fault

>> No.405343
File: 41 KB, 751x821, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my resume. give me some things to lie then

also..basic coding, dreamweaver and most of my recent BD internship was all embellished already bros

once again I graduated in 2011 and only managed 2 unpaid internships. Better than no work right?

>> No.405347

I'm here to mock, not give advice

>> No.405351

your words per minute looks a little low. i wouldn't hire you with that pussy ass score.

>> No.405353

why is everything centered?

>> No.405362

>my major screwed me over
>don't mock me while I post on 4chan
>how do I lie?

0/10 Would not hire

>> No.405369

start lying on that shit more m8

show results too. you've listed things you've done, but not the results

>> No.405375

I have an interview for an entry level retail job at Target. I read about the STAR technique for interviews where you describe a situation, the task that I was doing, what actually happened, and the result.

I only put volunteer as my past experience, but I lied about that. What types of situations could I make up about mistakes or difficulties/high pressure situations for the questions they ask? I don't know anything about volunteer where that could happen

>> No.405388

Put "minors in..." on another line. It's killing my OCD.

>> No.405394

You have a degree in management and leadership. College should have prepared you to be CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Or did you spend all your time drinking and doing drugs instead of studying?

>> No.405395

>once again I graduated in 2011 and only managed 2 unpaid internships. Better than no work right?

Internships are for ladder-climbers. You had 2 internships and failed to secure a position from that. That's not what internships are for, they are for experience yes - but what you're really saying is you played for free on a team that ultimately never drafted you. You can't spin this to make it seem better than it was. You chumped yourself for experience and need to fucking let go of the internship, pretend it never happened. You are clearly too proud of yourself about it, that much is obvious.

>Better than no work right?

No. Because there are mouthbreathers out there right now with actual jobs and actual work experience. There are people half as smart as you who have managed to find jobs and you're claiming to have failed at job searching for 3 fucking years... think about this.

>It's better to have shit job and work on your skills on your own time than employment gap.



>Fuck it op, the economy is as good as it's been since the crash. Fuck it op, if you have no job it's your fault


The truth is, if you looked at joblistings for 3 years and didn't land a single one, there MUST be something wrong with. Some would go as far as to call you a lost cause.

>> No.405397

>I have an interview for an entry level retail job at Target.

Good luck, you'll probably get it.

See, OP - there are plenty of people finding jobs or at least interviewing for them.

I have a hard time differentiating people like OP from NEETs. Your degree means shit to me because I see countless people (myself included) getting jobs without them.

>> No.405418


I am thinking of back to school. I would prob go for a teaching masters. Maybe accounting just because my undergrad was all business related.

Thanks. I have already begun to feel like there is something wrong with me. The giant gap would mean I am a lost cause. PLUS I went to two job agencies and both have not given me a single job (its been a month).

I really think I might have to just go back to school or atleast start working at McDonald's for the time being. I appreciate your honesty I just don't want to be pressured into grad school just because of my fucked up work experience.

>> No.405426


and by pressured meaning going to get a masters in something I don't really like and then being in debt again.

I think you will be fine. I wouldn't even get the chance for an interview

>> No.405429

>I think yuou will be fine

I have never worked before, sheltered as fuck, and am a giant shut-in besides going to school where I still am anti-social. still googling around for some plausible scenarios and answers to the interview

>> No.405431

you don't say

don't worry, maybe they have a position in stocking shelves overnight

>> No.405436

Mcdonalds? Go do some sales somewhere , if i was interviewing first thought i would get is wow, this dude hasnt had a fucking job in 3 years, or a real job ever... Only reason you would be valueable would be your languages, but how do i know you can use them correctly if you dont know how to satisfy a client ?

>> No.405441

> I still am anti-social
> Go do some sales somewhere

yeah that'll work out well for him

his best bet is to start frequenting bars and socializing with people

but order diet cokes and drink from a flask since you're poor

>> No.405444


Heh funny thing, all the in person interviews, I have had were entry level sales jobs. And in the end, they all decided not to hire me.

Any other alternative routes? Invest in stocks? Start my own business?

>> No.405451

>invest in stocks

do you actually have money, and do you know you even know anything about investments?

>start my own business
yea you said you tutored right? Well that could be your business

>> No.405461
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Fuck, my best friend convinced me to major in business management and this scares me. How did it "fuck you over"?

>> No.405464

Chances are you aren't autistic though

>> No.405465

cause it's dumb with zero application in real world? you really think you're going to be managing a business because of some stupid piece of paper?

>> No.405469

> business management has zero application in the real world

daily reminder of what a cesspool /biz/ is

>> No.405473

This. You can't be a manager after graduating college.

Also unlike Majoring in accounting or finance, something so vague as management means you have no expertise in a subject but a more general idea of everything. Pretty much meaning...sales job.

>> No.405476

>Management and Leadership

>> No.405483
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True, but I'm doubly inferior because I'm 19 and in community college. Have a 4.0 GPA but that means nothing considering the lack of prestige at a CC.

What should I change to? I've only finished 1 year of college so far so it's mostly GEs, meaning that I won't waste credits/units if I switch majors. I'm considering accounting but not sure what else is out there.

>> No.405488


Don't ask me. I stayed the course and am now writing on an anime board website for advice on my career choice.

