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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 400x400, rncc5OWi_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4007977 No.4007977 [Reply] [Original]

The money skeleton LITERALLY believes in requiring you to sell your home to anyone willing to pay market price because muh """efficiency"""


Harberger tax thread.
>people are taxed on their own personal valuation of their home
>They are REQUIRED to sell their home to anyone willing to pay their valuation price
>this goes for other assets: intellectual property, mining rights, etc

>> No.4007994

Well he's 12 what did you expect? He'll learn in time.

>> No.4008005
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>> No.4008028


>> No.4008034

Two jew economists. Why am I not surprised?

>> No.4008049
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>> No.4008053
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Vitalik confirmed for Liebnecht-tier commie Jew

>> No.4008070

That actually makes sense. The buy-out price of most people's houses would be way above their traditional market value though when you start taking all the effort it takes to move into a new house and sentimental attachment into account though.

>> No.4008073
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>lower property values
>remove the choice to keep your rightfully owned possessions
>all ok because poor renters can get evicted if they fail to pay for something they don't own

>> No.4008077

turbo autist mode

>> No.4008080

You missed the "They pay taxes at the price they valued it at" part

>> No.4008088

The good old United Fruit Company scheme. Have some land in a banana republic, declare a ridiculously low value for tax reasons, once the government wants to buy it from you ask for way more money, but if they want to tax you for that amount claim they're communists and ask the military to topple the democratically elected government and install a some puppet.

>> No.4008164
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this is like not watching Tom Cruise movies because he's a scientologist: separate the person from the thing.

>> No.4008209

Kek, you indulge in kike media? No wonder you're fine with this.

>> No.4008217

Cool idea...
Let's put it to us on coins as well... pay taxes at whatever rate you think they are worth and if someone wants to buy them at that rate then Vitalik is forced under threat of arrest to sell.

I mean, hey Vitalik, renters already experience this sort of uncertainty. Right?

>> No.4008228

this should apply to roasties

>> No.4008243

bittorrent. i'm not fine with wage slavery.

>> No.4008297

Also from Eric Posner


>> No.4008361
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>income tax based on self evaluated salary
>you have to work for anyone doing anything as long as they pay your price

>> No.4008371

Freedom=\=being forced to sell your family home to the first bourgie kike that offers shekels your way.

>> No.4008376


I think the law should state that everyone is forced to sell their house and move at least once every 5 years.

This would make people be more practical about where they live, how much home they really need, and not waste money on stupid useless expensive shit just to try to impress other people (or to fill a hole in their mental anguish).

It also would help get people out of the "my home is a special snowflake" mindset, and treat it as just a place to live while they function in society.

>> No.4008386

>>you have to work for anyone doing anything as long as they pay your price

I'm on board with this.

>> No.4008387


>> No.4008394

Where do people like this congregate?

>> No.4008409


What do you mean?

>> No.4008433

Where the fuck does this kind of autism breed?

>> No.4008456
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>congratulations, we've found an employer matching your criteria!

>> No.4008471

Haha you sound mad. Never had a happy home?

>> No.4008475

Lol tell that to all the cucks in Manhattan. Their brains might explode.

>> No.4008504

I think it literally might be Vitalik posting.

>> No.4008505
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Wait isn't this what the Jews did to the Germans after World War 1 when they tried to buy up all of Germany when the inflation killed the Mark?

>> No.4008527

wow he is extremely autistic, maybe he browses /biz/

>> No.4008529

This actually isn't a bad idea, but isn't practical.
Public accounts of personal wealth would certainly make people more honest.

>> No.4008536

>"interesting article"
>dude money skeleton agrees with that article

learn to reading comprehension fag

>> No.4008548

He used a picture of Pepe when he was presenting ETH in South Korea, he definitely browses /biz/

>> No.4008553

Why don't you read the replies thread you retarded faggot

>> No.4008558

>once the government wants to buy it from you
Only a retarded commie like yourself wouldn't see that the problem begins here.

>> No.4008638

No one had refuted this.

>> No.4008651

>April 11 2013

>> No.4008671
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It's called being able to not just accept what everyone else does as being fact or the way things are.

That is hard for a lot of people to do, because they fear being ostracized for not conforming to their peers' belief system.

And when their peers' belief belief system eventually backfires, it always does over a long enough period of time, then they all cry that nobody told them what to do.

I've seen this shit happen countless times to normies like you guys. The cycle never ends. You guys will just keep repeating it and never know why things stay the same.

