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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4017653 No.4017653 [Reply] [Original]

ask someone who made 800k in crypto who now bangs high end escorts (between $500-2000 an hour) anything.

It's all I do with my gains, my life was somewhat financially established before I hit the lottery by discovering shit coin trading, so I consider all my gains to be pleasure money.

A hooker just left my hotel room so now I'm just chilling in a robe on my bed browsing biz.

>> No.4017671

Pics of some of these escorts you've naield or gtfo.

>> No.4017681

Will I be able to do what you're doing now with 1414 OMG op?

>> No.4017686


have fun with the herp Don Juan- raising a happy family is all the pleasure i need

>> No.4017695

>ask someone who made 800k in crypto

>> No.4017704

Do you ever get to creampie them?

>> No.4017708
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You fag will lose your money fast with such a lifestyle.

>> No.4017712

Enjoy getting aids
What gay question is that

>> No.4017715

can you spare some bitcoin op

>> No.4017729
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what's your biggest loss, senpai?

>> No.4017735

800k is not 800m

Be careful

>> No.4017758

How much to have them finger your ass right before you bust a nut on them titties?

>> No.4017769

which shitcoins, day trading or swing trading etc

>> No.4017777
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What the fuck is that cow wearing jesus christ

>> No.4017788

they do that for free to make you cum faster you idiot

>> No.4017800
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nice wasted quads, faggot

>> No.4017802


>> No.4017811

that face looks like a block of fucking cheese you braindead faggot

>> No.4017848

would fug

simply for velma fetish

Answer a fugging question op

>> No.4017852

hope you paid taxes

>> No.4017866

Hey man. Help a Brother, not to bang escorts. But to Bang my Health Injurance bills These little fuckers - THANK YOU


>> No.4017868

this is a funny larping board

>> No.4017939

That's disgusting you desperate virgin faggot

>> No.4017964


Help a broke boy out

>> No.4017971

Can I get an escort to tie me up and put her feet on my face for an hour and make me lick them?

>> No.4017974

Do not believe

>> No.4017986

Why does /biz/ post the best girls?

>> No.4018021

NICE. All the hate post is just fagets lol. Come with me to Tijuana, Mexico. Soo many hookers and 18 year olds *wink *wink they be young over here.

>> No.4018084

Go to the erotic review and search for Montreal, New York, LA, Florence, and Berlin. Some of the top girls there are ones I've fucked. It's a very good site.

I have 8k OMG coins, I hope you make it cause I will also make it then.

Most people have herpes. I might have gotten it but I eat a very heathy diet and exercise so I probably wouldn't express it even if I had it. You can get herp from making out with random chicks in bars.

I hit XRP, DGB, NEO, and most recently Metaverse. Those were all my major gains but I have made money on other coins.

I won't rawdog hookers but I'll creampie into tinder chicks I meet. It's shocking how many girls will let you raw dog them when you own a nice condo, are good looking, and don't have roommates and seem rich.

I was already doing well financially. This is play money to me and I'm living it up. Never been happier.

Being able to have sex with hot, sexually experience women who's job is to please you whenever you want is incredibly liberating. When I go on dates I'm no longer a slave to my pussy cravings. If we don't connect I just move on instead of getting dragged into a mediocre relationship because I'm horny.

I only sold half my DGB stack at 2000 sats... the other half is down to $20k... big loss

It's surprising how many girls will eat out your ass without you even asking them. I did not like rimming but now I don't mind it. About 10 girls have flipped me over and started eating my ass without being prompted.

I'm deep in Metaverse now, expecting another 3-7x

I have a good accountant

not a larp, but too lazy to post evidence.

>> No.4018136

Could you post your blockfolio OP? And do you have any tips?

>> No.4018142

How did you go bankrupt?

"Gradually and then suddenly."

You in 2 years.

>> No.4018157

Haven't been to TJ but I hear it's good... what's the place called there... Adelinas? Adelitas? I knew some OC guys who used to go down there and rail chicks almost every weekend, they spoke highly of it.

I've definitely grown more specific in my tastes. I used to just accept whatever girl came to my room even if she didn't look like her pictures, but now I'm picky (but still respectful) and do more research.

I like them young but pussy tightness is all that matters. If a girl is kind of lose I just have her blow me until I nut.

