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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4054207 No.4054207 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you so deluded, biz_classic is robbing straight up front, you, don't you see it? it is the second most diluted pool forging right now, with over 1.6 Million votes you are missing out on 15% on potential profit because of how many ark is voting for it right now, thats why we have come up with a new delegate: Profit this delegate has various of advantages over biz_classic first we will have a cap of 1 450 000 votes, earning you more because we will not have to pay the 200k extra votes biz_classic has, also we will be sharing 96% to all voters doesn't matter if you have 100 ark or 10k ark we will share and forge for all, we will pay out daily and when the ark tx fee is reduced to 0.01ark small wallets will be able to get their payments daily, we will keep a running balance for all wallets and we will pay when you you have more than 0.1 ark pending.

Private pool
96% share
1.45Million votes cap to maximise voters profits
paying daily if earned more than 0.1 ark
running balance
we will not accept any more votes when the cap is reached

Vote for delegate "Profit" and earn 15% more than biz_classic!

>> No.4054217

idc man im just voting for my biz bros

tf am i gonna join some reddit pool for? nigger.

>> No.4054251

Fuck you nigger, can't put a price on loyalty

>> No.4054298

So when 1.45Million votes is no longer enough to stay in forging position, you will just accept your situation and exit scam? Are you sure you know what you're doing?

>> No.4054322

fuck off cunt

Those sharepool fags tried to steal biz voters too and look at what happened to them

And will you have what biz_classic has? What are your programming qualifications?

>> No.4054328

we will be making daily payments to avoid any issues, if 1.45M votes is not enough to stay in a. forging position we will move the cap 50k votes up, our goal is to be a competitive delegate and offer the highest return to voters by being a private capped pool forging for all and paying daily

>> No.4054373

kys little insect faggot, biz is /ourdelegate/ I'd rather take a slightly smaller payout and not have to worry about getting knocked out of the top 51. Biz is good to poverty arklets like me, so you can fuck off

>> No.4054378

yea i´d love to join a delegate that will be extremely unsafe and not nearly as advanced as biz_classic. the constant fear of dropping out of top 51 and missing out on a lot of ark with that (which isnt a rare thing at all with how close the delegates are with their vote counts) sure is much better than being in a comfy, safe delegate with a good community and a lot of features.

>> No.4054381

Fuck off retard. There's a reason they clinched second place overall. This is literally the last place anyone should go to shill their inferior delegate.

>> No.4054392
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>> No.4054402

Isn't the entire reason biz_classic formed an entirely seperate pool for whales so that biz_classic has better payouts? And a faucet?

>> No.4054436

Don't say another goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say anything else--word one--I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hatred for you this fear engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins you will hear the sound of children screaming--as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of nothing will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark work will begin. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.

>> No.4054437
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lmao you're literally trying to rip off biz_private, kill yourself.

>> No.4054443

Actually Jarunik is /ourdelegate/

>> No.4054452

nice spacing you




>> No.4054457
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don't you dare fuck with biz_classic! Best delegate around!

>> No.4054467

Yes and they pay exactly the same except unlike the faggot in the OP, they know what they're doing.

>> No.4054501

we don't ask for any specific amount of ark to vote for our delegate anyone can vote and be a part of a private delegate, it doesn't matter if you have 1k ark or 25k ark if you get in before we hit 1 450 000 votes you will receive 96% share daily

>> No.4054515

>biz_classic is robbing
>because of pool dilution
That's a loss of profits from the system, not from biz_classic itself. Take your snake oil pitch somewhere else you nigger

>> No.4054530


>> No.4054544

Why not just have both?

>> No.4054545
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Kill yourself you dumb wannabe. Nobody is ditching the best delegate in the ecosystem with the most features for some kike trying to steal votes.

back to plebbit with you.

>> No.4054560

Oh I forgot to add: 3% of the remaining forged Ark will be going to my fursuit and anal vote commissions fund :3c

Also I'm using a tripcode now. Only Profit posts with this trip are confirmed to be me from now on

>> No.4054664

Sorry, m8. But going against biz_classic is a lost cause.
You should legit try your luck with Oxycoin.
Best of luck.

>> No.4054694

The payment circle yesterday revealed to /biz/ the stuttering autists that run this scam. Loyalty has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through whatever resistance Moon Man's spaghetti code has placed the panic will begin and small voters and legacy zoners will begin to unvote, with the Dan already long gone. Once it shoots through the Jarunik mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all b arkies. With all those who voted with their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while b arking. The shaman mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to exit scam, and wagecuckers with their minimum wage salaries loaded up in biz_classic will be left with it stuck outside of forging position, unable to move it to Dr30 to salvage some self respect. The voting numbers WILL tank at this point to sub biz, and most probably sub biz_private levels. From that day forward the deluded b arkies wagecucking minimum wage boipussy loving nerds who voted this delegate thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jBittrex, with no more forged Ark in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of exit scammers arriving to undercut their payments. Deluded b arkies will hold Uncle Chang's big asian penis FOREVER, with no faucet, no forging, and no gf . I warned you b arkies. There's still time to get out. Unvote NOW. Don't be deluded, don't be an b arkie

