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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4050480 No.4050480 [Reply] [Original]

Some motivation and stories would be of great help amidst all the JUSTing. Please no LARPing, I want genuine tips and advice from a guy who's made it.
-Did you start off poor or were you already rich?
-What moves did you make to get to where you are now? If it was crypto, what coins did you invest in?
-What general tips tricks and advice do you have?

>> No.4050507

buy high sell low

>> No.4050509 [DELETED] 
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Poorfag here
>tfw not even 100k in crypto

>> No.4050517

>millionaires of /biz/
>not /biz/illionaires

you'll never make it kid

>> No.4050529
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How do I turn 1k into 1million?

>> No.4050545


buy apple stock in 1991

>> No.4050572

buy my bags

>> No.4050586

back in march any shitcoin went to the moon, you could have bought anything and come off better. the marketcap was low enough that everything went up at the same time

now the game has changed, it needs loads of fresh money to move the markets. normies don't care about shitcoins, they buy btc or eth and that's it.

I'm not sure if altcoins will have a revival, I feel it's just the same money moving from one to another now. I don't baghold much, take your profits fast and gtfo

>> No.4050588

Buy TKN . Look at the market cap then look at is competitors market caps. Do the math.


>> No.4050596

always take 2%

>> No.4050622

Start Mining Bitcoinereum, new coin, minable erc20 ethereum token same supply like bitcoin, no crap airdrop or ico bullshit:


>> No.4050626

the only real advice you'll ever get

>> No.4050664
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what does that mean? 2% profit?

>> No.4050672

Buy BTC in 2012

>> No.4050695
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>> No.4050799

Read again
Hack it

>> No.4050818

Buy low, HODL sell high.

>> No.4050872
File: 348 KB, 1169x1600, 4778541D-1CA1-4FF3-A992-C5FC69EBAD44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget coinz and buy pennystocks.

One hot tip:


Got the potential to reach 0.50$ till the end of the year.

>> No.4050938
File: 371 KB, 640x480, FortunetellerBaba02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend!
You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you post this!


Let's do this this :)

>> No.4050941

just 2%?
all retards here say below 25% is shit because it justs you with comissions

>> No.4050971
File: 49 KB, 603x603, E74A3B63-5212-46A3-B204-98CA334C178E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 22k shares because of your shitposting m8.

>> No.4051041

>I bought BTC 2013, 2014, 2015 and held it

tl;dr Buy Bitcoin and hold onto it

>> No.4051043
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>> No.4051060
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You bought 22k shares because you DYOR and love to make money! ;)

>> No.4051072

money is cope anon. even if i became a millionaire what good would it do? Im unattractive and a manlet. If I was still rich I probably wouldn't even spend the money. Id remain a skinny DYEL NEET who is a KHHV and plays vidya all day until he passes out.

money isnt going to change me and rarely is it enough to change other people unless you are talking about being a multi millionaire 5+ which is unlikely to happen. If it does happen hope that you have the self control not to waste it on hedonism and hope that you have the self control to cultivate some worthwhile hobbies with your free time otherwise you will be shackled to the insatiable goal of increasing your networth. life is fucking shit and kek if you actually fucking think money would change your life noticeably if you are in an average lower middle class household

>> No.4051100
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Btc is at 5678$ will it drop with the upcoming fork? Should i wait to buy or just buy now? Thank you kind anons.

>> No.4051118

Their drilling sites are really promising. If they will find cobalt we will make a great amount of money.

>> No.4051142

split money you want to invest and just buy every day, makes the variance lower, although if you want to hold it LONGterm you can buy everything at once

>> No.4051155
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>> No.4051197

We'll find out soon enough!

>> No.4051284

Thanks. Will btc price ever really go down? I understand it as the gold standard even though it has flaws. Tldr I want to buy 1 btc throughout the year and hodl for like 5 years

>> No.4051323

>-Did you start off poor or were you already rich?
>-What moves did you make to get to where you are now? If it was crypto, what coins did you invest in?
Bitcoin in 2011
>-What general tips tricks and advice do you have?
I held since 2011. Lots of people sold early. It took 6 years.

