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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 1200x800, cuckerberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4007610 No.4007610 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys.

Sometime in the past 3 months I raised more than $2 million (not giving an exact amount. That way you can't find it) in an ICO that is a complete and utter scam. We will deliver no final product. Me and my partner have, and will continue to, use the money to self-indulge ourselves in the pleasures of life

Nevertheless, the ICO is currently valued at more than $10 million (again, not giving exact numbers). In several months, people who bought into our token will realize they're left holding the bag on a useless product.

I might go to jail, but I don't care. Life is good now.

Ask me anything faggots

>> No.4007615

some of us are good with computers.

>> No.4007625

Can you give me advice on how to do the same exact thing?

>> No.4007629
File: 74 KB, 454x453, notsmilingnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that invest in these shitcoins deserve to lose their money

>> No.4007634

hello dbet developer

>> No.4007638

Would you invest in me so I can buy like .01 btc?

>> No.4007640

Were you born a sociopath, or who traumatized you and when?

>> No.4007641

if you show me a sharpie in your pooper i will give you my btc address so you can send me some btc.

>> No.4007646


>> No.4007654


let's track him down

>> No.4007659

blackstone what are you doing outside of slack

>> No.4007676

No, if you want BTC then do what I did. I'm not giving you a handout you piece of shit.

>> No.4007696

Nice roleplay OP, I also wish I was smart enough to make a lot of money for very little work, maybe I will write a book about some idiot getting rich by scamming crypto fans

>> No.4007698

What is Radium for $200 thanks Alex.

You look like a faggot too

>> No.4007714

you took handouts from people but I'm a piece of shit for asking for less than a grand?
>faggo detected

>> No.4007716

you are aware that's a picture of mark zuckerberg correct?

Boy are you fucking retarded.

>> No.4007721

Can we have you as an adviser for my scam ICO OP?

>> No.4007735

Are you me? I did this a few months ago.

>> No.4007759

lmao I did this too but got 32 million, also my uncle works at SIBOS and smuggled my fake shit in there.
already made shitloads of money by selling useless tokens to retards, you never gonna figure out who I am.

>> No.4007765


Make your own fucking ICO. Don't be a fucking victim

>> No.4007776
File: 112 KB, 230x238, scammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this mean there is no partnership?

>> No.4007780

mysterium no doubt

>> No.4007784

you guys planning to seek refuge in Asia?

>> No.4007787

lmao this is probably that homo from OHNI.
You and your boyfriend get over your widdle tiff yet?? It was funny seeing you "pay" pajeets like 6 gorillion tokens to shill on a bitcointalk thread.

>> No.4007793

Yes, they do. I have no sympathy for them.


>> No.4007807

how much money did you raise? You don't have to give me exact, but minimal?

>> No.4007815

Best thing youve bought to date?

>> No.4007817

I'm probably going to lie low in Mexico after a month or so. My paranoia has gone through the fucking roof the past week or so.

>> No.4007844

DNT developer confiremed

>> No.4007870

well at least you scammed people out of an elusive digital currency as opposed to cash or hard assets

>> No.4007885

Probably a threesome that I had for $6,000 one night with two pornstars (they're easier to reach out to than you think, especially the lesser known ones). Greatest experience in my life by far.

>> No.4007899

How did you get the whitepaper together? I've thought about doing this with a friend, but getting a legit whitepaper is the hardest part.

>> No.4007903

Why don't you just vanish to some argentina or some such? Fuck the qts, live as a free man on that scam money.

>> No.4007910

>greatest experience of your life is a threesome

Dude, do more psychedelics

>> No.4007915

Was expecting coke and hookers, so you’re halfway there. Not bad!

>> No.4007931

I was thinking about trying DMT.

>> No.4007938

pics/vid? need to fap one out and wanna fap to your greatest experience

>> No.4007950

What percentage of ICOs are scams with no working product?
How long do you think you have until the whole thing unravels?
Can't you just bide time by making the occasional twitter post "news coming soon, we have had a minor setback in development"?
On what grounds can investors sue you?
How long until they can demand you to show a working product?

