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4051960 No.4051960 [Reply] [Original]

BTC has been rapidly losing market dominance. This is happening because there is already a 1%’ers club forming. Be smart and hold Alts. BTC will fall and it won’t be pretty. When the flood gates break, Alts will make you very very wealthy. Look at what happened in May. The Flippening almost occurred, it’s not a meme. I firmly believe this is top of BTC’s final bull run.

>> No.4052127



I’m surprised nobody ever talks about this. I’ve been stocking up on ETH and other alts for the next dominance dip.

There are essentially two type of BTC “crashes” that have been occurring more and more this year. 1) when people cash out to fiat and leave crypto completely (like last month) and 2) when people pull out of BTC and move into Alts.

What is deceiving is that BTC can still go up in price like it has (temporarily) while still losing dominance but when ETH or any other alt (possibly ripple as its #3, that blue graph) overtakes it, we will see a huge shift and changes in price. BTC can very well drop to $300 in the flash of an eye. When this happens, Alts will make you fucking rich.

>> No.4052183

>hur dur btc is king

>> No.4052191


BTC is the only coin people recognize. It's the only one that's gained even meager use and acceptance as a bona fide currency. It is the base that has allowed for all of these other meme coins to spin off and even be considered in the first place.

The only way a "flippening" happens is if crypto gains serious acceptance and use globally (which is like at least 10 years away), and BTC finally gets abandoned as an archaic form of it.

But as it stands, crypto is still at phase 1 of becoming accepted and stabilizing

>> No.4052228

BTC will be on 90% dominance again easily

>> No.4052273

I believe in you OP.

>> No.4052288

A. Bitcoin never corrects more than 10% in a day and stays king.
B. Bitcoin corrects more, Bitcoiners mostly just hold it.
C. Bitcoin corrects more, Bitcoins move their money. Fiat or alts?
How much correction could bitcoiners stomach before they put their money into alts or fiat? That is the question.

>> No.4052363

BTC will never lose the #1 spot nor will there be a flippening unless crypto as a whole becomes widely used and accepted. It would require another coin to have a significant percentage of the total market cap where investors would feel confident in moving their holdings to that new coin. Ask the average user about Bitcoin. They know what it is or have heard of it. Ask them what any of the top 10 coins are and i guarantee you'll get a blank stare. BTC isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

>> No.4052455

BCH, BTG, B1X, B2X - which one tho??

that's the problem

>> No.4052505

The future is ETH, Zcash, IOTA, a shitcoin I won’t name yet, PIVX, and Particl. Mark my words.

>> No.4052577

you fool. the only reason people sell btc is to make more btc.

>> No.4052625


Heh, it should be a thing people worry about. Crypto is getting to the point that it doesn’t need to rely on BTC. Exchanges can add any trading pairs they want, not everything has to be traded against BTC. The on slaught of forks will only continue to hurt BTC in the long run. I don’t think bitcoin will ever die, but it will lose dominance however it will probably stay at the top 10 forever.

>> No.4052629

BTC, i.e. the one with most hashing power

>> No.4052642


I mean, it’s not me. Look st the global charts on CMC. The data is all there, people just choose not to look at it and discuss it for some reason.

>> No.4052648

haha nice troll bro 1/10

>> No.4052666
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btc will always be king because it was first and IT HAS THE NAME, yes it's more important than you think
bit-coin, it's already programmed in people's brains and it will be even more when jews in cnn give the its price every morning along Euro, British Pounds etc
it's like with ancient paintings, noone gives a fuck that some modern arts may look better etc, everyone wants the old stuff because it's cool and all
noone will ever give a fuck about some other currencies in terms of getting rich off of them. Even if bitcoin was to fail, there won't be one coin replacing it, it's gonna be a bunch of different coins being used but just as tools not as anything valuable
besides that btc can implement better tech along the way using all other coins as its cucks for testing
can you imagine a grandma paying with other crypto at walmart some day?
>so how much it's gonna be? 3,5arks? ok no problem
fuck no, sound so goofy
what's happening with btc right now IS literally the digital gold rush, whether you poorfags can afford it or not at this moment
It's like saying gold/silver bubble is gonna pop, well guess what, it hasn't popped in hundreds of years
you either have the balls and jump on the train now or you're gonna be telling you grankids how grandpa was a pussy and didn't pull the trigger 40 years ago when your grandchildren will be able to afford a few satoshis and btc will be reserved exclusively for rich fags and celebrities

>> No.4052689
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Yes, I'm betting this upcoming shitstorm will see another sizable BTC dominance drop, especially if it is ugly and the 1MB side "wins".

