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4026963 No.4026963 [Reply] [Original]

Will Bitcoin Gold take over BTC? I already bought 100 in futures and planning moving all my alts to it.

>> No.4026975

Bitcoin Gold is the future! Put all your money in it now

>> No.4027008

Thanks, just opened 100x leverage long on Bitcoin Gold on Bitmex

>> No.4027012

I expect a huge pump after it hits all the exchanges

>> No.4027013

ofcuz, what else is even better?

bitcoin technology + real gold, what could be even better?

>> No.4027016

nice just bought 100k

>> No.4027018

why bother? it's just another altcoin that's cloned bitcoin's code. only this time they also gave each bitcoin holder coins 1:1 after creating a massive premine for themselves.

coins that rival bitcoin cannot be created from bitcoin's codebase, nor can they be anything like bitcoin, they have to be created from scratch, like ethereum, otherwise they will forever be a clonecoin like litecoin.

>> No.4027025

How do you get btg? Just have bitc in a wallet?

>> No.4027056

china can't ASIC mine it in massive coal factories

>> No.4027064

Because it's free?

>> No.4027082

Were can I margin trade it?

>> No.4027090

just got off the phone with a hedgefund, they'll sell me a few shares of BTG, i'm anticipating big things for this company

>> No.4027099

It's not an altcoin, it's a fork, fool.

>> No.4027109

You have to send them your wallet.dat

>> No.4027304
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Yes team of geniuses behind it

>> No.4027349

This will fucking crush Bitcoin. I can't believe they got a visionary like h4x3rotab on board, MOON TIME BOYS THE FLIPFLOPPING IS HAPPENING.

>> No.4027381

it's an altcoin, that's all you need to know. don't let the name confuse you. if i created an alt called bgold and airdropped every bitcoin holder would that be a fork of bitcoin?

it's the exact same effect. it has none of the same developers of bitcoin, none of the same users, there was no fork in any community, or dispute, it's an altcoin.

>> No.4027586

whos the nigger on the skype self view?