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File: 53 KB, 800x448, BitcoinGold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4014409 No.4014409 [Reply] [Original]

BTC Gold shitstorm is about to end.
Buy alts while they are still so fucking cheap, or kys by the end of this week.

>> No.4014434

what alts do you like anon?

>> No.4014445

>re still so fucking cheap, or kys by the end of this week.


>> No.4014455

Not XLM?

>> No.4014456

Why exactly will this fork cause alts to moon?

>> No.4014470

I bought some more LINKs since it took such a hard hit from this alt dump.

>> No.4014484

Yeah link definitely looked like the best buy to me right now aswell. Hope we're not wrong

>> No.4014485

Just buy low marketcap coins and you're fine. Don't bother with >100 million $

>> No.4014495

Once BTC holders get their free BTG, they'll flow back to the alts.

>> No.4014506

Because BTC rose in value because alt positions were temporarily closed, not because new money flowed into BTC. Once the fork happens, those same alt positions will be opened again.

>> No.4014508

how exactly are you so dense you dont understand? the FORK is the reason for the depressed alt market

>> No.4014518

the fork is going to be a big day indeed

>> No.4014528


why is btc going down right now when snapshot hasn't been taken yet?

>> No.4014541

Stop fooling yourself. Most alts will never recovery.

>> No.4014588

There is a fine line between alt-coins and shitcoins.

>> No.4014598

Because people are aware of what happened during the last fork. Sellers of alts are drying up, and people know once the fork happens, there'll be an inflow of money going back in, but they know that odds are they won't be able to catch the alt rocket on its way to mars...at least not where they sold. Money will be made off the geniuses who sold alts at bottom and bought btc at top. They'll hold on to btc on its way to 5k, and enter back into their old alt positions once they're 2x.

For example
OMG - 45btc resistance till 200k, 100btc to 240k
ARK - 4btc to 80k
STRAT - 60btc to 120k

>> No.4014621

There are plenty of good opportunities, look for coins that lost at least 20%. Too many to list.
People will want to get back into alts they've sold for BTC. Some of them will have to buy higher than what they've sold them for.
It's going down, because this whole mess with BTC Gold was just an excuse for a pump. It'll break 7k$ anyway when 2x hits, but for now it'll keep correcting.

>> No.4014637

If BTC goes down, doesn't alts go down?

>> No.4014656

Only, if it crashes.
Correction is a best time for alts to moon.

>> No.4014664

>buying alts that won't recover before weeks or even months just a few hours from free btc gold

>> No.4014680

what about buying bitcoin gold? that's an alt

>> No.4014691


but like the whole reason btc went up was because of btc gold and now ppl are saying they dont want btc gold?

>> No.4014694

Some alts already recovering. Look at ETP.

>> No.4014708
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>do you happen even btc gold when fork hits tomorrow, month and year from now
>alts do months btc gold 2x after fork for profit

>> No.4014713

There are normies still thinking it will happen on the 25th, not knowing the target block will be reached 12 hours from now. Watch them panic trying to get back into alts for the moon missions.

>> No.4014753

I think there are some people out there who just trade between btc and fiat, and are expecting a big dump after the fork, so they are taking profits now rather than waiting for gold which will likely be worth jack shit.

>> No.4014770

Christ you guys are retards.. the snapshot for Bitcoin Gold has already been taken.

>> No.4014784
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>I break even when others make 120%
>I lost 40% in btc
>My actual deficit is 320%

>> No.4014830

Not on Bittrex. It happens at 3am eastern time. About 17.5 hours from now.

>> No.4014885

This true?

>> No.4014938

Yes. There's this thing, it's called google. Just look for bittrex's official statement on Bitcoin gold.

>> No.4014995

It is a meme. Check what happened on august 1st after the Btc fork. Bitcoin kept on rising and alts kept falling

>> No.4015019

What do you think are the chances on TenX announcing ETH integration launching, during the Q&A tomorrow, right after the fork? We could be in for a huge moon mission if the timing is right. If not, I'm gonna be dumping my PAY within a week in prep for the next fork.

>> No.4015061
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>> No.4015069

Big if true.

>> No.4015082

it wont, btg will be the only coin mooning for a solid week before alts do ANYTHING

>> No.4015089

You're 320% down? That's not how percentages work anon

>> No.4015100

Will XLM moon?

>> No.4015112

SALT motherfuckers. They just announced you can pay the interest on the loans with SALT. Imagine buying SALT for $3 now and then it is worth $25 later. You are basically buying negative interest right now. Whales will understand this and amass SALT.

>> No.4015125

The is open to exchange on 25th of october to sell and buy?

>> No.4015140

Fuckin hope so. I'm sitting on 18000 XLM
Crossing fingers for us both, anon.
We'll learn a lot more at 2:20 today.

>> No.4015169

I hope you buy up a big ol mouthful of btc-g

>> No.4015181

>WTC wallet and proprietary blockchain being released this month (few days left)

its like they timed this shit perfectly

>> No.4015192

tfw they dont deliver

>> No.4015196

Hodlin 26k hoping for at least 8cents pls God

>> No.4015259
File: 51 KB, 1024x274, memetenxssd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ETA when reading their chat.
>Keep saying 'soon'
>Whitepaper said End of September
i was obv. joking.

>> No.4015281

That seems incredibly eager. I'm hoping for 800/900 sats realistically.

>> No.4015295

Decred has lots of good stuff coming up before the end of the year. Lightning Network support and proposal system next week. Good buy-in opportunity right now.

>> No.4015308

Isn't their lighting network already impmented?

>> No.4015331

how do you claim your free btg?

>> No.4015352

Does it just show up in your exchange under a new wallet?

>> No.4015407

What about the Segwitx2 thing? Won't that create another BTC shitcoin copy in mid november?

>> No.4015408

They've written the necessary on-chain code, just waiting for the vote to go through at the end of this month and then it will be activated (https://voting.decred.org/).). They're also working on off-chain code for the Lightning Network daemon which should also be done by next week.

You might be thinking of the on-chain atomic swaps which Decred wrote the tools for. Lightning Network will allow off-chain atomic swaps.

>> No.4015486

Im talking by EOY or early Feb at most.

>> No.4015625
File: 131 KB, 1080x1350, 1508541521265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my strategic move, I only had half a bit coin so wtf I was not going to hold it for half a shit coin, waited on the dips bought in some good alts and just sitting conzie as fuck right now, everything i feel will begin to sky rocket next week and i will sell those at ATH and bring it back to get as much Bit Coin as possible, also holding as much Vert Coin as possible i am thinking it will be $40-$50 next year

>> No.4015682

>What about the Segwitx2 thing? Won't that create another BTC shitcoin copy in mid november?

>> No.4015696

Yes, but this time with no replay protection.

>> No.4015761

because some exchanges are not going to support and give away Bit Coin Gold, Coin Base and others backed off so I feel that some Bit Coin holders that know this and do not see value in bit coin gold are getting back in alts early

>> No.4015782

>y sold. Money will be made off the geniuses who sold alts at bottom and bought btc at top. They'll hold on to btc on its way to 5k, and enter back into their old alt positions once they're 2x.

>> No.4015820

also i agree with the Anon that said some have converted the high to Fiat to take gains, I did that too transferring to my checking account to at least enjoy some gains

>> No.4015899


except u kno... chart shows that ppl arent getting back into alts

>> No.4016066

Read about theory of critical mass and also read about mass psychology that way you will get rich

>> No.4016720

About fucking time, cannot wait for this shitty little fork to be over and done with so I can go back to making some gains.

>> No.4017367
File: 59 KB, 720x540, Columbo-colombo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