>> No.4008687

>incoherent "just think about it man" reply
You seem a little upset

>> No.4008712

this whole "we need to combat materialism" mindset is fucking cancer. people like their own property and dislike people touching their shit. ffs even people back in the fucking stone age were buried with their belongings when they died so cave kikes couldn't get their greasy mitts on them.
freedom means the right to own property. if you don't believe in private property you don't believe in freedom and i hope you get thrown out of a helicopter real soon.

>> No.4008726

Vitalik is a robot. It is only natural that he thinks like a robot. Humans are just resources which need to be optimized and manipulated to produce the maximal economic output possible.

>> No.4008740

>majority of /biz/ getting scammed into actually trusting a russian
ayy lmao

>> No.4008746


Private property is unnecessary. It's an unneeded luxury.

>> No.4008766

Thanks for the just-so story friend.

>> No.4008770

I think it'd be cool if we payed taxes to a government that could be trusted to not fuck us over with our own tax money

>> No.4008786

Nah, its called being a fucking engineering edgelord autismonaut. See google memo guy for reference. Shits not cute, shits not unique in any way. This kind of retarded "we'll solve it through reasoning and numbers" policy making always leads to really bad outcomes. Dude should just stick to what he does best and stay out of this stuff. Humanities and autists don't mix well.

>> No.4008794

what you're actually saying is that you're a supreme being of monumental intellect and moral fiber and if YOU were in control we wouldn't descend into the gommie death pits that always happen when retarded autists like yourself think we can override thousands of years of what works with what sounds good
sort yourself out bucko

>> No.4008796

Are you from /leftypol/?

>> No.4008802

Doesn't matter.

>> No.4008856

Kinda does when his predictions were so wrong and based on bad assumptions. For example
>Felix Salmon and many others have pointed out that a currency cannot succeed with a supply that is fixed, or if it grows too slowly. A currency is used to enter transactions; the more transactions there are, the more of the money you need. As the economy grows, a fixed-supply currency becomes worth more in terms of goods and services, and people begin to hoard it—expecting that if they wait a little longer, they will be able to buy more. Once hoarding takes over, circulation ends, and with it the function of the currency. Hoarding accounts for the large increase in the value of bitcoins; hoarding also sank Krugman’s baby-sitting scrip.
This completely ignores the nigh-infinite divisibility of the Bitcoin. Unless we get to a point where 1 satoshi = 1 million dollars, this is literally a non-issue.

>> No.4008875

>An even more fundamental problem with bitcoins, and indeed any private currency, is that there is no way to limit its supply. True, bitcoins cannot be manufactured beyond the limits set by Nakamoto. But there is no way to prevent future Nakamotos from creating bitcoin substitutes—say, bytecoin, or botcoin. If merchants are willing to accept bitcoins, they will be willing to accept the substitutes, especially as bitcoins become scarce and consumers scramble for substitutes. Nakamoto must have realized this because there are not enough bitcoins to substitute for the currencies around the world. The currency can only succeed if it is expanded or supplemented. But if there are no constraints on substitute digital currencies—and there aren’t—then the value of bitcoins will plummet as the subs begin to circulate. And once it becomes clear that there is no limit, people will realize that their holdings could become worthless at any moment, and demand for bitcoins and the other currencies will collapse, ending the experiment.
This is also wrong, as proven by Bitcoin Cash. You can outright duplicate the public ledger, but the fork is not valued nearly as much because people know it lacks the inherent value of BTC. Merchants don't accept every shitcoin in existence, they accept Bitcoin and sometimes a few other niche coins. It's amazing that such a (((brilliant economist))) would make such an assumption; when companies accept US fiat, does that mean they accept Zimbabwean dollars too?

>> No.4008886

>Yet history shows that private currencies always end in tears; if central banks sometimes abuse the trust we place in them, the alternatives are worse. The strangest feature of the bitcoin saga is that people who are so suspicious of government put their trust in Satoshi Nakamoto, who could be anyone, or anyones—eccentric academic researchers, mischievous Fed economists, DARPA, U.N. globalizers in black helicopters, a criminal syndicate, a bored 11-year-old Ukrainian genius. If Nakamoto is as amoral as he is ingenious, then he pocketed the early bitcoins and laughed himself to the bank.
And here he ignores the public ledger and open source nature of BTC.

It's a dumb uninformed article written by a typical kike that thinks he knows everything.