You can already buy ETH and LTC on Coinbase, the largest exchange. The barriers of entry for people to actually start using ETH and LTC in a major way are tiny compared to the barriers BTC first faced.

Monero is primed to take over the darknet, which gave BTC its first real kickstart.

Bitcoin Cash can be trivially implemented if shit goes tits up with 2X. If BTC stays at 1MB companies like Rootstock and Counterparty with their sidechain developments will likely move to ETH or BCH (they've already stated long ago the blocks are far too full for their shit to work).

I think Bitcoin will eventually fall. All of its competitors do it's individual use-cases far better than it does. It will likely be a combination of slow but steady decline combined with crisis points like the upcoming fork drama.

>> No.4052705
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>BTC can very well drop to $300 in the flash of an eye

Keky. Flash your eye then, FAGGOT.

Sage threads from rETHards.

>> No.4052713


Heh, screen capped. Crypto is already used globally, fyi. BTC will drop very soon, I don’t think it will die by any means and I don’t think BTC losing the #1 spot will be a bad thing. It’s really nothing to worry about but it will happen.

>> No.4052726
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>I firmly believe

>> No.4052728

>besides that btc can implement better tech along the way using all other coins as its cucks for testing

right, just like they implemented a higher or dynamic blocksize long ago to make sure their market dominance doesn't drop like a faggot in a nightclub, right?

>> No.4052730


This guy gets it.

>> No.4052752

sa gr

>> No.4052766


every new fork is a shitload of time and money the exchanges have to waste, especially the big ones, and its always on completely retarded timelines that rarely happen in real world technology deployments.

plus they have to play politics on which side they will or won't support because every fucking fork is contentious.

the exchanges are going to stop playing ball one of these days and just move all their markets over to ETH and LTC.

>> No.4052792
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>that some modern arts may look better
sorry satan im not falling for your modern art meme
nor your satanic baby fucking pedo coin

>> No.4052803

Monero is my savior. As long as the devs and community stay on the true path I will make it. When XMR hits 1k I can cash out of this game and move on my with my life. Genuinely believe in it, I even buy things with it even though it's relatively expensive and awkward to use, just to encourage people to use it. Maybe not soon, but eventually, we'll make it.

>> No.4052805


You’re upset because you think BTC losing market dominance is a bad thing, it’s not so stop crying. ETH isn’t bad either, stop being a pussy and look at the data and the direction it is going. BTC is going to regain 30-40% of the global crypto dominance? Haha, nice try faggot. You’re clearly retarded or just trolling.

>> No.4052806
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>> No.4052831

Fucking faggots you ain't getting cheap btc. Pay the price like every other faggot who didn't get into it early. Limited supply means it'll always hold it's value. BTC will be king and yes there will be a massive drop in value until there are regulations in the market. Lately there's been so many shit coins entering the market without regulation it's a massive bubble. But like any bubble it's about knowing when to get in and out. If you don't know that you'll always be a fucking loser.

>> No.4052836

BTC is losing marketplace because everyone is trying to get rich quick with shitcoin.

Microsoft doesn't accept ZenCash and it never will. It's not going to accept pink wojak coin either

>> No.4052841

>muh market dominance
just because poorfags are swarming into shitcoins hoping they will go on a 10x winning streak doesn't mean there is anything wrong with btc, like I said NO OTHER COIN will be able to replace it as the top 1 established crypto
ico's and shitcoins are already dying, people are not that stupid to keep buying ATH's from smartasses who think they outsmarted everyone because they managed to apply for a whitelist or shilled their shitcoin of the week and dumped their bags moving onto another ico/shitcoin
and ethereum is just a tool, sure its demand may grow but it's not gonna be digital gold like btc is
the only things worth investing besidec btc are actual tokens of real use case projects
buying shitcoins hoping they will become "mass adopted currency" at this point is just wasting money

the one that's called "bitcoin" plain and simple

>> No.4052865

>the one that's called "bitcoin" plain and simple
That's the part you dont understand
It's not that simple

>> No.4052886

95%+ of coins will die, this is obvious, but i doubt ethereum is going anywhere given how much is built on top of it now. its the same argument litecoiners use when they actually believed bitcoin could be replaced by it.