>> No.4007956

Someone sure is.

>> No.4007966

Fuck off and make a million so you can experience it yourself

>> No.4007974

>the greatest experience of your life is using drugs

Okey doke.

>> No.4007984


>> No.4007989

Filthy no-substancer pleb. You would understand if you weren't a spineless bitch

>> No.4007992

World of Battles

>> No.4008011

Haha In fact I'm such an advanced user of mind altering substances that I don't do it anymore. Former IV user.

>> No.4008015

It depends on your definition of "scam". I know that sounds like a dodgy answer, but I'll try to explain

I'd say anywhere between 10%-75% of ICOs are scams, depending on how liberal your definition of the word "scam" is. 6 months ago I reached out to the team member of a prominent ICO that raised over $5 million because I had a few simple questions about progress on the product. I received no response.

I figured, well they must be busy so I'll try to reach out to them on slack. I asked the same question on slack, and was promptly kicked from the slack channel.

Now, are they a scam? Maybe not. But their behavior lead me to believe that they have made no progress whatsoever on the product.

I decided that I'd do something similar myself. On the surface, many ICOs seem genuine. But dig a little deeper and you'll find that many are blatant cash-grabs.

>> No.4008018

Boring larp, pass.

>> No.4008032

Go on?

Interested in a response to this too.

Will it all be worth it in the end for a couple of mil

>> No.4008033

i remember someone posted this exact same lar[ in august during that bullrun/ICO fever/dgb phase.

likely another larp

berp derp gerp

>> No.4008036

Then I fail to see how the greatest experiences of your life have not been at least in part due to drugs. How can sober life even compete?

>> No.4008039

Nicely done how do i do this with no knowledge of coding

>> No.4008048

Ok, you don't have to fucking believe me man. Stay poor

>> No.4008072

with good reason. In fact, you should have departed already, getting across the border would have been much easier had you left even 2 weeks ago. I've been waiting for this thread to show up, figured it would eventually. Some thought that you might be smart enough not to brag, at least for a while. I knew better, you can't help it. It's gotten you in trouble before, but that wasn't nearly as serious as this time. Good to know you're still around. We'll be in touch :)
p.s the green 4-runner that you've seen at least twice now....not a coincidence :)

>> No.4008082


kek. fucking faggot

>> No.4008084

post the fucking video you shitter i need to fap

>> No.4008085

Oh I had some interesting experiences, sure. Especially with psychedelics and certain shall we say dissassociatives. And some fun times! But ultimately the real lessons of life were passing me by, unheard. It took a long time to realize that.

>> No.4008090

Welp, this got interesting.

Please don't be stale pasta or larping.

>> No.4008099


off topic but holyfuk

a skateboard and a sticker gave OMG a 1.2B marketcap once upon a time.

>> No.4008122

Kek, getting interesting now...

>> No.4008180
File: 56 KB, 251x251, 1507509064011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, keep going...tell us more.

>> No.4008224
File: 212 KB, 1000x750, bizmoneyproof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me again about how I'm a larper faggot.

I made more in several months than you'll ever make in your fucking lifetime, faggot.

Stop being a victim and make money the only way a person can make money in this world: by swindling and scamming as many people as possible out of their money

>pic related

>> No.4008238

okay, i'll bite. Let's say I believe you, this shill you push-- was it based more on glamour marketing? or coding?

>> No.4008240

just out of curiosity, what did you tell the bank?
>hi i made an ico and now got all this money deposit it plz
Id have it all spread between swiss and bvi bank accs

>> No.4008265

I told them that I was a legitimate company that raised several millions through an Initial Coin Offering and that it was similar to raising venture capital money.

I was asked to explain more about ICOs and how it works, and after a few days it was approved.

>> No.4008274
File: 684 KB, 557x565, bale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey

>> No.4008278

Is it omg? please let it be omg

>> No.4008282

very interesting, how many people helped you in the process of making the coin, website, marketing, etc...