I do think we are pretty lucky to have crypto and the better way to get wealth is to start a business of some kind. In the years while I waited for Bitcoin to get this high I started some self employed endeavour which while not making me rich, did earn me some amount of money without too much hard work. Getting rich for me was always about having free time to do what I want rather than what some boss tells me. I'm still not spending a lot of money, I'm just comfy I have enough to have an easy life doing what I want.

start a business, work very hard, live below your means so you have spare money to use when an opportunity arises

>> No.4051355

also this
Being "rich" isn't everything. I am no happier and working too hard kind of killed me inside. If you can find happiness you have the greatest riches of all

>> No.4051393
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Kill yourself, this was a really pathetic FUD. You're just self-projecting your sad sorry state and assuming everyone is like you. I already have plans for myself that aren't crypto so even if this thing goes to shit I'm still good. When I become a multi-millionaire I'm gonna give some money to parents, I'll buy a comfy condo somewhere, I'll get a gym membership, I'll learn languages, I'll buy all the shit I've ever wanted, I'll travel, etc.. Fuck you nigger

>> No.4051434

I'm seeing THAT question since 4 years. FOUR YEARS. I tried to reach out to my friends, and every year they ask me that question... They still don't have any Bitcoins, and I can only imagine the pain they feel when they see another inevitable newspaper headline: 'btc hit $3k' 'hit $5k' 'hit $20k'

Well, the difference is, YOU could listen and just buy NOW and HOLD, or you could keep asking that question a couple more years and finally, when the price reaches $25k, invest $2500 and get a measly 0.01 btc for it. ESPECIALLY once the normies adapt a cryptocurrency (whatever it is in the future) in their everyday life and the cheap (!) way to buy it is with Bitcoin.

Again, if you want to keep the variance down, buy every X days so you invest half before the fork and half after. In the long run, that will make absolute no difference.

>> No.4051458

*get a measly 0.1btc

>> No.4051473

You have to consider this, if you think BTC will hit 25k within 2 years thats 5x, even more if you trade a good alt.
You could potentially lose 2x, those look like pretty good odds to me, and then invest however much you are willing to risk.

>> No.4051474
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>> No.4051478

How much BTC should I buy right now to get rich by 2020?

>> No.4051525
File: 26 KB, 720x707, 1508855859329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your honest opinion. I really wish /biz/ had more real discussion like this.
>$0.02 cents have been deposited in your account

>> No.4051553

-Did you start off poor or were you already rich?


-What moves did you make to get to where you are now? If it was crypto, what coins did you invest in?

Just did whatever I wanted to my whole life and then got back into crypto in 16' after mining btc in 10' I went all in on eth at 7$ held and kept buying all the way up to 300$ got out at 310$~ avg probs, take that money invest in the SALT presale, invest in MTL at 4$, WTC at 70 cents

-What general tips tricks and advice do you have?

Try and trade the big btc / eth swings. its pretty hard to fuck up and lose money when its going moving +/- 30%. DYOR. Learn and respect real TA. Dont force trades and only trade the key levels.

>> No.4051637

There's a pretty good chance that bitcoin will hit $10k in the next year or maybe $25k, everyone knows that. We also know that Bitcoin might tank a little bit, but the knowledge and appearance is spreading exponentially. Right now, you're in the lucky 0.x % who know about this. You've missed the first train, but this is only the second. Or third, when you saw what happened to altcoins midyear.

My point is, there is a small chance, if it's growing rather exponentially, that Bitcoin will hit $250k in the near future, and for that chance, I'd be willing to invest a minimum of $10k right now. Hypothetically speaking, if you'd lose it all, what is fucking $10k ? I bet you've been spending money for worse chances in your life. Don't buy that old rusty car, move to your workplace and take the bicycle. You'll be driving a lambo in a couple years while everyone is asking you 'will the price go down under $20,000'

you're welcome

>> No.4051642

Well shit the bed someone gets it. This you ingrates

>> No.4051651

Ta? Key levels?

>> No.4051703


>> No.4051731

I finally understand what it's like to win in crypto. held ethereum for a long time, and I invested it into bat...lost nearly 70% of what I invested and didn't want to try any other ico. But I got into another, and on the first day already 3x.