Being tall and good looking helps a lot. Girls will do much more for you and I've never had a girl want to blow me with a condom on (which is something they do if they think you're unclean or gross).

>> No.4018169

nice larp

>> No.4018184

>make $1200 in crypto
>hire escort for $900/hr plus $150 tip
>cum in 3 minutes
>as she’s leaving, “thanks anon, we >do this again.”
>tfw you reply with “y you too.”

>> No.4018204

On average the girls I bang cost around 500-600. Only famous porn stars cost 2000 and above and I don't do that frequently. I also don't have sex with porn stars since they probably all have something, I just request a BBBJ and record it. I have some blowjob vids with some very famous stars.

at 500 a pop, you could fuck 1000 women for only $500k. Seems worth it to me

$500k is peanuts compared to what I would lose in a divorce if I married the wrong girl. Banging escorts and random tinder sluts helps me weed out girls until I find the right one. I do not plan on doing this forever.

>> No.4018228

ah, the black belt blow job, i see you're a connoisseur of the larpses

>> No.4018265

metaverse. I'm 200k deep in it.

I've never had this problem. I'm 28 years old and have been watching hardcore, beyond fucked up internet porn since I was like 10. It's actually one of the reasons I like escorts because they know how to please you and they know what men want. Civilian girls are boring as shit and most are bad at sex. I want hard blowjobs with lots of tongue and intensity, I can't come from just getting it swished around in her mouth.

>> No.4018286

is what I'm writing particularly hard to believe or something? many people on this board have made a lot of money in crypto.

>> No.4018300


take pity onto me and become my mentor, make me as wealthy as you are and for the in return you'll forever get my appreciation and confirm your skill of being good at earning large value.

I hate being poor and not able to follow my dreams due to lack of finances.

>> No.4018303

why are larp threads always about shit kind of weird shit where OP is jerking off to his own posts?

here's a hint: nobody with money is this obsessed with pussy

t. someone with money
because you sound like a 12 year old who really needs his first blowjob

>> No.4018373

When I get rich I'll obviously be putting a portion of it to get some high-quality poon but not to the extent that OP is doing.

>> No.4018403

happy to impregnate random women are we?

>> No.4018432

Also his reliance on hookers only shows a lack of basic social competency.

People that are truly rich and successful can get pussy for free lmao.

>> No.4018447
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I want to be like you OP, any advice you can give? share some wisdom bro

>> No.4018461

Nice I plan on doing this too.

Haven’t been to TJ yet but I have a buddy whose down to go. I think the spot is called Hong Kong

Just gotta get my passport

>> No.4018481

hahahaha if this is not a faggot faking this story...
what a fucking loser. I'm broke as fuck but worth more then a loserwho vomes on a teenage imageboard to brag to anons


>> No.4018494


>> No.4018598

He might not be a larp. I only think so because he mentions thinking girls let him rawdog because of his wealth even though most girls will let you raw dog which is just such an odd conclusion on his part but makes sense he'd come to that conclusion if he only started dating/banging a lot more after wealth. I wouldnt advise anyone do that though. If they let you hit it raw, they let everyone else hit it raw.

I know when I first made money I saw high end escorts, banged some strippers, and fucked one porn star over like a couple months and got it out of my system. I kept partying though and doing bottle service in clubs for almost a year, glad I got out of that lifestyle. Its fun but it wont add value to your life.

Hes come to a lot of wrong conclusions but I imagine its from coming into money and being young.

>> No.4018629

naw i read lots of larps on biz, but this isn't one.
i'm jealous because i only discovered alts recently & they're already grossly overvalued

>> No.4018664

Look for low risk high potential coins. hate to keep bringing up metaverse because this thread is about escorts but that's a prime example of an amazing coin. Very low risk (already crashed like 80%, couldn't go much lower), SUPER high potential (founder was a cofounder of Neo). When I saw it at 1.30 I put a lot of money.

If you buy something like OMG and NEO right now, the rewards are probably there... but the risk is very high. both could easily lose 50%. I rarely buy coins when they are up.

I have money too, but I never had crazy, free gains expendable money like this before where I don't feel guilty spending it. I made 800k from 55k.... that's incredible. I would have felt incredibly guilty blowing money on whores before, even though I could have, but now? It's like I won the lotto. And who knows, this crypto shit might not be around forever, and we're all getting older, so I'm going to have my fun now and get in experiences while I'm still relatively young. This money has changed my life in many ways and made me see what's important in life.

