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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4032257 No.4032257 [Reply] [Original]

Unexpectedly, I got approved for Confido ICO.
What are your expectations, biz? Will this make me recover from LINK hodling?

>> No.4032282

Hey i got approved too and was wondering the same thing

>> No.4032368

Cmon, guyz.
Shill me this coin.

Am I (almost) the only one here who got into this ICO?
In this case I'll take it as a good sign. For once biz won't spoil an ICO

>> No.4032440

I also got approved, don't rememeber what this shitcoin does.
Is this the one with 400k$ cap?

>> No.4032578

Ye, it is the one.
It has DHL as partner and aims to provide escrow to Internet shops, so that a seller cant take your money and deliver nothing instead

>> No.4032619
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How much have they given to presale investors or friends.
When this hits exchanges whales already have 100 ether sell walls driving the price way under ICO.

>> No.4032648

And there is absolutely nothing you can do with your measly 2 eth cap contributions.

I dont think I'm going to participate after what happened with REQ and every other recent ICO

>> No.4032678

got approved today also
but only for the seccond part, first come first serve, but no biggie with the way ico's look recently

>> No.4032681

I sure hope so. 400k market cap being driven below ICO. I can literally buy 1/4 of the supply and so would every other whale.

>> No.4032714

I'm approved as well.

>> No.4032881

This should be an ease 25x

400k -> 10m

2 ETH -> 50 ETH

Gotta love free money. Good thing I made a few extra accounts.

>> No.4032891

Ye, I think you're right that $400k makes it easy to manipulate.
But don't you think a whale would like to first pump the shit out of this $400k and cash out at least at $10M cap?

>> No.4032944

ICO time is up, OP
Anything over $1mil, for a project that has just a few lines of code or even no code ready, is a bad deal

>> No.4032953

ethbet 2.0 have fun your with low marketcap when it goes even lower

>> No.4032956

I think i'm in,
did your emails come from info@confido.io ?

>> No.4032959

Well, it is below 1M
What are u tryin to say?

>> No.4033092

anyone that has additional info on the presale percentage discount?

>> No.4033111

It was 10%
Just look at confido medium

>> No.4033201

I wouldn't call 0.15% of the entire cap measly.

>> No.4033287

Ye, Binance managed to run an exchange with 0.38% of LINK

>> No.4033411

Anyone going to invest in this?

>> No.4033426

Fuck yeah, I'm in too. Probably one of the last ICOs I will participate in for the foreseeable future

>> No.4033838

This one was hard to get into

>> No.4033874

Well, I can give it a shot.
> 400k cap
> actual project and not a shit fork
> has dhl partnered
> no pajeet/chink/slav team
> fee based

>> No.4033894

Can't even check which address I whitelisted. FUCK.

>> No.4034039

Ask on telegram, the mod seems pretty active right now

>> No.4034423
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First ICO I'm getting into, got back in the crypto-game very recently after a 2 years hiatus.
What shall we expect here?
Their smart-contract provider is Link, but seeing how it's currently tanking atm, I feel like it's a win/win or super failure.
Also their website and whitepaper seem a bit scammy desu, and their argument about people having to trust PayPal doesn't really make it for me as normies don't give a damn about corporations holding their personal information/money/music/movies etc

>> No.4034482

BTW, there are already 1700 stage 2 eligible participants.
I have a feelin I won't make it to 200 early birds

Their service still can be useful to increase trust in noname shops

>> No.4034494

I can’t belive it. I actually got all 4 of the emails I used to get whitelisted. 8 ETH is probably a normal ICO anyway so it works out pretty nicely.

>> No.4034545

I hate you sir.
These N-email participants are why the whale manipulation is a thing in crypto

>> No.4034636

Last good ICO of the year

>> No.4034864

That's true but it always seems pretty weird to me that the trust strictly goes to the customer's side.
Another pretty useful tech for drug-trading I guess...
Wait and see as they say, depending on my earnings on the current coins I'm holding I'll hink about the 2ETH cap. It's not so much after all.

Btw, how do you know about the 1700 stage-2 whitelisted niggas?

>> No.4034925

Just join telegram.
There are actually more ppl now.
600 ppl on telegram and a team member told me I was #2086

I really wanna get in tho.
Now I even regret creating a thread here. Should have told about this ICO once it was over like everybody else does

>> No.4035031
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There are already other threads about this coin.
Also OP's ID was 580BpSy3. What is this trickery ?!?!,!111

If you're saying the truth (and I don't doubt that you are) it's going to be hellish to participate in the ICO.
>>in b4 sold-out in 2min

>> No.4035103
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Came back from work -> Different ID

> and I don't doubt that you are
Go ahead and join the telegram

>> No.4035118

> There are already other threads about this coin.
Ye, right after I spilled the beans with this thread.