>> No.4054796

you Colombian faggot I hope your family gets gunned down in the streets in a cocaine-fueled campaign of rage and chaos

>> No.4054846

Actually, biz classic did this it’s in the algorithm

>> No.4054854

I just switched my vote. Biz classic can eat my balls that chick faced motherfucker pajeet

>> No.4054862
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>> No.4054890
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This braindead pool hopper is the 16 year old Colombian hylex that has been trolling in our discord for ages now and hopping from delegate to delegate. After getting scammed by shaman (who he's still voting for lmao), he is trying to now steal our voterbase unsuccessfully. I doubt he even knows how to run a node, much less administer one properly.

>> No.4054932
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He's now trying to play stupid, but I think he forgot michael already tried to run a delegate and already tried to spam biz in the past.

>> No.4054984

I'm trying to help you guys, I got some dude to run the node and the payments and I'm trying to offer a private pool for you guys so that you can make more ark, since biz_classic is super diluted you are losing potential profit every day, if we get enough votes everyone will make more ark and you don't need to have 25k ark to be part of a private pool you can vote with 100 and we will keep you a running balance until the tx fee is reduced or until you hit 0.1 ark in pending balance the cap at 1.45m will ensure that everyone can make the most out of their ark instead of voting for a super diluted pool

>> No.4055026

we will pay every day to avoid "exit scams" like shamans, I'm just tryng to solve biz classic problem, I know lots of small voters don't have 25k ark to vote for biz_private so I'm creating the delegate "profit" so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of a private pool, I don't see anything wrong with that

>> No.4055043

Legitimately answer this question for me: why did you decide to make up fud about a community you've been part of for a while? Was it worth it?

>> No.4055075

You literally made this thread claiming biz_classic is stealing/scamming people. Nobody trusts you, you're a 16 year old inept retard who is trying to kike yourself into a delegate position with no technical skills to speak of and you literally stole biz_private's share rules. Gas yourself.

>> No.4055092

the fact that you are offering 96% makes it obvious that you are attempting to pull an exit scam, anyone that votes for you is legitimately retarded and deserves to have their ARK stolen

>> No.4055109

Neck yourself shitskin

>> No.4055110

im not making fud I'm helping you guys, I hanged out all day in the discord server and I saw that lots of voters where getting diluted payments so I decided to solve this problem by creating a private delegate that anyone can join no matter wallet size with daily payments and a cap so that everyone can enjoy non diluted payments

>> No.4055125

You said Biz_classic is robbing voters. This is false. You're making stuff up for your own personal gain. So again, was it worth lying about the community you've been part of?

>> No.4055128

we will pay every day so that we can be transparent with our voters and so there is no issue like shamans and the magnet with biz stealing weeks of forging rewards, paying out daily is the best way to ensure this kind of things doesn't happen

>> No.4055130

>Why are you so deluded, biz_classic is robbing straight up front
>im not making fud I'm helping you guys

>> No.4055147

I agree the term robbing is not adequate, a more precise term would be biz_classic is giving you diluted payments

>> No.4055161
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>> No.4055166

im trying to make you guys make more money, that is why we are here right? would you prefer to make 0.5 ark a day or 0.7 ? you tell me, and don't tell me I will exit scam because we will be sending out payments daily

>> No.4055165

I don't care about diluted payments. I'm not putting my trust into a guy who decides to throw a community he spent a lot of time in under the bus just for a power grab

>> No.4055173

arklet here

how much ark do i legit need to make a meaningful vote that earns me 1+ ark daily?

>> No.4055191

No, you're trying to make yourself money, you deluded kike

>> No.4055206


>> No.4055214

Around 4500 or so

>> No.4055242

exactly, you guys see the difference? I'm trying to make you guys make the most out of your ark while you are voting

>> No.4055264
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>that quote
Where does the time go

>> No.4055284

None of these are me. Please stop FUD my delegate

>> No.4055869

Daily reminder to help get Ark on more exchanges.
Cobinhood is a soon to be released 0% fee exchange and is currently having a community vote on what coin to add. Follow these instructions to vote ark:

We're in second place right now, with Bequence just ahead, and you are able to vote every 24 hrs to keep up.

You can see the Ark page on the new Korean Upbit exchange:

>> No.4055919

Fud your delegate when there is no need to, you have zero credibility. Here's a reality check, no one will trust some 16yr old colombian 3rd worlder, except idiots. Happy hunting.

>> No.4056224 [DELETED] 

>le rebbit delegate

>> No.4056263

our loyalty to biz_classic knows no dilution faggot
>le rebbit delegate

>> No.4056577

biz_classic were very helpful on the discord. i will stay with them.

>> No.4056612

OP is a fag, Moonman and Goldpepe are probably one of the more competent and technically advanced users in all 51 delegates, stay with them.

Trust me, I would know.