>> No.4008906

I unironically want to pull out of ETH now. fuck this commie kike khv beta kike robot bitch, i'm putting it all in monero instead

>> No.4008924

This is the perfect robot autist approach.
Economically efficient, morally unconscionable.
Disregard all human qualities other than capacity for labour.
This just proves he is exactly what he looks like.

>> No.4008941

Vitalik is an autist retard and Ethereum is going to die out because it cannot scale.

Make way for LISK and Asch.

Fuck commie jews.

>> No.4008984


What do you expect dude, this guy looks like an actual fucking holocaust victim niggerjew. Why are you surprised his beliefs also reflect that?

>> No.4009028

>a jew is a communist

>> No.4009035

i don't think being highly divisible addresses that, but then again I don't agree with the point in the first place.

>> No.4009065


i was hoping he'd be one of those turbo nerds that's so into the tech they dont give a shit about politics or economics... i shouldve known he'd be a commie jew

what coins have based devs that are the polar opposite of this?

>> No.4009066

WTF I hate Vitalik now

>> No.4009079

How doesn't it? He's saying that with a fixed supply, 21 million BTC max, the anti-inflationary properties cause runaway hoarding. As hoarding continues, liquidity drops and therefore it loses its value as a currency, assuming it was indivisible, as was Krugman's example of that baby-sitting scrip. If I have a $6000 bitcoin which isn't divisible, I am only going to spend it on things that are multiples of $6000. Since it is divisible down to the nearest twentieth of a cent, however, there is no such problem, as long as there are always people willing to spend it and merchants willing to accept it.

>> No.4009080

Ownership of your corpus is unnecessary, it's an unneeded luxury.

>> No.4009087


Dude don't argue with communists, kill them instead, and do it quickly and effectively.

>> No.4009089

>Vitalik is an autist retard
He is pretending he is a fair individual driven by principles that help the everyday man. Just like all billionaire jews do.

>> No.4009098

Dude, there's can only be 2100000000000000 satoshis in existence.
That's just two millions billions.
Humanity would need to, after genociding the jews niggers women and others subhumans making extraterrestrial colonisation impossible, own merely one or two hundreds thousands earth-sized planet to have that many people.
And that's ignoring orbital habitat, moon colonies, asteroid belt suburbs, gas giant floating cities and living space is blown out of the water if we become a machine species.

In one or two thousands years, one satoshi could probably let you buy a planet, maybe a whole star system.

>> No.4009101
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I may be naive, but everyone is redeemable IMO

>> No.4009106

Please stop being a racist antisemite, this is a politically correct board.

>> No.4009112

>comparing getting kicked out for not paying rent to getting kicked out of a place you OWN
You should be forced to sell your ETH to an authoritarian entity at market price every 5 days, anything else is Nazi t. Vitalik

>> No.4009123

Behaviour is 100% genetic, redemption is impossible.
As long as the reality of genetics is not integrated into our political system, Humanity is doomed to fall to subhumanity.

>> No.4009127


Nope. If you are over the age of say 21, or maybe 25 if you are very, very generous, and you are a communist, you deserve to be killed.

Fuck jews are fucking cancer, I really think I might hate them more than muslims. If it weren't for jews kebabs would just be kebabbing and fucking goats in their own lands instead of being imported into the west.

>> No.4009132

>Behaviour is 100% genetic, redemption is impossible

No-one can be this retarded considering the massive body of evidence that this isn’t true

>> No.4009136

What if I want to be humble and only buy a Lamborghini? Or will those be replaced by self-driving cars operated by a 5G meme network?

>> No.4009149

The problem is that commies think they are doing the right thing and nothing can convince them otherwise.
That's right, people who follow an ideology that has killed 100 MILLION poor starving people believe they are actually helping out the common man. But of course, "real" communism has "never been tried" so we will continue to replicate the mistakes of our past.
It's a mind parasite, and to kill the parasite you have to eliminate the host.

>> No.4009155

It's important to remember that these macroeconomist Jews aren't even commies, they're neoliberal globalists and corporatists that believe in free trade when it benefits them, and extreme government regulation when it benefits them. This makes them even more insidious; at least commies are easier to take down.
It's probably closer to 50% genetic, 50% upbringing.

>> No.4009164

Our genes are strings that can be plucked to produce vibration. Epigenetic phenomena exists, anon. Some are fit to serve as the basis of an orchestra, others need to be restrung.

>> No.4009184
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I wasn't full 1488 until I was 27

>> No.4009200


Do you think you could be an anomaly?

