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4026887 No.4026887 [Reply] [Original]

I currently live in the UAE (dubai), I would say this place is currently at ATH. The real mooning happened 15 years ago and opening business here was a real opportunity.
Question is, what country is undervalued now, what country will moon soon ?

>> No.4026896

Indonesia mate. 5 years ago it was rising compared to ten years ago..real good business opportunities . massive tobacco market

>> No.4026904

It can only improve from where it is now.

>> No.4026910

Etheopia angola mexico and myanmar

>> No.4026916

what kind of business opportunities?
I imagine tobacco would be gov controlled, they wont let a non-indonesian get into it right?

Going to be left bagholding until they get colonized again

>> No.4026927

Mexico I agree, obvious moon because of its proximity with us. But it has been mooning for quite a bit already.

And why myanmar?

>> No.4026938


The Burmese monks unleashing their shaolin trading skills.

>> No.4026957

China might be a chink country, but I believe it will go for quite a run once the Chinese regulations go away.

>> No.4026960

Cause its the shithole of a fairly good region and only few years out of dictatorship. Buy your bags still cheap over there.

>> No.4026962
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Thanks I'll look into it, only thing ive heard about myanmar was about the Rohingya bs

>> No.4026973

From what I understand its hard to make money in china if you plan on doing anything that can be done by a chink. They managed to fuck uber out of their country ffs

>> No.4027041

Many people said "India will be the next China" but, there's no manufacturing power in India like China. I think South east Asia and Africa will be the next manfucturing giants. I'm betting on Africa.

>> No.4027070
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But everyone will get fucked by Automation.

>> No.4027074

Georgia, Azerbaijan

Myanmar/Burma, Cambodia

Nigeria (no, I'm not kidding. Good growth lately)


If you have a capitalist mindset, Venezuela

>> No.4027455

too big market cap. Already mooned

>> No.4027495

Africa if India drops the ball.

>> No.4027587


Let me redpill you on Africa, I'm part northen african myself. Opening a business in africa is hell because africans are the laziest people on the planet. They would rather starve then do quality work. You know that amazing feeling when you do something with perfection and you have this feeling inside you, this proud feeling? Most africans don't have this, they would rather do an average work and be done with it. Hard work is just not part of their culture.

So the only way to make it in Africa is to:
1- Exploit natural ressources ( already done, impossible to get in without gov corruption)
2- Hire chink employees ( doable but chink companies already doing it )
3- Buy stuff and resell them in africa ( easiest and most profitable plan, even though you still have to grease some hands)

>> No.4027746


Serbia. The new economic tiger.

>> No.4027810


>> No.4027829

Those are all shitcountries, they aren't gonna moon. Deluded

>> No.4027867


>> No.4027878

southeast asia

>> No.4027895
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>north africa and the rest of africa in the same bag
You're making me sad habibi

>> No.4027928

to be honest, and no one likes to hear this because niggers are violent and stupid, but Africa is where its going to be.

Africans are having 7 children per couple and the population growth is insane. So GDP is not being driven by innervation but more by pure numbers of people.

I think the stat is by 2025 their will be more Africans then any other group of people including Asians.

Every black will need a cell phone and food. That is where the opportunity is. If you can stand to live with them you can make big bucks.

>> No.4027952

unironically Hungary

>> No.4027976

cest a la vie xD

>> No.4027979

Peru is a good country because it’s occasionally run by expat Japanese
Though it presumably won’t majorly outperform SA as a whole

Iran possibly a good bet once it really starts to open up more. It was a good country, sadly ruined by US interventionism.

>> No.4028024

Philippines. They have the best President in their country right now who is obsessed with wiping out corruption, criminality and drugs.

This badass President already slaughtered all the Maute/ISIS terrorists in Marawi. He imprisoned a fucking corrupt senator and other officials, killed a lot of drug lords/pushers and has plans of defeating a fucking oligarchy that rules the Philippines since the first president.

There are a lot infrastructure going everywhere and investors starting business here because of the actions of their President.