>mfw when I tried telling everyone but nobody listened

>mfw it even has a great team and idea

You guys helped me on ethereum when it was $3, I just wished you would of let me help you.

>> No.4051754

thanks m8.

>> No.4051872

You have any advice for an 18 yr old in college that wants to invest into bitcoin but is broke as shit? I've been telling my family to invest in btc but nobody believes me.

>> No.4051881

Do you see BAT going up?

>> No.4051932
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It's not a question of what to buy or sell, as much it is when to do so.

Don't ever be a puppet. Trust in your judgement. Don't invest based on other people's exuberance and ignorance telling you what to trade. Ignore online gurus trying to sell you bullshit and pump and dump calls from spammers.

Be patient and be prepared for failures down the road and losses. It's part of the learning process the greatest of investors have gone through.

Many who think they can get rich quick or make the impossible happen because "this time it will be different you'll see!" will fall flat on their face time and time again. It's the kind of parable that a child should be familiar with.

Get a textbook and start studying technical analysis intensively for atleast a decade instead of being a reactionary high failure rate day trader or buying cryptocurrency just because everyone is memeing it. You make money because you forecasted future price movements correctly where others have failed, so the capital flows rightfully to you. Also that massive group euphoria driving demand in e-coins should raise a red flag to those familiar with basic economic history and human psychology.

Read alot of good books be it on candle sticks, cycles, varying theories (Elliot wave principal) and what not.

Don't options trade like all the college kids do without being absolutely ready for it. Trading performs an entrepreneurial function of educated forecasting future supply and demand against uncertainty. You're not supposed to be gambling

>> No.4051984

Wrong also taking a decade to learn TA is pretty laughable. You could easily master the patterns in less than a week if you put in effort.

>> No.4052011

I made my money from 18 to 24 playing onlinepoker and never worked a 'real' job lol, so I cannot give you any advice. Ah, don't start playing poker, these times are over. I guess it's your turn working and don't spend your money for shit; pretty shitty advice I know

>> No.4052043

>tfw i gambled cs:go skins and lost $100-$200 USD 2 years ago before I actually understood the pro scene
I could've converted that money to BTC and made some gains
i need some startup money but college is in the way reeeee

>> No.4052107

Did this guy really just tell me to spend a fucking decade learning about TA's? This is a FUD disguised as advice. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4052156

yes as a long term hold. but when i mean long term, i mean long term in reality. not in the crypto world.

>> No.4052174

Developing the skill takes time. Getting good at it doesn't happen in a week anymore than memorizing chess tactics make you a good player.

>> No.4052186

Poker isn't over, it's just that you actually have to play well these days instead of it being piss poor easy

>> No.4052232

bombo, is that you?

>> No.4052240

>implying that you have the self control to do all that once you are rich and not just vidya all day anon
dont fucking lie to me. theres a reason why many lottery winners and professional athletes lose most of their money within a few years

>> No.4052305

I still play, nowadays only the big series and the big live events tho, poker players are generell pretty fun to hang around and not the typical normie suckers. Oh the fun times I had in Vegas...one problem, and yes, first world problem, I have a lot of Bitcoins and poker is losing it's charm if you don't really care about winning or losing

>> No.4052315

Lol trust me I won't. I'm not a depressed piece of shit like you guys and I want the very best for myself.

>> No.4052323

I don't like people who are in touch with people called 'bombo', gtfo

>> No.4052351

>waiting until you're a millionaire to get a gym membership

I don't even care about the rest of the shit you're saying, but don't think that you'll be magically dedicated to getting /fit/ once you're rich. If you don't want it now, you won't want it then. You have no excuses to not start getting in shape today.

>> No.4052389

You're a fucking idiot, you don't know me so stop acting like you know what I'd do in the future.

>> No.4052446

No hes right you are going to fail

>> No.4052474

Kill yourself, you're a deluded idiot.

>> No.4052530

>Millionaires of /biz/
They don't exist, it's all larp. Those blockfolios you see with several million dollars? Anyone can do that. Just create a fake order on blockfolio so it looks like you hold more coins than you actually do.

If I had to guess, I'd say that the vast majority of this board can't even afford a full bitcoin.