>> No.4009205

Behavioural science is a minefield and career-ending due to jews and traitors like you making it so.
The few papers that come out all plainly state that genetics directly, 100% causes behaviour.

The nature vs nurture debate is completely made-up, there is no debate, only jew and traitors crying about racism, and scientists keeping their mouth shut to not lose the jew-controled grant money of the jew-controlled governments.

Epigenetics are 100% genetic, what are you smoking m8

>> No.4009209
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>> No.4009223

The jewish soul is an ugly, depraved one.
All nations controlled by the jews get reshaped into the jewish soul, from summeria to rome to modern western civilisation.

>> No.4009224


>Government Is Only Another Word For Monopoly
Fixed it.

>> No.4009226
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>> No.4009238

>The nature vs nurture debate is completely made-up, there is no debate, only jew and traitors crying about racism, and scientists keeping their mouth shut to not lose the jew-controled grant money of the jew-controlled governments.
If this is true, then I assume you think there's nothing wrong with the promotion of degeneracy? After all, only those genetically predisposed to it will fall victim.

>> No.4009244
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Mmm maybe..

I think more people are waking up. I think (((they))) are making bigger, bolder, and stupider moves every day, and more people are realizing and resisting.

>> No.4009251

He made a comment about /biz/ in one of the ethereum foundations live stream. As soon as he did the guy leading the stream switches subjects lmao

>> No.4009254
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>> No.4009263

ya MY politically correct. Which aknowledges jewish organized white collar crime operating under the fraudulent pretense of being chosen. So in the NEW ERA antisemitism is wise, and jews ARE aknowledged as a crime group and not a religion. Antisemitism is recognized as politically correct and Jews are to be exterminated for crimes against all humans. Your out of date version of politically correct stupidity has been officially invalidated. Jews ARE criminals. The jews HAVE been caught. It IS OVER for the jewish banking finance and media apartheid system. Join humanity in the reformation of earth and elimination of jews or DIE

>> No.4009270
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It is 100% true, and i 100% agree with you, letting the degenerates cull themselves is the greatest thing, and should be encouraged. Let drugs be completely legal, with permanent sterilising agents mixed in ! Let permanent sterilisation procedures be state-sponsored ! Let abortion be payed for !

The thing is, degenerates are not content destroying themselves, and their own bloodline.
They keep voting for any jew-puppet promising open borders.
We CANNOT let degenerates lives, we cannot afford it. Degenerates are an existential threat to Humanity, as they are the greatest tool of the jews since time immemorial ( did generate destroyed the bronze age danube river civilisation without a recorded History ? Probably ! ).

>> No.4009287
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I really get bothered by Buterin sometimes. The more I learn about him the more reasons I have. He just seems immature overall, which is expected for his age I guess. Sometimes he acts really petty on his Twitter.

>> No.4009302

Wow, you sound like a bigot.
Please stop letting hate win.
Don't get in the way of european genocide.

>> No.4009385
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>>googles age
>sells all ether

>> No.4009924

yes, finally someone speaks up for us poor rentslaves
I'm proud to hold 1,16 ether now :')

>> No.4009937

why, it's a transaction like any other you moron

>> No.4009954

Holy shit what a fucking autistic retard

No concept of the real world

>> No.4009994

People take his advice seriously? What the fuck

>> No.4010042

>print as much money as you want
>assign arbitrary value to it
>threaten to steal the land outright if they don't accept
Fuck off commie

>> No.4010629

If you follow a rootless millenial for their moral values, you're a fool.

Bitcoin is the idealistic project, and it was destined to be subverted by con artists because of that - AXA funded Core, ASIC manufacturers, Roger Ver or Chinese miners, they're all just a different brand of asshole.

Ethereum is crypto rebranded for the corporate world and the authoritarian leftist crowd, and because of that it stands a chance to succeed. You cannot win against evil. We will live to see greater wealth disparity than ever, with an increasingly browner and dumber lower class, and a minority of elites making decisions for everyone "for the greater good". Choose which side you want to be on, and invest in consequence.

>> No.4010650

This dumb nigger doesn't have a clue about transfer costs and that moving is an inefficiency by itself

>> No.4010670

HAHAHAHAHHAAH but muh vitalik said oracles are overvalued.

This guy is detached from the real world, if you take this guy seriously you're twice the autistic he is.

