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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3996566 No.3996566 [Reply] [Original]

NEO is #3 highest vol on bittrex
NEO is #1 highest vol on binance

sumding is about to habben.
sum fuckos are accumulating
whilst you nigtits are chasing pumps

also look at usd price of NEO.

thank me next week. lazytown poaster is rarely wrong about NEO.

bai bai bai right now roundeyes

>> No.3996581

China regulation? Qlink? What?

>> No.3996582

I wish I could choke the life out of you and sell your NEO at a loss while I piss on your lifeless corpse you pedophilic piece of shit.

>> No.3996590

massive selloff is coming...might be going back under 10 dollaroos

>> No.3996600


>> No.3996602

someone is Mad Online
no where did i say i wanted to have sex with this pink-haired bitch whilst she was on the show; by the way she is now over age 20 and is now definitely looking good. in fact, when i first saw her pics holding the bags, i thought she was a boy in a wig and felt annoyed seeing it. this was back when NEO was ANS, you little sensitive shitbag.

>> No.3996612

I'd crack your neck in an instant and end your life with no regrets.

>> No.3996633

Amen. There are too many fucking pedos on this board.

>> No.3996646

woah buddy

>> No.3996647
File: 55 KB, 1571x481, 2017-10-22-01-43-www.bitfinex.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is happening all right

>> No.3996659

You're next.

>> No.3996728

It's degenerate that you use this girl as your mascot, btw.

>> No.3996745
File: 15 KB, 313x161, buy_NEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with it

>> No.3996761


>getting triggered on 4chan

just move on man

>> No.3996770

Lol everyone is dumping their positions.

>> No.3996776

friendly reminder that if you bought 10k neo on jan 1st and sold at 50$ you would have over 2 million dollars

>> No.3996791

>It's degenerate
ahahaha you do realize what website you're on, right fucko. look, if you're really upset, let me be honest with you: i've never had a thing for younger girls. in fact, like 90% of the women i've been with were older than me. maybe i've got some fucked up issues but i'm definitely not a pedo.

i just think the pinkhaired lazytown girl is fucking funny. if you still want to snap my neck, great. sounds like a fast way to die. follow your dreams. next time i'm feeling really suicidal, i'll post the pink haired girl again with my exact location, and you can decide whether you want to put action to your words and make the trip over to end my life.

until then you're just a little keyboard warrior, angry for no reason.

i'm buying more NEO when it goes back under $28. missed it today because i was too high on anti-depressants.

>> No.3996794

But muh ANS xD

>> No.3996798

yea thats a ton of selling. it's not looking too good in neo/usd terms over at trex either. gonna wait it out. missed the $26-to-$29 buy/sell opportunity today. oh well. dumb.

>> No.3996801

Improve your English.

>> No.3996811

the ANS logo really threw me off man...i bought it late at $17, still would've made some profits but sold out of impatience.

>> No.3996814

you guys think ZEN has the potential to be the next ANS/NEO it is moving in the same pattern if you look at the chart history

>> No.3996817


>> No.3996823

>>hurrr durr you misspelled something and your grammar wasn't 100% perfect on the internet
eat shit niglet. god people on /biz/ are annoying lately. bunch of fags from reddit piling over here as usual

>> No.3996834

Looks like people dumping NEO again.

>> No.3996845

just join the discord crypto pumpgroup https://discord.gg/bKr79X

>> No.3996851

Yeah GIANT DUMP right now don't buy. Sell and buy back later!!!

>> No.3996863

gook... join the discord pump and forget bout neo https://discord.gg/bKr79X

>> No.3997010


I will buy NEO if they rebrand to ANS

>> No.3997066

Sorry about your investment. :o)