>> No.4052536

No, I'm realistic. Every fat loser has lofty dreams about how "one day" they're finally going to get their shit together and start working out. It either never happens, or they quit after 3 weeks. You clearly do not want to be in shape, so you won't be.

And a gym membership is cheap as shit if you go to one of the big chains (Work Out World, Planet Fitness, etc.) which aren't the greatest gyms, but they get the job done. They're $10 a month. You don't need to be rich for that. But if even that is too much, you don't need a gym at all. You can get into incredible shape through calisthenics and bodyweight workouts alone. But clearly you don't know anything about fitness, so you'll be out of shape no matter how wealthy you get.

>> No.4052549

If you can’t control your anger how will you control your money. Yes, this will be your ultimate undoing. In fact just wire it to me now lets not waste any time here

>> No.4052581

U will get bitcoin2x if you hodl so do that

>> No.4052620

You're not realistic, you're a delusional pseudo-intelletual tard.
I'm not even fat to begin with you self-projecting piece of fucking shit. I do want to be in shape, you're the fat loser here that wants to drag everyone down to your level. You are fucking scum and need to kill yourself.
And listen you fucking pseud nigger bastard, fitness isn't fucking rocket science. I can learn everything I need to know about it through the internet. You're so fucking stupid I want to beat the fucking shit out of you now.
Putting fat losers like you in their place =/- handling my money
You're just a salty piece of shit that knows he'll never make it so he's trying to bring down people like me with potential to his level. Kill yourself

>> No.4052637

I can't sign my message with bitcoin here on 4chan because 4chan thinks it's spam, otherwise I'd prove you wrong ^-^

>> No.4052652

>1 decade of TA

Shoo shoo overpowered anal prober

>> No.4052653

>I do want to be in shape
So why aren't you already working out?
>I want to beat the fucking shit out of you now.
Except you couldn't.

Stay salty, loser.

>> No.4052703

Oh fatty fatty fatty, no matter how hard you type its not enough to shed that weight. You sweaty fingers are probably as salty as you, no doubt you must also cut back on your sodium. It seems, however, that you just dont get it. A pity.

>> No.4052706

Successful long-term trading takes alot of practice. Just like anything else you want to master. It's childish to ask for advice and overreact and throw a fit at me because I didn't tell you what you wanted to hear.

>> No.4052760


>> No.4052773

Any /biz/illionaire have 2 cents on med-long term ripple, factom, or bancor?

>> No.4052786

Yep, this guy gets it.

Not a millionaire myself, but it's not like OP will get one in this thread anyway...

Started poor, went for a startup, failed miserably, stayed poor.

As for the general advice... Heh, where to begin?

"Survivorship bias" (look it up on wikipedia) is a thing that plagues all business advice and tips. It starts just like you started by looking at the winners. and it stops there - and if you do the same you will never see the whole picture. You need to learn from failures too, maybe they did everything right but something rich guys never met killed them? Or maybe they did something extra? Or maybe it was some whale that was picking winners all along and the tips by winners are totally worthless? You need to judge the situation well and for that you need to hear all sides of the story!

Second: context. Context matters. Sometimes it's simple: they advice you to do X because this benefits them. Sometimes it's more complicated like when you hear Bill Gates talking about how doing X saved his company so you should do the same - remember that this decision had it's own context. It may had been good for Bill Gates back then, but maybe you need something different? Don't look at those famous people and their histories as a universal unfailable recipes for success, rather look at them as examples to learn "deeper" rules of the system.

Third, putting it together: asking for advice will not give you a magic "make me rich baby" button to press. If something seems simple and makes a lot of money it's probably not simple at all! Think of a cryptomarket as a black box with a button. Someone pressed it, holded for sometime and then posted his success story. Others heard winner's story and also pressed, and holded, and made nothing! But the advice you will get will almost always be about pressing the button by the winner. Now you can go with luck or try to understand what's inside the box.

>> No.4052801
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Anyone have experience with internships for a career in business or finance? i.e. where to get them, how to find them, whatever?

