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File: 480 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171025-014657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4043350 No.4043350 [Reply] [Original]

You did buy the dip at the bottom when I told you, didnt you, anon?

>> No.4043369
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>> No.4043377
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>> No.4043396
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>> No.4043405
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>buy now!!!!

>> No.4043455

Stating the obvious. Are you insinuating they should have bought at the previous ATH? Retarded sarcasm, or genuine excitement? Oh. You are using a pre recovery graph. Sarcastic fud. Back to your containment scam, Linkie.

>> No.4043510

Dead cat b0unce.

>> No.4043517
File: 176 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t miss out lads.

>> No.4043533

I did, but I don't think it's gonna go beyond 6-6.5k before s2x hits the fan. A lot of people will sell btc before the fork.

>> No.4043536

This cat must have 9 lives, because you said the same thing at 1k, 2k, and 3k. No one believes you any more.

>> No.4043541
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Every time it hits a new ATH, then dips a bit some retard says “muh dead kitten”

>> No.4043555
File: 130 KB, 1600x1200, 1508411442347-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh dead kitten
Top kek

>> No.4043560

fork pumping bullshit

>> No.4043563

post actual screenshots of you buying there, or else you didn't call shit faggot

>> No.4043566

Ronnie said Bitcoin would hit 5k by last Thursday. It hit 5.7k. He was off a little. When he says it is going to 8x from current levels, he really means it is going to 10x, and is just being conservative.

>> No.4043568

Now that 2x fork is confirmed it may reach a new high, but 10k guys? c'mon 7k tops

>> No.4043578

Posted screencaps of me posting there. Suck it. Mong.

>> No.4043580

I'm buying bitcoin again when it hits 4500 USD.

This market cycle is too obvious.

>> No.4043585

Ronnie is an example of survivorship bias, what about all the experts that said litecoin was going to be the silver to bitcoins gold

>> No.4043593

AND, if I wanted any shit out of you I would squeeze your head. Crawl back under your rock.

>> No.4043595

what app is that anon? do you need to jailbreak?

>> No.4043598

Ronnie never said that.

>> No.4043634

show screenshots of your actual buys or they didn't happen faggot

>> No.4043636

Ronnie is a good guy, but did he really account for s2x? That shit's just unpredictable. Also, I'm a flippening believer, and everything Ronnie said about bitcoin will come true, but for another coin.

>> No.4043650

I feel bad for the guy i sold my USDT to at 5312

>> No.4043653

You made an error in judgement and vested another coin. My sympathies. Please start another thread and go shill there. Lol

>> No.4043664
File: 41 KB, 227x222, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“The Chan”
2$ CAD
Ability to shitpost on biz: priceless.

>> No.4043671

Piss off, punk.

>> No.4043683

I'm sorry that you have to be a retard.

>> No.4043701

You came in to someones Home uninvited, and treated them rudely. Good show, Kid. So edge. Run along upstairs now, Mum has tendies ready.

>> No.4043734

Dude wtf, are you alright?

>> No.4043745

Oh let me guess, you never sold after the hardfork, you merely "called" the bottom with 1000s of other idiots calling it at the same point, and at every other resisitance. The fact that you didn't sell the top and buy the bottom voids any 'claim' you have to being some god-tier caller
>Basically OP wants 4cham points for making a call he didn't even follow

>> No.4043801

Fucking larper, piss off or show screenshot where you bought more than 0.01 BTC at the bottom.

>> No.4043805

You are the stressed out daytrader, I am the calm holder, in from the beginning, and accumulating regularly, just as I do physical properties and commodities. That pathetic little sell wall you just put up is being destroyed. Don't trade with your emotions, Kiddo. Now do me and the world a favor, do be a good boy for once and put that extension cord in the corner to good use.

>> No.4043839

Dead cat you huge homo

>> No.4043851

See you from 10k, Kiddo.

>> No.4043869

I'm telling you that you should not buy it this high.
Btc is still correcting.
Buy at 5000$ or less boys

>> No.4043872

These Alt bagholders are pretty stressed. Dont be angry at me, it was your decision to buy in to all these scams.

>> No.4043876 [DELETED] 

crypto p&d join now bros $ mula https://discord.gg/tUZVSCv

>> No.4043882

gona go 4k in a month

>> No.4043895

AKA ; " I lost 80% on alts and realize my error. Please sell off to 5k so I can buy in and recover my losses by Seg."

>> No.4043907

Please sell off to 4k so I can buy in and recover my Alt losses.

>> No.4043935
File: 3.65 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying alts at all time highs, muh dead kitten.

>> No.4043965
File: 138 KB, 1080x479, Screenshot_20171025-051709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP

>> No.4043975

Ok. So. If all if you Alt tards think Bitcoin is going so low, lets see screenshots of you dumping all of your Bitcoin. Right here. Right now. If you even have any. Most of you dont even have any, and are just here fudding in hopes of an alt recovery.

>> No.4044112
File: 11 KB, 589x178, Hahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4044137
File: 44 KB, 600x400, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek @ Plus500 demo account

>> No.4044159

Dude your pretzels look like kim jong un's feet

>> No.4044858

Bitcoin is going to crash to 5k

>> No.4044908

Stop posting your fake shorts you fucking broke loser. Use real money like a man you faggot bitch.

>> No.4044917


>Projecting this hard
>Being this obvious

Sorry about your shitty luck, OP. Does it make you feel better beating yourself up in the guise of insulting others?

>> No.4045657



>> No.4045744

I'm looking for an opportunity to enter the crypto market via BTC buy-in

Is this [>>4043580] a good stop-gap to enter?
Can it even be guaranteed that Bitcoin will fall to 4500?

>> No.4045843

Anything under $10k is a (basically) guaranteed profit.