I can't believe it either, I pull out though usually.

Not really. That's a thought process based in jealousy. I enjoy living like an emperor who does what he wants when he wants, and fucks ridiculously hot girls on command instead of jumping through hoops and going on dates. Of course I am still looking for love and would settle down with the right woman, but my tolerance for women I don't like has gone down to virtually zero, which I think is a good thing.

They have bars in mexico where you get a shot of tequila, a beer, and a line of coke for 5 bucks. I hear they're EVERYWHERE in TJ. Enjoy and be safe.

I'm having a blast man, how many time you jack off today?

>> No.4018697

holy fuck you're actually mentally ill

>> No.4018716

sauce on grill?

>> No.4018717


>> No.4018720

Someone's mad. Can smell the envy oozing out of your pores.

>> No.4018734

nice larp, just bought 100k.

>> No.4018736

if you can't tell from a line like
>y. I enjoy living like an emperor who does what he wants when he wants, and fucks ridiculously hot girls on command instead of jumping through hoops and going on dates

That he's a severe sociopath who's never touched a woman in his life then maybe you should look into yourself as well

>> No.4018738

to me he seems like a normal reasonable dude.

>> No.4018753

He sounds like he would wear skin as a face.

>> No.4018754

not a single shred of evidence but yet a thread continues. What does /biz/ mean by this??

>> No.4018756

whats wrong with that statement?

because he enjoys 10/10 escorts?

>> No.4018759

congrats anon!


i've gotten rimmed before but it's usually only asian chicks that does it

what coins are you holding now or planning to scoop up?

>> No.4018788

Let's see there's the illusions of grandeur which come with delusional sociopathy and narcissism and a very unhealthy obsession with sex with hookers so he wouldn't need to get to know them on a personal level. Paired with an absolute lack of evidence for any gains he's ever made, I'll say he's a walton or NEO bagholder posting here to pass time and hope he gets his ego stroked by retards like you. another real mark for the sociopath diagnosis.

>> No.4018818

>Good looking
>Blowing 500 on hokers

>> No.4018844
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SJW spotted.

>> No.4018857

I sound like I would wear skin as a face??? lmao

I don't mean that I literally feel like Xerxes from 300 or something, and I don't have an "obsession" with hookers as I still go on dates with regular girls and will even date some. I'm just quick to drop girls if I'm not feeling them because I have the option to bang incredibly young, hot, and sexually experienced women whenever I want. In a way it has made me immune to the bullshit girls try to pull. Once again, I don't think it's a bad thing.

>> No.4018864

do you have any proofs for your assumptions?

Why wouldn‘t a good looking man order hot escorts? Whats the logic here?

>> No.4018872

please just see a therapist anon i'm worried about you

t. shrink

>> No.4018899

You sound like a subtle Metaverse shill
>Trust me I made a lot of money with crypto
Take your shitcoin somewhere else

>> No.4018901


I am so lost about crypto.. seems like everyday everyone talks about new coins on here, problem is by the time it's mentioned here those with lots of cash already have their portion bought and use this site and alikes to pump and dump off the backs of losers. I'm still holding onto 50,000 mooncoins, anyone want to trade 10000 Mooncoins for 0.5 btc or equivalent?

>> No.4018925

dude this is your 3rd LARP thread today fucking chill lmao

>> No.4018950

you are fucking normie. fuck off

>> No.4018973

>Look for low risk high potential coins
How exactly do you define risk? Solely that it already crashed/isn't at a peak?
Same for potential, what are your metrics?
What coins did you lose money on?

>> No.4018978

It's been beat into most people that only losers pay for hookers, but once again this is rooted in misconception and stems ultimately from jealousy. If you're horribly addicted to sex and drive around ghettos at night looking for a $50 bang from a street walker... then yeah maybe you have a problem. Money makes you not care what other people think, my happiness and the happiness of my friends and family are kind of all that matter now. I don't rely on anyone for anything anymore, which includes women for sex since I can just buy it. Have you ever dated in a large american city? It's really annoying. I grew up in a small town where it was easy to establish genuine relationships, so my tolerance for big city girl bullshit was already low going in, but now with money it's zero.

