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4004627 No.4004627 [Reply] [Original]

Is Accounting a job that you suspect will be automated in the future? I ask because I plan on Majoring in Accounting. However, I'm just a freshman in college, so it'd be pretty easy to change Majors right now.

>> No.4004660

as a Computer Science major, I would HIGHLY suggest switching majors.

>> No.4004672

Accounting is boring AF, wish i got a computer science degree instead.

>> No.4004688

Almost everything will be automated in the future. They are working on automating fucking driving so what makes you think a math job isn't gonna be automated? It's all a matter of time. If they automate it in 10 years, is it worth doing it til then? Frankly I think it will be sooner.

>> No.4004703

Accounting is fucked. Switch to finance.

>> No.4004733
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>> No.4004800

idk, Compsci seems like a really saturated field right now. I feel like every other college student I talk to is Majoring in Compsci. Sure, it'll probably become more and more of a useful degree in the future the way technology's going. However, I feel like if I walked out of college with a Compsci degree right now, I would never find a job. Also, how hard is Compsci? I might be too much of a brainlet for it.
I was thinking about going into finance. However, I feel like I'm too much of a robot (KHV socially awkward failure) to really go into any Business field besides Accounting. You quite literally need to be Chad to succeed in several areas of Business, but I feel like I could make it in Accounting.

>> No.4004871

saturated? are you kidding? less than 2% of jobs get filled... most people claim to be in "computer science" but most never complete the degree since its hard as fuck for most. If youre good at logic and math. Youll do fine, if not, practice and youll eventually get there.

>> No.4004939

CS is about to get rekt once Google/Amazon/Facebook get regulated. The industry is in an enormously unsustainable bubble, and most companies are hemorraging money.

>> No.4004956

>I was thinking about going into finance. However, I feel like I'm too much of a robot (KHV socially awkward failure) to really go into any Business field besides Accounting. You quite literally need to be Chad to succeed in several areas of Business, but I feel like I could make it in Accounting.
Quantitative finance is perfect for you.

>> No.4004970

crypto already makes accounting obsolete

>> No.4005247
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both Accounting and compsci jobs will be replaced by Pajeets long before automation. it already happened

Learn to manage Indians and you can move there get maids and butlers for cheap if you don't mind poop in the street

But ya automation will knock out Accounting before CompSci

>> No.4005293

I don't know about you, but i'm working on getting a financial analysis degree.

>> No.4005405

Is this a lemon whore?

>> No.4005423

yes and the thing they're gonna be doing is data analysis

>> No.4005448

>accounting is done entirely by the blockchain
>accountants BTFO

>> No.4005491

Just double in finance and accounting... Then take your ass to an investment bank. Then to do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.4005519

Switch majors op

>> No.4005529

>decentrilized oracles

>> No.4005552

Accounting is a good major either way.
Pretty much all finance/business jobs ask for either an accounting/finance/business degree, so you should be fine.

>> No.4005566

How is anything in business not a threat of automation? Finance is going to get buttfucked just as well. Supply chain opportunities shrink by the day as well as ERP systems become more sophisticated (SAP is implementing blockchains as well), management is a meme, MIS is the only one that has some real staying power imo.

>> No.4005580

As someone working in the field, Accounting is not going anywhere.

Government will just keep getting bigger and keep making new accounting rules and changes that will keep accountants employed.

Shareholder will not except fully automated financial statements. Someone needs to be held accountable. You can't hold a computer accountable.

>> No.4005581

Companies would need to all be on the same systems in order for accounting to get automated the way these ignorant tards keep talking about. If you've ever worked within one of these companies, you'd know that they are each too stubborn to do a system overhaul. Accounting will be fine for at least another 25 years and for now will only get easier.

>> No.4005593

>You can't hold a computer accountable.
So you have no faith in blockchain technology I see.

>> No.4005611

>each too stubborn to do a system overhaul
No they aren't. Innovation is key in business. If companies want to compete and remain profitable they need to adapt. Companies in the 90s who failed to adapt to ERP environments lagged behind and couldn't compete with those who did and the ERP growing pains were fucking yuge.

>> No.4005619

My guess it will be turned to pajeets.
Legit accounting could be automated, but mostly it needs to be shilled without leaving the trace, hence no robots for now.

>> No.4005630

"all be on the same systems" lol yeah and good luck with that part

>> No.4005632

I studied tax lax, which is the rule side of accounting.

I'd say yes and no. I am pretty sure 99% of the people do not know how to do their accounting properly. And automation makes it a lot easier, but in the end a lot of human decisions need to be made. And checking for fraud is also quite a human job, although machines can already shit out reports that mention things that stands out.

I imagine accountants will spend more time in the future refining and checking a companies accounting than doing it. Automation will make your job easier.

>> No.4005648

Bookkeeping will 100% be automated. Anyone who knows that accounting isn't just AP/AR functions knows that things like tax/audit will continue to exist

>> No.4005657

Why would they need to be on the same systems? Current accounting isn't all based off the same systems.

>> No.4005659

automated jobs won't exist for at least another 100 years
get a degree in what you want and stop worrying

>> No.4005680

Same situation here OP

>> No.4005697

People are saying accounting as a whole when talking about automation because they have no clue what accounting entails. So if you want all apects of accounting to be automated, companies will need to be on the same system for audit/tax/compliance functions to be automated as well

>> No.4005702

Accounting is really shitty and oversaturated. You will end up making $13 an hour in some shitty AR/AP gig as a glorified secretary, or you will end up slaving away 80 hour weeks for 40k at a CPA firm where your pay pretty much comes out to what you would make at McDonalds if you worked the same amount of hours. Not to mention the field is full of some of the biggest losers and tools you will ever meet, and it isn't even that easy finding a job.

