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4007480 No.4007480 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys.

Some faggot here is LARPING:


I'm an actual multi-millionaire (~$15 million in net worth including real estate, stock options, and my business), and I'm 33 years old.


>> No.4007542

Always a bigger fish.

>> No.4007547

Can you give me some to help start my business?

>> No.4007550

Great LARP, post lambo

>> No.4007562

How did you make your fortune?

I fully intend to be where you are.

>> No.4007563

should i buy eth?

>> No.4007597

Do you have a wife and kids? Are you happy with life? Were you ever poor-middle class?

>> No.4007612

I started out consulting businesses while in college, later got into real estate sales after I graduated while still doing consulting on the side.

Every year I save up at least 25% of my money to invest in either real estate or stock options. I have some money invested in cryptocurrency but not alot because it's still new to me.

>> No.4007616

Will DGB ever bounce back?

>> No.4007618
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how would you start accumulating wealth in this situation:

1. 120K / year salary
2. 20k in crypto holding (4k investment)
3. 11k savings

would you invest in property? small business? more crypto?

I'm curious about your approach for becoming self sufficient/independently wealthy without depending 100% on a 401k.

>> No.4007631

forgot... I'm your age too

>> No.4007633

Ethereum seems to be the most "guaranteed" cryptocurrency to have sizable returns in the next few years. As far as I'm aware, Ethereum has the exact same properties as Bitcoin but also has the "smart contract" feature which makes it inherently more valuable.

I believe eventually Ethereum will surpass Bitcoin in market cap.

>> No.4007639

nah you're not

>> No.4007644


Consulting what?

How to film cuck videos?

Who consults a fucking 20-something year old?

>> No.4007651

would you be so kind to spare few sats here?


>> No.4007663

if he has an MBA, or specific degree most fortune 500 companies hire people in this age range as consultants. drives boomers up the wall

>> No.4007667

Are you retarded or do you not understand how IQ scales?

>> No.4007682


>> No.4007700

Definitely diversifying your investments. I do believe that cryptocurrency is poised to grow even more than it currently has in the next few years, but there's still a number of tail risks within cryptocurrency, including but not limited to:

1. Large exchange getting hacked
2. Large cryptocurrency failing spectacularly, the whole field becomes associated with scam (look at Bitconnect as an example of that. It's a literal ponzi scheme)
3. Security exploit found in big dApp that makes people lose trust in crypto

So definitely diversify your investments. I recommend picking up a book on stock options, as they provide you good leverage while still investing in stocks.

If you're entrepreneurial, then you could try to do what I did and leverage your skillset to help other businesses.

Also, start saving more. The fact that you have 120k/year in salary and only 11k in savings is pathetic. I aim to save 25% of my income a year for stock options, real estate, etc.

>> No.4007756

I started out reaching out to local businesses/organizations to help them with creating websites. I have a completely unrelated degree (econ) but I taught myself web development. Note that this was in the early days of the internet so there were still many small, local businesses that did not feel like it was necessary to have a website.

Eventually I transitioned into digital marketing in general for businesses.

>> No.4007779

ok don't believe me. Stay stuck in your small-mindset. It's the dreamers and doers that make it big in this world.

>> No.4007898

Don't have a wife. I have a girlfriend right now that I'm thinking about marrying, she's been loyal to me for the past three years and she's honestly the most selfless person I've ever met. She works as a nurse and the empathy she has for other peoples' problems is incredible.

Yes, I'm generally happy with my life. Sometimes I get stressed from my consulting business with clients and things like that, but overall it's worth it in the end. I'm able to provide me and my girlfriend with a good life.

I was lower-middle class. I never lived in abject poverty, but we never ate out often or anything like that because it was too expensive.

I didn't go to a particularly great college or anything like that. But I decided I'd focus completely on securing my financial future so I wouldn't have to live like I did when I was young.

>> No.4007932

If you are for real anon, good on you. Keep slayin

>> No.4007975

Got any recs on hot job markets for a recent grad with low prospects but time to get some qualifications or a portfolio?