>> No.405496

May I ask which school you went to? Do you have any outstanding debt?

>> No.405500


>> No.405502


I rather not say. But it's like a Villanova. Expensive, private, decent tier school in academics. Not some place anyone can easily apply and get into.

Yes I have a huge amount of debt. But my parents are paying some of it off and expecting me to pay them back when I land a ''decent'' job. Clearly working at McDonald's will not help me pay off the debt loans I incurred right away.

>> No.405505


what is average or good? I took another test just now just to see if I really suck. I got 72 WPM. Better?

>> No.405517

>my parents insist they rather have me be NEET than work at a job that didn't require a degree.

Your parents are literally the worst kind of people.

>> No.405519
File: 44 KB, 446x599, Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major in Management and Leadership
>Minor in Political Science and Psychology
This is why you don't have a job OP. You bought a lemon degree.

The only people who need to go to school to learn management are people who have already been in whatever industry many years and are moving up to a management position, and even they don't get degrees in Management and Leadership. They get a masters in business administration and then go back to the same industry where they already have 5-50 years of experience.

This is why you can't get hired. No one wants to hire a manager with no experience. You wouldn't want to WORK for a manager with no experience, and if managing, political science, and... lololol... psychology are your only "skills" you are basically unskilled to boot.

>> No.405526

>This is why you don't have a job OP.
can you even read m8?

look at OP's post
> I majored in business management which sort of fucked me over.
he knows his degree isn't the best. you didn't need to write 3 paragraphs on it m8

>> No.405542


I didn't read the thread, but I understand your pain.

I had to work minimum wage for a year and a half before I got a decent union job working at a wage that is still sub-standard compared to the poverty line but at least brings home money to help me fix up my home.

You'll get there one day, kid.

>> No.405545

>20 years old
>never had a job before
>no friends, no social skills
>in college for a shitty bio degree
>mediocre grades, no extracurriculars
>just told my parents I have a job interview at retail
>tell me I'm wasting my time, why don't I apply somewhere like Kaiser Permanente or a hospital
>tell me I'm wasting my time at Target
holy fuck dude

>> No.405787

You must have gone to a shitty private school. Most of the majors at my private school have a job upon graduation. Especially the accounting people.

>> No.405788


lol i had to take a management and leadership class for my finance major. Most bull shit class I've ever taken.

>> No.405850

I'm planning on being a NEET for a month. Resiging from a 2 year job. CPA working in public accounting.

Do you think someone will hire me after I become a NEET?

>> No.405869


Niggah I have an eningeering degree and with one years experience I was managing a $1M project.

a business degree will qualify you for a entry level job as a intern/office bitch. You have no specific skills that are unique to your degree

>> No.406034
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Had my own thread but got linked here,

first job applied for after university, phone interview, in person interview, 2 days later.

small it recruitment consultancy, in London offering me £18k basic, 20k after probation, then OTE earnings 35-75k+ (commission, not guaranteed)

21m graduate,

wat do? I shouldn't take this right? what companies should I go for that will offer huge salaries?

>> No.406037


>> No.406040

You have to accept at some point that you're just cursed. You might want to start looking in to satanic rituals or human sacrifice.

>> No.406059

Same. Group of friends and I had to take a MANA class and we just sat back and made fun of them all. It was blatantly clear who the majors were.

>"Today we're going to talk about social webs"
>class gets into a 40 minute debate on whether Stacy in accounting should be talking to John in IT or the manager should be conveying info back and forth

I lost brain cells that day.

>> No.406227

Beta who doesn't value his time.


>> No.406237

>mentioning Word, not MS Office
>mentioning Office products at all
Yeah, no

>> No.406261

>I had an unpaid internship

In to the trash the resume goes.

>business management



I am truly sorry for your loss.

>> No.406277

That's not being a NEET, that's a vacation.

>> No.406284
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what the fuck did i just read??

>> No.406342
File: 28 KB, 668x1068, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the resume that got me a job as an entry level system admin making $18/hr. I just started this week.

>> No.406429

>only job available
take it no matter how small if its the same line of your degree. See how reputable the company is and their clients served. It might help you on your future career. Just think of it as a stepping stone since you're still young.

>> No.406527

How much did you lie?

>volunteering for 9 years

Won't they just laugh and throw it out

>> No.406548

a church probably

>> No.406554

You're gonna be a manager if you get promoted anyways.

You do shit on the ground starting out, and if you do well enough, you get to manage other people doing shit on the ground.

They're not gonna want you in charge of people if you don't even know what they're doing.

>> No.406564


This; it's illegal for them to inquire about your age and you should sue the fuck out of them.

>> No.406624

>your parents are definitely wrong. It's better to have shit job and work on your skills on your own time than employment gap.

No, working unpaid internships and minimum wage shit only tells the employer that you don't value yourself or time AT ALL.

>Technically adept in: PC

wtf? Just say "Versed in Windows, ..."

>Word, Excel, Powerpoint

Just write "(standard/MS) office software".

>knows intermediate French and basic Chinese

Oh, and who this that knows these languages and why don't you know them yourself?

>> No.406678


My first job was entry level at Target. I spaghettied everywhere on the STAR questions and still got the job at the end of the interview.

>> No.406688

I just got one of those jobs, the interview was easy. Then I got depressed after seeing the people I was working with.