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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4039789 No.4039789 [Reply] [Original]

is 50k LINK enough to retire in 3 years?

also general LINK price speculation thread

>> No.4039797

wew now thats some delusion

>> No.4039800


>> No.4039801

30 cents Q4 2018

>> No.4039805

$25 within 6 months if they nail partnerships

>> No.4039820

I'm in LINK and EBET half/half. I'm dying

>> No.4039842
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>> No.4039843


I would be very happy if this happened but it will not.

>> No.4039844
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50K ????



>> No.4039845

LINK is a coin for Pajeet investors

>> No.4039859
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This is getting sad stinky linkies...

>> No.4039864

$20 at the most in a year imo.
I just want to creampie a blonde slut. I need 10k to pay a master pick up artist to teach me the ways. After that I can just teach college freshmen how to get laid with their parents money. Thats my plan with my linkies.

>> No.4039891

i think link is pretty much dead. are they even communicating with the losers that gave them 32 million dollars, for not a single communication. People should drag sergey out and beat him without mercy

>> No.4039913

no he was busy/is busy communicating with important people at/from sibos

>> No.4039923
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>are they even communicating with the losers that gave them 32 million dollars

Supreme PR.

Ripple marketcap EOY - screencap this.

>> No.4039941

>I believe we will

this means probably no

are you autistic

>> No.4039945


>> No.4039962

hahahah yes the dude is an idiot. rory isnt even affiliated w these fuckers. if he is he is just sucking sergeys D under the desk. Chainlink is one of the most idiotic things ive ever seen, they had such a good opportunity and did nothing with it

>> No.4039980


The PoC of being non-committal.

>> No.4039984


Wew I get the strong "February 2017 ETH FUD" vibes...we gonna make it bois!

>> No.4039988
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We'll see

>> No.4039998
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>he is just sucking sergeys D under the desk

>> No.4040028



>> No.4040029


>> No.4040036

Lmao at niggas here saying 10-20 dollars Lmao you guys too retarded to be in crypto.
Do you realise how many links are in existence? Do you know what market cap is?
For link to hit 1dollar it would need billions of dollars. Lmao for it to hit 10bucks it would need to have more liquidity than fucking BTC right now, it's not happening within the next 5 years, im not saying link has no future but how fuxking deluded are you my sides.
Do you guys think banks will just start buying link once they implement it? You do know they hold 30% of all the link already which is enough to keep the price down for year to come even if institutions start using it.

>> No.4040053

Reminder that deluded linkies were given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to breakeven but were scammed into moving all their link off of binance.

>> No.4040073

its over for the delusional winkie linkie

>> No.4040098

All the smart linkies sold during the initial pump and left all the emotionally invested idiots bagholding for eternity
My sides.

>> No.4040100
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>> No.4040116
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>he can‘t grasp the size of this kind of money and the possible use cases

I agree its gonna be a longer ride but no longer than 3 years max.
Currently they pay millions of dollars daily for 3rd party oracles which are centralized and not absolute trustworthy.
LINK cuts those homos out and directs multiple billions our way.

The only thing that is missing is mass implementation. This is going to happen.

>> No.4040154


I think they're whale fuders or just people having a lark. LINK is obviously brimming with potential.

>> No.4040192

I‘m gonna buy more tomorrow.
that shit is gonna make me so much fucking money.

>> No.4040199


I agree (but also with the 3 year time frame), and I'm going to buy in some more soon too.

>> No.4040223

Yep but the banks already have billions invested in existent infrastructure for the system they're running and link needs to adapt every single one of them Into their system flawlessly which is a titanic job that linkies seem to underestimate. For banks to consider ditching their existent and functional structure link needs to show a strong case while it's promising banks will take their time to use it if ever, that's how far you're from seeing profits, nobody even knows if any institution will even give link a chance.
Muh partnership, blockchain is such a new technology banks won't just put trillions of dollars worth of trust into it overnight it might take a whole fucking decade my Linkie friend.
Do you know what it takes to adapt the existent infrastructure of a single big bank into link?
You have no idea that's why you're bagholding.

>> No.4040236

Damn, you found a similarity in a chart? Well that proves it then

>> No.4040264

>this fucking argument again
every single fucking time

>> No.4040268


>> No.4040278


that would be a 10 billion dollar market cap, dont be retarded

>> No.4040293
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>banks don‘t want to increase trust and pay a few billions less for a more streamlined trust increasing solution

>> No.4040324
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What is circulating supply? It would be 3.5 billion you fucking mongrel. Most of those tokens are going to node operators many years down the line.

>> No.4040331


I think the group of people who gave you 32M are also important. Especially when there is already talk of lynching.

Seriously, LINKs greatest weakness is its rabid investor base.

>> No.4040347
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The tokens can be distributed in fractional proportions y'know.

>> No.4040384

I have not seen that

>> No.4040390

They already tripled those guys investment in a month and don't owe anyone shit. And I am a 40 cent bag holder. My fault for missing the cutoff block and being too pissed off to buy immediately on ED.