Also high end escorts are fun, and if you are good looking you can actually have a really good time with them. They are people and if you learn how to strike rapport quickly you will find the experience very enjoyable as will she (this does depend heavily on your looks though... no girls, hooker or not, like banging ugly dudes)

The only awkward experience I've had is when I ordered a girl who claimed to be in her 30s and a tantric sex master, but ended up actually being in her late 40s. It was awkward because she felt very insecure and turned off almost all the lights. I'm guessing she wasn't expecting a young guy since she charged like 1200 an hour (not worth it, obviously). I just had her blow me fast and she was in and out in 15 minutes.

>> No.4018986

Ik weet dat je Nederlands bent. Kun je mij op weg helpen met een beetje BTC?

>> No.4018992

it sucks im still bagholding fucking bitshares from 3k sats.

>> No.4019010

gtfo german beggar

>> No.4019028

OP, post a pic of cum stained sheets or underwear or GTFO.

>> No.4019052

Since you've made it in crypto with several coins, I have one question.

What do you think about AirSwap? Do you feel that this coin has low risk and high potential?

I also want to be rich and fuck escorts like you. But fear of STDs keeps me from doing that kek.

>> No.4019059
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Seriously why is Dutch even considered a separate language? My German is dreadful and I haven't spoken it in years but I understand Dutch/Afrikaans no problem.

>> No.4019060

>How exactly do you define risk? Solely that it already crashed/isn't at a peak?

pretty much. I view risk and potential as different things but both are important, though If a coin has high potential I will buy in despite risk. For example I bought into antshares around 6 dollars... something I would normally not do but the FOMO was building, I did the research, and just said fuck it and went in 80k. That one paid off pretty well and it really pissed me off that I didn't get in when it was a dollar cause I'd be a crypto millionaire now.

So yeah, you have to do your research but it's also kind of analyzing the "hype potential" of a coin. This includes the name of the coin, the team behind it, the logo design, etc. Ultimately ask yourself if this is a coin that looks like it'll moon? Surprisingly you'll know the answer more often than not.

Here's a horror story. I woke up in the middle of the night once for no reason and decided to check biz in bed. MCO was getting shilled like CRAZY with the visa thing and I literally thought it was some kind of sign from god or some shit to buy MCO. I bought 80k worth and lost over 40k in the next following few days. It was been my worst loss to date. So yeah... don't do that.

>> No.4019144

I don't know anything about airswap. Might look into it, what do you think? I usually do heavy research, invest then chill for a bit. Crypto can be maddening if you don't take breaks and live your life.

I hear you. When I fucked my first few escorts I literally panicked for months and have now read almost everything on STDs there is to read on the internet.

With my second hooker the condom broke inside of her for a second before we put a new one on and I literally thought I could get aids. I waited 3 months and got the test and was shaking... didn't get it of course, but yeah it causes panic.

Now? Just be safe and look over the girl. Go with Asians or high end whites. Never blacks or hispanics.. NEVER blacks, also don't fuck escorts who will sleep with blacks either. And don't eat hooker pussy ever, I don't understand how this is not immediately obvious to everyone, but some people like doing it I guess.

>> No.4019146
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Ik neem aan dat je mij wilt helpen
hier is mijn adres


Alvast bedankt, Godspoed !

>> No.4019155

Only one question. How long do you had a coins if it isn't mooning but keeps stable? Like neo for example, it's pretty stable in dollar value and I'm sure it will triple, altleast. But I also could sell and gamble with other coins and try to jump in when it starts

>> No.4019204

I always keep between 100-150k in BTC ready to jump on opportunities. I built up to that though, and I've never dropped it all at once one something (usually do 50k bets but two or three different coins). You have to build up to that obviously though. Started with 10k as my gambling amount, and steadily increased as I kept reaping in gains.

I'm not a cold hearted calculating machine, so I'll actually keep coins for longer than I should sometimes because I feel attachment to coins that moon'd for me, but that's really not the way to go and recently I've just been dumping bags and never looking back. Neo and OMG are solid long term olds I think. About 40% of my portfolio is in coins I won't really touch even if they go down a lot, 30% are ones I might switch around but generally hold, and 30% is for wild shit coin gambling which is the most fun and lucrative, but painful too.