>> No.4052891

wherever the miners go
people investing in btc right know don't give a crap about the technology at this point, it's digital gold

>> No.4052904

you are saying it like there is something that prevent people to do ETH and LTC forks

>> No.4052917

the miners follow the money, not the other way around. thats something a lot of people fail to understand.

>> No.4052939


Wut? Why are you obsessed with BTC only? You probably hate electric cars and when Facebook changes their layout. What a pussy.

>> No.4052945

Yes whoever has the most hash technically is the true btc. It's a democrazy. Sure. But all these exchanges are also involved because they also have a say in what the ticker is for BTC and which gets it.
Also you are not accounting for if these hash and miners switch back and forth and these btc/altbtc swap out more than once.
It's basically hidden inflation that was not expected in a DEFLATIONARY currency.
DEFLATION is the most powerful thing to BTC along with it being first and the power of it's computer network from users. But people do not ever mention how this is actually INFLATION every time this fork shit is happening. The best case situation would be for the fork to die off and not even hold any value that it does. like BCC being #3 on the market cap or whatever? It shouldn't even be in the top 100. The only reason it has value is because the greedy developers and then greedy miners and also greedy traders. But it is not long term sustainable it is just inflationary and really has no extra use when they can not even follow satoshi original vision of moving the block size up they all just get distracted by greed and control.
My point is it is far from simple what will be the BTC

>> No.4052962
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Youre dumb if you think BTC dying wont take alts with it

>> No.4052970

That'll be many months at least right?

>> No.4052993

I like other cryptos I'm invested in a few, but I always do a 60-40split. The majority of what I hold is BTC and the rest is a conglomerate of other alts. Pump and dumps make it easier to buy more BTC and also more alts. It works both ways, but crypto is a massive fucking bubble. Basically all you need is an idea, developer team, big names, and some initial investment. Then you can get a trendy name and enter the market. It's a massive bubble without regulation. If you don't see anything wrong with the current market then you're an idiot.

>> No.4053022

yes good goys part ways with your sub-10k bitcoin to me ill take all i can get

>> No.4053024
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>> No.4053026
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It's true. But this demand for alts is also one of the reasons BTC is going up so hard, that and the japanese house wifes. But BTC being the major pair all these alts are traded in on all these popular exchanges like trex are a huge reason for its increase also. That and it's been accumulated since before winklevoss.

enjoy this blast from the past jpg

>> No.4053043
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yup you get it

i dont want it to be reserve currency though even though it probably will in this nightmare hell world we live in

rothschild kikes control it after all

why wouldn't they

>> No.4053049


ironic as fuck coming from a bitcoiner

>> No.4053064

think about this m80, did you ever use any altcoin for its purpose? no, 99 % of altcoins just get traded/hodl for money gain.
BTC on the other hand is so much in use that ANY altcoin simply can't compete, hell not even at a 10% price level.

>> No.4053106

not the case for ethereum, it already has more built on top of it than bitcoin did at the same age.

>> No.4053126

btc is king, idiot
always has been

>> No.4053127

funfair is the only token i even worry about trying to hold long term.
everything else i just see as an opportunity to trade the pair into btc and accumulate more btc
anyone falling in love and holding these tokens are insane.
maybe the day when regulation comes and these tokens can actually start acting like an equity and offering dividends or other benefits more easily. right now though everyone is scared to be labeled as such and its like they are just raising money to crowd source method with offering no benefit to the token. yet the speculation and liquidity on the exchanges gives the illusion it has a use or a value, when really in like you say 99% of the cases they are nothing but air.
cfi is another token that has a small use case but that one is such a fucking dog it makes me hate my slovenian brothers.