>> No.4010671

Yeah if only we had a constitution based on smart contracts

>> No.4010705

he isnt wrong though you salty bag holder

>> No.4010788
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>Your house's market price is X dollars
>Someone buys your house for X dollars
>You now have X dollars more
>Buy back your house for X dollars
Wow solved that one

>> No.4011054

This is why you got to hate these silicon valley millionaires.
- zero life experience
- zero social skills
- completely detached from average men
Want to impose their "idealistic" ideas on the majority.

>> No.4011072

muh money skelly

>> No.4011151

I didn't realize he was so young. Vitalik may be one of those OK jews. Most jews are. Most jews you meet in finance definitely are not.

>> No.4011194
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>OK jews. Most jews are.

>> No.4011218
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Thank you money skeleton

>> No.4011221

wtf vitalik is a jew? people are trusting their lives savings to a jew?

this wont end well...

>> No.4011241

The absolute state of you.

>> No.4011244

Holy shit he's a moron. Can't wait until ARK takes over ETH

>> No.4011310

I'm too dumb and tired to read the whole article. So, he says that you have to price your house, then anybody, who is willing to pay, can kick you out? How is that different from today's selling practices? Because if I agree to a certain price, I WILL have to move out, and I will. And more important: what problem does it solve?

>> No.4011395

you hate them because they're millionaires despite their limited life experience and social skils and they're not selling the dignity of their ideas like poorer shitstains do. pandering to the average man results in mediocrity.

>> No.4011441

Private property and first-appropriation lockean principles are the only way to deal with the problems scarcity causes.

>> No.4011458

This sounds like an interesting idea to prevent the value of real estate from spiraling out of control.

It could make housing more affordable for young white people so that we can afford to have more kids and less immigrants.

On the other hand, it would cause people to make their housing look very shabby so that no one wants to buy it.

>> No.4011483

You're also obese because of muh genetics, right? Not because you can't put the fork down.

>> No.4011486


>people are taxed on their own personal valuation of their home

He's saying that if you want to keep your home, you have to pay more tax.

It is the kind of nonsensical shit a high college lefty would think up.

All it would do is make the elderly and the poor homeless.

>> No.4011531

he cant put the fork down because of his genetics (no self control), brainless behaviourist fag

>> No.4011538

Before I lose anymore money with ETH should I just transfer it to Bitcoin entirely and completely ignore it for a few years? plz halp

>> No.4011556

By the way, if this is his line of thinking, gl to ETH bagholders, who knows, maybe in the future he also thinks people who arrived first to ETH and took major risks with their investment should not be rewarded, just like he's advocating for people who purchased cheap property by risking to live in a not so popular area :^)

>> No.4011569

sounds like a decent plan.

>> No.4011635

To develop further, say I do a throughout analysis of Georgia's economy and I decide to purchase an apartment in tbilisi for 200k€, expecting it to grow in value in the future, but taking major risks in case it doesn't pan out as I expect.

Suddenly Vitalik becomes the president of Georgia and he tells me to value my apartment and pay taxes according to that valuation.

Any profit from my high risk investment will dissolve with the taxation of my evaluation, so basically, Vitalik has killed real estate speculation.

What happens to investors who realize they cannot get profits from real estate? They move their money to other fields. How does this end? Shortage of apartments, lower quality, higher prices.

Hurting economic incentives has shown us time and time again it ends up creating artificial scarcity, but here we are in the XXI century, with the same retarded ideas, brought to you by (((them))) again.

And parroted by someone who should have economic understanding given how many people are depositing their savings in his hands.

So yeah, gl to ETH bagholders.

>> No.4011681

plz answer
im scared

>> No.4011710

This is the man who said LINK was overvalued.

Brb, buying 100k LINK. Nice.

>> No.4011716

Gains can still be made, plenty of economically illiterate people have made great startups/companies due to limiting themselves to their expertise and nothing else, his technology can be great but he has just shown to be open to the leftist definition of fair and just, which could be reflected in his future decisions.

tldr; as long as he keeps his economic thoughts for his twitter and doesn't put them into practice with ETH you should be safe.

>> No.4011732


fuck this guy is a good programmer but other than that he is a total fucking retard

>> No.4011746

He is so very wrong though you retard.

Many people aspire to own homes precisely to get rid of the drawbacks of renting.

>> No.4011798


Lamborghinis are inefficient and unnecessary and will not be part of the crypto future.

>> No.4011806 [DELETED] 

Made a convenient image for distribution.

Vitalik Buterin, aut(horitarian commun)ist.

