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4007176 No.4007176 [Reply] [Original]

I got my first bitcoin at 80c with paypal, got my next ones for a buck on an exchange where I had to first by Lindens in Second Life and then tradr for bitcoin for an 8% loss, then bought 300 at 15 after watching the first moon to 30.

Cashed out a bunch and lost way more to Asic Miner and Neo Bee and didn't have any skin in the game for a year or so after I ran out in 2014. I bought a couple earlier in the year again though and thanks to you cunts I was at one point up to 16 btc (currently at 8).

In gratitude, I shilled you Iota when it was 3000 sats on ydx before it got on exchange and blocknet at 200k. Now I offer you the bomb diggity shill for Wyskers presale ICO with 30% bonus.

Wysker is an app like tinder for shopping except it has one on screen button modulation to deliver up to 20 images per second of similar products.you can then swipe left or right to scroll through different product streams. You'll have instagram for pictures, snapchat for messages, tinder for dating and wysker for commerce.

The app is finished and launching on dec 1 after the ICO with 500k products in inventory. Once you start using the app you build data sets through machine learning around your profile which is desirable for advertisers. You can allow them access to it temporarily in exchange for wys token which you can then use for discounts at merchants in the app (or free shit with enough). The merchants then pay advertisers in wys for their campaigns to sell more of their products and the cycle completes.

>> No.4007186
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Digital commerce is in the trillions of dollars as is advertising and data analytics. The app gives such a sick experience that it could easily take its place among the giants. This would be like investing in instagram at the first round of investment for an app that could process trilliins of dollars a year with you having your own data as a tradeable asset and if marketers wanted that super precious data they are forced to use wys.

The whole team has gone all in on the project with Tobi having 2 kids under 3 and having no salary and developing the app for the last 2 years. Their marketing lead quit his job in Belgium to come work for them for free. It's as authentic of a project as I am aware of in the scene.

Presale goes for another week at 30% bonus. The ICO goes for a month with diminishing bonuses.

Disclosure: I was recruited by them as an advisor because of my experience in crypto and awareness of the scene.
Vid of the app in action: https://youtu.be/aerQdByE-40


>> No.4007198

Nice, just bought 100k ;)

>> No.4007206

Tinder but for shopping. . .

Holy shit, if you believe in this garbage, kys

>> No.4007216
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Stay poor

>> No.4007217
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Swiping right for 2 hours to find the potatoes, and the potatoes don't swipe back

>> No.4007257

Another money grab ico with totally a completely tacked-on and unnecessary use of the blockchain

If the blockchain isn't completely central to the technology, the entire product is an excuse to exploit the ico bubble and will eventually go to zero

>> No.4007282

Hey thanks for the info drop.

An advisor huh? I'm american (((officially))) am I allowed to take part in the ICO?

also really quick before I start my research, is it an Ecr20 token?

dumb thots are gonna be all over this without even knowing.

>> No.4007298
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>If the blockchain isn't completely central to the technology,
Yea this too op, I was also curious, why is a blockchain needed for this phone app?
Just cutting out the middleman when it comes to online shopping?

>> No.4007426
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It's all up to the advertisers. If the app takes off and builds valuable data sets that they want access to they will have to use wys. There's no other ways for them to get it and wys doesn't have it either because the data is yours. Retailers will accept wys because they'll want them to pay advertisers so they can pay for access to data about the market place.

When wys are tradeable on exchanges and redeemable for discounts/free things, that will also create a buy pressure for wys. With atmoic swaps you could then buy anything in app for any cryptocurrency supported through DEXs or such.

>> No.4007534

>It's all up to the advertisers. If the app takes off and builds valuable data sets that they want access to they will have to use wys. There's no other ways for them to get it and wys doesn't have it either because the data is yours. Retailers will accept wys because they'll want them to pay advertisers so they can pay for access to data about the market place.
>When wys are tradeable on exchanges and redeemable for discounts/free things, that will also create a buy pressure for wys. With atmoic swaps you could then buy anything in app for any cryptocurrency supported through DEXs or such.

Okay. neat.

>I'm american (((officially))) am I allowed to take part in the ICO?

If you wouldn't mind a quick answer here.

Truthfully I may just wait till it hits exchanges and dips. the ICO x30 phase is over. The only reason I may not wait is because of presale bonus meaning I could flip as soon as it hits exchanges and buy in lower. Still I will get in either way op, thanks again.

>> No.4007535
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Yeah, it was kind of a surprise when they asked me but apparently they value the insights of someone who's been in the space for 5 years. I had Tobi (the ceo) on here to answer some questions the other night but it's hard to get traction when every retard just wants to read link threads apparently. I suggested they run a meme comp on here for some tokens.

Not officially, but just a vpn and claim your tokens and do what you want. They're a german team and have (on advice from KPMG) decided it's easier not to deal with your regulations. They're actually the first German ICO.

It's an erc23 token (basically the same except a small fix and complete backwards compatability). They have a clause in their whitepaper that says they plan to use ethereum but if they don't meet their stated objectives and other platforms will be better suited then they will convert the tokens and deploy it on that. I've been researching Ardor as a potential contendor.

>> No.4007559

>Not officially, but just a vpn and claim your tokens and do what you want. They're a german team and have (on advice from KPMG) decided it's easier not to deal with your regulations. They're actually the first German ICO.
>It's an erc23 token (basically the same except a small fix and complete backwards compatability). They have a clause in their whitepaper that says they plan to use ethereum but if they don't meet their stated objectives and other platforms will be better suited then they will convert the tokens and deploy it on that. I've been researching Ardor as a potential contendor.

Vpn, yea got it, Okay thanks
Hope you guys make it op, just market to women and you'll be fine.

>> No.4007599


War das nicht bei Höhle der Löwen?

>> No.4007666
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Crypto is like 90% dominated by dudes. If there was a massive push for chicks to reject the patriarchal banking systems and use crypto like when they all got made to start smoking by bernays, adoption could nearly double.