>> No.4008030

It depends on what your skillsets are.

Know programming? Try to work on an MVP for a SaaS product and generate MRR.

I don't know your specifics, but I'll say this. The number one skill a person who wants to be rich can learn is sales. Sales is everything, whether it's starting a successful business, convincing an employer to hire you, or getting a girl that you admire to go out with you.

Any questions?

>> No.4008130

Sounds great, thanks for your insight - no questions.

>> No.4008147

Very interesting.

Thank you for the reply.

>> No.4008465

pretty much in the same boat as that guy granted i have better savings lucking out on BTC.

recommend me books that worked for you

>> No.4008535

Some good books I recommend:

10X rule

The E myth

Zero to one

Grinding it out (ray kroc)

never split the difference

big money thinks small

>> No.4008644

29 here. Work as a server, make pretty decent money ~180-330 per nights on the weekend. I like my job, most nights; hate it during others. Plus, makes it really hard to get a date-- since at 29, serving kind of sounds weak.

Annd kind of freaking out over the fact that my friends are racing through the corporate ranks despite my decision to pursue a far more riskier route. Never been a corporate idealist, honestly, think it's absolutely gut-wrenching. Have a marketing degree that I'm sitting on for that very reason. Been a dreamer my whole life, and I know I'm creative enough to "make it" as they say...

However, I did learn a fair amount of skills-- sales, marketing, business fortitude, etc. I'm excellent at saving money. But, thirst for more... which has found me here, in crypto. I've invested for a few years now, only to realize rather recently that if you want to make it... I need more far skin the game.

I lack the motivation and determination to pursue something relentlessly. Some avenues have come close but after a few years, it fizzles out. So, bleh, there's the back story: I guess my answer to you would, if you had these shoes on, how might I go about getting in yours? Do I need to buckle down my discipline, say fuck women and weed for a minute and flesh out a project?

I believe my three strongest pursuits, which I think could allow me to live at peace: writing a screenplay, coding a video game, opening a restaurant.

>> No.4008717
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>I believe eventually Ethereum will surpass Bitcoin in market cap.

>> No.4008825

Let's go down one by one through your pursuits

1. Writing a screenplay.

Let's be honest. The hollywood industry is very elitist and is exclusionary. You'll have a difficult time breaking in by simply writing a screenplay.

2. Programming is genuinely a way to make money, although I don't know of anybody personally that made money through coding a video game. However I do know of several people that coded a SaaS product that made good money.
3. Opening a restaurant is harder than it looks.

>> No.4008910

Hey bro. I've been riding the Bitcoin train here, net worth like $7MM. Not really clear on what's worth buying. Here's "nice" stuff I pay for:

* Regular cleanings by maids
* Personal assistant to run bs errands
* Nice healthy food
* Sometimes spa treatments for my skin
* Exotic trips
* Decent amount of travel
* Regular blood work
* Plastic surgery (just one set of procedures)
* Nice, but not ridiculous wine/scotch

It's not clear to me what I'd buy with more money. I'm not keen on buying a big place, don't really have a desire for a fancy vehicle or a driver. What's really worth spending extra money on?

>> No.4008913

What was your pitch like in those days? Were you able to sort of predict which businesses would need it more?
How did you get those leads - Were you cold calling? Flyer dropping?

>The number one skill a person who wants to be rich can learn is sales. Sales is everything, whether it's starting a successful business, convincing an employer to hire you, or getting a girl that you admire to go out with you.
Where does one learn sales if they've never, well, worked in retail or anything of the sort?

>> No.4008955

The traditional film industry is kinda dying and turning into the Netflix industry.
I think a huge problem is that if you're a white male , Sundance & SxSw are pressured to become SJWs and ignore a broad, entertaining product < little black boy who is gay and gets beat up by cops film.

Outside of Siccario and Hell and High Water ,
I haven't seen a great non-sequel , non-reboot, non-superhero, film in a really long time. And most of those films suck.

So , on one end - I think I'm not alone in this.
but on the other end , I think that the studio system has the imagination of a Walmart clearance aisle.