>> No.4011809

I don't countenance the concept of being forced to sell your own home in any way shape or form, but private rental should be abolished, controlled by state and subject to price controls.

>> No.4011822
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Made a convenient image for distribution.

Vitalik Buterin, aut(horitarian commun)ist.

>> No.4011831

Like toilet paper in Venezuela.

Dumbfucks creating artificial scarcity by killing economic incentives and never learning from all the previous experiences where it went terribly wrong, who would have thought.

>> No.4011850
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this is one of the most honest posts I've seen on this board.
Mayne, fuck these mainstream ass fag coins I'm going back to hiding in my low cap secret coin.

>> No.4011922
File: 49 KB, 281x511, vitalik_butterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 23 (for now)
Residence: Cathay Pacific Airlines
Political affiliation: Cuckservative

Drinks/smokes/drugs: green tea
Religion: crypto
Favorite pastime: countersignalling
Occupation: It's complicated

>> No.4011946

>This guy is detached from the real world

I don't understand why is this suddenly a common saying on 4chan of all places, it's not like the guy's a politician (not that it matters anymore)

>> No.4011964

Do you have any idea who this guy is? Or how large Ethereum's market cap is? Or how many projects depend on the long term health of Ethereum? His views are very important to a lot of people.

>> No.4011993

Of course obesity is 100% genetics.
Fat alledged people are fat due to lack of self-control,100% genetic, due to low IQ, 100% genetic, due to susceptility to manipulation through advets, 100% genetic, the feeding habits of the parents, 100% genetic... And so on and so on.

Why do you think you keep using leverage after every time you get your salary ?
Because of the fairy spirit of risk-taking ?
Or because you're a subhuman addicted to the quick dopamine fixes of gambling due to your inferior genetics, you human-shaped trash ?

>> No.4012006

This. Everyone is like oh moneyskelly fuck my bitch thanks for making me rich etc.
But at the same time the guy probably despises 99% of the people who're in this space just for the gains.
Yes I made some money on Ethereum but I don't like the guy at all. His whole wearing unicorn tshirts to the meetings and conferences is just too much autism for me to take someone seriously.

>> No.4012021

As long as no one find a way to rape the source code, bitcoin can't be killed.
Only suicide can kill bitcoin.
No outside force can put a dent, no amount of hardware monopoly, no amount of FUD, no amount of lawmaking, no amount of banning, nothing can close this pandora box.

>> No.4012024
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When I started in crypto, I had this unexplainable disdain for Ethereum and it was 0% based on it's fundamentals (I didn't know any of them, my oh my when I learned about the infinite fucking supply GOD DAMN) but I solely hated ETH because of the face of this insufferable faggot.

Half russian (LMAO) half cuck-canuck (FFS!!!!) autistic retarded FAGGOT larping about money and economics issuing a fucking CENTRALIZED INFINITE token magic-money.

And now this.


>> No.4012034

Anyone having their lives depending on a jew deserve what WILL come for them.
Spoiler : it's extinction.

>> No.4012044

In truth this seems like a fucking horrible idea. This is why economics is a joke right now. I see no way to prevent or even incentivize people to not rip each other off constantly. The average home owner could not come up with a real market price. They would basically be guessing. Tons of people, especially the old, uneducated, and poor would get ripped off years. A side market for people to get evaluations on their homes would pop up, which is a waste of utility, and even then tons and tons of people would get ripped off years. Fucking idiotic. These two professors should have never been given tenure. They are worthless pieces of shit.

>> No.4012180
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>> No.4012363


>"haha wouldn't it be cool if we all lived in a rootless society"

nice try schlomo

>> No.4012377

There are price controls on rent in France, and strong legal protection. The net result is that secondary homes are not on the market, because the risk-to-reward ratio is so high renting to a stranger tends to be a losing proposition. It has gotten so bad the state keeps increasing property taxes on vacant homes to try to push people to rent... Without much luck, instead home owners either use their adult kids as permanent residents or pay the extra taxes.

Rents in, say, the US can seem out of hand, but it's a fast slippery slope to a whole other set of problems if you restrict economic incentives.

Perhaps intuitively one might feel there's more renters than owners, and owning a place is too hard for young people, so it would be fair to prioritize them? Fat chance. Experience shows people at the bottom of the totem pole still feel miserable, you just make the middle and upper middle class as miserable as them. Happiness comes through lifting people up, and tying the hands of good performers hinders that.

