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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4019623 No.4019623 [Reply] [Original]

So you want to go into neet life? Here's what to expect.

>No vehicle ownership except bicycle
This saves me about 3000 euros a year.
No fuel, no maintenance, no tax, no depreciation. Probably the biggest safer if you don't need it.

>toilet paper
Toilet paper is a scam and unhygienic.
If you do squatpooping (the natural way)
you get much less stuck shit. Also shaving your butthair helps. I use a reusable wet cloth that I clean afterwards.

>Pee inside water bottles instead of the toilet to save water costs

>No showering, just rinse yourself off with wet cloth, bucket of water and some soap.

>No visiting to hair stylist. Just cut off all your hair yourself and go buzz cut.

>No smoking or drinking or eating at restaurants

>Buying only the essential foods, mostly in bulk. Clean diet without sweets, chips and other trash. Just drink tapwater (super clean here), english tea, milk and coffee.

>Low room temperature to save heating bills
Dress extra warm.

>Buy all your clothes and furniture (if you need furniture) at thrift shops. Nothing new.

>Apply for all government grants possible. If you live in a European country there's likely something you can get free money for.
See it as receiving your tax dollars back

>Since you are a neet and don't need to commute, live in some unknown town with cheap rent with all utilities nearby.

>Don't spend money on girls (huge savings)
>Never go on holidays.
>No chance to start a real family.
>Don't own pets.

These are some of the sacrifices that I have to make to live as a NEET. If working 5 days a week and standing up early is not your thing, THIS is the only alternative. All in all I manage to live in less than 10k a year.
It's not that hard to scrape that together, but the sacrifices are tough, and it's not for every one. But I also have lots of benefits. I am basically free to do what I want. No obligations to anyone. In the mean time I do shitcoin trading and build some longterm wealth.

>> No.4019689

>I use a reusable wet cloth that I clean afterwards.

>> No.4019706

Genuinely interesting post. 10/10, would read again.
May I ask what you do with all that free time?

>> No.4019711

hey there fellow truNEET

>> No.4019749

> I am basically free to do what I want


>> No.4019766
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I'm a NEET and I have 2 vehicles. I also have toilet paper.

>> No.4019804

>No vehicle ownership except bicycle
I'd sign this anytime. Biggest failures are the ones who have big cars. Worst case: Taking a loan for it
>toilet paper
thats fucking disgusting. 12 rolls of tp are like 2€. It last more than a year for me. Really nothing to save here
>Pee inside water bottles instead of the toilet to save water costs
using water is included in my rent. so I dont have to look for that
>No visiting to hair stylist. Just cut off all your hair yourself and go buzz cut.
that is alright too. If you are bit skilled you can even do different cuts.
>No smoking or drinking or eating at restaurants
>Buying only the essential foods, mostly in bulk. Clean diet without sweets, chips and other trash. Just drink tapwater (super clean here), english tea, milk and coffee.
>Low room temperature to save heating bills
fortunately included in my rent aswell
>Buy all your clothes and furniture (if you need furniture) at thrift shops. Nothing new.
NEETs dont need much furniture anyways. nobodys visiting me

>> No.4019815


Video games, constantly scanning the shitcoin markets for news, 4chan, exercise, learning to astral project

>> No.4019841

Bu-but why

>> No.4019872

>astral projection
I had to google this... it sounds a lot like meditation with some esoteric bullshit sprinkled on top, why not just take hallucinogenic? They’re pretty cheap...

>> No.4019916

I hated school. It made me suicidal.
When I was 18 I quit. NEET ever since.
Been a constant battle for survival but shitcoins brought some stability into that. You can imagine what it was like before. 22 yo now.

>> No.4019923

I am a comfy NEET. I warm my apartment really well, spend money on good food/wine/weed. I have a car. Life turned out good afterall. Thanks to crypto gods.

>> No.4019927
File: 86 KB, 950x610, 2006-mercedes-benz-s-class-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad owns lots of cars
>be NEET and been driving a Mercedes S class to receive my handouts at the job center

car looked like pic related

>> No.4019931

NEET here. Not having any money issues. I day trade crypto which makes me at least 10k a month.

>> No.4019954

I don't get why people wagecuck when they can NEET.