>> No.4008287

No, it wasn't OMG. I wish

>> No.4008294
File: 74 KB, 213x250, 1503638035129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>account ends in 6377
>chase bank

>> No.4008296
File: 953 KB, 960x720, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit OP I have the exact same amount of money in my bank account

are you…me???

>> No.4008311

So do you have it on a business acc right?

>> No.4008315


>> No.4008321

made me LOL

Maybe i'll be able to meet Shkreli in prison. He's my idol, you know.

>> No.4008322

Hey OP, a couple questions
1. How much did you start off with to make the ICO in the first place?
2. Did you stay completely anonymous?
3. How easy/hard was it to pull off the whole thing?

I respect you for doing this. This is some shit I would do myself honestly. Everyone in this world is a rotten piece of shit and gaining something from their loss just sounds fucking excellent to me.

>> No.4008341

>mis cuentas

You have to go back.

Either that, or you're still in Mexico in which case you're living in a third world country full of drug dealers.

>> No.4008345


Lold, thanks anon

>> No.4008352


nice larp fagget, that should say either pezos or euros...

>> No.4008353

> Everyone in this world is a rotten piece of shit
Just you. Sort your life out.

Sounds like your life is pretty shit. You have to brag to a bunch of retards on an origami forum.

>> No.4008359

>Everyone in this world is a rotten piece of shit

No, just you

Also, op is trying too hard and put too much effort into this larp to just let it die


>> No.4008360

such a naive perspective imo.

>> No.4008362


>> No.4008385

1. About $7000
2. Yes
3. 1 being easiest, 10 being the hardest. I'd say probably a 2 or a 3. This was when the ICO craze got really big and people were throwing money left and right.

>> No.4008393

I was a happy go lucky guy with a child-like innocence until the harshness of this rotten world hit me like a fucking train, I've been on guard ever since. I'm like a white man in a black man's world.

>> No.4008439

if you have ever spent any length of time on /pol/, you are no doubt well aware that they like to joke about feds monitoring threads. While it isn't as widespread as they would like to think...suffice it to say that it's not outside the realm of possibility that the occasional thread is flagged for further analysis, threat matrix assessment, ect.
While the boys over at 935 do get the cool windbreakers and the airtime, you should know that financial crimes are subject to some of the most aggressive and far-reaching investigations. Jurisdiction and resource allocation are shared between numerous federal agencies. FBI, SEC, CFTC, IRS..just to name a few...hell even the USPS (you did remember to close that PO box didn't you?) Luckily for you, your name isn't Mohammad, otherwise you would have already had a meeting with the guys over at FinCEN. It's a common misconception that the "boomers" don't understand "those computer bitcoins." and that's correct..to an extent. But what they do understand, is investment fraud. The currency may be new...but the crime is decidedly unoriginal. That's all for now.
Be seeing you

>> No.4008451

You're probably gonna get into some big trouble when you get found out. Go lay low in Mexico m8

>> No.4008452


If you can contact me at either my telephone number or email OR you can give me my full first and last name and post it on this board I'll give you $10,000

Think of it as a bounty.

>> No.4008470

More like a scummy nigger. Vengeance is for the weak minded. If people annoy you, go live on your own but don't seek to destroy them back. That is foolish.

>> No.4008477

I might go to Tijuana for a while. The bitches there are fucking cheap to fuck and I love latina women.

>> No.4008478
File: 467 KB, 510x596, 1502208006298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cap above 10mil
>ODN is safe

>> No.4008481

Give us a hint. What ethnicity are you?

>> No.4008494

Look at my picture I posted above and then look at my hand you stupid fuck.

>> No.4008541

is it bitdice? they did an ICO and promised dividends, before the ICO their profit was high, now its nearly non-existent so dividends will be vey low. WTF

>> No.4008554

See you man.

>> No.4008563

let this larp die
if serious, you're in a lot of trouble guy

>> No.4008567

How is that foolish you scummy deluded nigger? They deserve to get the same pain they inflicted on me back on them.

