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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4020343 No.4020343 [Reply] [Original]

38 blocks left boyas, post predictions here

>> No.4020381
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FUCKKKKKK do I buy alts right after?? how do I know when bittrex is done getting their snapshot? can I just assume they will do this at the same time?

>> No.4020434

So would buying before the fork be a good or a bad thing?

>> No.4020444
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Nobody will even be able to sell it on any exchange that I know of right away. They'll just trickle back into alts. Eventually bitcoin gold will open for trade. It'll be worth diddly dick, and even less if the devs dump the 100,000 they pre-mined. Life will go on.

>> No.4020452

ETH finally going to moon bros

Strap the fuck in

>> No.4020475

Where do I go to watch this countdown?

>> No.4020489

If YoBit example shows anything, BTG will moon doon after the fork and then stabilize at around 0.8 BTC.

>> No.4020509


>> No.4021161

Buy high, sell low.

>> No.4021179

But doesn't BTC have another fork next month?
This is such fucking bullshit.

>> No.4021223

I thought this was happening on the 25th....Will alts get some money into them right after this?

Will i finally stop being a LINK marine?

>> No.4021248

it was estimated to be around the 25th, if you construct a building you don't have the exact date it will be built but an estimate. You'll be a link marine if people don't go buy it

>> No.4021264

blockchain.info says we're on block 491,395... aka 12 blocks away...

>> No.4021284

Well nice, the sooner the better....Im really fucking hoping alts get some money into them but im scared btc will crash right after the fork instead

>> No.4021287

Snapshot was a few days ago.

>> No.4021293
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hopefully this

>> No.4021336

went all in ARK, this has to be the easiest gain I will ever make

>> No.4021359

we'll see

>> No.4021371

Is this true?

>> No.4021389

ETH recovering means every alt recovery as well, so I hope it happens.

>> No.4021398


>> No.4021419


>> No.4021433

buy these and you'll regret it so hard, except neo

>> No.4021447

OMG idiot.

>> No.4021450

wait i thought this was happening in November

>> No.4021454
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and even fucking LINK probably will recover somewhat.

>> No.4021463
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regret what they cant drop any lower.

>> No.4021464

I thought that snapshot happens in a few hours..?

>> No.4021484
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Just another altcoin non-event overhyped.

Crypto is Bitcoin and Bitcoin is crypto.

>> No.4021490

Probably CND, ENG, OMG

>> No.4021493

That is what I thought 11pm PST


>> No.4021496



>> No.4021500

About six hours from now for bittrex at least.

>> No.4021501

Free money is free money.

>> No.4021508


>> No.4021510

Why are you faggots saying the bittrex snapshot happened days ago when it will happen in a few hours do you not want us to get free money?

>> No.4021611

Theyre trying to drive btc price down by convincing tards to sell early

>> No.4021624

should i quickly sell me alts, wait for the snapshot and buy them right back, this my first fork?

>> No.4021692

absolutely. you will even be able to buy a bit more with the extra funds youre getting from the fork

>> No.4021744

Uh-huh, just do it faster than the whales, the arbitrageurs and the bots, and you're golden. Why didn't anyone else think of this!???

>> No.4021747

Dont you need to have them in a wallet?

Pretty sure were right at the fork too so its probably too late

>> No.4021754

They'll have skyrocketed by the time you even think about buying back in.

>> No.4021782

fair enough, looks like im holding my shitcoins then, good luck everyone.

>> No.4021783

Duh link will be be sub 4k by the time too

>> No.4021816

BTC pumps past 10k$ and everyone kills themselves here, including me.

>> No.4021874

Buttcorn could moon hard at any moment in the next few days. Not missing that rocket ship.

>> No.4021892

You still have 3 hours but i wouldnt wait till the last minute do it right fucking now

>> No.4021893
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Just bought 4 bitcoins for the upcoming moon launch. Have fun with your faggot coins.

>> No.4021896

Coinbase is supporting 2x altcoins will bleed all the way until the next fork.

>> No.4021907

I feel like it's going to happen so fast that I decided to keep most of the alts that I know will bounce back. Not worth the risk for a BTC labelled shitcoin that is going in a straight vertical downward trend by tomorrow.

