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File: 363 KB, 805x808, 1503812635668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4027775 No.4027775 [Reply] [Original]


Snowden was right. McAfee was right. What a joke this coin was.


>> No.4027819
File: 407 KB, 1200x628, verge_bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked retard verge shill


>> No.4027838
File: 109 KB, 200x238, 1324690010001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these rumor threads and price didn't budge

Keep trying, kiddo

>> No.4027864


>not a leak
>doesn't affect anonymity

Proceeds to acknowledge this needs to be fixed and adresses Kovri to fix the issue.

XMR people are the most retarded I've ever seen. Guess you're mad your pedocoin can be traced.

>> No.4027897

if you had half a brain you would understand that this isn't an issue with the monero blockchain.
If you transfer on a clearnet it doesn't matter what coin you use, IP addresses are tracable and when you are on the clearnet you use IP.

FUcking retard. monero is being used in all the darknet markets and deep web.

when you ask these people about Verge to be added they ban you.

> public blockchain verge
> anonymous

my fucking sides.

>> No.4027926
File: 1.22 MB, 1794x2840, 1506789835403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahh.. Monero shills. You must also be in Wraith Denial like the rest of you. Get traced, fags.

>> No.4027943

Holy shit. This looks really bad for monero

>> No.4027948
File: 11 KB, 225x225, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the alphabay administrator got caught they confiscated a lot of coins.

they knew the amount of all the coins they confiscated. except monero.


I knew you were a verge shill from the moment you posted this.

If you continue to post more retarded shit about monero I will personally make sure verge tanks and never recovers.

>> No.4027960
File: 52 KB, 477x585, lonelyatthetop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's lonely at the top.

YOU and Monero can and will die out.

I wish you good luck, trying to take down the most anonymous coin there is FAG.

>> No.4028000

this kills the moneroj

>> No.4028009
File: 12 KB, 603x244, Screenshot_2017-10-24_13-02-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick accumulate OP, before it pumps

>> No.4028025


I don't believe nor feel the need to invest in a coin that can be traced.

Do you have any idea what you can do when you know somebodys IP?

>> No.4028046

Do you know how easy it is to hide your ip ?

>> No.4028058

>Do you have any idea what you can do when you know somebodys IP?
Do you ?

>> No.4028059

lol where is wraith? They are 2 months late already, looking more and more like vaporware every single passing day

>> No.4028069

your verge shitcoin has a public ledger kek, everyone can see every transaction you do, you must be retarded. Run monero over tor and it's 10000x more private than your shitcoin

>> No.4028073

i wouldn't be surprised if monero shit talkers were on the nsa payroll

>> No.4028075

You realize that anyone who follows this thread will sell their shitty verge bags right? You can't even defend it.

you accomplished the exact opposite of what you wanted. No one here will buy your worthless verge bags.

Go shill this on normie book maybe there some retards will buy into your crap

>> No.4028079


GitHub, it's availible to see. It's just being finished.

>> No.4028084


It is, yes. Tor helps a lot.
Monero wants to be like Verge, why not just be Verge instead?

>> No.4028085

this clearly shows the future plan of Verge.
The main dev at the top, sitting on millions of poor suckers that bought into it at the bottom.

My fuckin sides boi. Saved!

>> No.4028087

have you even looked at that? there's hardly anything on there and most of it looks like it was written by a retard

>> No.4028096


All I'm seeing is green candles. 30% in one night. 1000 sats before 2018.

I can seriously understand your rage and fury - you didn't believe the truth, the light and will now have to face the darkness.

I feel sorry for you. Pehaps, it's not too late.
Repent, and join Anonymous.

>> No.4028101

yes, because when Kovri drops, your devs will just copy it and implement it instead releasing their 'wraith' protocol, i've never seen such a bunch of retarded culties like verge shills

>> No.4028148

zoom out a bit boy. Verge is on the downtrend for a while now. It's gonna get wrecked.

>> No.4028165


Remember this when you look back, wishing you believed the truth that was right in front of you.

>> No.4028172

lol ip thing is a non issue and fixed with any vpn like on any crypto

biz are regards

>> No.4028293
File: 59 KB, 540x405, 1502499551507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what newfags actually believe

>> No.4028299


Being able to get traced is indeed not a problem for a coin which aims to be anonymous.

You holders sure are geniuses.

>> No.4028317

use it over I2P or Tor and it's 100x better than verge. Why would you even keep denying the obvious truth? your cult mentality and obvious misunderstanding of your 'anonimity' coin is what turned me off the verge community, it's nothing more than a cult of literal retards hoping to get rich quick

>> No.4028324

Some of you aren't that bad, buy Potcoin if you want to make money today.

>> No.4028337


>if I post an infographic it must be true

>> No.4028349


Sure, just follow 52 steps in order to use XMR over TOR.

That is really what you want to be doing all the time.

God you guys are so retarded. im out

>> No.4028371




>> No.4028385

>McAfee was right.
What? He said how much he liked monero and how it is untraceable...