>> No.4008982

I'm not saying women and minorities can't make good films , but I think the industry is too safety gloves to give women & children the same constructive criticism that helped Toy Story, Indiana Jones, and Back To The Future great.

Make a ton of money in crypto, make your film ( hire a director or learn how to direct via short films) and save a ton of that money to market your film.

>> No.4009016

Invest in yourself.

Don't spend money on stupid bullshit like I used to back in the days. Not to brag, but I used to have so much money that I'd spend it on high class (up to $1,500) hookers every weekend. I was still unfulfilled.

Now I have a sweet girlfriend that I consider a 10/10, and I only have to spend at most $200 a week with her, if we decide to go to a nice restaurant. We both grew up lower-middle class so we don't particularly care about the big stuff.

But yeah, stop spending your money on stupid bullshit. It's a trap by society to get you to spend more.

Instead, do the following:

Spend money on hobbies you enjoy

Spend money in improving your education/skills

Spend money into helping improve others. Maybe that's donating money to the high school you used to go to, or starting a scholarship, or starting a charity.

>> No.4009029

Rei or Asuka?

>> No.4009047

How accurate is Ichimoku analysis? What tools do you use to get that analysis for crypto coins?

>> No.4009056

Riley Reid

Chelsea Charms and Beshine are also nice.

>> No.4009068

Yeah ok cool that's what I've basically already done. Heading to Everest in the spring.

As far as dating goes I basically avoid talking about money. I don't wear anything fancy and I drive an old Benz, but it's obvious enough I don't have to really work. Is that the way to do it?

>> No.4009074

It depends on how you deploy ichimoku. Ichimoku by itself is no bueno, try to combine it with RSI, MACD and fundamental analysis as well.

>> No.4009077

Any long term stock holdings OP? Or just options?

>> No.4009096

Just options my man. Some are LEAPs

Gotta love that leverage.

>> No.4009104

Resources to be better at sales?

>> No.4009121

Fuck off larper

>> No.4009130

I recommend learning by doing.

Supplement that by reading sales technique books. I listed some good books above, but other good books include "never split the difference", "The nordstrom way", "talk like TED", "secrets of power negotiating"

I'm sure you'll find more books along those line when you find it on Amazon

Best of luck my dude!

>> No.4009146

You gotta stop that limited mindset of yours my dude.

I'm offering useful advice to other people. What the fuck are you doing? Complaining about how I'm not actually rich. I don't care if you believe me.

Stop complaining about "Oh that guy's a LARP, he can't possibly be rich!" and start fucking doing shit with your life.

>> No.4009153

yeah this is bullshit. uh you dont make tens of millions "consulting" lmao what a crock of shit.
>hi guys i made $30m before taxes working with fortune 500 companies doing infrastructure consolidation and consultation work plus i order escorts every weekend (all before age 30 which means i average $2m annually since i was 15) ama.

>> No.4009157

Do you play earnings or just weeklies?

>> No.4009177

I didn't say I only made tens of millions through consulting, did I? Get better reading comprehension. I also did sales, stock options, and real estate.

Of course, somebody like yourself who has a limited fucking mindset will never be successful because you hide behind a computer screen criticizing others instead of adding value like I'm doing.

>> No.4009183

>guys take it from me all you have to do to be successful is stop spending $1500 per week on hookers like i used to for years, and dream big! just got to start doing something with your life!

>> No.4009185
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You need to get on my level.

>> No.4009203

>yeah guys, uh, i made over $30m in my twenties doing "sales" and uh "stock options" yeah thats right. im so smart, ethereum is the best currency! its basically like bitcoin but has smart contracts but i never invested in it. btw MACD is my key to success! i bet you dont know what that even is loser, go read a book and get reading compreshension! just got to get into real estate and you can earn tens of millions its easy.

>> No.4009217

>remember to add value like i'm doing!

>> No.4009228

I do a little bit of everything.

When I started out I'd do "guarantees" in a way and I'd put in anywhere between 20-30% of my portfolio in it. I don't do that anymore, because I don't need to, but it really jumpstarted my money in the beginning.