>> No.4053145

kings don't live forever m8

>> No.4053169


Depends on what happens with segwit2x.

If there is chaos (replay attacks, hashing moves over to segwit2x en masses without btc hashing getting 'filled out', exchange solvency issues due to replay shenanigans) it will damage trust in not just btc, but crypto as a whole. People 'sending' segwit2x coins and losing their btc would do mt gox 2.0 damage.

Btc is 'crypto' as far as new investors are concerned, and as long as crypto is traded as a speculative asset, its all that matters. If Btc shrugs off segwit2x with minimal drama BCH style, then btc is going to 40 - 100k next year on speculative value alone.

Not saying Eth / Ripple etc won't win out, they have a far better chance of real world use (low fees, faster, etc), but the 'real world' stuff is still, at best, years away. The flippending will happen for sure, but it won't happen until crypto is usable like Visa / Mastercard.

>> No.4053191

>btc is going to 40 - 100k next year on speculative value alone.
not until at least the next halving. probably the one after that though.

>> No.4053233
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Current use for bitcoin is trading alts(for me), take that away and there is no use for it other than holding it and hoping the value goes up. You wouldn't transact it due to high fees and slow transaction time over say litecoin or ethereum where it is accepted, which businesses may adopt due to these factors.

>> No.4053380


You're failing to see the bigger picture. Btc is crypto, the only reason it's lost dominance is because of smart contracts, shitty ico's and people trying to get rich even quicker then they would if they just held btc for a few years. This isn't a commodity, an asset or collectible, this is a new form of currency we're witnessing. Money is being poured in at an increasing rate. Even people betting on shitty coins are hoping to just increase their btc stack. Btc is easily going to hit 100,000 in the next 5 years and you idiots are going all in with 1 btc hoping to x5 and losing it all, instead of just holding onto it and chilling. Smart money is only interested in btc. Look at how btc is being offered for retirement savings plans now. It has name recognition. Btc is crypto

>> No.4053441

I need to do alts since I have no income to put into btc, shit man, I'm mission moon missions left and right. I want more BTC since I have less than 1 btc. I'm a neet 1 btc isn't enough for me

>> No.4053453

I'll invest if/after segwit2x.

But if bitcoin stays where it is at, it's not usable and will collapse.

That market share collapse was exactly when bitcoin blocks started being so full that fees became unpredictable and the network basically fell apart.

It happened then and unless BTC gets it's shit together in the next 3 weeks, it will happen again.

Once a person/company/institution knows what bitcoin is, it is fucking trivial to know what ETH or LTC is.

>> No.4053519


Buy what you can every paycheck till you hit one. Hold onto one for dear life and play with alts after that. When btc hits 500,000 you'll be happy.

>> No.4053551


>> No.4053558

its a bit more complicated than that.
if LN is adopted by ETH first, btc could be dethroned.
if XRP or XLM are adopted by retail it would shake things up.

btc has first mover, but they are a slow mover.

>> No.4053574
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Thankfully the flippening did not happen at that time. ETH is a baby of a crypto and not ready to carry every crypto on its back. I'll be surprised if another alt doesn't dethrone ETH from #2 this year.
>pic related

>> No.4053682


You're still thinking of the practical applications of btc instead of it as a former of currency. Think of it as gold, that still hasn't been fully valued yet my the world market.

>> No.4053698

>digital gold
>store of value

all 100% bullshit


>> No.4053711

xmr will be nothing once something better (without fluffypony) comes along

>> No.4053735


I can link articles citing well known people who say otherwise, so what? At the end of the day it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, it matters what's happening in front of you.

>> No.4053738

Okay, but why would you keep your money in "gold" if it was expensive to store when you found another "gold" that was 1000 times lighter and smaller AND could be used as currency.

Your idea only works until other cryptos don't work as currency.

>> No.4053739

Only retards want to spend their btc like an everyday currency at this point. There is no demand for that. If there was a demand, litecoin would be king.

>> No.4053761

>hedge bet with 500k$ or i'll eat my dick on tv.

>> No.4053766

Because btc value is still increasing exponentially you fucking tard. That's why.