>> No.4019219

When did you get into crypto? How long did it take to go from 55k to 800k? Were most of your gains from a particular investment or pretty well distributed among different coins?

>> No.4019266

I personally think AirSwap has potential since it's backed by Novogratz, Lubin & ConsenSys. But eh who am I to say? I'm a cryptonoob, that's why I asked for your opinion kek.

I've read everything about STDs too. That's why I keep having second thoughts on fucking escorts, 'cause if you ever catch STDs, they can never be cured 100% right?

Nah I'm not into blacks at all. But hey thanks for the tips! I guess it's about selecting the right escorts then.

>> No.4019277

Late april. XRP and DGB put me into the 600k range... but I only sold half my DGB around 2000 sats so I lost a lot. You might know me as fistnigger. I was on here shilling like CRAZY.

>> No.4019281

you don't have 50$ in your wallet let alone bank account get mental help

>> No.4019289


$1200 for a 15 min bj


>> No.4019325

Yeah those were my early days.

At the same time I don't really mind it. I view crypto gains as an incredible blessing, and it kind of makes me happy to share it with people. That hooker probably walked away thinking that was the easiest/fastest 1200 she ever made, and was probably very happy. I don't have a problem with that.

I'd definitely have a problem with it if I didn't have these gains, but when you have you should give I suppose?

>> No.4019328

It's funny you sound like myself and we could be best friend's, or no friends at all cause of that reason. No homo.
I bet you have tendencies for add and/or asperger.

>> No.4019377

no you're pissing it away.

for 1200, you could wine and dine, buy some flowers and a nice necklace and bag a wife who will give you good BJ's for life

>> No.4019417

He want to have fun and experience and wait for the right woman, instead forcefully search for her. he is doing everything right. The real wife give you bj without buying her stuff, otherwise it's a litewhore.
Continue anon and never make a woman pregnant if you didn't date her for some year's.

>> No.4019447

There are many ways to look at things. One could argue that my detachment from money is why I'm able to take risks that make me huge gains.

I honestly feel a bit uncomfortable with the amount I've made from crypto. I have friends who are surgeons and lawyers working 90+ hours a week and I've made in 6 months what they will make in 4-5 years

>> No.4019517

don't worry mate, theres more on this board (myself included) who are in your situation.

I guess I'm just not as largesse as you, but I'm still frugal and watch closely where my money is going, even though I'm now 1.5 million, came from around $10k (started in 2012 though)

good luck anon, I dunno where this market is going but I don't think I could spend 0.3 btc on an escort for an hour, even if she was a 10.

my main gains were btc, ltc, eth, dash, neo and iota

>> No.4019529

What exchange did you buy your coins from? do you use hardware wallet? how much BTC do you have now? will you ever cash it all out?

>> No.4019536

here I am sitting still not have made it up to 1 BTC FEELSBADMAN

>> No.4019699

Good luck, you're doing it the smart way. People like you become very wealthy.

Bought many off localbitcoins and coinbase. Have about 35 BTC at the moment in anticipation for gold (which will be worthless I'm sure, but just incase). I will always leave at least 30% invested unless something catastrophic comes along. Right now I just took out a nice little chuck for safety and will take out around 15k (the coinbase limit right now) whenever I feel like it or have made some crazy gains.

When you don't have much go for the elusive 10x. might lose 50-80% but if you don't you'll be ready to play ball when the actual opportunities come.

>> No.4019776

checked, nice! what about hardware wallets? which ones do you use?

>> No.4019898

well my first decisions have been quite good but my amount invested just fucked it up.. I started in NEO, traded a few till i got 100 euro. Decided to buy 100 vtc with it and sold at 400 euro. Did some XLM day trading and I'm at like 500 eu right now.. the feeling just sucks knowing that if I had more money to invest it could've hit maybe 10k already -_-

>> No.4019909

Anon, I have about 400k LINK, 134k REQ, 75k ICON, 10k ENG, 20 ETH, 10 BTC, 1k BNT, 1k KNC, put a decent chunk of ETH in Jibrel presale, and a little bit of $ in a handful of other shitcoins that aren't worth mentioning. I feel like I'm getting close but I'M NOT QUITE THERE YET AND I NEED SOMETHING TO MOON REEEEEEEEEE

Am I gonna make it?