An example of this would be buying puts on Equifax after hearing about the hack, or buying puts after hearing about the Volkswagen emissions scandal.

Another example is SNAP. I bought a large amount of puts on SNAP when it IPO'd because I knew that was overvalued as fuck and it was basically free fucking money.

Nowadays I'll buy LEAPs on companies that I think will have strong, stable long-term growth. I bought LEAPs on BABA and NVDA a year ago and am very comfy.

>> No.4009260

Again, all you're doing is coming up with fucking excuses. Why? Because you're trying to protect your fucking ego.

I'm doing this as a service. I want to show you guys that it's possible to make it, even if you didn't necessarily grow up in an amazing household or you went to an amazing school.

And I never said it was fucking easy. It's fucking hard sometimes. But of course, you wouldn't know that because you've probably never worked a hard fucking day in your life.

You're just sad. You see somebody successful you have to tear them down to protect your own ego from exploding instead of deciding, "hey, maybe I can learn something from this guy."

I used to be like you. I used to be cynical about rich people and thought they were all scammers and conned their way to get there. You have to stop fucking thinking like that, because it's doing nothing but hurting you.

>> No.4009262

Am I the only one who doesn't care about the ETH BTC chart? I realize BTC is king for every shitcoin, but not ETH, I feel like it different enough that it should be looked at with USD value

>> No.4009344

>im doing you all a SERVICE by telling you how much money ive made (not to brag but i used to get high class escorts every weekend).
>buying a stock option is HARD FUCKING WORK do you realize how tough it is to make gains on your $10m stash that i got from all that consulting? i bet you never worked that hard in your entire life, i didnt even grow up in a amazing school but i fucking made it!
>look at that value im adding

>> No.4009434

christ, keep complaining man. You're impossible to talk to.

>> No.4009530

>hi everyone im rich, not giving proof or anything just vague "be yourself, think big!" advice. also, fuck you i bet you dont work hard like me cause you dont create VALUE (look how much value i created with a stock option).
sage to your self-jerkoff thread

>> No.4009601

you are bait.

>> No.4009619

So just another person doing the right thing at the right time? It's all about luck, you can just say it, there's nothing else to add.

I read a book where the author states a bunch of principles of how to get rich and then mentions he just made websites during the dotcom boom. What more advice is there to get from someone who has that as their background other than hold a 4 leaf clover and do -something- hoping it ends up the next big thing?

>> No.4009699


Don't even waste your time replying to shit posters.

>> No.4009705

Ok. Many people were alive when the dot-com boom happened. It's easy to say "oh, so and so just go lucky because there was the boom so that's how they made money". I know of very few people that made any of their money from the dot-com boom. What does that tell you?

Furthermore, I started doing websites in 2003 after the bubble burst

There are market booms in different sectors all the time. Take a look at Facebook/Youtube. That didn't get big until after 2003. I started doing digital marketing for businesses and companies through Facebook/Twitter/Youtube when they first started out.

You just have to look. I'd say there's a boom right now in cryptcourrency, and we're still on the cusp of it.

>> No.4009716

bitcoin wuz kang n shiet

>> No.4009746

Yeah, don't flaunt your wealth around women because that'll attract gold diggers who are a pain in the fucking ass.

Find a nice girl who likes you, and make sure she doesn't know you're making good money. Only let her know after a while what your net worth is after you trust her.

My girlfriend that I currently have, I took her to a "chick-fil-a" as our first date. I wasn't trying to show off my wealth or anything like that. When I saw that she still enjoyed the date and was laughing at my stupid jokes, I knew I wanted her to be my girlfriend.

>> No.4009770

hey anon, how much did u make off of ETH?

I made more than retard OP

>> No.4009948

How much did you make off ETH?

>> No.4010046

What would your biggest recommendations be for a young man out of high school and still in college. Im considering being doctor, (no US so fees not much a problem), im heavily interested and involved with flipping stuff for profit, stocks, crypto, sports bettings (yes it works if you follow people with good record and have good understanding)

>> No.4010060

Being a doctor is no joke man. You gotta be fully committed.

