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4012469 No.4012469 [Reply] [Original]

> sell ur shitcoins
> be smart

>> No.4012474

buy eth buy eth

>> No.4012486

But salt, buy UBQ, buy DNT. Look at their charts right now, they're in a cruved uptrend. Now look at ARK and NEO they look like shit right now. My ecommended ones are much lower marketcap and are now growing steady no massive pumps. Trying to get into DNT right now

>> No.4012503

Jesus Christ, this board is becoming shit. Stop trying to push coins onto other people.

>> No.4012507

>not knowing about the NEO news that will be announced on the 24th

anon, I....

>> No.4012514

What news?

>> No.4012624 [DELETED] 
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> as OP said
> be smart

>> No.4012643
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> be smart

>> No.4012684

This was written for stocks or something else but not crypto. Crypto trading is made for monkeys and like monkeys the "traders" here only have the brain capacity to follow meme graphs. Not for long though, as more money starts to come in, smarter people start to emerge to take advantage of this ignorant situation.

>> No.4012711
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> added the next page
> read it carefully
> be smart

>> No.4012720

which book?

>> No.4012731

Look into the communist congress and think about what 5 years of xi jinping means for crypto in china

>> No.4012737

>sell your alts while they are all literally the lowest they have been, and will be in months, and BTC is close to ATH
>hold the btc until the fork, and get some garbage coin for free that's 0.000001sat
>when BTC drops like a motherfucker a few hours (or maybe even minutes) after the fork, buy back into alts
>prices of literally every non-scam alt has skyrocketed
>you have now succesfully traded your alts for the same alts just 50% less, but at least you have a worthless bc token that may or may not increase slightly in value

sounds like a great idea, I've always wanted to be poor

>> No.4012758

I liek this guy

>> No.4012882


>> No.4012890

Bitcoin is done.

Ethereum is the next pump

>> No.4012892

>market price resembles a random walk
>therefore it's a random walk
Smart people delude themselves easily because they can better rationalize their prejudices.
If you think the decision to "buy" or "sell" an asset is random, then you have a very poor understanding on what's being human.
I guess on the next page it posts the "bubble chart" with the thought process behind it (hint: predictable human emotions at work, guided by price movement).

What you don't see beyond the pages is the 4d chess, people are the ones buying and selling, people are the ones driving the price, most of the time through nothing more than gut feeling, if enough people see imaginary patterns on a chart, then they will position themselves accordingly, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
TA is just tentative encapsulation of human emotions regarding price action, that's why it's completely BTFO by news and that's why one-size doesn't fit all, since every asset has a different set o emotions backing it (or do you think a DGB bagholder cuts losses as fast as an ELIX bagholder?)

>> No.4012907

People JUST NOW selling their alts at their lows for BTC at their highs are TOO LATE and are going to LOSE MONEY

Should have sold 2 weeks ago when everyone else did.

Good luck anons

>> No.4012920
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What about Metaverse?

>> No.4012965
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>4d chess
i'm looking for the hint of irony

>> No.4012990
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> stop being arrogant
> be smart

>> No.4013023


> asking the questions that matter
> here you are anon, this book will change your life
> http://a.co/isFagTQ
> p.s. includes a chapter about bitcoin

>> No.4013329

Are you serious ? Anyone else looking at ichimoku? For me bitcoin is going down right now, bearish pattern