>> No.4053793


Do you mean like gold compared to silver? How's that working out?

>> No.4053824

bitcoin only has demand because it's growing.
bitcoin is only growing because there's a theoretical $100k value if it becomes a widely traded currency
if it doesn't become a currency, it is worthless.
Say bitcoin gets to $100k, is it just going to continue to grow to $1 billion for ever? WHY?
>said everyone before every bubble popped, ever

gold is more scarce than silver? its metal properties are also better i'm not a gold specialist

>> No.4053844
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No, no no. It's happening because (((Greg Maxwell))) and his jew buddies at Blockstream are intentionally making Bitcoin take 2 hours to transact.

>lighten newok wil solf effwyfing!

>> No.4053863

>hurr durr digital tulips dot com

You've got nothing, no coiner. Keep your money in a bank and stay poor. No one cares.

>> No.4053867
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>> No.4053869


No shit. They trade for an easier currency to use like the dollar vs. Gold but the value holds through currencies losing value because of inflation, government overspending/ printing money. That's why gold is solid. That's why btc is solid. But the real value hasn't been found yet because the total market is still so low compared to what's possible. The WORLD is valuing this. That's why even after China just down the exchanges it only dipped down a bit and then shot back up.

>> No.4053875

>bitcoin holders are this delusional
dogecoins are scarce, why aren't they mooning?

>> No.4053892

Whats funny if Monero and Ethereum will have working lightning networks and sidechains before Bitcoin

This is what you get when you place theoretical, far in the future drawbacks over very real and urgent solutions.

This of course supposes Core is being honest, which we all know they fucking aren't.

>> No.4053895


Exactly. You're making my point for me.

>> No.4053901

>limited supply
forks ahem forks
forking is equivalent to governments printing money, what do you think happens when governments print a lot of money? bitcoin moons right?

>> No.4053911

so you have no point

>> No.4053922


Let's get real basic because I have a minute. What makes a dollar bill any less valuable then a 100 bill? Same paper, same size, so what's the difference? What gives it value other then a piece of paper?

>> No.4053934

have any of you retards actually inspected a blockchain?

if you had youd know bitcoin is literally the only one people use to do business

>> No.4053938
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Reminder to margin short every altcoin/btc pair because bitcoin will always grow faster than any altcoin. It's free money, silly. If you aren't shorting every pair available on Poloniex, why not? Are you retarded? Do you not trust in the king?

>> No.4053946

No one invested in btc gives a fucking shit about two hour transfer times.
Because dogecoin is a btc clone that came well after the original. Feel free to make your own shitcoin and watch no one invest in it to prove my point. You can incorporate all the awesome features you think people want but don't just like every other wannabe btc out there.

>> No.4053951

Bitfinex has a bunch too! It's truly a great system we have set up to crush the shitcoiners.

>> No.4053961


>Not reading the posts

Brainlet dumb fuck

>> No.4053987

>btc will always be king
>MySpace will always be the top social network
I agree with you op. Lmao at buttcoiners ITT who don't see that alts will make BTC irrelevant because alts are way more fun. What's not fun is listening to the small group of beverly hillbillies who think they are geniuses because they forgot to sell their BTC when it went from $1 to $400.

>> No.4054001

>no one cares about two hour transfer times
Will you be saying that when they're 10 hours, 20 hours or do you think people do care and it will lose popularity before it gets to that point?

>> No.4054010

>Alts are way more fun

The state of this board.

>> No.4054032

bitcoin will hit $10k by 2019 you fucking idiot

>> No.4054041

the absolute state of buttcoiners

>> No.4054063

Miners can think more than a day ahead of time, if they don't make the coin useable the golden goose dies.

>> No.4054066

you sir have no clue what you are talking about. and are shilling random crap.

>> No.4054092


10k by new years actually.

>> No.4054099

some do and some don't, you're forgetting the flood of new miners that this boom has brought along with it who just want a money tree

>> No.4054122

You underestimate the fun factor. This is crypto this isn't boring Wall Street bullshit. The people buying crypto are not the same fags buying stocks. The crypto world is more like comic book collecting than traditional investing and so fun factor does count. Ignore it at your own peril because right now buttcoin is the most boring investment out there.

