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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4008310 No.4008310 [Reply] [Original]

So looking to get some idea of what most anons are planning. Hodl through the first fork, through both forks, or sell high Tuesday and sit out the whole forking thing by buying ether?

>> No.4008332

Expect the unexpected, on tuesday expect anything, expect bticoin to rally up to $7k and alts to tank into oblivion, expect people to hold their bitcoins and buy more up until the next fork in November. If this happens I'm so fucked

>> No.4008368

Keeping them on bittrex for the october fork. I have two reasons for this
>I'm most likely selling BCG immediately
>I trust them to make me whole if anything happens. It's bad PR for bittrex if their customers unduly lose funds.

I don't really know what will happen in november but will probably do the same as above.

>> No.4008430
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BTC sub 5k within 24 hours, Alts will go parabolic, cap this. BTC is dying (fyi) pic related.

>> No.4008522

>bitcoin gaining market dominance after "the flippening" was harshly rejected
>within 24 hours
If by 24 hours you mean 10 years, then maybe

>> No.4008556

My game plan is to expect a bitcoin correction after the btg fork and stock up for the s2x fork. If it doesn't happen I'll be unhappy but not surprised. in the end you have to make a bet and I'm betting on better tech over mindless fomo, didn't pay off on BCC so obviously ymmv, if bitcoin garbage leads to a pump I'm just going to cynically buy into every fork from here on out despite them being terrible.

>> No.4008652

That's fine too. I'll sell when it starts to drop and buy back in at the bottom. Any real trader wants the market to move both up and down. That's how you multiply wealth. Shitty little amateurs like you get stuck in one position and hold onto it until the bags drag you under.

>> No.4008706
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>> No.4008777

Is it a good idea to buy more BTC right now and hold it on Bittrex to get an equal amount of each?