>> No.4020025

>drink tapwater
Holy fuck do not do this. Invest in a reverse osmosis or distillation system.

>> No.4020098

I don't live in the US boy
fluoridization is illegal here
tap water is ranked some of the worlds highest quality

>> No.4020175

From 1-10 rate your comfyness levels
Why didn't you get rich off of crypto and then head into the NEET life? School was that unbearable? I think I have it worse, I go to a ghetto tier community college and it's full of niggers and spics.

>> No.4020225

Not even fluoride, but whatever they add to the water to sterilize it is awful for you. Not to mention the shit in the pipes and birth control.

>> No.4020334

I just.. I'm sad that this thread exists. What do you do for pleasure except masturbation?

>> No.4020350

> I use a reusable wet cloth that I clean afterwards.
> just rinse yourself off with wet cloth

is it the same cloth

>> No.4020376

What about rent?

>> No.4020397

right now, 6.5

I didn't get in crypto early enough. Just late 2016.
Didn't know what to fucking expect and what was possible. Went in unprepared.

Thinking of other creative ways to make money. Reading.


>> No.4020425
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>> No.4020457

he lives with is parents obviously.

NEETs are children who refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

>> No.4020550
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>this thread

>> No.4020567

What's wrong, wagie? Mr. Shekelstein won't let you get an extra vacation day this year?

>> No.4020584

You got any more of these

>> No.4020591

How the fuck is that better than just getting a job? What do you read about?

>> No.4020599
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>he isn’t self employed or inherited a fortune

>> No.4020619
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>> No.4020630

A job would send that number down to 3. I've never been a very happy person. I am neither mentally fit for any of that as well. 4 years of neetdom on the internet changes you. Oy boy the shit I have read about.

I read about astral projection, investing. I try to avoid history as it makes me depressed.

>> No.4020659
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Frugal wagecuck here

>>No vehicle ownership except bicycle
A MUST. Obstacle for maintaining relationship with grills tho

> Rent a hellhole ffrom employer. Though, 130€/mo. while usual listings go around 300-400€

> Shit in a job as often as possible
Shower in job as well
Lunch at workplace 1€ / lunch, normal price 6€. LARPing in workclothes during the weekends. Goyim dont know.

> Haircut is another must. Save tons of money.Beginnings are tough but eventually you develop mad skills.
>Pee inside water bottles. Another must
> Food and hygiene are however mandatory spendings. If you can cook its a plus, preferably in a workplace.
>Don't own pets.

Sucked to maintain a relationship with grill. But you can go hiking, cycling etc and spend almost no bux. Now Im about to buy an apartment straight out without loan or any BS so starting family is actually easier now.

>> No.4020661

>no car

In important countries like America, we use cars, because or land is so vast, and because we arent faggots

>> No.4020663


Im guessing you have no friends as well at this point due to neetdom ye?

>> No.4020666

Best /biz/ advice ever. Period.

>> No.4020675

If you inherited a fortune and you're still here shitposting and can only feel pity for you.

>> No.4020695

Not him, but most wagies don't have friends either.

>> No.4020700
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>> No.4020709

...Why wouldnt you have friends?

>> No.4020715
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I have a passive income of 6000€ each month though real estate I inherited. Besides that I’m a depressed autist with no real life.

But at least I don’t have to clean my ass and body with the same piece of cloth.

>> No.4020732

Yes I have zero people I know IRL except a brother which I am close with and some online crypto people.

I don't expect to be happy.

I don't do nothing. I just live and observe.
Do my own little thing. Let everyone else play the rat race. I am an outsider.
I will eventually find a way to make a more solid income and save enough money to buy property without mortage and rent it out, or just watch the ecomomy collapse.

>> No.4020738

>NEET here. Not having any money issues. I day trade crypto which makes me at least 10k a month.

Will someone explain to me how to saturate crypto without larping?

>> No.4020767

Wage slaving normies are brain dead. Who cares though, they'll rot and we'll be getting the last laugh

>> No.4020772

Holy shit that sounds awful.

Why? Why do you feel like this was the better option than just doing anything at all ..

This makes me sad.

What does your broher/Family say to this?

