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File: 32 KB, 630x603, 1493228735803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4014726 No.4014726 [Reply] [Original]

Someone took 4000 OMG from my MEW address....what the fuck? I just logged in today and it says I have 0, and there's an address which says received the tokens which is not mine.

What the fuck can i do?

>> No.4014730

Post tx?

>> No.4014739

damn. might got hacked.

>> No.4014750
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Having that amount of crypto and not using a ledger

>> No.4014763

call support
+49 221 43465 6453

ask for Adolf. he is the project lead.

>> No.4014796

FUCK. I moved half my stash there after all the crap about Bittrex being shady. They're fucking forever lost aren't they?

Fucking christ.

>> No.4014808

Is this legit? Pls don't fuck with me. If I get these coins back, I promise to give out 500. I am not bullshitting. I will give 500OMG to whoever can help me get them back.

>> No.4014839

Did you post your private key by accident?

>> No.4014844

Absolutely not. I have it stored in my computer, though.

>> No.4014853

Post proof of the tx

>> No.4014861

Actually, I went onto the OMG website to see if I could be a aprt of the airdrop, and they asked me for private keys, but for fuck's sake, it was a legit OMG website linked from their twitter account.

>> No.4014869

Where did you keep your private key?

Was it encrypted?

How many times you logged in?

What device did you use?

>> No.4014876

Good job falling for that scam

>> No.4014879


You actually gave away your private keys

>> No.4014880

a moment of silence for the fallen one...

>> No.4014884

Is it bait no?

>> No.4014890


>> No.4014894

Also that twitter account is fake.

You will never see those OMG again.

>> No.4014895

You got phished.

>> No.4014897
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I am sorry anon....

>> No.4014901

Protip: bookmark the real MEW site so you don't get fooled by shit like myehterwallet or myetherawllet or myetherwallét and lose all your crypto logging into a fake

>> No.4014911

It could be, but it could just as easily be real. People do fall for this shit, that's why the scammers do it.

>> No.4014912

So the official OMG twitter account got hacked and they linked me to a scam website?

>> No.4014914

you got phished nigger

MEW isn't safe if you use it on your everyday computer you use for browsing the internet, especially if you visit sketchy websites or download weird shit. They hijack your private key, you're fucking donezo kid. Sucks but take it as an expensive life lesson and move on. Buy a hardware wallet like Ledger Nano S next time or stay poor

>> No.4014916


>> No.4014918

Or a better protip: save the address offline and use it offline. Bookmarks can be easily changed with a script

>> No.4014925

Can anyone tell me how to access my MEW when I have to transfer coisn.Do i copy private key everytime?

>> No.4014931

No you obviously fell for a fake account

>> No.4014933

>The offical OMG twitter got hacked but only your coins were stolen.

>You fell for a fake OMG twitter with a phishing link like a stupid nigger

What do you honestly think happened op?

>> No.4014934

Its nit the official account. Its a fake you stupid motherfucker its been top post in omg reddit for 2 months

>> No.4014935

whoops lol, posted before I saw you gave away your priv keys to get in on the fake airdrop

I guess you got an airlift instead of an airdrop, let me know if you want to send me the rest of your shit to save time instead of just losing it later

>> No.4014942


Guys....It's OMG I accumulated this month from XLM and ZEN gains, but this is fucked up.

>> No.4014944

This. If you were looking at their official Twitter, you'd see all the warnings about that scam.

>> No.4014949

Where did you store your private key?

>> No.4014969
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It's just internet money anyway

>> No.4014971

>mfw it's real
Holy kek lost fucking hard. Great bread.

>> No.4014973

Honestly if you are this stupid you dont deserve to get rich

>> No.4014987

Good to know you're actually a genuine retard for falling for that kind of scam

>> No.4014992


Links to website or didnt happen

>> No.4015022
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>> No.4015023
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Learn from me biz.

>> No.4015024




let me guess your american?

>> No.4015036

this is why i refuse to use MEW.

>> No.4015038
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>falls for scam
>sends private keys

Why you retarded m8?
Got dropped from the table as a kid?

>> No.4015043

Yes. What if you send someone your private key? xD

>> No.4015045
File: 7 KB, 252x236, 1263168646399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered what kind of retarded person would fall for these fake airdrop scams on twitter.
Now I know.

>> No.4015049


nevermind, hory sheet


>> No.4015054

Yes. Better to give your earnings to an exchange if too dumb to not give away your private key.

>> No.4015066

>this thread


>> No.4015073

*Throws wallet into sea of lava*
"This is why i refuse to use leather wallets."

>> No.4015086

The old "there are people on /biz/ right now who [insert stupud thing]" meme is completely true. Right now, someone lurking this thread is wondering how they can get in on this airdrop.

