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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4003320 No.4003320 [Reply] [Original]

Hi everyone,

Starting today, I'll be publishing these updates on Medium, which allows for more length and formatting options. I'll still be here to answer questions and reply to comments.


No big changes today, though, except that Binance lost almost 2 more million tokens but retains almost all the volume. This means sharper price changes and more price control for the whales holding tokens there.

Two more things:
1. I'll always sign my update posts as CryptoTakeoff. Be careful of phishing links.
2. If you share this content, make sure you include my contact info. I've seen my status updates pasted on Slack, Telegram and Reddit without any attribution. Please respect the time I'm putting into this or I'll stop sharing the information publicly.


ETH: 0x00bBa03Ed7B3cE9F1efDFc9945a95AF6ED42A577

>> No.4003386

Thanks for the updates - looks like you titled your Medium post 9/22 update when it should be 10/22.

>> No.4003408

Thanks, I just updated it. The link remains the same.

>> No.4003411

My man. Thanks.

>> No.4003424

If the total supply wasnt a retarded number this wouldve mooned today. Pretty hard.

>> No.4003447


>> No.4003517

Why today?

>> No.4003532
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>> No.4003567

Genuine question. Has someone already donated anything to you or is everyone on /biz/ pajeet cheapskates?

>> No.4003578

inb4 faggit screencaps your post and posts it there

I hate faggit with every atom of my being. If I ever rise to power, I will get the address of every redditor and throw them in a giant incinerator.

>> No.4003617

Reddit is perfect for subtle shitposting though.

Another thing to do that's always funny is make a typical reddit meme joke. Become top comment and then edit your comment to say something subtle trolling or against the Reddit narrative and immediately you'll have your inbox filled with (You)s

>> No.4003641

One guy donated 10 Link. That was it.

>> No.4003775

If I recoup my losses after getting burnt from yesterday (motherfucker suddenly went up 4800 for no reason after lingering in the 3k range for a while) I'll send some your way. Appreciate these posts. Dunno when that will be, prolly if this dips back or if I make enough profit in this volatile 4300-4800 range. Hoping I don't get burnt like a fucker again

>> No.4003800

love link and love the updates but not sure if today's warrants a tip. I'll tip when its at 50 cents.

>> No.4003823

That's actually pretty clever. I keep getting banned everywhere I go, like when I posted the LINK swastika flag on linktrader.

>> No.4003845

I appreciate that!

>> No.4003899

I thought that screencap was funny until I noticed he had carefully cropped out my contact info and didn't even include a link to the original thread in his post. Thanks for nothing, I guess.

>> No.4004312


>> No.4004330

Based anon, doing God's work.

>> No.4004351

I'd definitely donate if I didn't have 20k Link stolen three weeks ago.

>> No.4004353


>> No.4004402

Excuses, always excuses.

>> No.4004741

supply is just an arbitrary number since crypto is divisible. it's simply a choice of where to put the decimal. it has no effect on the market cap other than maybe a small psychological effect.

>> No.4004768

A big psychological efffect.

>> No.4004890
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>> No.4004913

>psychological effect

sadly this is far the most important factor in crypto. i've yet to meet a person that doesn't go "hurrrr, one bitcoin is $6000, that's completely INSANO". nobody understands what market cap or coin supply mean.

>> No.4004949
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what do you niggers think

>> No.4004958
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I like it

>> No.4004974

Threads like these incline me to think Link is actually the real deal. Anytime people start doing this level of research and have generals about it I feel like it's legit.

I'm not putting a red fucking cent into it but I wish you all the best.

>> No.4005003
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>> No.4005013

Probably a retard question but I've already abandoned ship on 80% of my LINK. How do I transfer my Eth out of Etherdelta? It's like the most convoluted site I've seen.

Do I just use the transfer button and place the receiving ETH address on it and press send?

>> No.4005042

Thanks. I hold some Link and have a background in business analysis, so I thought I'd do some proper research.