>> No.4012395

I didn't buy LINK because of this guy? Going all in LINK from now.

>> No.4012408

Link the livestream anon.

>> No.4012900

T. Poorfag commie

>> No.4012998

They surely be redeemed via bullet to the head

>> No.4013280

Goes with a lot of very intelligent people.

>> No.4014023

How is any of this communist? I know the alt right is retarded and doesn't know anything about political history, but holy shit

>> No.4014031

Genes would presuppose the individual's possibility for redemption though you idiot

>> No.4014054

The market consist of the seller and the buyer who both need to agree on the price of something. The buyer alone cannot decide the price of something therefore this is a retarded proposal.
Not to mention the involuntary nature of it...

>> No.4014061

How is it not?

>> No.4014066

Why the fuck is this shitty nazi /pol/ thread allowed here anyway?

>> No.4014100

LINK is a ETH dApp m8.

>> No.4014137

personal attacks, not an argument


>literally all personal attacks

For superior nazi's, your way of arguing is pretty shit.

>> No.4014211

>How is any of this communist?

Centralized price control in the name of "economic efficiency" against evil speculators is as communist as it gets.

>I know the alt right is retarded and doesn't know anything about political history

Not an argument.

>> No.4014243


And the "but won't ppl get angry about getting kicked out of their homes" argument rings hollow to me; renters experience that risk already
Maybe he should move to a country with proper renter rights

>> No.4014246

Muh Nazis.

Go to Reddit or something

>> No.4014262

Butthurt commie detected.

>> No.4014306

>Once hoarding takes over, circulation ends, and with it the function of the currency.
What do the people who make this argument claim happens next? I fail to see what would be so bad about people owning something that becomes worth more.

>> No.4014308

you didn't actually expect them to read the /pol/ sticky image, did you?

>> No.4014347

The point of the argument is not that it's indivisible and you can only spend multiples of 6000 dollars. The point is that when everybody wants to hoard this shit noone uses it as a currency any more. I fail to see the problem with that, if I'm hungry I'll still buy food with bitcoin since why would I care about a future increase in value if I'm dead by starvation by that time? But of course capitalists don't like this since it might limit pointless consumerism and it will limit their control of the economy.

>> No.4014363


>> No.4014373


>> No.4014421

The argument is nonsense no matter what.

First because hoarding a deflationary currency is such a lousy way of investment in a deflationary economy, there are way better ROI products to store your money in.

Second because I cannot postpone some purchases, learn what opportunity costs are.

Third, because nobody hoards money to bury himself pharaoh style, they hoard it to spend later.

Fourth, because even if we ignored all this, the fear of a currency losing its value by losing its utility as you describe, would catapult its spending.

All in all, it's an argument used by low time preference economists to make us burn our resources into shit we don't really need.

>> No.4014424

this board is infested with /pol/tards lately, for them everything is about politics

>> No.4014457

Well communism is both a political and an economic system.
So what's the problem?

>> No.4014465

This fuck is a programmer, why the fuck is anyone listening to him on economics... you guys are pathetic, hes not jesus

>> No.4014487

>not related to economics

Why are you so upset?

>> No.4014489

case in point

>> No.4014505

You'll never hear about them because they are naturally conservative and tend to keep their opinions to themselves.

>> No.4014515


>> No.4014577

>h-heh, that'll show him

>> No.4014594

>for them everything is about politics
>for them
lmao are you 15? everything IS about politics. A political decision of banning exchanges in china caused the september dip

>> No.4014636
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Jesus fucking Christ. What is it with these affluent kikes and state control?

Can we just quash secularism and burn these neo-commi fucks alive already..

>> No.4014696

You're an idiot if you think his economic proclivities will have no effect on how he develops ETH in the future or his outlook on economics, in particular his view on "certain" parts of the economy. TL:DR Vitalik shill git

>> No.4014720

Communism will win.

>> No.4014741

t. vitalik

>> No.4014758

Just like it never does, right?

>> No.4014795
File: 45 KB, 499x499, 367587829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends; how many hard-left/socialists are you willing to kill

>> No.4015371

I hope he saw this

>> No.4015402

Just like communists, I propose to hang everyone who declares himself a communist or has beliefs that could be framed as, would make the world much more efficient, who is with me?


You are fucking retarded, the number of 0 after the coma can be updated anytime we want, it has literally been said by Satoshi.
Fuck I hate newfags.

