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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 278x142, BTC STORY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3998675 No.3998675 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3998684

looks like cryptos already had a bubble in 2011

>> No.3998692

Holy fuck Greg...


>> No.3998696

At one point he had about $10,000,000 damn he fucked up lmao

>> No.3998713

I want a time machine

>> No.3998730

He must hate himself

Bitcoin haunting his days and nights.

>> No.3998741
File: 8 KB, 291x332, 1502110769847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That guy probably needs a good psychologist right now, but I doubt he can afford one since he sold at $0.30.

>> No.3998743

$100 he sold for

$14k when he sells at $8

hes too much of a weak fag to have held anyways

Hold LINK dont be this guy

>> No.3998752

>there are people who bought in at ATH for 8 dollars
I feel sorry for them already.

>> No.3998778

Imagine buying 100 dollar worth of digital currency and end up being a multi-millionaire in less than a decade

Fucking imagine your life at that point.

Now imagine being the guy that sold it at 0.30 Jesus

>> No.3998795

Remember to never go all in at ATH.

>> No.3998799

Brutal, absolutely brutal. He's probably all disheveled, dirty looking now yelling at strangers on the street, "I could've been a millionaire you know! hahaha WHY DID I SELL?"

>> No.3998822

But hes literally admitting he would have been MIND BLOWN by $8.00 BTC and would have sold.

Just because you knew about BTC or held a small amount back in 2011 doesn't mean you would be a millionaire today.
Most of you cant even hold a few hundred dollars worth of shitcoin through the monthly bear run.

>> No.3998833

That's why i don't sell. Only buy. Would kill myself if it moons without me.

>> No.3998844

>if it moons without me
this is literally the definition of FOMO

>> No.3998850


This. HODL is more than a meme

>> No.3998862


> imagine having had 1700 BTC at a time in the past
> imagine not having KYS yet for having sold them

>> No.3998867

Kinda glad I didn't get into bitcoin so early so I didn't have a chance to make that mistake

>> No.3998877

I'd have been too lazy too sell and report a capital gain.

>> No.3998882

Eh, FOMO has more to do with chasing pumps that are occuring or buying at ATH. You do have a point though regarding being attached out of fear, regardless in crypto HODLING has been proven to be the most effective way to make money (Provided you know when to actually take a profit on your shitcoins).

>> No.3998916

Eh, FOMO is actually about fear of missing out in general

>> No.3999072
File: 24 KB, 400x400, kekdigits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3999079

If you fomo but you hold, you still gonna be rich one day

>> No.3999094

holy JUST

has he killed himself yet?