>> No.4008583

what's the point of being paranoid if you're 95% sure you will go to jail

>> No.4008587

you were clearly trying to hide your fingers because your hands are fat as fuck so I still don't have a good idea you dumb fuck

>> No.4008608
File: 252 KB, 1600x995, unbennant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my bad, here's a better version

>> No.4008611

This scammer will have issues when he tries to cash out to fiat. Cops will be all over him.

>> No.4008624

Because you are being emotional like a little kid and will only create more reasons for you to suffer. If you don't break the circle of suffering, you are just like them. You will make suffer people and they will want to make you suffer in return and hence again the circle.
Just accept the past and move on on your own. Endure the pain and never let yourself fall to this degree of lowness.
If you can't be happy on your own, you will never truly be happy.

>> No.4008629

Someone should report this thread to the bank/police with the balance at that date, they shouldn't have a problem tracking down the scammer.

>> No.4008631

Writing on the back of the note is bleeding through.

>> No.4008655

> ....something, something, el momo's spaghettios....
>Buy el tacos.

>> No.4008662

oh no there goes my secret recipe for frijoles with meat

>> No.4008670

Flip image, pretty easy

>> No.4008681
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, 92A0D230-66A4-482A-836A-474B5526AA78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notified these guys

>> No.4008683

>totalio moneyo
is this a joke
this is like a 6 year olds "coded" version of english lmao

>> No.4008691
File: 311 KB, 1194x1444, unbennant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saved you the trouble

>is this a joke…

>> No.4008711

So im curious in your ICO did you set up a white paper, showed your entire team with linkedin profiles?

>> No.4008718
File: 115 KB, 810x960, 1211-snl-main-810x960[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you can edit the html to make it say whatever you want

>> No.4008730
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>> No.4008732
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Write a book [something] who [something] my political stances [something something] what I believe in?

Shall I continue or can ya'll just read this yourselves?

>> No.4008736

I am happy on my own but only because I've cut off all the toxic retards from my life. I have no doubt in my mind that if I didn't they would just continue being awful people. You don't understand how terrible people can be. They steal, talk about shit they don't know anything about and build fallacy upon fallacy just to get their way. I can't just let that go. It's literally impossible to let that go.

>> No.4008749

We showed a supposed "team", but they weren't really working with us. We do have LinkedIn profiles on either our whitepaper or our website

They might've been contacted through LinkedIn about it. Not that I give a shit. I still got their money.

>> No.4008763

see >>4008691

>> No.4008800
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>> No.4008819

wow well i guess i might as well start an ICO too, get a fancy website, promise something amazing with absolutely fuck all to show for it and ask for 50MM.

>> No.4008831

>write a book describing who i am my political stances and ___ what I believe in
>Passion: What you disagree with what you get angry about
>/pol/ Test ___ by rationality
>resiliance ___ Alex ___ ___ real
>Ragan? ___ ___
> TV TROPES, Trump high in a cloud
>Richard Pryor ___ ___ Hes Chris ___ / ___
>invest in BRICS
>Randall Belord averted (Thumb)

>> No.4008852

I truly understand how terrible they can be but if you can't let that go then you have an emotional attachement to your anger and that's harmful to both you and the world you wished to live in. You definitely can let that go. Just move on and live around what you like (hobbies you like, people you like, places you like), then cultivate peace of mind to achieve the greatest levels of happiness. That is being happy on your own. Terrible people will fall on their own.

>> No.4008861

dude I already posted a picture of the other side of the paper , you don't need to play CSI anymore

>> No.4008868

What is BRICS?

>> No.4008873

Rogan will never interview you!

>> No.4008879

It's probably /pol/, they go balls deep in investigating anything....it's pretty fun to watch sometimes. Election season was a blast over there.

>> No.4008887

Brazil Russia India China

>> No.4008900

Why can't you just do a slow shoddy job of actually trying to do what you promiced in the cheapest way possible? This way you don't need to run from the country to avoid prison time.