>> No.4054125
File: 2.34 MB, 450x258, 1100_-_animated_gif_l33t_h4x_nagato_yuki_suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu_the_melancholy_of_haruhi_suzumiya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh, all the money that could otherwise be poured into bitcoin to further its development and hasten its adoption is better spent on shitcoins and scams

kill yourselves you absolute fucking idiot.

>> No.4054146


>> No.4054167

miners only buy a GPU card if they know it will pay itself off quickly.
They don't give a fuck if a crypto fails.
The cost of making bitcoin usable would eat 90% of their profits if they worried about it.

>> No.4054170

how can alts go anywhere if people keep hopping between bitcoin, forks and icos forever....

>> No.4054179

>he thinks the money pumped into bitcoin will be used for its development


>> No.4054188


I’m talking about good Alts, not shit coins.

>> No.4054226

8 years and still arguing over a measly 1MB blocksize increase, Core is pathetic, but oh give us more money, that will solve it, kek

>> No.4054227

>he thinks people heavily invested in bitcoin arent the same people developing it

>> No.4054338

>Well, the only place it can come from is from a perpetually increasing number of people using it as a store of value. A logical impossibility!!!
Retard boomer alert.

>> No.4054376
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if you listened to this post you would be in the money right now

>> No.4054430
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Bitcoin is the ultimate shitcoin.
Better invest in good altcoins like Bitbay, Blocknet or Skycoin. Especially Bitbay. It has top tech and a working product. It will certainly moon.

>> No.4054478

i know normies that own thousands in bitcoin and dont even know what a fork is, they just hold because they think its the next "google stock". Bitcoin is here to stay.

>> No.4054551


This mentality is what will make you poor and others rich. Good luck.

>> No.4054626

you're talking to two people. wouldn't that be idiots?

>> No.4054931
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I told you guys Bitcoin maximalist is a fucking retards.

>> No.4055508

shouldn't there be a capital letter at the start of a sentence?

>> No.4055520

That literally makes no fucking sense.

>> No.4055531

>100k in few years

not if they keep splitting and forking it every other week. bitcoin already lost 1k$ in value because of forks alone, its gonna lose another 1k in november.

>> No.4055629
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dont be deluded. Bitcoin has the best brainpower behind

>Full Segwit adoption and LN Network
This will kill 90% of alts
will kill privacy alts
>Schnorr signatures
Final nail in the coffin for alts.

Maybe ETH will still hanging around

>> No.4055650


You're still failing to see the big picture. Does it dip after a fork, yes. And then what? Ath. It's already shrugging off the gold fork.

>> No.4055700

>1000+ threads on /biz/ saying BUY THIS ALT COIN
>1-3 threads on BTC and OP says "Don't hold, put on alts!"

Really. Makes. You. Think.

>> No.4055736
File: 646 KB, 1440x2116, 20171024_204353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is one of the whales fudding to accumulate bitcoin. Bitcoin confirmed going 8x. Pic VERY related.

>> No.4055764

us government (military/guns)

>> No.4056069

Because the Gold fork was a joke and everyone knew it.

Bitcoin Cash wasn't really that contentious beyond a few butthurt Core fanboys.

Segwit2X is different from previous forks in every way.

>> No.4056285

You're literally retarded.

>> No.4056425

ether isn't going to start going up again until march

>> No.4056473

Just got into crypto. What was going on when the purple almost passed BTC?

>> No.4056559
File: 109 KB, 1183x480, bitcoin bleeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeap, you seem to be in line with this guy OP


>> No.4056573

Ethereum moon mission.

>> No.4056639

>BTC has been rapidly losing market dominance.
OP posts a graph of it recovering. LEL

>> No.4056820

>Phase 1


Which makes everyone bitching on here about "muh moons' even more comical. Aside from obvious P&D Pajeet coins, many of the big "alts" will fucking make us all rich.

>> No.4057562

>what do you think happens when governments print a lot of money? bitcoin moons right?

yes actually. as usd inflates btc rises all else being equal lmao.

but btc forks aren't free money since you're not receiving btc, you're thinking pos coins.