>> No.4028093


>> No.4028192

Yeah, his team also killed a drug lord governor, his wife & goons and imprisoned 5 fucking generals who protected drug lords. Told Obama "a son of a whore, you're just a puppet". He also told Kim Jong-un to go fuck himself with his missiles.

He pretty much said that he may not live for another 4 years because he made a lot of BIG enemies.

>> No.4028245

He'd be great if he wasn't such a typical boomer retard who likes killing people for doing drugs. It's only gotten worse yet he keeps doing it while Portugal does the opposite and ends up fixing it far better.

>> No.4028295

You're wrong, the goal is to arrest the criminals safely but some criminals attack with their guns so the only choice of the policemen is to shoot first or they're the ones who will be dead.

Also, almost all the criminals here are drug users so our biased media here portrays the the President kills drug users when in fact only the criminals are the target.

>> No.4028307
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>> No.4028328

The media here are owned by the oligarchs which the President is trying to eliminate that's why he is portrayed as the enemy. Most people here know this fact but the people overseas are brainwashed by these biased news.

>> No.4028390

North Africa is def better than the rest of africa, but when comparing to the work culture of europe/north america or asia, I put north africa with the rest.

>> No.4028437

> It's only gotten worse yet he keeps doing it
The administration already rehabilitate millions of drug addicts who surrendered peacefully and is now given jobs. Tell me how it gotten worse? You've never seen this news before because most media here are corrupt and will only spit dirt on the President.

>> No.4028459

>Ctrl + F
>No Vietnam

/biz/ please.




Please feel free to tip me, OP. I'm going to teach English in Vietnam soon after much research into the Asian countries, but for now, I'm poor as fuck.



>> No.4028467

Linked the Forbes article twice, meant to do this one:


>> No.4028484

switzerland and luxembourg

>> No.4028496
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Once they elect their Trump things are going to get better.

>> No.4028525
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Cambodia is already on the moon due to child prostitution.

>> No.4028550

Nigeria will end up dominating the African continent. Anything you can do to get in on that will make you very very rich as its GDP will only skyrocket from here on out.

>> No.4028566

Somalia sadly has yet to live up to the hype, but the potential is there

Also just saw this feature:
"You can get as rich here as nowhere else."

Also just saw an article in DER SPIEGEL (German magazine)

>> No.4028568

Philippines is losing value, every day less and less rich americans are going there to have sex with children (The whole Philippines's economy is based on chidren's asses and pussies) Sell your bags while you can.

>> No.4028569

why would you spend millions to get hair and then cut it like that.

>> No.4028585

Because he can.
10k is nothing for him.
If Elon Musk sees $1k on the floor he won't even bother to get the money.

>> No.4028607


such a bunch of nonsense
even with 100 trillion niggers africa would never amount to anything
because they are dumb, lazy animals that are happy living in mudhuts and just dancing and clowning around all day

>> No.4028632

If peru gets a Duarte-like president is goin to leave the via lactea, but it isn't likely to happen because the place is filled with corrupted faggots on the high class side and brainwashed apes on the lower and i am saying this as a peruvian glad i left that shithole

>> No.4028843
File: 523 KB, 2164x845, Jakarta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Currently rank 15 GDP-wise in the G20.

>Predicted to be the 4th biggest economy by 2050 (Source: The Economist).

>Indonesia's GDP is already above the GDP of the Netherlands, Switzerland and Turkey.

>260 millions population. 4th in the world. Huge market.

>Relatively stable politics. Has been democratic since the 1998 Reformation.

>Current government is spending a lot into infrastructure and boosting foreign investments.

>> No.4029065

Sorry, but there are way too many sub 80 IQ tards there for it to truly moon.
Combined with Islam, which ironically seems to turn men into lazy mummy's boys, I wouldn't be putting too many eggs in that basket

>> No.4029211

True, there are still a lot of cretins in Indonesia.

But the millennials -- like anywhere else -- are different. They are more liberal and pragmatic. They are the reasons why I still have faith in Indonesia.

Islam in Indonesia is different than Islam in the Middle East. Way more liberal. Alcohol and night life are easy to find in Jakarta. Even the current president is banning Islamist groups in the country.

>> No.4029391

Indonesia/Russia/Argentina/Brazil (longshot)