>> No.4020787


have you even tried maybe working 1 or 2 days a week? the amount of extra income to use for anything is absolutely amazing.

as for mentally fit? its all about the mindset. if you think you can't, then you can't. think positive. there's so much more that a job can offer you than money - socialising (and skills), friendships, experience in a wide variety of aspects, and sometimes even free food.

i dont know why you would say you research shitcoins all day for 'long term wealth' when you could just wagecuck part time 1-2 days a week and earn astronomically more.

$5 x 1000 gains compared to $500 x 10 gains is a big difference no?

>> No.4020843

You my friend is very bluepilled about the way 90% of all people on earth live. You are probaby from a privileged, rich part of the world, and grew up in wealthy ''normal'' family. Well here's the thing kiddo. This idea you have of how life should be and how you take it for granted is naive at best. Realize how lucky you are, and stop acting suprised when the other 90% outside your bubble don't conform to your perspective. Either way, the third world is already invading the west, and an economic depression will come. Soon people like you will realize what real low living standards are. Atleast I will be prepared and have gone through all of that. You need some taste of the real world.

>> No.4020917

Curious why you think that sounds so awful? Sounds pretty comfy to me to be perfectly honest.

>> No.4020943

It's not about the rich part. It's about the no friends, no contact with other people part: I lived that life, and it was god awful. You dont need to be rich to have friends/companionship bruh.
I know the economy will crash soonish and Im planning for it as we speak, so dont worry about that.

Go outside, enjoy the sunlight, learn to talk to people, bruh, trust me. Even if youre still a neet, this will make your outlook on life, and the enjoyment of this very very much better.

Wasn't even trying to be a dick at all. I wouldnt want my worst enemy to live like you.

>> No.4020946

>Besides that I’m a depressed autist with no real life.
Well you could be a poor depressed autist with no real life, like me.

>> No.4020956

You sound like a cool guy, OP. Good luck to you.

>> No.4020966

Depression sneaks up on you with no human contact bruh. I tried that shit - You can tell this dude is incredible unhappy.

I wish the best for people in general ( ;

>> No.4020970

>no contact with other people
This is good. Where do you think you are?

>> No.4020998

Yeah I've lived with it on & off my entire life. It's no stranger to me either. But it's not the end of the world either. You just sort of observe and run on autopilot until it wears off.

>> No.4021018

NEET here. Although I don't technically fit the term as I'm in my 30s. NEET life is great. It's even better when you have a girlfriend who is a wagecuck. How can I be a NEET and have a gf you ask? Well, I'm a cross between a NEET and a Chad. nuff said

I live with my gf in a house that she owns, I drive a car that she owns, I trade crypto, I do projects on her house as she has agreed to give me half of the appreciation value when she sells it as it's merely an investment property.

Sure, if she dumps me I'll have to find other lodging, but until then, i'm storing up some nice crypto profits.

I wagecucked from 17 until 31 years old. I was done with that shit. Never again.

>> No.4021094


No this is bad. Real fucking bad. It leads to suicide.

Jesus mate. - I dont understand why you would aspire to do this, especially if you dont really enjoy it. People are heard animals by and large.

>> No.4021121
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I'm a NEET on disablity welfare (close to €1000) a month excluding social housing and healthcare benefits.

Crypto keeps me sane in the sense that there's is a possibility that life will get better at some point considering I've made some nice profits already.

Being a stay at home dad daytrading in crypto is probably the biggest red pill you can take

>> No.4021186

You don't aspire to do it, dipshit. Life just happens and people end up this way. And no, it doesn't always lead to suicide. I'm still here after all these years.

>> No.4021212

Yes thats your natural existential fear of death from something that feels alien to you. Imagine his suicidal feelings from what you would consider normal.

>> No.4021240

Also this. Stay at home dad here too. Also on carers pension, as my wife is in a wheelchair. But I get to spend every single day with my family. I love playing with my kids, and I'll never have the regret of not being there for them.

>> No.4021259

I spend ~9.5K a year and don't Jew as hard as you OP. $500/mo for apartment & up to $300/mo on other shit.

>> No.4021274

Well, you could at least try?

Why wouldnt you try to get most out of life? At least youre trading shitcoins i guess..

Ever thought about leaving the NEET life behind?