>> No.4052846

Trust me, I could. I'd break your teeth and knock your fat, black, balding roundheaded nigger ass the fuck out. You're a fucking loser. Your life is a mistake, no one has or ever will love you and you will never amount to anything.

>> No.4052861
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lol come on anon that was kind of mean

>> No.4052878

Take a good look at your own life, bud. You're a pathetic little weasel who's never lifted a weight before and is getting unbelievably assmad that a stranger on the internet has called him out. This is genuinely embarrassing. You're the only one here who is upset. I was only trying to give you a little advice initially, but you're just a bitter little weakling.

>> No.4052883

You're such a fucking fat retarded loser. No amount of self-projection will distract from the fact that you're a 650 pound loser that still lives with his parents. Your life is a mistake and you're better off dead desu.

>> No.4052923

Worth something over $6 million now. 30.

>Did you start off poor or were you already rich?

I didn't really start off rich, I wouldn't say. My parents were always saving. We didn't really go on trips more than once a year that wasn't staying with family or friends. We had an 84 Volvo and a 96 Chystler minivan until 2006, when I went to college. I qualified for a ton of financial aid to bring tuition down from $50k a year to $10k, but my parents used their savings so I wouldn't have any loans to pay. So I'd call it a smart middle class upbringing.

>What moves did you make

Studied and prepped my ass off in highschool to stand out when applying to college. Went to Duke. Good move.

Got lazy about being a perfectionist at Duke. Honestly not a bad move. It really allowed me to expand socially and make good friends I still have today. And no one asks your GPA beyond your next job.

I honestly didn't know what I wanted to do and wasn't aggressive at all looking for a job. By sheer luck the family of the friend of this girl I had been banging had a son who had spent a lot of time at a children's hospital (he dead). But they were very wealthy and I'm guessing had endowed the hospital with a lot of money. They passed along some casual email by a professor looking for a research assistant. I said I wanted it and I was hired immediately. No interview, no resume, no transcript. Yeah ok it was just $31k a year, but whatever.

I was reading a blog on fitness and they mentioned these new substances called SARMS. Basically steroids but not really steroids. iNTERDasting!!! Shot off some emails to China and found someone willing to synthesize it. Found a research chemical company willing to sell it for a multiple of what I paid. Oh and the Chinese were able to accept payment 30 days after receipt. So sweet, pulled in a couple k. I realized the company was still marking my product up.like 20x beyond what I charged them. Fuck that shit, I'll cut them out...

>> No.4052925

Take a good look at yours you fucking loser. In your first post, you already described yourself to be a pathetic fat worthless piece of shit that's miserable and hates life. Then you're getting mad at someone who actually has aspirations and goals for himself. "Scum" is too nice of a word for you. I'd beat the fucking shit out of you then empty a gun clip on your head. You're a fucking miserable loser

>> No.4052954

Wew lad you are so angry right now. Go for a run and lose some of that disgusting fat. None of your "aspirations" will ever come into fruition because you have no drive and no motivation. If you did, you'd already be working out, learning languages, whatever other bullshit you think you're going to do when you magically become rich (which you never will, btw).

>> No.4052969

I’m going to type this as soberly and gently as possible because I am genuinely concerned for your wellbeing. If you are being sincere in your retorts, then you have even bigger problems than your money and weight friendo. This ‘spiky’ attitude is going to drive away those who can even manage to get close to you. Champ its going to take a lot of effort to get over those pesky insecurities, but I dont believe you can do it

>> No.4052972

Bullish on XRP and FCT, don't know enough about bancor.

If factom get approved by DHS it will become the gold standard and prices will sky rocket.

>> No.4053030

Ignore the tards trying to get you worked up. Want to get fit and feel strong and have an awesome time? Learn a combat sport like Muay Thai. Get one on one training if you can afford it coz you'll get proficient twice as fast. Investing in your health, strength and confidence is always money well spent. You're gonna make it

>> No.4053037

>t. 650 pound loser that's never going to make it
You're self-projecting you stupid fucking nigger. You're the one that has no drive and motivation, I'm working on getting rich right now, you're the one who's trying to have a petty argument on fucking 4chan. You're a braindead autistic fat faggot that NEEDS a bullet to this head.