>> No.4015636

ETH has always been a kike attack on their kryptonite - decentralised bitcoin.

>> No.4015640

>competition is bad
Off to the chopper with you.

>> No.4015674

>Calling it out for what it is
>Calling for it to be banned

No one is stopping you from being a dickhead and pissing away your fiat, or if you're truly retarded your BTC, on ETH and it's shitcoin babies.

>> No.4015770

Most economists can't grasp crypto past the usual FUD

>> No.4015833

>Owners having the power to sell

This fuckwit is a straight up communist statist. Straight out of the Bolshevik collectivisation playbook.

Owning ETH is literally a vote against decentralisation of power.

>> No.4016318

>piss off someone with lots of money
>they have the power to literally make you homeless for the rest of your life

>> No.4016518

nice just sold 100k

>> No.4016598

That's not a communist stance... How stupid are you people exactly?

>> No.4016760

Huh? Did you just skip my post because you are a loser with no ability to argue. Here: >>4012044
years should be yearly

>> No.4016821

>the state literally becoming the record owner of every parcel of land in a country
>not communist
Pick one

>> No.4016826

Here in the Netherlands the government looks at for how much comparable houses (preferably in your street) are being sold. They value your house at an average of that. And that's what you pay taxes over.

>> No.4016839

that's even more retarded

what the fuck is wrong with euros

>> No.4016889

The good thing is that the estimated price is verifiable. They even show you what the price of your house is based on (which houses that are sold in which time period). And you can object to that, which everyone does.

But in general the valuations are relatively fair.

>> No.4016911

Same system in Australia except when they have budget shortfalls they pull valuations out of their arse that exceed the market value.

>> No.4016918

you are a nigger who thinks money can spare you from death. any rich person targeting a poor person for pissing them off should have their arms and legs cut off and be tortured as a stump until dead

>> No.4016963

If housing prices increase everyone will appeal and say that the taxes should be based on older sales.
And if the housing prices decrease everyone will appeal saying the taxes should be based on newer sales.

And they usually go along with that.

>> No.4016981

>he owns ETH

>> No.4017015
File: 254 KB, 1556x1236, d3829432r9hf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since this piece of shit scamcoin was getting shilled here nonstop at $5 I've been saging and warning you people to avoid it.

All altcoins are scams. Deal with it.

>> No.4017105
File: 1.04 MB, 355x412, jewd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, comrades! Rise up and smite the capitalist landlord pigs! Their property belongs to (((everyone))).

>> No.4017130

Hi vitalik. You should just go work on eth dude.

>> No.4017152

>kill the money skeleton he's a commie
Goes to show how all NatSocs are cryptocommies

>> No.4017195

>they think they're doing the right thing and nothing can convince them otherwise so kill them all
>btw if you try to convince me otherwise your a commie that needs to be killed too

>> No.4017501

Well yeah it is now basically confirmed that he's an autistic psychopath (i.e. Asperger's).
>And the "but won't ppl get angry about getting kicked out of their homes" argument rings hollow to me; renters experience that risk already
Thinking like this is going to result in the next holocaust. Putting in charge of economies robots who can't understand why people would find value in putting roots in a home. Humans are not designed to switch jobs, homes, and communities every year, and stuff like frequently moving a kid to a different school is one of the biggest factors that contribute to social and and economic failure. If this is the thinking of the big dude behind Ethereum you shouldn't expect this to succeed long term.

>> No.4017526

The best part is that people who want to keep their homes would just shit them up so no one else wants to buy them.

>> No.4017541

vitalik just joined this altcoin pumpgroup https://discord.gg/tUZVSCv $

>> No.4017543

>^ Being this much of an autistic psychopath (aspergers).
Hopefully you're on a zoloft + benzo cocktail so you don't hurt anyone.

>> No.4017707

Goddamn I wish it were illegal to reply to this many posts at once. Shitting up this entire thread by being a jew. Fuck off back to the ovens you salty degenerate.

>> No.4017819



>> No.4017836

>muh jews
Fuck off Commie, Aryan communism is still communism

>> No.4017887


Raus, schlomo.

>> No.4017996

>Aryan communism
Neck yourself kike

>> No.4018395

Very autistic thinking, I love it.

>> No.4019404

>it's not communism when we do it
fuck off

>> No.4019492
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Plus why would anyone invest their time, money, labour into obtaining property in the first place if the state could determine what it's worth and when they want to seize it from you.

Can we appropriate this kike's ETH wallet already? For the needy of course.