>> No.4021926

The whole thing ends up an elaborate scam, with every exchange holding it ending up losing all their users btc by a replay attack. It ends up worse than mt gox and we go into the second bear run.

>> No.4021928

Its going to moon bud

>> No.4021932

one of them chain will die hashrate cant candle this shit.

>> No.4021948

more like an hour

>> No.4021989

what makes you so sure though? BCH was pumped to fuck by the chinks last time.

>> No.4022021

Here's what will happen
The high cap alts will rebound the fastest
The low cap alts will rebound in a week

>> No.4022046

I'm personally going with the 'expect the unexpected' technique.
If BCH mooned last time, then...

>> No.4022055

Just dumped all of my shitcoins at a massive loss for bitcoin. Listening to biz and buying shitcoins, my portfolio is down 50%, while bitcoin is up 57% in the same period. Fuck off biztards and shitcoins. Done with it and you.

>> No.4022086

lol the fuck did you sell right before alts are due to go back up?

>> No.4022120

Because you have been telling me that for the last three months. I have to end the bad relationship somewhere, and this is as good of place as any. I stand a 98% chance of recovering 80% of my.losses.

>> No.4022128

It's crazy.
First they managed to get everyone to withdraw and drain the hot wallet, then they started spreading FUD about Binance trading IOUs.
Ofc the spastic shitposters joined in, so fuding was easy.

>> No.4022137

2x supported by the miners, BTC original will have to emergency hardfork leaving BCC or S2X the ticker

>> No.4022142

SALTy motherfucker ain't ya.

>> No.4022148


You sold at a 50% loss to buy BTC at an all time high. Sorry bro

>> No.4022177

I could reap a 10% recovery right now just buy selling my future right to Bitcoin Gold.

>> No.4022192


Or you can stop chasing the fucking dragon like a retard.

>> No.4022209

>buy high sell low
never change, /biz/

>> No.4022222

salty shitcoiners

>> No.4022257

That is what people who bought at 1800 were told. That bullshit no longer works on me.

>> No.4022286

Im cured. Im no longer a shitcoiner. Feels great to be free, instead of hovering over shitcoin charts losing sleep at night.

>> No.4022292

see you in a week when you buy back in on alts at ATH

>> No.4022298

BCC is Bitconnect. #8 and rising.

>> No.4022330

so I have 0.5 BTC on Binance and 1.1 BTC on Bittrex, i'm reatarded what do i have to do to get some free goldz

>> No.4022343

Pretty sure you just fucked up
BTC's recent bull run is in anticipation of free money from the BTCg fork, and after that happens, there's no reason for people to hold so much BTC and they're gonna sell it for USD or alts. Also there is much trepidation about the seg2x fork in a month, and we're waiting for a correction on the recent +$2000 bull run on BTC, so that's three reasons that BTC will fall, and one reason that alts will rise in the next two weeks.

>> No.4022364

Guys I used most of my holdings to margin buy ETP at $4.66, I'll be wiped out at $3.97.

Pls tell me ETP will moon today.

>> No.4022377

You have to wait for Binance and Bittrex to add Bitcoin Gold to their website and they will credit you with 0.5 and 1.1 respectively.

If you weren't retarded you would move your coins to a wallet and retrieve your bitcoin gold instantly.

>> No.4022401

I move my bitcoin to another wallet and sell bitcoin gold?

>> No.4022429

Yeah. Whatever. Listening to biz has lost me 5 grand in 3 months. Done. Bitcoin it is. I can recover my losses in 3 more months, and after that, it is profit I dont even have to think about, stress over, or shill for.

>> No.4022432

So long as you have a place to sell it. Do we know what exchanges are listing Bitcoin Gold?

>> No.4022434
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how long left?, my arms are getting sore.

>> No.4022436

doubt it will moon, i think most people only bought this for the anticipation of legalized chinese exchange, and the 19th conference turned out to be nothing. but you are in the green still.