>> No.4015105
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You make me feel better than I lost $30k (over half my portfolio in 1 week) by holding alt coins

Because atleast I didn't lose my money by being this retarded

>> No.4015113

Remember people. There are retards like this shilling coins here.

Just remember it.

>> No.4015133

Did you follow a link from biz? I did once and all my link are still gone wtg

>> No.4015135


Op I feel for you.
But honestly you are retarded, and you also stated that you have your private key stored on your computer.

This to me is just asking to get robbed.

Hope you learned your lesson.

>> No.4015137

How did you get those 4000 omg?

>> No.4015151

MEW isn't the problem. Is actually neat. But this fucktard giving his private key? He has more problems beyond which wallet to store his shit.

>> No.4015155

Bittrex has been fine for me so far.
They have some reputation regarding forcing BTC price inflation I think but never heard of someone saying they stole their funds.

>> No.4015158
File: 77 KB, 300x188, mfw (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell lol

>> No.4015159


>> No.4015162

Was that all your crypto OP?

>> No.4015184

sold 1/5th of of my total OMG holdings and played with it for a month. Sent juicy gains to MEW, then summoned up immense powers of retardation from the depths, and here we are.

>> No.4015200

Did you even read my question?

>> No.4015201

You can store it on your computer IF its well encypted.

>> No.4015205

Post the Twitter account. We can report that way. Won't do anything for you but maybe we can prevent more people falling for this.

>> No.4015206

No, but it was a month of work wasted.

If I give you guys my private keys, can anyone get my funds back?

>> No.4015214

The account's already been shut down.

>> No.4015222

Much better to store your shit on an exchange, yes.

Are you seriously blaming the end user's retardation on the service?

>> No.4015224

If you give me the private keys to your remaining 4/5th OMG stack I can help you


>> No.4015228

rest in peace

>> No.4015239

Well sounds like you have the skills to rebuild that stack.
30k in a month paint me impressed.

Your private key doesnt do shit.
You should give us the private key of the scammer.
But I would bet he he's not as sloppy with his money.

>> No.4015248

wow one guy had his account cleaned out of $100K

>> No.4015261

Think I've found it

Legit one https://twitter.com/omise_go

Legit site https://omg.omise.co/

Holy fucking kek.

>> No.4015278

Next time write it down with pen and paper!

>> No.4015284

Literal runescape trimming armor tier stupidity.

>> No.4015290
File: 82 KB, 1015x628, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top lel how can people fall for this

>> No.4015291

Holy shit, stop holding your private keys on your computer, stop clicking every single link that promises you free shit, stop watching porn on your crypto wallets.

>> No.4015297

There's something off here.
How the fuck someone who makes 28000/month off of crypto gives away his private key.
That transaction you posted is just you transferring your funds to your other wallet and you're trolling everyone here.
Also you're way too relaxed for someone who just "lost" 28000 usd.
Nice bait btw you got everyone it seems.

>> No.4015301

still wouldn't prevent phishing scams

>> No.4015303

How are you able to post on 4chan

>> No.4015312
File: 78 KB, 185x185, Potatoman-OW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, for sucks sake

did you not just learn anything from this experience?

>> No.4015321

Hey anon, I know the people behind the airdrop, just give me the 500 omg bounty and I'll tell them you send you your funds back, just give me your address so I know who to send your tokens back to.


Here's my address

>> No.4015327

He's trolling see >>4015297

>> No.4015350

This isn't a MEW issue. This is a psychological issue. Even if he had the best secured wallet, he'd still lose it.

>> No.4015398

Yep but I'm sure people involved on this world wouldn't never fall on this kind of scam

Nah, you are too calmed to have lost ~29k USD. Maybe you only moved your coins from a address to another.

>> No.4015417

It went to the know scam address anon.
its real.

>> No.4015447

it's not him trolling, the address he posted is a known scam address, go look at the comments posted above, lots of people have fallen for this OMG airdrop shit

this nigger got fucken wrecked

>> No.4015474

He stole the link from one of those reddit posts.
No way in hell someone who can make 28000 a month on crypto falls for this trick. Stop getting baited.

>> No.4015475

I'm sitting in a cafe laughing at myself. How am I supposed to react? It was my fault, ultimately.

Been here for over a decade.

Contacted OMG on twitter and the MEW support team. Will post their responses when/if they come for some lols at my expense.

>> No.4015490

You're trolling and all this never happened but I will entertain your larp and ask you as if you were some succesfulll cryptotrader: Tell me what coins should I buy on this dip?

>> No.4015497

OP, do you really want to ignore me when I can literally get you your tokens back since I know the guys behind the airdrop? Well that's your choice.