>> No.4040391

no one uses link for anything. at least buy eth for a half ass platform token. or go with the best platform token, waves. there are plenty of great cryptos for investing, link isnt one of them. link isnt a mass crypto, link isnt a platform, link is a short lived money grab by two dudes with a whitepaper

>> No.4040417

>Short lived
>Working on it for like 4 years
>collaboration with swift and such for the last year
>Won their hackathon or w/e
Also the devs are not spending their tokens. They're locked away for a long time.

FUD accurately

>> No.4040463

Feeling pretty comfy with the LINK I did accumulate over the last week or so.

Just a hair over 5k, but I think I will be in good territory.

This coin has all the right things going for it.


>> No.4040629

Do YOU know what market cap is? A billion market cap doesn't mean a billion cash influx.
>Lmao for it to hit 10bucks it would need to have more liquidity than fucking BTC right now
How'd you work that out? Literally why the fuck are you on about liquidity for?

>Do you know what it takes to adapt the existent infrastructure of a single big bank into link?
What does it take? Do you know the industry or are you talking out of your ass? We're not talking about ripple btw, CL works with SWIFT not so much individually with each member, and its use case goes beyond them. On that note how much do you think ripple should be valued?
Fuck me retards are so over-confident of what they're talking about.

>> No.4040701


my only concern is this, is all of LINKs success dependent on the SWIFT partnership?

what if that falls through?

>> No.4040720

flip a coin

>> No.4040754

Everyone who posts valuations have zero idea

Show me your calculations otherwise shut the fuck up and learn something about the product you've blindly invested in

>> No.4040828

$50 by EOY

>> No.4040839


>> No.4040844

why is link not on bittrex or polo yet i want to buy

>> No.4040854

You can get it cheaper on ed or binance right now, BTC is pumping

>> No.4040870


Yes, and $200 by mid-2018

>> No.4041098

$10 in 12 to 18 months. The oracle told me so.

>> No.4041134

The only threads that were as prolific and full of shit as link threads were Bancor. Let's take a minute to remember how fucking dumb you had to be to buy bnt in honor of the newest disgrace to economics: link.

>> No.4041211

>disgrace to economics

>> No.4041287


>> No.4041946

>Do you know what market cap is?

Mr prof, isn't market cap the x^2 of the liquidity / volume?

>> No.4042073

poor fag here, only 10k link. hopefully it'd yield me a small stash of a million dollars

>> No.4042226

How the FUCK did you fucks get so much link?

Were you all already rich as fuck or what?!


>> No.4042282


>tfw /biz/ alone withdrew millions Links from Binance

>> No.4042298
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>> No.4042336


>> No.4042706

>mfw i bought 500 Link at 37 cents
>mfw i bought 350 more at 27 cents

>mfw i dont have enough money to eat


>> No.4042931

its enough to retire to a cardboard box under a bridge.

>> No.4043046

I have 10151 links, fucking put all my money into it and now I'm depressed

Won't sell it at loss because I believe it will be pumped somehow in future so at least I won't lose and have no gains but all that "future technology" talking was pure scam and I was stupid enough to fall for it during /biz/ hyper shill mania

>> No.4043066

>all that "future technology" talking was pure scam
Uh how do you know that? Because the price is down?

>> No.4043068

Dude it's been a month.... if u somehow believe u gonna go from 0.1 to 50 bucks a pop in a straight linear line with no bump or troubles u a are a fucking brainless idiot and should not invest money.... enjoy ur McDonalds job or whatever and be happy with what u got

>> No.4043094
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how you think it will moon if every bag holder like you sells when the price go 5% up

>> No.4043203

I bought at 92 so I won't sell for a while if ever, anon

Maybe I used wrong words, on paper it sounds incredible and that's why I went all in, but their team is small and looks like some groups used it to just get rich from fools like me hyping it beyond it's actual worth

I wasn't expecting becoming millionaire, just wanted to earn enough to cover my loss when I got into crypto and made some extra cash to play crypto without stress

>> No.4043287

Anon u do realize ppl will be sucking dick for 0.1 LINK in 2019 right?

>> No.4043450

fun fact, shillers and fudders are the 2 sides of the same coin. fudders just want the price down so they can buy more.

>> No.4043466

wrong, i fud because i want to see suicide rates increasing

>> No.4043478

You'll be the one who commits suicide when this coin moons beyond comprehension

>> No.4043491

i fud everything though
i don't even hold any crypto
i'm a comfy neet with parents that make a high 6 figures combined who gave me a guest house and regular allowance
good things are so common to me that only seeing suffering can really turn me on

>> No.4043497
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we'll see who'll be the one suiciding in 1 or 2 yrs time lol

>> No.4043502

we'll be so rich we'll buy you and your parents

>> No.4043562

yeah fuck ebet, put in 1k now its at 230 fucking ico

>> No.4043582

You're a lame lamb, waiting to be led to the slaughter.

>> No.4043662

You are pretty pathetic, you realize it, right?

And your parents suck too if they allow you to be like this

>> No.4043677

here's your (you) cool guy

>> No.4043688

Bro, I'm trying to get in on Link right now. You're lucky as shit for being earlier

>> No.4043694

By now or the November fork, you'll find a good entry point, anon.

>> No.4043809

Yes that will be enough for retire in 3 years, IF you're a pajeet who lives in a dirty slumdog in southern india.