>> No.4022447

We're at 491404

>> No.4022494

(that means 3 more blocks, ~120 more minutes)
I hope for your sake that I'm wrong, but every person I follow with a decent track record seems to agree (though I don't know their reasons). It's not just /biz/ that's saying this. If you don't like /biz/, maybe follow crypto youtubers instead, and see how their advice helps.

>> No.4022498

it says block 491405 3 min ago

>> No.4022536

Eta 40 minutes.

>> No.4022551

Not even gonna bother trying to trade for a measly gains right now. Too much risk and headache for me. Leaving my btc right where it is, leaving my alt bags alone too. ARK, ODN, BMC and XLM. Probly gonna just HODL for the next week at least, till we can see where this is heading

>> No.4022580

You think your alts will moon? btw bmc was clearly a shit ico...

>> No.4022598

its already been mined asshole


1 min BTC chart is in freefall

>> No.4022605

Measly gains. Lol. Dump those shitcoins, buy Bitcoin, get Bitcoin gold rained about your head, bail, buy your shitcoins back. What is so hard about that?

>> No.4022608

491406 has been mined. The next block is it.

>> No.4022612

protip: it isn't going to happen fast
alts are going to take a full fucking week to bounce, bgold will pump in its first week before fading into nothingness

>> No.4022616

it's done

>> No.4022617


Twitter has better insights than this dump

>> No.4022621


>> No.4022626

now for absolutely nothing to happen./

>> No.4022630

Its going down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUbpGmR1-QM

>> No.4022635

lol watch omg

>> No.4022639

Oh, bitcoin is dumping now that the fork happened

>> No.4022642


Except that's wrong, you fucking idiot. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are two different things.

>> No.4022651

no, watch etp

>> No.4022657
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>> No.4022660


>> No.4022661
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More bitcoin for me ;)

>> No.4022671


>> No.4022682

This person is scamming all of you. Stop selling. The snapshot has not happened.

>> No.4022683
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Fucking called it. Eat shit BTCfags

>> No.4022684
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>> No.4022698
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Is it happening?

>> No.4022707

no, bitcoin is just dumping so hard that alts look like theyre going up LOL

>> No.4022721

People will be buying back in the next few minutes when they figure out the snapshot has not happened and they will not get their free coin if they sell now.

>> No.4022722


>> No.4022723

Kek...either way, more sats for me.

>> No.4022741

it already happened you retard lmao

>> No.4022747

The lemmings stopped at 5650. Now they are milling about, realizing they have been had. Watch btc spike back up. Lol

>> No.4022749

you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.4022754

guys....can some one tell me snapshot done? time to jump in alts...

>> No.4022759

Yup. Back up to 5710 in a few seconds. They realize once again they have been scammed by biz.

>> No.4022763

Only made 1.55% because i wanted to made sure 407 was mined in case...
Oh well, you take your profits and be happy i guess.

>> No.4022769

Thanks for freaking out, people. I needed some more bitcoin. Remember to always sell the dips. :D

>> No.4022771

Snapshot not for 20 minutes lol

>> No.4022775

Will it go straight to 6500 or 7000 before the dip ?
Normally it should be 7000, but 6500 is also a noteworthy psychological barrier.

>> No.4022785

is block done 491407? can we safely say we get btcg in bittrex....can we some alys now

>> No.4022786

it already happened, the btcgold site is just an estimate

>> No.4022810

holyshit...i sold my bitcoin to some shit alts....both btc and the one i brought alt are tanking ...and no bitcoin gold as welll.....u fuckterds....

>> No.4022832

Guy's I hear sirens...I think there's a submarine outside of my house.

I'm scared.

>> No.4022833

Can you imagine the number of people who are going to be looking for scalps tomorrow when they figure out biz screwed them out of free coin?

>> No.4022868

in bitrex...btc opened for withdrwa..that means done....also can some one tell me when will btc gold will show up in account?

>> No.4022929

Keep fucking selling, weakhanded btcfaggots. I need to expand my portfolio.

>> No.4022943

i witnessed the true retard.

>> No.4023040

I think it doesnt show up until nov 1st i heard somewhere.

Nevertheless alts are all pumping hard now. 5-10% across the board. seems people are already moving out btc.