>> No.4015502

You retards DO realize omisego was only half a dollar some months ago right? Op probably only spent $2k at the time and HODL till getting phished.

>> No.4015505


no use contacting them

its too late now, take it as a lesson

no way your getting back your token

>> No.4015506

well whats the next one that's going to go casual 20x? i want to buy the next OMG

>> No.4015520

He isn't even asking for any free omg so it isn't bait. Also you're making the mistake of thinking someone that can make 28k is some kind of super genius. He's probably just a normal, mildly autistic fella who has good trading strategies. Anyone with a triple digit iq can do it if you apply yourself.

>> No.4015538



Learned. You'll still make it, don't worry.

>> No.4015544

>implying losing OMG is a bad thing
They did you a favour. Rather than watching it decay to 0 over months you can get on with your life and buy some coins that have actual developers working on them rather than a social media viral marketing team.

>> No.4015559

I run a PnD telegram group. What can you offer me so that I'll let you become an insider?

>> No.4015565


This is bait, right?

>> No.4015569


check out his wallet, he bought from bittrex couple of weeks ago.

>> No.4015729

Well, I have a nice stack of OMG (5k) and ARK (8k), and a bit of REQ (30k) and TRX (1m), and I'm thinking of buying some SLR, XLM, and maybe NEO and ZEN. I don't think it's a bad idea to put in some low buy orders for whatever it is you're looking at a few hours before the hard fork. If they fill, good. If not, then you at least get some free gold.

I started with 3k back in december of last year lols so maybe that's why I'm not too upset.

>just a normal, mildly autistic fella who has good trading strategies.
I honestly just follow some people on twitter, browse biz religiously for hype, and use the fib retracement, take note of volume, meme lines, use stop loss, etc., to make decisions for quick hourly maneuvers.

>> No.4015755

Holy shit... How could you fall for that scam. And why do you have over $1000 worth of crypto and don't use a hardware wallet. Get one now

>> No.4015790
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>> No.4015999

so you made with 3k 30k or you made with 3k 150k?

>> No.4016085

If you give me $1k worth anything I'll give you 40k when I have 100k
Not begging, just an offer

>> No.4016144

he just lost 28k, so i guess 150

>> No.4016154
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>and they asked me for private keys

>> No.4016163

that's what you get for not running a real wallet

>> No.4016174

Literally the only way you can do is to track down his transactions and try to find if it leads to any exchange that requires ID. This is a start.

Next thing you can do is to contact the proper authorities and with their help ask for the dude's info. That is of course, if he did not hide his trace, which is very unlikely but who knows.

Then you start threatening the dude with legal actions and if he does not respond/care, you take the actions.

It will be a long and painful process as well as unlikely to succeed, but this is literally all you can do.

>> No.4016188

teach me how to turn 30k into 300k and ill give you 25% of the profits

>> No.4016210

I don't understand how someone can be intelligent enough to set up a mew and find icos to invest in, but simultaneously stupid enough to fall for obvious scams and give away their private keys

>> No.4016302

Never underestimate the ability of normies to somehow stumble into things that are way beyond their capabilities.

>> No.4016498

Are fucking retarded

>> No.4017201

>Note: It is safe.

>> No.4017295
File: 74 KB, 640x427, whoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter account banner image
>”unbank the banked....with ethereum”

Sweet baby jesus kek on a stick.

It honestly blows my damn mind seeing some of these scams and how easily they get retards to part with their coins. I have thought to myself on FAR too many occasions than I care to admit how simple it’d be to set one of these up myself and have almost literally guaranteed thousands of dollars in profit with almost no effort.

The ONLY thing holding me back is my morals. This may be seen as a larp but I just couldn’t bring myself to stoop that low, idk, maybe I’m just a turbofaggot, but in my mind the potential bad karma for doing something so recklessly easy is just too much.

But damn. Dude. Damn

>> No.4017479

cunt just sscammed 30k with a shit twitter dude

>> No.4017733
File: 64 KB, 658x529, metamask_phishing_protection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice... didn't even remember I still had Metamask installed from the ZRX ICO, but thanks for protecting me, I guess...

>> No.4017983

This man deserves every single ether from these retards. Just amazing

>> No.4018080

Guys, you gotta appreciate the genius of this scam.
This guy literally set up a fake OMG twitter and blog, retweeted crypto feel-good bullshit and news for over a month and then dropped the airdrop link. Imo he deserves all of this.