>> No.4005054

You move it to your wallet, the same one you moved it to ED from. You can transfer a small quantity first, then the rest once you see the first transaction cleared without trouble. Sorry I cannot be more specific. I'm sure someone's written a tutorial or created a video explaining it. Google it.

ED definitely takes some using to.

>> No.4005076

seeing the binance wallet address drop everyday is really interesting. however i looked at my transaction to deposit LINK onto my binance wallet address and its still sitting in that wallet even though ive sold and withdrew now.

so i believe binance has more LINK than this main wallet. once it drops to low, i think there will be a sweep of all the individual wallets to the main one.

>> No.4005077

So what are your thoughts on Link? Does it hold up to scrutiny? Is it all that and a bag of chips?

>> No.4005141
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>seeing the binance wallet address drop everyday is really interesting.
why is this happening?

>> No.4005277

Do you mind posting your address?

>> No.4005290

Most people who follow Link are convinced there's massive price manipulation in Binance. Why trade? Best to withdraw your tokens and hold.

>> No.4005294

Because more and more people are becoming aware that Binance is manipulating the price to hell and back.
Or at least people on binance are.

So everyone decides to pull out of Binance.

iirc the amount of LINK on Etherdelta has been rising at the same time, and Etherdelta now holds more LINK than Binance (but a lot less trading volume).

>> No.4005320

If Link ever hits $10 I will give you 100 link.

>> No.4005334
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I also took all my LINK from my binance account and into MEW.
but not because of the price manipulation but because its a chink exchange that might be unreliable.

>and Etherdelta now holds more LINK than Binance (but a lot less trading volume).
so people hodl it in Etherdelta but are not trading it?

>> No.4005337
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To you maybe. Marketcap is all that counts for me. You must be a literal brainlet

>> No.4005341

>so people hodl it in Etherdelta but are not trading it?
Seems so.

>> No.4005346

nice selfie

>> No.4005371
File: 53 KB, 641x530, wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the price different for LINK on Etherdelta compared to Binance?
is there a major difference between the two exchanges?

what happens to LINK when too many people Hodl?

>> No.4005381

more volatility

>> No.4005408

Good shit OP, keep up the good work.

>> No.4005440

You can send them now and I'll hold.

Anyway, what would the Link market cap be at that price?

>> No.4005454

Yep, they hold in Etherdelta, a really bad idea.

>> No.4005466

There are gaps, which arbitrage bots profit from.

>> No.4005492


shut the fuck up about that, dude.

with how much you haphazardly work that into so many of your /biz/ comments, I could only imagine how insufferable you are in real life...

"Can you believe what happened is Las Ve-"


"wtf is he on about his computer credits again, cheryl someone needs to speak to the boy"

>> No.4005499

Binance currently has about 94% of the trading volume for Link versus 3% on both ED and Mercatox respectively. For this reason it's not a stretch to say that whales on binance are capable of keeping price pretty disconnected from reality. As the other anon mentioned there are gaps between the two. Need to quit being a lazy faggot and transfer my bags onto MEW right now.

>> No.4005526

I think you have mental problems. I haven't mentioned this in weeks.

>> No.4005579
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fuck how can anyone do this after the whole MtGox shitshow?


>Binance currently has about 94% of the trading volume for Link
how did this happen?
how binance got so much LINK?

>> No.4005595

not gonna post my exact address, but if you just go through transactions withdrawing LINK from binance, check that addresses history if it looks like they deposited. for example this address is probably an individual binance address

>> No.4005627

It's a big exchange, much easier to use than ED. Also, a single whale moved 4.6 million tokens there to trade.

Regarding MtGox, I think most people getting into crypto now never heard of it.

>> No.4005636

heres example of how they do mass sweep to fill the main address for withdrawals

>> No.4005660

>reddit spacing
You're just as obnoxious.