>> No.4008916

That is what I'm planning on doing now. In due time I'll hire a proper developer to make an MVP for $10,000 or something so I can avoid the legal hassle.

If people complain I'll just say "shit happens, guess it didn't work out".

>> No.4008920

I've been looking for SEC Pepe forever, thanks.

>> No.4008923

he already did


>> No.4008950

>he already did

oshit nigga.

Let's trace this fucker down.

>> No.4008959


>> No.4008961

Thank you, you seem like a good person.

>> No.4008970
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KEK So is Blockcat

>> No.4009000

Luis Cuendes?

>> No.4009044
File: 48 KB, 720x535, etcsbiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated thread

>> No.4009058



>> No.4009124

This better not be redban

>> No.4009172


>> No.4009179

Never give up my friend. Be your own hope.

>> No.4009187
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props for pulling it off cunt, can you give us any advice for us NEETs on what to look out for any ICO scams in the future?

would appreciate that

>> No.4009225
File: 1003 KB, 4500x4334, desprate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another larp thread

>> No.4009240

That's OK, I dont plan on holding your shitcoin that long. Just enough to get in and out with a 2x profit. Idgaf if u scam anyone else, in fact let's help each other out, I'll cleverly shill your coin while you slowly sell it off if you lmk right before when you plan to dump hard

>> No.4009261


I actually do believe you since there's a lot of stupid people out there and projects like paragon coin actually made millions but I had some questions.

- Wouldn't they be able to tie the ICO funds to your bank account? I'm assuming you just made a fake bank account or something but i'm still curious.

- Did you hire a developer to do all the smart contract, flashy website, infographics marketing stuff?

- Did you actually write a whitepaper or just copy most of it? I know there's been a couple ICO that did that.
- What was the hardest part of the whole process?

- How did you build credibility or get people to believe you or was that not even an issue?

- Was it tough coming up with a great idea that was realistic but hot enough to get people to invest? You probably won't answer it but what industry does the coin involve?

- Did you get featured by any crypto websites i.e crypto coin news, coin telegraph, medium, etc

- Are you originally from the US and what is the main reason for posting this? I've thought a lot about how easy it would be in this climate as well.

>> No.4009299

you're not the only one that has done this. i can probably name off a few other ico's that are scams and raised way more than you. why did you only go for $10m and you received roughly $2m. should have went for $30-40m and take home at least $10m. $2m is chump change

>> No.4009308
File: 1.39 MB, 256x192, lmfaooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is it Status?!
>you and your partner
BTC account

>> No.4009317

OP, you know you are fucked. It's gonna be a long time in the future, but the government will easily find your fiat/coin exchange account by following the trail created by your smart contract.

>> No.4009341

1. I won't go into details for obvious reasons, but I've done everything in my ability to avoid prosecution. Technically under current federal law, I've done nothing illegal. Whether or not a law gets added in the future is another matter entirely.
2. Yes, paid developer for smart contract and website. Paid somebody to make the marketing content
3. Paid somebody to write the whitepaper
4. Offered to pay people to shill the coin for me on 4chan and Reddit by paying them a portion of the coin I had that was saved for "development". I'll say this: The coin has been shilled several times on 4chan as a "moon mission". And before you ask, no it's not LINK
5. No, it wasn't tough. Similar products existed Take from that what you will.
6. Yes. Many of them were simply through paid advertisements, but a few were genuine I believe
7. Yes, from US. Several reasons. One, I've been generally poor my entire life. In a way, this is me bragging. Secondly, I wanted to show all of you that many of the ICOs are blatant cashgrabs and they don't give a fuck about you, or the working product, at all. Conservatively, I'd estimate at least 75% of ICOs today are cashgrabs, with the product as a second thought if thought of at all.

>> No.4009357
File: 2.83 MB, 322x354, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4009358

Any tips OP? I know the ICO fad is now over so
What next?

>> No.4009373

all in Ethereum mofo

>> No.4009378

I really fucking hope it's not ODN

>> No.4009379


>> No.4009386


>> No.4009387

has to be a over a 10 million marketcap sir

>> No.4009401

did you have any social media associated with the ico?

