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4053989 No.4053989 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4054014

pulling back to 46k lol

>> No.4054234

I'm all in on this

How fucked am I

>> No.4054254
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>> No.4054255

Someone comfort me pls this are my first months trading crypto and I went all in on VTC, very optimistic. Are these kinds of dips normal before some kind of bull run? Or is this it for VTC, stabilizing around $3 until further notice?

>> No.4054269

youve been memed into a bad coin you fucking idiot

>> No.4054293

and buy what?

>> No.4054294

It will keep correcting just sell and buy into dips

>> No.4054299

cant, started 3 months ago, all coins halved since then, i blame ico,s and forks...

when i started there where 800 currencies, now 1200. how are coins supposed to climb if everyone is pumpins icos and forks.

They only pump alts for a bit when the alts are near all time low.

>> No.4054300
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in crypto this is known as a "death dip" it means GET OUT NOW

>> No.4054346

what should I trade against?

>> No.4054362

nibba, I know enough for that to not be true. I'm just asking for the short term prospects which I'm unsure of. I have enough belief in the long term

>> No.4054374

vertcoin is going down. you had your pump. you're nothing but a shit coin. get out now.

>> No.4054398

I've only been doing this for a few days and went all in

I hear long term it's p promising. I looked at all their stuff and it's super fleshed out.

>> No.4054417

but bitconnect is absolute trash and it keeps rising in value...

>> No.4054535
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>> No.4054537

Dude fuck what is happening

>> No.4054553

What's going to happening Jesus christ

>> No.4054590

It means we are going to the moon short term

>> No.4054637

just got 1k worth gonna hope for a quick moon flight and a quick flip at 15~20% gains

>> No.4054648

We headed back down for a bit, lost 15 bucks on that dip lmao

>> No.4054652

I could use a moon

I'm down 00002308

>> No.4054666

Sorry, was trying to show off by showing that I use BTC and not USD as a metric, and it flew back into my face


I swear I'm not new

>> No.4054675

you think it'll drop below the 50k sats line? that seems like it's the new support line

>> No.4054686

I pulled out fully, put 500$ in lost .005 btc not too bad, gonna rebuy when this whale is done pushing it down.

>> No.4054702
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God what am I doing

I'm way over my head aren't I

I'm just gonna casually lose 1500 as a college student with literally no monies

>> No.4054703

depends on the whale they could push it down

>> No.4054714

there's no news out regarding the currency. normies are too dumb to hodl.
going to buy at 48 and then wait. P. confident it will hover in the 45-70 range the next few weeks.

>> No.4054718

if it dips below that I'll sell, this is fucked lol i like this coin too

wish the dipped NAV price i'm trying to get 1000 to run the Staking pi

>> No.4054730

Someone please nicely ask the whale to stop

>> No.4054744

Just hold and when the sell wall comes down, wait until the peak and sell then

>> No.4054747
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This is bottoming out. It's not going to stop either. The hype has died down looking at volume levels and also BTC is sky-rocketing right now. Bad time to be in alts biz.

>> No.4054751

Oh my god

Do I short if it goes before 50 and lose like 400 dollars

>> No.4054769


Thanks anon

>> No.4054793

We going back up, I got 80 coins at 51115

>> No.4054834

you trying to make a quick profit or holding?
with the other fork coming I'm thinking this can't sustain
I had got 400 coins while they were at 21k fucked up on a few trades selling too low when it shot up last weekend

>> No.4054845


When should I short

>> No.4054863

Which way you think it's going to go? Just stagnante at sub-50k for a few months?

I sold all my BTC for this because people are saying this new fork could very well kill it

>> No.4054891

I am making quick profits, I am waiting for it to settle at somewhere in the 40k satoshis to fully stock up.
You have to watch the order book

>> No.4054894

I'm thinking it's gonna drop if everyone starts selling to get more "free money"
but then again just over a week ago with the ledger support this shot up over 100% so I really don't know. It's getting more attention
I went into a few privacy coins but im thinking i need to just go into Neo and BTC strictly for like two months

>> No.4054908

what's your sell order at 59990, or around there?

>> No.4054915

Okay so it sounds like I need to get the fuck out of dodge at the next spike, and then do what >>4054891
Is doing, and buy back in when its way lower

Hopefully that spike happens and I'm not left with bags for months

>> No.4054929

already sold out, peaked at 52500

>> No.4054940

well yes and no, I'm a hodl kinda guy, and I really like Vertcoin but if you want to use that money on something else, yeah sell. I'm gonna hold this because I can see it around the same price as litecoin in months to a years time

>> No.4054949

nevermind we still goin up but losing momentum around 52500, I would sell a good chunk here

>> No.4054955

I'm gona hold till 53k and see what happens i think we're gonna get one more bull run

>> No.4054969

I sold 60 keeping 20, not much profit to be made but I was a little to bearish when we dropped to 50k, didnt want to go all in

>> No.4054993

don't blame you, the volume is picking up so I may set it for 59500 just to get out and buy in a day or two. I just hate how the prices always go up when i'm asleep

>> No.4055004

Why not put in limit orders before you go to bed

>> No.4055005

I am gonna play these swings a bit more, I think it may tank under 50k tonight, so I am gonna get all the way out and wait a day or two

>> No.4055010

my meme triangles say this will continue for a couple of days. This is good though because it'll have further stability in the long run.

>> No.4055019

This shit coin has no technical merits.

>> No.4055044

I do, i got a big order for 40k if it ever dips that low and then ever 2k I get a few

Its risky but looking at the volume, sell orders and order book you can make a more educated decision. did it with NAV when it was at its high last week and almost doubled my stack of it

>> No.4055078

Any tips? I am somewhat new to this, I know enough but not an expert by anymeans.

>> No.4055099

not too many, I'm new too but when i'm at work i'll just listen to youtube videos and podcasts. Knowing some technical analysis of charts helps, but isn't as useful in crypto because anything can set off a spike, you'll see some trends and patterns repeat with specific coins
I just browse this, reddit and check bittrex a lot for what's popular