My advice? Stay in school, but focus on your entrepreneurial pursuits as well.

>> No.4010127

thanks, i understand doctor is more than a job its a lifestyle/vocation. What was some of the best material you read/received and advice given when you were younger (what did you believe helped you the most through your successful consulting work and entrepreneurial pursuits)?

>> No.4010168

What do you think really jumpstarted you? What hobby, book, activity, job, event or other first got you making decent money and into that entrepreneurial mindset?

>> No.4010205

I'd recommend a person in college today to read "the 10X rule" by Grant Cardone. Good introduction to the mindset you should have and it has exercises at the end of each chapter.

Some advice:

Don't worry about what other people are doing. Only worry about maximizing YOUR output always. You made $100 today? Good, go make $101 tomorrow. Don't worry if your friend or whoever you know is making $1,000 a day. Just focus on you.

Also, add as much value as possible to other people. Vaue doesn't just mean giving people money (although it can). An example of giving people value is lending them a helping hand, showing support for a friend when they're down, etc.

>> No.4010214

Post proof OP that you're not LARPing.

>> No.4010298


I remember admiring people who made it rich during the dot-com boom and I wanted to emulate that.

>> No.4010341
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I recently graduated from college. Dual degrees in engineering.

I have to start paying my student loans next month and still don’t have a job. I’ve been looking but honestly I want to make a good difference in the world, and besides the fact that I haven’t gotten any interviews yet AT ALL by using the shotgun approach of mass applying to everything - even the jobs that look slightly more in the realm of possibly are shit government sector jobs that my old classmates are all at (since I’m near DC).

I absolutely do not want anything to do with the government. Couldn’t fully explain if I tried but suffice it to say I interned in that environment and I hate the culture, as well as some other reasons like the fact that I sold drugs a bit in college which would probably make me ineligible for a security clearance. :----}

At this point I’m ready to move in with my girlfriend in the shitty state where she lives, and just work my way up from wagecucking. This is honestly more exciting than taking a drag of an engineering job if I can’t find one very soon. Is this a terrible idea? What if I decide to open my own business once I move? I honestly don’t care that much about making a lot of money, although I won’t complain. I just want to make some cool electronics or software playroom, eventually. Maybe even in blockchain.

>> No.4010363

Although I won’t complain if I do end up doing that*

Software platform*

t. brainlet phone poster

>> No.4010394

You gotta pay your dues man and start somewhere.

Do something on the side besides "wagecucking". Maybe order some stuff off of alibaba and try to sell them online. Make an ICO, that seems to make a lot of money these days.

The point is, you want to be in a place where you're rewarded based off of performance, not the time you put in. That's how true wealth is built. Investing and business are two examples of that.

>> No.4010716

Post proof you nog.

Also if you're not LARPping (pro-tip: you are), then sign a pre-nup for that roastie.

>> No.4011030


aus doctor here. what do you want to know?

this guys right in saying you gotta be committed. or at least have the mindset of working hard and putting in the hours.

>> No.4011671

>I read a book where the author states a bunch of principles of how to get rich and then mentions he just made websites during the dotcom boom.
Sounds like "The Millionaire Fastlane".

On sales:
The Psychology of Selling – Brian Tracy
Pitch Anything – Oren Klaff
The Ultimate Sales Machine – Chet Holmes
Value-Based Fees – Alan Weiss

>> No.4012568

yeah im getting work experience in the summer, sitting in on surgery, working as orderly.
just trying to find if its for me, whether id really enjoy it and find it satisfying etc. I hope i can remove any doubts i have and just put my 100% into it, no looking back.
what was your experience like with this?

>> No.4012607

great advice, thankyou
ill add the book to the few i plan to read when i finish uni,
and yeah i see people making lots of money at a young age but in 10years time they will not progress from there unless they go back to uni.
Im gald you mentioned helping others selfless, its great character building and self rewarding

>> No.4012692

Where would one hire these ladies? Asking for a friend.