>> No.4009406

Its easy. Put your coin's logo on top of a 4chan meme image and post it on /biz/. Boom, some tards will buy your scam coin (see LINK).

>> No.4009411
File: 40 KB, 576x472, scoob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arthur and Kathleen Breitman
I'll believe it when I get my BTC

>> No.4009455
File: 40 KB, 550x550, 387ac3d588d1e31ed5a5b3517b54ae19[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course this shitty larp thread keeps going and the treasure hunt thread is nearly dead.

>> No.4009509

Where did you find people to write a whitepaper and smart contract for you? I'm guessing it would too advanced for something like fiverr but can you give out any resources you used? I feel like if you have a well-written whitepaper and a nice website that's really all you need.

About the LinkedIn profiles, did you just use random people who had strong backgrounds because wouldn't it show they weren't currently working at the company you made?

>> No.4009540

Eddy Smith. Best fit given the information handed out.


>> No.4009553

1. I won't answer that.
2. They weren't random people. They will make some money from it, they just won't get as much as me and my partner. I've done everything in my power to make it seem as though they're fully committed to working with us 100%

>> No.4009587
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>> No.4009603
File: 22 KB, 485x443, 1508719191018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there a booger on your monitor what the fuck

>> No.4009607


>> No.4009620

>being this gullible

>> No.4009631
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1503725178410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to snooze, sorry

>> No.4009657

did you spend any money on lawyers or did you look up much in terms of legality?

>> No.4009687

Op if you stole from Americans, it might be a good time to escape any nato or counties close relations to us and not get arrested of you are find out. Russia might be your prema home so learn Russian now.

>> No.4009692

We have several lawyers are our disposal.

>> No.4009701

The thing is, nobody likes you. Regardless if your story is true, and I am not saying it is.

>> No.4009758

And what is that opinion based off of?

>> No.4009796

You know it's the truth. Who really likes an insufferable douchebag such as you?

At the end of the day, that's just the state of things.

>> No.4009811

assumptions assumptions

>> No.4009824

why is a douche? I would do the same thing he is doing but i am too much of a pussy to risk going to prison

>> No.4009874

What makes you think I wont track you down right now?

Since your us citizen posting in us server you are making this easy for me.

Try to sleep well :)

>> No.4009897


Christ you're an autist man.

>> No.4009904

I will send u some mail :)

>> No.4009916

0001 3856 4926 5832 4738 2284 4927 3492 4828

>> No.4009935

you're more autistic than I first thought.

Good job

>> No.4009969

10/10 LARP

>> No.4010050


>they like to joke about feds monitoring threads
>it's not outside the realm of possibility that the occasional thread is flagged for further analysis

it's not a joke, did you miss the whole saga about the feds demanding records from eihtchan and warning universities because of the "beta uprising" meme

leaks have shown that the chans are monitored by lots of agencies

>> No.4010091


Send me some cash bruz

>> No.4010126

Is it worth the paranoia?

>> No.4010134

ok gives us another hint was it an ERC20 token?

>> No.4010138

if your real send me some btc, im probably bag holding yours, so its the least you can do.


>> No.4010153

Fuck it, I'll say it.


>> No.4010197

wow, this thread is making me believe in god.

please send me something, im not going to tell you how much i spent on your ico, but it hurts.

>> No.4010210



>> No.4010236

I won't send you a fucking dime.

My team is in shambles right now. I can guarantee you that as much as you are in pain right now, I'm 10X in pain from the lawsuts I'm going to get up the fucking wazoo from people like you.

>> No.4010247

how did you get into this? im very interested. Do you have any qualifications or participation in previous ICO's?

>> No.4010284

Incriminating yourself...or trying to incriminate someone else...?

>> No.4010288

obviously the latter..

>> No.4010305

kike nigger faggot, you best be trolling.

>> No.4010314

Seems like it. Either this is a larp and OP has gotten impatient or someone guessed him right and now he is throwing out red hearings to prevent other people from finding out. Most likely the former.