Go into something computer science related and you will be a lot better off. I am lucky I lucked into a great government job or I would have killed myself as an accountant.

>> No.4005828

Returns on capital are greater than returns on labor, and that trend is increasing. Banks control almost all capital, therefore your best bet is to work for the banks. Tech companies are just pawns for banks.

>> No.4005835

Blockchain can't do shit except basic bookkeeping.

>> No.4006142

>Not to mention the field is full of some of the biggest losers and tools you will ever meet

Can you please elaborate?

>and it isn't even that easy finding a job.

And about this too.

>> No.4006309

He probably had no experience etc.
Government jobs tend to be filled by losers with no experience.

>> No.4006353

Why would that require the same exact system? The same rules can be baked into different algos. They don't need to be the exact same piece of software.

>> No.4006392

Blockchain is the most sophisticated record keeping technology we have ever conceived of and the implications of trustless services are massive.

>> No.4006399

and niggers.

>> No.4006404

>Blockchain is the most sophisticated record keeping technology we have ever conceived

Yeah, that's pretty much all bookkeeping is.

>> No.4006431

Yes, but there will still need to be a few people to punch in the numbers on the computer.
Financial Accounting will always be needed, but there will be less need for it.
College is for rich kids and people trying to be a professional (like a nurse or a lawyer).
Don't listen to the fags talking about CS, it's an over-saturated field and filled with pajeets that will do it for a 3rd of a what an American will.

>> No.4006443

You don't think decentralized trust and immutable data is valuable or what's your point?

>> No.4006474

What I really didn't like, is that they all expect your entire life to revolve around the firm. I just put in an 80 hour week sorry I don't want to go out for drinks with you people after work.

Very abusive to their employees. They expect you to leave after a few years so they don't want to invest in training and treat you like shit. Overwork you.

It's a lot like the stereotypical Japanese workforce you hear people talk about.

This was just regional CPA firms though the big 4 doesn't have any offices around my home and I probably couldn't have gotten in anyways. But I'd imagine it's all the same if not worse there.

>> No.4006492

I mean that it still doesn't remove accountants out of the equation.

>> No.4006501

Did you not see the PayPie ICO? This is one of the few use cases of crypto.

It's called a ledger for a reason.

Also it will take business forever to compliment this. The freedom to handwave given by having a human accountant is vital in all business. Just look at the endless bribery scandals in the fortune 500 companies. It's the same all the way .

So yes be a corruptable accountant and it's worth it. Fucking boring job though.

>> No.4006505

80 hour weeks are seasonal, usually around the end of each financial year.

>> No.4006517

The big 4 has the same amount of shit from I hear from the recruiters

>> No.4006565

Okay, but I was talking about holding computers accountable and bitcoin is the most obvious example of this very thing.

That's basically what mining is. Keeping everyone on the blockchain honest.

>> No.4006906

Automation is basically CompSci. More automation = More CompSci

>> No.4007045

Bookkeeping - yes
Tax advisory - no

First is procedural, second requires creativity and a human overview of the facts.

Also it will take decades for government tax authorities to get a grips with blockchain

>> No.4007558

>Accounting is really shitty and oversaturated. You will end up making $13 an hour in some shitty AR/AP gig as a glorified secretary, or you will end up slaving away 80 hour weeks for 40k at a CPA firm where your pay pretty much comes out to what you would make at McDonalds if you worked the same amount of hours. Not to mention the field is full of some of the biggest losers and tools you will ever meet, and it isn't even that easy finding a job.

100% accurate.

>> No.4007988


Isn't the 80 hours week just for like a month (during the end of fiscal year), though?
Otherwise, how are the work hours during a "normal" week?

>> No.4008012

Isn't it already automated?
What do you do in accounting that a computer can't

>> No.4008023

pajeets cant code for shit

increasingly complex computer systems, some of which could put life at risk, wont be outsourced to some 3rd world shithole, cause it would cost them more in the long run to fix the code than simply hiring good white coders

>> No.4008043

I chuckled louder than I should have.

>> No.4008060

Studied accounting and business in school. Only got analyst jobs bc of good grades but Learning programming doubled my salary.

Switch to computer science or the closest thing to data science you can find

>> No.4008189

Did your degree help at all for landing a programming job?

>> No.4008234

B-but the internet told me that if I slave away at 40-60K a year for 10 years I'll find a comfy job paying me 100K to do nothing!

>> No.4008289

Financial analysis is a job not a degree

>> No.4008487

I'm in accounting and yes, it will largely be automated. But don't be afraid if you are a people person, the demand for advisors is exploding. A large part of my job is just talking shit with clients and helping them with their accounting systems. At more senior levels, it becomes more about strategy, which is a long way off being automated. Especially in management accounting.

But for those poindexters that love counting beans in a quiet stuffy office, your days are numbered...mind the pun. The change is coming quick, such as the huge advances that cloud products are making. At my firm I'm actually automating quite a bit of the work by writing VBA scripts into Excel to get rid of all the stupid fucking data-entry work, e.g. tax returns, which before took around 1 - 2 hours to do, now literally only take a few seconds. If a dumbass like myself can do that, then there's no hope for the traditional accountant.

If you're gonna do accounting, you will make mega bucks if you do a comp sci double major and become an industry disruptor.