>> No.4053065

And you're the one playing the "internet tough guy" role and trying to appear threatening on 4chan. I'm beginning to believe you're 15 years old. Let's not forget the fact that we already know you know nothing about fitness, but then you're saying that I'm the one who is 650 lbs, and then you accuse me of projecting after making that projection yourself. You may as well be a woman with how well you argue.

>> No.4053077

Thank you, you're the only person with sense in this thread. People like me and you are gonna make it. Insecure, self-projecting, autistic, depressing, fat, autistic, braindead losers like these niggers will rot >>4052954

>> No.4053086

Quality post. Thank you

>> No.4053120

I just find it so fucking hilarious that you're trying to act witty and smug on here, but me and you both know that irl, you're a gargantuan sweaty, stinky landwhale that keeps to himself and has no friends, has never been with a girl and his own parents wishes he was dead. Stay salty you fucking loser. You're never going to amount to anything you fat piece of shit, I guarantee you that :)

>> No.4053121

I dont see the point in getting /fit/ if Im still a neet with no car and live at home. what good will it do me to be fit then?

what good will it do me to be fit when Im rich? if im rich enough to be fat and still fuck hot girls then Ill stay fat. im not just rich enough to pull girls way outta my league but only if Im somewhat fit then I will get fit.

>> No.4053125

If its not true, then why are you mad? The fact that you’d even fall for such shit bait and type this shit out speaks volumes for your future

>> No.4053162

You can project all you want; it isn't going to change that fact that I am in shape, you are not, and that you argue like a middle schooler.

Fitness isn't all about fucking girls, anon. It'll just help you feel better and give you a better quality of life overall. You don't need to look like a bodybuilder or pro athlete; just trimming down any extra weight and putting on a bit of muscle mass will do you worlds of good.

>> No.4053165


So I set up my own business. Gradually built up steam and was soon clearing over $400k a year in profit. Sadly had some run-ins with law enforcement and knew I had to quit. I never got arrested or charged or anything, but it was made clear if I kept it up the FDA would fuck with me.

Fortunately in the meantime I poured a lot if that into Bitcoin and been rolling on that since. Been rocking out enough through lending and join market to maintain a comfy existence while still growing the principle.


Read articles with the constant mindset "can this be exploited for money?"

Be cheap until you've really made it- ie you can comfortably live at your current level indefinitely without ever touching the principle. With the exception of being fit and gaining knawwledge there's not much worth spending more than the minimum on.

Once you do get a bit of money, spend it on freeing up time- get a maid to clean your place regularly and similar. Don't fall for the stupid car meme. Unless there's nothing else that's the same price or cheaper that can make you happier than a $50k BMW, don't buy the fucking BMW. Rich important people don't give a shit that you drive a mediocre BMW, so don't go into debt or derail your financial trajectory to get a car.

If you aren't sure if you can afford a car, ask yourself if you could afford two without breaking a sweat. If the answer is no, the answer is definitely no.

>> No.4053168

Good read came out of a drunk OP'S thread. Thank you friend.

>> No.4053257
File: 175 KB, 959x720, Darkor+rolled+a+random+image+posted+in+comment+46+at+_05679ac34838126b481fc4664f110f8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeugh nigga fucking Muay Thai bro we're gunna make it
This thread is going places.

>> No.4053258

Not only do you continue to self-project, you copied that from me and then lie saying you're in shape. You fucking lying conniving delusional fat piece of shit. Dreaming about being fit doesn't actually make you fit you dumb ass nigger bastard :)

>> No.4053329

1. Go to a good undergrad school that a big consulting firm/ibanking hires out of. Get a goodish GPA and show you've got decent quant skills.

2. Get hired on. Work as a consultant/entry guy for a year or three

3. Ace the GMAT/GRE and walk into Wharton/Harvard Business School/GSB

4. Network and meet some bros to give you a position.

>> No.4053353

Believe whatever you want. I could be the fattest fuck in the world but it still wouldn't change the fact that you're out of shape, admittedly know nothing about fitness and will never get that gym membership. You probably don't even know your fucking maintenance calories and BF%.