>> No.4035119

Dont FUD link faggot its the only ico to be up these past months

>> No.4035141

I never told Im not holding it.
I just feel tied by it.

>> No.4035142

is this still open for ico? or whitelist closed?

>> No.4035174
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Seems closed to me

>> No.4035181
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I wasn't doubting, but holy guacamole that sucks.
Will the invest session be prioritised?
I need to find my telegram account back and I'll get in there. Thank you for these exchanges.

>> No.4035185

I asked on telegram, and he answered

>> No.4035218
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Wrong pic
I also registered like b4 SIBOS. So probably the number is much bigger

Considering they already have an exchange partnership, the ones able to get confido at ICO will be pretty lucky

>> No.4035258

looks scam all over the map....but in other way by showing small market cap

>> No.4035471

Wow!! Damn thats great news. When did you take this?

>> No.4035493


>> No.4035555

why does my gut tell me this is a scam?

>> No.4035593
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I have the same feeling but I'll still throw an ETH at it at least.

>> No.4035636

Is it your account on the other picture?

>> No.4035656


Because you're more interested in being able to say you weren't "tricked" than you are of making money.

Go to the telegram group and talk to the devs if you think this is a scam

>> No.4035668

What do you have to do to get whitelisted for this one?

>> No.4035700
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bopp boppp

bipp bipp

>whitelist is closed, my from me on eth/del @ 10x price

>> No.4035707
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Already doing so, I too can bullshit around answers if I have to.

>> No.4035810

1/2 hour ago
So what?

That's only natural.
Look at LINK. So many ppl expected it to moon fast and far. Look where it got them. Better to lower ur expectations and get ready to being rekt.

WL has been closed for days.
And don't you ever buy a WL email. You hear me?
I'm a rare nice guy in this wretched board and I'm telling you thast anybody trying to sell you one will definetely take ur money and give nothing back.

>> No.4035816

>We will be using a unique wallet address for each contribution.
why is that? easier to scam us and move the funds? why not have one normal adress like all the other ICO's with whitelisted adresses only allowed to participate implemented in the smart contract

>> No.4035833
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>> No.4035848

>muh gut

I mean you didn't ask a question so wtf am I bullshitting around?

No, the ICO is through TokenLot

>> No.4035870

don't fall for the ICO meme, haven't you learned your fucking lesson by now

every single ICO in the last few months has dumped immediately when it hits the first exchange. Why buy ICO when you can buy it for 50% off? And send selfie of your neckbeard self with your ID to these scammers for the privilege of overpaying for their shitcoin

>> No.4035903

>not understanding what 400k marketcap means

>> No.4035916
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Wondering if you'd like to have a chat from time to time whenever we come across information

>> No.4035930

Ah okay, thanks anon

>> No.4035946

Take a chill pill man, I'm not at all implying this is bullshit.
Your arguments aren't convincing, that's all.

>> No.4035958

Sure, buddy.
I'm broke though. I'm not even sure that I'll scrap 1ETH until 6.11

>> No.4035996

Anyone know what exchange it'll be listed on firsst and when?

>> No.4036019

if you find me the team on linkedin or facebook i am in,the team is a ghost

>> No.4036061


As for centralised ones — no idea.

>> No.4036065

Two members have LinkedIns already, the other two are preparing them. Apparently its not common in Germany

Obviously ED, but there is another exchange that approached them

>> No.4036381


Here is there reddit page.
I can't link the telegram though as its picked up as spam

Ask them questions they are very responsive

>> No.4036400


Probably Steve from Binance asked them to list there.

>> No.4036472

Pretty big news for a 400k MC to be asked to list on an exchange though. Should pump hard on listing

>> No.4036482

Mate I completely feel you, I bombarded joost with questions, checked out why "Liams" name was actually Jose in the HTML code, he gave me a solid explanation, their making linked in pages at the communities request. They have turned down 1000eth offers. Why would they do that if they're a scam? I have been trying to get a pre sale spot for a week now. But they simply said unless someone drops out there's no room for me. They're legit boys. Plus the evidence of a partnership from other teams like that shitty law app

>> No.4036486

whats the lowest market cap coin on Binance currently?

>> No.4036491

we're all gonna make it lads

>> No.4036533

Hi mate, what was your name in the chat?
I can try and answer your questions here if you like

>> No.4036567

I saw them turn down a 400 Eth offer. So between that and the 1000 Eth offer they declined doubling their market cap

>> No.4036583
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Don't worry mate, I'm passively reading the telegram and what I stumble upon. Thanks for the offer though. We still have 10 more days anyway to decide if it is worth a shot.
I feel inclined to participating as it really seems like a sound project.