>> No.4021283


>> No.4021313

>I use a reusable wet cloth that I clean afterwards.
Fuck dude you got me.
At least use a bidet or some thing.

>> No.4021318
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see this >>4021240
Lol, get fucked. NEET, but with a family and kids. Trading crypto and shitposting when the kids are at school. Does it make you angry?

>> No.4021323


Did anybody react?

>> No.4021340

Why are you pushing this dude into something he doesn't want. Because it's what you do? Look, my dad was a hard working motherfucker. Retired at the age of 70. He always said that a man doesn't work for money, he works because it's the honorable thing to do. So, trading crypto is work as it takes time, research and dedication.

>> No.4021383

>free to do what I want
>lack of money and resources dictate existence

Delusional, you guys realise life without any sort of self development is comfortable but unrewarding

>> No.4021391
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>No vehicle ownership except bicycle
bonus points for getting /fit/ as well as /neet/. perhaps a bus pass or something to get around long distances

>Toilet paper is a scam and unhygienic.
>If you do squatpooping (the natural way) you get much less stuck shit. Also shaving your butthair helps. I use a reusable wet cloth that I clean afterwards.
no i'm using toilet paper even if it's sandpaper

>Pee inside water bottles instead of the toilet to save water costs
or just save up your pee for a day then flush. can just use public toilets if your place has one

>No smoking or drinking or eating at restaurants
smoking is a scam and addictive similar with alcohol

>Low room temperature to save heating bills
Use the computers warmth for heat

Get a "part time" job as well. extra money helps for getting the new games

If there's a sale then buy bulk. local stuff can be cheap

Always work out what you need and don't and don't buy what you don't need. however don't put your happines last

buy paper plates and cups. perhaps a plate, knife, fork and spoon at most, then use baby wipes to clean them.

If you do want to go on holiday go during school days, still expensive but cheaper.

Haven't checked the accurcy of this graph but it seems about right

>> No.4021434
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I wasn't aware that if you worked hard, and dedicated your life on developing yourself to be a better person, that when you died someone gave you a reward for it. That makes it completely different. Now I regret everything.

>> No.4021442

He isn't happy, that's why. If you aren't happy or at least somewhat contend, I dont see the point of not trying to change this.
Maybe hed realise he would like it if he worked towards it in small steps ( ;

>> No.4021626

>Been a constant battle for survival but shitcoins brought some stability into that. You can imagine what it was like before. 22 yo now.
if you are not a kissless virgin you are a failed normie who will eventually tire of NEETdom. only wizards and wizard apprentices have the mental stamina to endure years of loneliness.

>> No.4021815

You don't know that. I am in fact happy quite a lot. You know emotional states are not constants, right? And then you have the nerve to unironically call others deluded? Wake up to yourself bucko.

>> No.4021862

How to shave my own ass desu?

>> No.4021984

Go to church

>> No.4022014


>> No.4022058

I'm a 22 year old virgin NEET with $50,000 worth of Ark. I kissed a girl once though.

Am I going to make it?

>> No.4022110

Some poeple actually like their jobs..jus sayin

>> No.4022125

If you have 50k already you are doing significantly better than the majority of /biz/

>> No.4022488

32 year old wizard here. I'm /foreveralone/ but have almost a million now. I'm hoping to retire by 40 from wageslaving and then just do some passive income shit.

>> No.4022597
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>tfw 85k of ETH

>> No.4022946
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twf <7k in various alts. The same shit happened to me last fork. I should have known better this time.

>> No.4023018


31 year old wizard. 3k in tsla and ~500usd in crypto market.

I'm getting back on this train, crypto is a the fucking future of internet payments.

>> No.4023353

i hope you guys arent LARPing you guys give me the courage to keep trading these meme coins

>> No.4023356

I don't know how you guys do it.

I was a NEET for 2 years back when I had health issues and I hated it. I was bored as fuck and my self-esteem plummeted because I felt like a total burden on society.

Now, I work a low-level job that I love. I'm a delivery driver. It's not glamorous, but I couldn't care less. It keeps me busy, I make more than minimum wage, and I just love to drive around and listen to the radio. It's a simple pleasure of mine.

I recommend you NEET's find a passion and turn it into a career. Once you find a job you love, you never work again.

>> No.4023400

Because you're a normalfag you fucking idiot