>> No.4053485

You're such a brain dead, thick-headed dense nigger. Words can't get through to you now. You need to get it beaten into your skull that you're a loser that no one likes. You're never gonna amount to anything in your shitty, pathetic, sorry ass miserable excuse for a life. You're not smart, you're a loser, you're fat, you will never, ever get rich, and you should kill yourself now before your life gets worse for you. One of these days your parents are just gonna kill you in your sleep.

>> No.4053499

/r/ nice portfolio screens to larp with

>> No.4053502


>> No.4053710


Fatty confirmed.

>> No.4053843

Ok at least one of you fuckers is fat and I'm staying right here until you decide which one it is.

>> No.4053874

>t. fat, black, balding, round headed 725 lbs nigger bastard
self-projection is through the fucking roof today. I really wish this was a convo irl I'd make you wish your fat ass 2 cent whore mother didn't shit you out 45 years ago.

>> No.4053991

looks like someone's ultra triggered lmao

>> No.4054034

Shut it fat ass. No amount of shitposting is going to make you lose weight.

>> No.4054052

> self-projection is through the fucking roof today
> fat ass 2 cent whore mother didn't shit you out 45 years ago
> self-projection


Someone get this poor soul his Mountain Dewie, he's sugar crashing.

>> No.4054091

I'm not directing my posts at anyone lol and yet he felt directly offended by it.

top laughs

>> No.4054108

>He thinks I can't see him through his webcam right now
You're a fat, black, balding, round headed nigger bastard. From the looks of it, you are 45 years old. Why are you getting so upset at the truth? Go eat some KFC, that'll calm you down

>> No.4054153

How can I find out if any undergrad schools have this system going on?

>> No.4054157

holy fucking kek this is the most laughably over the top shit I've seen on 4chan in a looong time

>> No.4054184

sounds more like
>be rich, be connected

>> No.4054204

sorry 4chan biz is a place for people that didnt make it to blow off steam...

>> No.4054214

I put 10k into Antshares 6 months ago and now have 3.5 million dollars

>> No.4054222

no wonder this thread was so horrendous.

>> No.4054266

I thought this was the place to shill shitcoins.

>> No.4054349

except you ARE the thread fgt and you're horrendous

>> No.4054364

Your face is horrendous you failed fat abortion.

>> No.4054426

>-What general tips tricks and advice do you have?
Firstly read this, it's one of the few non-meme things you'll read: https://sivers.org/book/HowToGetRich
Not what you asked for, but as someone who's not a moolionaire I know everything about how NOT to be a millionaire and have learned things through inversion:
>1. Nothing is going to "work out" - you need to "work IT out".
>In other words create a 5 year plan, a 10 year plan. Work out all the steps, how much money you need, how you will get it what skills you need to learn... it should be a little flowchart of accomplishments that you're gonna knock off.
>Don't listen to anyone who says "it'll become clear in the end" fuck them!
>2. Business is the generally best way to make money, because a good business increases in value and generates revenue you need just two skills to make it:
>A. Delegation - this means having a good eye for the right people to hire, it means knowing people's strengths, weaknesses and how to push their buttons, and most importantly: knowing how to divide up responsibility
>B. Salesmanship - self explanatory... if you can delegate and if you can sell then you can start almost any business. You won't even need to run it.
>3. Make it the most important thing
>If you're on 4chan, making macaroni pictures, partying with mates instead of making money, then money ain't important

>money is cope anon. even if i became a millionaire what good would it do? Im unattractive and a manlet. If I was still rich I probably wouldn't even spend the money. Id remain a skinny DYEL NEET who is a KHHV and plays vidya all day until he passes out.
That's bullshit and you know it. You only say that because you're a fundamentally uninteresting person - other people race horses, do the Dakkar Rally, open orphanages, make movies, start gin distilleriesand all sorts of interesting/satisfying stuff with their money.

Just because you wouldn't doesn't make "money cope", but that you're coping this hard.

>> No.4054482


Those retards aren't buying 20-30k worth of stocks at a time.

Dump 15-40k into a stock...set a buy limit..

Then set a sell limit. A quarter of a percent, even.

If you have 1k to spend, yeah, you better but into a stock that will negate the usual $6 trade fee. But when you are throwing around 100k+ and swing trading every day or have holdings for no longer than 3-4 days, fuck, it's time to win.

