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4030034 No.4030034 [Reply] [Original]

Could you say that all developers in crypto space are sorta working together because it's all open-source and (fill in coin name) developers can hard fork and implement said improvements?

What makes alt-coins valuable when down the road bitcoin can just upgrade and implement Monero's ring CT technology for example?

>> No.4030065


i kek't. see you back at $290 tonight

>> No.4030069

well it's pretty fucking obvious you don't understand day trading

>> No.4030074


Retard alert.

>> No.4030095

introducing ring CT isn't going to be viable.
you can't "just upgrade"
public ledger base is public ledger.

>> No.4030096

Yes, you're right. We could rename Bitcoin to shitcoin, and Monero to Bitcoin.

>> No.4030119

See you at $500 eoy <3

>> No.4030122

Does you even comprehend words?
Trading has nothing to do with this. I'm talking long term "alt-coins" are just research and development for bitcoin in the end "test-nets" you could say

>> No.4030137

Monero is honestly better but bitcoin can just implement ring CT I'll send you maxwell paper

Also XMR devs are Bitcoin Maximalists. YouTube it

>> No.4030158

This is one of the biggest things that worries me about crypto. There are a lot of good ideas, but ICOs are in a sense, research and development for a protocol. Who's to say the working ideas aren't eaten up by a bigger player (a bigger crypto platform or a corporation).

>> No.4030171


>> No.4030208

Hahahaha, where are you going to find that volume to hit even $350 ? Up your delusional ass? No one cares about your stupid goycoin

>> No.4030242

I know. My point was: that monero is simply better and always will be, there's no way Bitcoin is ever going to have an opaque blockchain without pretty much being a monero clone. That's what makes it a valuable altcoin.

>> No.4030248

shit you are adolf einstein tier! true genius.

>> No.4030266

why should I care about eth when it is not secure enough

there is already ongoing research by bitcoin and lightning developers on how to implement secure smart contracts for BTC

>> No.4030285

lol it's too early to predict which coins are going to be as well known as Bitcoin

.....until then, I'm spread across 50 or 60 different coins on 9 different exchanges, constantly trading between them all, consistently making percents you can't even dream of

you don't understand money; you don't understand value; you don't understand how these coins are "value placeholders"

you don't understand math

you don't understand compound interest

you don't understand anything

>> No.4030288


Right! it's not like hundreds of coins are based on its netwo...oh wait.

>> No.4030332

I understand that ur gay

>> No.4030347

>got 'em!

>> No.4030385

Definitive list of coins that matter
>weed of choice
>distributed computing of choice
>distributed storage of choice
>Some IOT variants

>> No.4030388

Hundreds of shit coins that can be bought with BTC anyway lmfao.

>> No.4030399

They absolutely will consolidate of crypto keeps going. You are 100% right.

>> No.4030408

>not listing OMG

>> No.4030418

Jungle asia coin too. Good add senpai

>> No.4030482

idk why that made me laugh so much, lmao

>> No.4030514

Basically why I'm saying is that in the end bitcoin devs will just take your favorite alt-coins open source code and implement it themselves. Every times new tech is developed by on an alt-coin.. bitcoin grows stronger.

>> No.4030602


>> No.4030627

>50 cryptos
> still do is understood words
>arguing with make belief arguer

nobody is saying not to trade these development test-net coins and make x100 profits

>> No.4030684
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>just realized


How does it feel to be clinically retarded?

>> No.4030980

When the fuck is BTC going to make a move? I am getting really bored here.

>> No.4030996

Funny, I just realized that bitcoin will be gone in 10 years. It's just legacycoin at this point, plenty of great coins that do what it does it much faster.

Bitcoin is shitty that it literally can't stop forking HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.4031025

LOL Bitcoin devs and miners have been squabbling over a measly 2mb block size upgrade for years, good luck getting any more features into BTC like ring signatures.

>> No.4031187

That sideway shit gotta stop.

>> No.4031213
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, AAEAAQAAAAAAAApYAAAAJDc4ZDVhN2ExLTljOGQtNDZlNC04YTY3LTcwNjU1MzQ1ODk1OQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, yes you
srsly, this is free money if you have bitcoins.
Just use this link and deposit X amount of BTC and they give you back, %12 a day for 12 days, you lose your principle, but get it back + profit. I have a feeling this site will be up for a while.


>> No.4031265

no developers have been arguing, the couple that had hissyfits about it just left when their attempts at taking over development were obviously shut down.

the real stalling of progress are the chinky miners, which is why ethereum's move away from miners is so important for its long term success. the last thing crypto needs are more chinkcoins, because they'll be the first to go.

>> No.4031291


I need my fix.. Crypto pumps are addicting.

>> No.4031316

>What is a ponzi scheme?

>> No.4031357

if btc dont want to do what another shitcoin is doing then they wont, and will stick to doing what they do. same with eth. eth is designed to be a platform for these apps. they jsut manage the platform and let others do all the hardwork, think of eth as the middle man. as silly as that sounds.

>> No.4031426


The holy trinity

>> No.4031524


>> No.4031549

what do you think the alts are doing...

>> No.4031599

well 99% of crypto is for one thing

>> No.4031602

I just started to use bitcoins like 2 months ago. In Mexico there is a few stores, like 3 in my city. So i'm starting to expand to all areas, and making a monopolio.

>> No.4031667

A few what stores?

>> No.4031774

Im cooking and selling cakes and ice cream in my school and other stuff like criptex and inventions like a portable table for the chairs. Im trying to have 2000 pesos for create a kind of mechanical car that is faster than a bike and it does not use gas

>> No.4032549

Nice. Keep it up. If you're in Monterrey I'll buy you ice cream. With ETH.