>> No.4010318

I figured it'd be easy money and we could half-ass a product.

I was wrong.

>> No.4010328

So are you trying to get v& or something?

>> No.4010355

I feel like your larping about tezos. What proof do you have that its a ponzi

>> No.4010358

I'm not.

I'm sick and tired of the fucking bullshit I've had to deal with for the past several weeks.

>> No.4010383


You tried to be martin himself and you've fucked yourself too early without proper return.

you best lawyer up if your not joking

>> No.4010424

I have multiple lawyers.

Whether or not I'll actually win the multitude of lawsuits that I'll receive is another matter.

>> No.4010435

This is dbet for days, their pr person literally bought a new car the day after ico closes and then immediately exited slack and turned off all social media.

>> No.4010442

lie "low" in a third world shit hole, yeah, that's the million dollar life. unless you have 1 cm forhead and skin the color of a paper bag you are going to stick out and be a target. why don't you go lie low in utah with 3 or 4 hot 20 year old virgin blonde wives?

>> No.4010465
File: 94 KB, 462x500, 1492775419023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking scammers how dare you tarnish the name of ICOs you're running it for everyone I hope you get jailed REEEEE
also /biz/:
>fuck the SEC stay out of my unregulated bitcoin landscape REEEE


>> No.4010528


>> No.4010588

only people who say fuck SEC are idiots. We need regulation or crypto is fucked

>> No.4010595

Dein ernst?

>> No.4010620

you dont need any regulation on cryptocurrencies to still be able to go after scammers, that's a totally different legislation.

going after any ICO for "securities" issues does not prevent any scams, it just pushes them to register outside of america. in fact most ICOs these days launch outside of america, and just ban them from participating in anyway, and its only going to become the norm thanks to the SEC trying to regulate a global market.

>> No.4010640

>what is inspect element on chrome
kill your self you stupid larping faggot

>> No.4010682
File: 30 KB, 456x402, 1498273656885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>booger on monitor

>> No.4010727

Tezos raised 232M.

>> No.4010751

>What you describe sounds like LINK lol.
My money is on Obsidian. I tried out their wallet with a small amount I could afford to lose to test it and I couldn't even get the wallet installed before it 'vanished' and my 'windows defender (I turned it off) deleted it according to the Reddit mods and website.

Bounty money:

You don't have to say anything here, just pop whatever in there so I know I was right and ill keep it to myself lol. I say nathink!

>> No.4010785

>Leaving off the last letter, my home country

Fok yourself my man

>> No.4010790

>whatever in there so I know I was right and ill keep it to myself lol
>keep it to myself
>doesnt understand what a blockchain is

wow so this is the average /biz/ user

>> No.4010805

Oh right. I should read down a thread before posting. Ignore my previous post ;)

>> No.4010808

did you see the dbet rev guy confirmed having no degee?

>> No.4010818

Yeah, I know, anybody can just check if it went into my btc acc. :P
I was assuming OP was drunk or something.
Tezzos anyway, he already said.

>> No.4010839

Oh no, i really wouldn't have seen this coming with 1566515321561 new shitcoins.

>> No.4010861

hah we did the same thing with Substratum. Started as a joke but now that we've raised $8m and used our real names we are stringing people along for as long as possible while we figure out what to do next. Can't believe literal fake vaporware that I photoshopped now has a market cap of $30m.

>> No.4010886

you sir deserve a medal, now join this pumpgroup and also selve indulge yourself https://discord.gg/tUZVSCv

>> No.4010972
File: 95 KB, 240x240, wayne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Wayne Vaughan?

>> No.4010995

How was your financial life before this ICO? Did you do fine financially? Has your 'dream,' financially speaking been reached? Now that you have this money, how do you ideally plan your life to go on? Just wondering, whether you were poor and what changed after you acquired this money.

>> No.4011228

Op is larping. Tezos was already known to be a scam and under investigation.

>> No.4011425

So what coin was it.