>> No.4018144

now imagine the boomers bitching
>hurr durr I cannot be a dumbass anymore with this crypto stuff, gib me my fiat back, mr bank will never leave me in such situtation

>> No.4018197

exactly - normies are never going to crypto with basic scams like this

>> No.4018315

Op is the reason why we won't go mainstream for years to come and give us time to accumulate.
Everyone that is not retarded as OP and lurks biz will eventually make it or at least be better off than all the Normans out there.
We as a group seriously underestimate the level of digital illiteracy on the general population and specifically on women. Norman's that step into this will get raped and we will profit from it.
I love it

>> No.4018400

Let's make a deal. You set this shit up and I'll pull the trigger. Your karma stays clean and I'll get 30% of the profits.

>> No.4019073

Nice job nigger

>> No.4020301


Can I do anything with this?

>> No.4020476

bruh legit site asking for private keys.. Keep strong tho OP, you'll make it

>> No.4020548


>> No.4020597
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>i refuse to use a safe because i will just straight up tell people the code for it


>> No.4020607
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This. I just sort of stumbled into here back in June and then into crypto. Now I can't seem to leave. I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.4020638

Mew is just a node for your address. They don't store your keys. You can only get hacked by losing your keys to a phishing attack or getting your computer compromised.

>> No.4020657

I'm gonna pretend this is just LARP

>> No.4020712

>He just got scammed out of 30k
Lmao, how do stupid people manage to make that much money anyways?

>> No.4020757

You fell for a scam twitter you brainlet.

I really feel bad for you but you should know better than to give anyone your private key.

>> No.4020793

Luck. He probably only invested 2k due to shilling when OMG was worth pennies.

>> No.4020831

lol I know...How is it that I made so much money? How come you haven't and you knew about all this stuff haha

>> No.4020841


>> No.4020853
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Op I lost 20 ETH + 20k LINK to this a weeks ago, don't go too far down the depression rabbit hole it's just not worth it, breath and always do your best to remain present / constructive future thinking.

I know the pain, the pain will make you a better person.

>> No.4020873

lol I remember that scam

But seriously, it's called a private key for a reason.

>> No.4020891

I'm a poorfag lol. I only have like 0.13 BTC.
Got a job recently so I will start buying link and req

>> No.4020896

Im under the impression that smart people are in the struggle of making money but the dumb people already gain money from parents/early investiments or w.e

That isnt always the case tho

>> No.4020897

>having 100k in cryptos
>not spending 100 on a ledger

I mean guys seriously, im jewish but my first thing when I got into cryptos in august, buying 10eth for 3700usd was to additionally order a ledger too.

>> No.4020926

y-you too. i take some comfort in seeing all these smart bizrealis that have mastered the blockchain but can't make a penny trading.


>> No.4020989

Someone in the comments lost a $100k to this scammer (308 eth). Apparently he bought eth at $10 back in the day. Fucking idiot.


You can see the eth and tokens pulled out 4 days ago.

>> No.4020995

I hear you my jewish friend, but what's done is done. Offer still stands for 500omg to whoever can track this guy down to an exchange that requires id and get me my stash back.

>> No.4021011


Most here are 0.01 BTC babby bois pretending to be the reincarnation of Satoshi.

No need to worry bro, hopefully next year the alt cycle will be a hot one, heaps of time to accumulate.

>> No.4021041

In encryption you can have a password A. And then hash it so other people see B.

A is a bitcoin address that you can withdraw money from.
B is a bitcoin address that people can deposit money to, but not withdraw from.
You can also make variations of B.
B1, B2, B3, B4 so you can make an unlimited amount of addresses which are all derived from A.

That's sort of how it works. Simple asymmetric cryptography.
A decodes. B encodes. A is private. B is public.

>> No.4021065


Using a hardware wallet is irrelevant if he publishes his private keys like a fucking idiot. It's like buying a good quality safe, then give the keys to a random person...

>> No.4021074

At least, that's how I imagine it works. I never bothered to look it up. But the same concept is used for encrypting email.

>> No.4021140

What I said was actually technically wrong, as both A and B are keys to the same data. A decodes and B encodes. But you get the idea.

>> No.4021513

How do people still not get this stuff? Never give your passwords to anybody at all. Private keys are the same thing. Nobody else needs them for any reason. Christ, I knew this before I was ten years old.

>> No.4022068

I already told you I know who it is, but you're not giving the omg so fuck off, 'tard.

>> No.4022089
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>giving out a private key to anyone ever, for just any reason at all

You can always tell when someone's first crypto wasn't bitcoin.

>> No.4022140

Nigga I will give you 1000 omg and you should not doubt that for a second you can get it done, but i'm not about to give you 500 omg for nothing.

If I open up my mew account and I see the 4000 in it, I'll fucking give you 1500.

>> No.4022208

Ether does need a better wallet though. Honestly the selection is pretty pitiful.

>> No.4022322

I thought so, you shameless faggot