>> No.4023141

Alt crash inderway. Shortest lived rally in history. I don't know whether to laugh at you altfags or cry for you. Segwit coming up. Btc 10k by November, and alts will continue bleeding to death.

>> No.4023160

>Alt crash inderway
btc dropping to 5600 and alts all soaring up 10%. you moved too late. the segwit aint until late nov. got plenty of time to come back bud.

>> No.4023175

nov 16th?

>> No.4023305

XLM had the greatest expectations of all the alts. It went up 100 sat and is already crashing back.

>> No.4023333

Bitcoin just jumped 82 bucks in 3 minutes. Lol

>> No.4023336

should have bought alts BEFORE the fork dummy

>> No.4023375

I really expected more to happen.

>> No.4023378

Once the retarded weak hands are out of BTC to throw in the trash, it'll be straight to 6000, maybe more.

>> No.4023389

how is it bullshit? everyone knows bitcoin is dying and these are the last attempts for it to survive. everyone should have been buying alts already. waiting for the fork dumps is absolute retardation.

>> No.4023424

ark, xvg, hvn, omg, and vertcoin

>> No.4023426

the 2nd one is nov 16th if bitcoin still exists by then. this was the 1st one.

>> No.4023428

What will the fork do to the market? I'm having trouble understanding because all I hear is 'wait for the fork' 'wait until the fork' over and over and I have no idea what it means to the btc market

>> No.4023430

if bitcoin dies your little shitcoins are going down with it, so you better hope the chinks get btfo.

bgold/bcash/b2x/bshitcoin are just chink altcoins trying to scam people out of their money, they dont even pretend to have a gameplan like most ico scame.

>> No.4023450

someone should really make an altcoin called shitcoin, I'd buy it.

>> No.4023462

Is the fork done. Can we pump alts now?

>> No.4023470

it'll be a slow painful death, all the exchanges have ETH and LTC market pairs and there will be plenty of time for the volume to migrate to those markets.

read up sonny. BUYing decisions were "wait for the fork," SELLing should have been "before the fork"

>> No.4023495

ETH will save us.

>> No.4023549

is there any wallets out?

>> No.4023769

It just hit all-time high who the fuck you're trying to convince?

>> No.4023851

He wants to buy in, duh.

>> No.4023872

This. Eth is becoming the blood of crypto.

>> No.4023887

The day a centralised limitless shitcoin controlled by a literal jew becoming the new king is the day crypto is dead.

>> No.4024020

Welp, he shoulda bought the dip at $5600. Lmao.

>> No.4024051

What are price guesses on Bitcoin Gold in 1 months time?

>> No.4024069

10 cents

>> No.4024343

10 sats

>> No.4024519

Not shitcoin prices, mong.

>> No.4024540

Didnt ask what your Mother turns tricks for, Mong.

>> No.4024560


>> No.4024569

0 because this fucking coin is unfinished and nobody wants to trade this shit in fear of getting all their BTC replay attacked. Just hours before the fork they couldn't even get the wallet to build.
it'll die quicker than BCH, get out as soon as you can.

>> No.4024583
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Might eanna check the current Bitcoin Gold price, dipshit.

>> No.4024613

It just went from $120 to $170 in a couple of minutes. R9kt.

>> No.4024687

You said month, not minutes.
Go ahead and sell your forked coins before it drops, I'll be doing it too, but I'm warning you not to buy into this literal fucking pajeet scam.

100,000 coins were pre-mined and you don't think these guys are going to cash out at their first chance? There's so many red flags here.

>> No.4024743

stop calling people mong, you sound like a fuckin faggot

>> No.4024775

Stop calling people faggot. You sound like a Mong.

>> No.4024793

this guys knows srs

>> No.4024817

Also known as "I was to stupid to be properly positioned in bitcoin, realize my error, and now want you to dump your bitcoin gold so I can buy in dirt cheap".

>> No.4024835

Using shitcoinGold with no Replay attack protection can make you lose all your BTC.

>> No.4024871

Get some Rittalin, and leave it alone until it is finished, OCD tard.

>> No.4024872
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>> No.4024884

>Sell bitcoin first
>Then sell bitcoin gold
problem solve yes?

>> No.4024970 [DELETED] 

This works.