>> No.4028401

are you really this dense? Well I dont care dude, verge is an absolute scam and a shitcoin and you'll get burned by the whales, just like you deserve for being this stupid

>> No.4028444

hahaha, apart from not being an actual vulnerability, or news at all, they seriously expect people to believe a bitcoin clone complete with public transactions is even remotely comparable with a privacy blockchain? why even fucking bother with this thread, you must be poor as fuck for this to be worth it to you.

>> No.4028504

If you don't know how to use tor you are a fucking normie and you don't deserve / don't need to use real anonymous coin

>> No.4028511


Thats all I have to say.

>> No.4028537

the difference is even without tor nobody knows where your transactions are going and how much you're sending, or even if you're sending anything.

even with tor, because all of your transactions are public information on verge, the ip doesn't matter, because it's trivial to link your transactions together on the blockchain, then use timing information the governments have had on tor for years and find out where those packets likely originated from, given you've volultarily linked them all together by using verge, or dash, or zencash, or zcash, etc.

>> No.4028559
File: 48 KB, 600x600, space.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>verge was literally 1 sat half a year ago
>233 sats at its ath

holy motherfucking shitfuck, all these missed opportunities to become filthy rich. why did i notice this meme market so late....

>> No.4028565

I heard about the timing vulnerability of tor. That's a good point, I hadn't thought about that. Damn verge is really fucked

>> No.4028579
File: 454 KB, 1600x2625, 1-tTZje_Wmpl9ge1Yk0ZlLww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perhaps a picture helps you dumbasses understand better.

Here you go, you're welcome.

Repent, and join Anonymous.

>> No.4028583

it's even easier to deanonymize them given that they're spending the same traceable coins, or funding private transactions with the same coins, etc. tor only brings measurable benefits on a private blockchain because the data is end to end encrypted even on chain.

>> No.4028605

That is the worst and the most retarded infographic I have ever seen in my whole life.

>> No.4028627


Provide a reason why it isn't legit or you are the most retarded shiller on 4chan, probably ever.

>> No.4028635

>shitting on xmr
>picking dogecoin dark over xmr
>picking dogecoin dark over zencash

No one's interested in xvg.

>> No.4028643


Then why are we mooning pre-Wraith? Thank you come again.

>> No.4028666

Do they think using cartoon versions of meth dealers from a tv show makes them look legit?

>> No.4028696

There is no info retard. What is the point of it ? It just says 'you send the transaction through tor and magically you nanonymous !! muh military grade crypto it's magic. You adrres is replaced by dashes now magic !

>> No.4028706

Why would you assume Tor is private?

>originally developed on behalf of the U.S. intelligence community and continues to receive U.S. government funding

Lets have a look at Tors known vulnerability history, some which still plagues it;

>Autonomous system (AS) eavesdropping
>Exit node eavesdropping
>Traffic-analysis attack
>Tor exit node block
>Bad apple attack
>protocols expose IP addresses
>Sniper attack
>Heartbleed bug
>Mouse fingerprinting
>Circuit fingerprinting attack

Tor is a mess, the decision to include it into the coin that is supposed to be anonymity-based is retarded.

>> No.4028724

You seem to know more of this than I do, so I'll ask you my question. What exactly does Kovri improve upon Tor? I'm not fudding i'm just genuinly curious and I only started reading about it last night

>> No.4028736

Everything is mooning.

If you actually think Verge is superior to Monero on a technical level then you are a normie of the highest order. Not saying you can't make money off of it since idiots will pump anything these days but I wouldn't use that as proof that crypto universe thinks XVG is some kind of revolutionary technology. I've lost track of how many privacy coins have optional private ledgers and Tor integration.

>> No.4028752


>> No.4028802

Not sure what you're trying to show me. It's only down about 40% from a month ago?

>> No.4028803

Kovri is i2p. A decent darknet.
on i2p you don't have an IP address.
It's a network ontop.

>> No.4028821

They are two whole different things. Tor is used to access the public internet while trying to hide the source. Kovri is a dark net protocol, there are no exit nodes to the normal net. You can only use Kovri for inter-kovri communication. Since it's l2p based you also don't have to rely on master/exit nodes to do the routing, its all packet based routing, dynamically, so good for network reliability.

>> No.4028828

yes it's C++ I2P, i was that far.
So essentially with Kovri integration into monero, your IP wont leak when connecting to a monero node?

>> No.4028842

Do I need to tell you what the fuck you can do with an aluminum tube?!

>> No.4028847

Pretty much, as its a tunneling vpn network service based on i2p routing. No IP to leak.

>> No.4028865

It says 11600 monero

>> No.4028884

Yeah, so pretty much the only (((flaw))) that people can pick of this coin will be fixed.

Fuck I love monero. Dumb cunts don't buy because it's not an instant moon unlike shitcoins, but it is and always will be the privacy coin. In a few years we'll be rich as fuck.

>> No.4028903

No, but you'll be tagged for having i2p traffic on ISP level. But unless your county goes ballistic they shouldn't prosecute for that

>> No.4028941

>people who don't remember selling vpn software in the US during the 90s got you jail time as crypto was deemed national security risk

Dark ages. Thankfully VPN is so interwoven into daily corporate functions these days they can't sanely make it illegal again.

>> No.4029447


Being on TOR makes u near impossible to track, it's not impossible though.

>> No.4029511


>> No.4030037

lol this retard still thinks TOR is safe.