>> No.4054513

buy stratis or ethereum on their ICO

>> No.4054558

if money is not your driving factor, you won't make money. be prepared to sacrifice your social life/friends/family thats the cost of being rich

dont worry you can always make up for it later

whoami i make 200k a year + have roughly 72btc

>> No.4054579

this fat loser keeps getting fucking destroyed.

>> No.4054614

>4. Always have liquidity
>Always be saving, even if it's like $50 a week. You should always be saving so when a great investment opportunity comes, be it crypto, a business, a rare music instrument that's unusually cheap you can leap in and buy it.
>This is how you avoid FOMO, because you will be in a position to take advantage of things
>This is how you take advantage of great opportunities
>5. Law of Attraction works, despite being bullshit
>I'm not going to defend it. It's bullshit... BUT if you're optimistic two things happen
>A. You are more confident, which makes people more likely to agree with you/hire you/listen to you
>B. You will take opportunities that usually you'd shoot down before you even tried. Even if your failure rate remains the same as a percentage, you're net successes will be larger.
>6. Momentum is the key
>Never ever spend more than 2 consecutive days "relaxing". If you've just finished the biggest, most stressful project of your life, straight away move onto the next thing. This is how you fall into NEETdom, this is how you fall into depression, which makes you pessimistic, which makes you shoot down ideas before you even try them, so you try nothing, so nothing changes, so you stay depressed... yadda yadda yadda...
>You need to keep moving, but remember point 1 I made. You need to move along a plan, you can't just hope the stars align for you - you need to draw your own constellations - as wanky as that sounds. But really it's the opposite: this is not some airy fairy Law of Attraction bullshit, this is as strategically as you can anticipating and plotting your future moves.

>if money is not your driving factor, you won't make money. be prepared to sacrifice your social life/friends/family thats the cost of being rich
Exactly. Very well put. But it's a choice, and people have to own their decision one way or the other.

>> No.4054628

Thank you. Probably the only good advice in this thread.

>> No.4054657

Thank you for sharing

>> No.4054735
File: 26 KB, 510x556, 1497660482107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell me this pen

>> No.4054997
File: 42 KB, 640x633, 1506485073062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you. Probably the only good advice in this thread.
>p-please, i need an anon here to not hate me

>> No.4055040

3 10x coins, seems easy right?

>> No.4055336

Thank you for the honest words. These nuggets are why i come back to biz,

>> No.4055475

Basically perfect. Except I wanna add to the "relaxing" thing - it's ok to spend more than 2 days "relaxing" as long as you're still doing something actively developing. Like if you've just finished a big stressful project and you don't want to get started again immediately, or don't have a full plan yet, you can e.g. go for a week-long hike in the mountains or spend a week fixing up your house or whatever, as long as you're not fucking around doing nothing in particular.

>> No.4055509

Learn from my mistakes /biz/bros

Yup, you're totally right about that

>> No.4055822

Just ordered that book senpai

>> No.4056033


So the lesson is to invest in every new thing possible until one of them blows up?

Got it.

>> No.4056328

He's right.

>> No.4056356

No he isn't you nigger, you fucking dumb nigger, you stupid piece of shit fat black B A L D I N G round headed nigger bastard.

>> No.4056404

>I'll get a gym membership, I'll learn languages, I'll buy all the shit I've ever wanted, I'll travel
>tfw I do all of this while being a broke college student

Top kek at you, you're never gonna make it. I'm not saying I don't want money, but that's more for a giant "fuck you" towards everyone who has ever wronged me.

>> No.4056458

You're a fucking fat DYEL without a fucking doubt and there's no way in hell you're buying shit you want or even traveling for that matter when you're broke. And taking a language in college is shitty as fuck and inefficient.
You are never, EVER going to make it, I can already tell you're a brain dead, dense motherfucker. I suggest you kill yourself now before it gets worse for you.

>> No.4056681

That's called Venture Capitalism

>> No.4056879

>theres a reason why many lottery winners and professional athletes lose most of their money within a few years

Because they're retarded. People who get money easily would lose it just as fast.