>> No.4036591

14 million I think?
I only went through the low volume coins

>> No.4036592


>> No.4036611

Can you specify what questions they skipped over? I'd like to try and remedy that if possible is all

>> No.4036678
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Fucking drool.

If this hits Binance and literally just matches Binance's lowest marketcap coin (will probably blow by that) then we are looking at a 30x from ICO.

Holy titty fucking christ

>> No.4036746

Calm down
It is never as good as it seems

>> No.4036754

We have never seen a 400k ICO either, new friend

>> No.4036779

I doubt it will got 30x this early, but when dividends begin to roll out middle of 2018 this will see a surge of interest for sure.

>> No.4036804

It's fuckin Coss isn't it though...

>> No.4036813

please no

>> No.4036941

I struggle to see Confido below ICO price given the biggest investors were chosen based on strategic value and will benefit from the project also. I don't see many large volume flippers unless the price grows substantially

>> No.4037315
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Confido is linkmarines best friend. It makes SC relevant.

But I beg u biz. Be moderate. Don't shill this coin like LINK plz.
The devs will curse me for ever bringing it to you

>> No.4037359

Agreed. I actually regret ever mentioning this to biz already. The ICO filled out instantly

>> No.4037456

I got approved for the bullshit 2 ETH max ICO.

I wanted to buy 50 ETH of it. Well fuck it I'm just going to go buy up tokens when it gets on an exchange for a slightly higher price

>> No.4037532

I'm going to hold it long term. To be honest I want to route "certain things" through this app. It can become the trustworthy mobile version of silk road.

>> No.4037559

Too bad Confido isn't going to integrate shipping companies for your "certain things".
Unless you wanna ship them with UPS

>> No.4038110

Wait you really think trade route sellers don't ship using UPS/FEDEX and shit? I literally bought Xanax last month that shipped through FEDEX

>> No.4038126

What are you gonna try to buy for? 1.5 x?

>> No.4038139

I'm sure there's going to be a huge incentive for sellers to adopt...right?

>> No.4038205

There is only a 0.7% fee on all transactions, lower than other escrow services currently available.
It's also easily accessible for non merchant based sales, say I want to sell you my second hand something from the other side of the country for example.

>> No.4038285

Yeah its awesome. Basically allows us anons on biz to do commerce with eachother as well

>> No.4038473

> tfw you see smb wanna buy a WL mail via biz
> for an escrow ico
Oh the irony.

>> No.4038476


Wow, this project is dead isn't it.

>> No.4038567

inb4 Confido is used to sell white lists

>> No.4038571

How so?

>> No.4038754


>Basically allows us anons on biz to do commerce with eachother as well

>> No.4038770

If there is a demand then they'll supply it. Why say no to another revenue stream?

>> No.4038878

>This is literally the sort of thing the project can accommodate at this stage.
I don't see an issue here

>> No.4039201

Lol since when are more customers a bad thing? This project looks solid as fuck

>> No.4039233

I wonder what lowest price will be on etherdelta... probs 5x

>> No.4039491

I'm gonna try to get more at 1.5x

>> No.4039768
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>> No.4039901

>first come, first served

So is this going to be like the chainlink crowdsale all over again?

>> No.4040159

I got approved for stage 2

>> No.4040615

youre gonna make it

>> No.4040755

How do I get approved for stage 2??

>> No.4040766

You have to put on a webcam show for the devs, show ID, and smile for the cam.

I think it was just via email signup on their website.

>> No.4040768


you can't, it's closed

>> No.4040795

Airswap 3.0
Request 2.0
see you at below ICO

>> No.4041865

Airswap- 100,000 eth
confido-1300 eth

noice fud m8

>> No.4041899

an ico for a platform that doesnt even have a working product yet? and has a high chance of being replaced by the time this thing comes out? nice.

>> No.4041927

nah, escrow services are nothing new, however this one has an extremely low price for its service (0.7%) and the MVP is out in January. Hard to replace something in 3 months

>> No.4042091

I got into the 2nd phase and I'm thinking about buying in. Someone shill me on why the fuck this coin matters.

>> No.4042191

>thirty percent (4.500.000) will be held by the company and ten percent (1.500.000) will be allocated to the bounty campaign.
I hate that shit. We should've learn from the reqt fiasco.

>> No.4042196

How much you gonna pour into this ICO?
(I'll hardly collect 0.5ETH for thisICO.)
What gas you gonna use for tokensale txs?

>> No.4042206

Why is financial stimulus for devs is a bad thing?

>> No.4042255

what taxes?

>> No.4042283


>> No.4042317

Approved for stage 2. Fuck it. Throwing 2 eth in`

>> No.4042398

Devs tokens are locked until they release the beta in 2018 i think

>> No.4042508

Wish I had 2 Eth's to "throw" in lmfao

>> No.4042559