>> No.4005661

Where do you get your information and/or what is it that you research when gathering your information?

>> No.4005671

All I see in that address is that the money comes from an arbitrage bot that trades ED/Binance gaps.

>> No.4005689

Don't know what that page means. Are you saying Binance has many small wallets and only move the money to the main wallet for withdrawal?

In that case, why does the main wallet over $60M in tokens?

>> No.4005691
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is there a specific reason why LINK is only available at those places?

how profitable is that for him?

>> No.4005701

Etherscan, mainly.

>> No.4005704

did that a couple days ago, but with that nano ledger thing. Has anyone had a bad experience with one of those?

>> No.4005708

To put it in perspective, it's 94% of the volume but the total volume being traded right now is only 4.7MM. Since this >>4005627 anon noted that a whale moved some huge bags there to trade, it's possible that the bulk of that volume is just a whale trading his stack around. I didn't pay attention to the exact volume numbers we saw just days after ICO when this first hit ED and Binance but I recall that it was an explosive amount compared to what we're seeing currently.

>> No.4005717

We all want it to be in more exchanges. That takes time.

>> No.4005718

So you basically just monitor the different addresses that have done most of the trading?

im just curious of your process and all that jazz

>> No.4005722
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If you'd like you can use any of the info I've compiled here >> https://pastebin.com/6xcsc2jR Good luck getting donations though.

>> No.4005736

yes shows how it works with the individual wallets even better. LINK gets deposited there and sits, but withdrawals are taken from the pool in the main address.

yes i believe so. but not sure on the specifics of why. just look at the main binance wallet and youll see all the outgoing LINK withdrawals but rarely incoming aka deposits

>> No.4005745

I monitor the top 50 whales one by one. Also look at the percentage held by the top 25/50/100/250/500 whales. Look at the volume on Binance and ED, as well as how many tokens they have in their wallets. Also check for big quantities leaving the exchanges and the number of new wallets created.

It takes time.

>> No.4005747

>Link update
>Send BTC!

>> No.4005755

I know, right?

>> No.4005757
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would that actually make a big difference? like if tomorrow it comes to one more exchange.
would one exchange more change things?

>> No.4005763

Yes, the Binance wallet is for withdrawins only. Still, it's the best info I've got and the evolution in the number of tokens it holds is a good indicator no matter what.

Your research is interesting, thanks!

>> No.4005777

A big one would bring volume and new buyers. Take power away from the Binance bots, too.

>> No.4005794
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and why the fuck is he not doing anything?

>> No.4005858

It's something that newfags like to think that supply-demand bullshit applies to crypto.
So welcome to /biz/ newfag.

>> No.4006103

Wait for the next announcement to come and you'll see a hundred threads praising Sergey to the heavens.

>> No.4006453

Thanks for your contribution.

>> No.4006799

>supply is just an arbitrary number since crypto is divisible. it's simply a choice of where to put the decimal.
right! thats why digibyte, siacoin and ripple are all several hundred dollers per coin. oh...wait...

>> No.4006814

>go all in at 10k
>sell at 3.5k

Not even meming. Should I just bite the bullet and buy back in at another 50% loss or will it dip back down tonight?

>> No.4006839

Nobody knows. If you believe in the project you should buy

>> No.4006859

You're doing good work man

Just subscribed
When i make enough I'll be donating for sure

>> No.4006869


>> No.4007000
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I know the feeling man, I write up doc's for /biz/ and I never seen anything nobody wants to buy info anymore.

>> No.4007028


>> No.4007042

Get on a bigger platform and build a reputation. This morning I posted the Link status piece on Medium and it has over 400 views already.

>> No.4007084

Trying to get onto Steemit, but my email hasn't come in. They seem to eat up infoposts about crypto, but I don't know if they'd pay up in anything but shitty steem dollars.

Medium is an option, maybe twitter too,

>> No.4007193

I'm not a Steemit fan.