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File: 8 KB, 200x200, vertcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3993943 No.3993943 [Reply] [Original]

is this thing just moving up, anyone tracking it?

Theres been no news besides being on the Ledger wallet, its basically a litecoin so what gives?

>> No.3993960
File: 363 KB, 432x614, VTCyum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about to half and everyone knows it's insanely undervalued, it's just as good if not better than LTC and it has less coins in circulation, you do the math... my moon boots are strapped and I'm enjoying the ride.

>> No.3993973

>basically a litecoin
>litecoin had the same moon mission, $4 to $30 in a couple hours
>sold my 15k ark at 48 and joined the shitlogocoin at 28, worth it
>still despise vertcoin

>> No.3993977

my only regret is not dumping more money into VTC.
at least I'm mining the hell out of it now

>> No.3993980

I hold only 50 coins but am also mining it. What do you mean half? Will we expect a dip? I want to bag up.

>> No.3994013

lel, you're mining it and don't even know about the halfing??? Every 4 years the mining reward per block gets cut in half... the next time that happens will be this december, lower supply and equal or greater demand means price goes up.

>> No.3994025

Some insane pump going on right now

>> No.3994032

No I know about that, I thought you meant about a dip coming soon.

Im really hoping it takes a dip to half of current price atleast.

>> No.3994043

block rewards cut in half in december. 50 to 25 VTC per block. Happens every 4 years and this is the first one.

I only bought 50 VTC and wish I bought more when it was under 1.50$

Think it'll dip back under 2$? I'm scared of buying this high but it keeps fucking rising. Correction soon so I can buy more up I hope

>> No.3994055

People realise it's better than LTC, realise it's only $3, realise the halving is fast approaching and realise if they don't buy now they'll miss the train.

$10 by 2018.

>> No.3994060

doubt it will go down much, it's breaking through every fucking resistance like it's nothing. Shits already went from $2.95 to over $3.30 in just the last few minutes

>> No.3994083

True, but I dont want to FOMO myself into buying at ATH then it corrects.


>> No.3994094


I sold back at 80c and it has never dipped below that after, and I FOMO'd back in at $2.50, I don't think its ever going back down

>> No.3994098

what is a halving?

>> No.3994100

Remember theres many other altcoins out there, not only vertcoin. You'll get burned often with that risky mindset. Though its up to you to fomo into it

>> No.3994116

The community is almost religious with respect to VTC, they care very little about the price. All the development is crowd funded and the devs respond to nearly every single reddit comment immediately. I'm not heavily invested but it is an excellent medium-long hold, with the added bonus of almost guaranteed moon before the halving.

>> No.3994127

That's what I was thinking when it went up to $2.50 today... but then I said fuck it, and now it's up almost a dollar higher already. Besides I long term all the VTC I buy, this is one coin that will absolutely 10x if not waaay more

>> No.3994132

Thats true. I just really like vertcoin. Difficult since I already want to add to my bag of 50 coins.

I hold 7 NEO and feel I wouldnt feel lost without it right now if I top up my bag.

>> No.3994135

Vertcoin community knows it's value ; they are smart and are well trained in hodling . I don't expect any significant sell off until $10. $30 by EOY .

>> No.3994188


the mining reward is cut in half after a certain block, meaning the supply will grow much more slowly

>> No.3994225

putting everything i have in crypto into Vert and holding till it hits $10, and maybe even after.

>> No.3994232

I feel like doing the same, it seems safe so far.

>> No.3994245

this thing is just going to fucking moon for the next month.

better blockchain tech than bitcoin. ASIC resistant.

>> No.3994269

People have been saying that whales will still buy in, think thats bad?

>> No.3994276

I never put all my eggs into one basket, but hey this is a pretty comfy basket so your eggs should be in good hands.

>> No.3994297

Bent that $3 like a tiny Asian bitch.

>> No.3994379

Could this coin honestly take on litecoin though? charlie lee wouldnt have a bar of it since the teams seem tight.

>> No.3994389
File: 381 KB, 740x640, 1507897853211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone ever makes an anime girl for VTC it will moon so hard... XRP is still my fav

>> No.3994405

I think it could get pretty close. LTC doesn't have ASIC resistance so they aren't competing for the same mining pools

>> No.3994444

Everyone seems to be saying ASIC resistance is a good thing, why is that? I mean if giant mining pools wanted to compete for it they still could mine a shitload of it off of already existing gpu mines they possibly own. Cant remember the company but theres a huge cloud mining opperation in Iceland that still uses gpus..

>> No.3994445
File: 158 KB, 740x640, vtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3994530
File: 1.51 MB, 1200x800, newVTCgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this one for now...

>> No.3994548


the developers are also ready to change the algorithm if need be to deter large mining operations.

>> No.3994565

Wow, I always envy people who are that good with photoshop... nice

>> No.3994566

Ahh right. Well that seems like a good thing.

Is it just me or does litecoin just feel.. boring?

>> No.3994585

I run a photography business own the side so I've been using photoshop for years, this is just silly stuff

>> No.3994586


i like LTC, it was what I was using to transfer between exchanges before ethereum. They're basically around the same price. I think it will probably grow slowly, it's a great hedge to have in your portfolio if you value some stability.

Although VTC is likely to add stability and is also in a much better position to gain.

>> No.3994611

saved that picture, if vtc is the next moon coin you'll see it a lot here

>> No.3994646


Just FOMO'd at $2.80. Gonna bust a nut all over them anime titties if this thing hits $10

>> No.3994657
File: 366 KB, 936x1510, karensakai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well have these then...

>> No.3994727

OP is with you, sold my last position in BTC to get a further 40 more vtc. lets see where this takes us.

>> No.3994825
File: 225 KB, 849x1132, VforVTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it finished it's mini correction and is charging up again

>> No.3994842

I think it's almost gdt it hit's 5-10 until end of year, I think I'm gonna put my alts 50/50 into vert and Ark right before the fork

>> No.3994877

excited, thinking of liquidating my 7 neo that i hold to top off my bag then hold for a while.

>> No.3994884

never been a huge fan of ARK, Keeping my eye on Syscoin and Aeon though, supposed to be some upgrades in the works that might push up the prices, I even invested in Bytecoin about a month ago, it's a total shitcoin but the devs are finally releasing new stuff for it and it's gone up about 30% since I bought in

>> No.3994885


I fucking hope so.

I'm heavily in WTC, NEO, and now VTC.

>> No.3994916

wtc will boom soon, china fomo coming in, just be patient

Once I was travelling one month in mongolia without internet at all, kinda thinking about that again so I don't hit F5 every 2 min since months like a retard and just hold my positions for a while lol

>> No.3995099

Have been eyeing VTC for weeks now, finally pulled the trigger at 49k sats. Now for it to plummet to 40k like the rest of my coins

>> No.3995134

that 106,986 coin buy wall at 46580 says otherwise

>> No.3995138

cant be as bad as me buying 400 kyber at ATH only to be bag-holding right now as we speak.

>> No.3995180


top kek, this aint no safex shit coin, this is vertical shit coin, the up kind my dude

>> No.3995222


I've been in WTC since $0.82 and $1.98. Been DCA'ing in every week. I won't be a millionaire but I can at least be comfy and retire 5 years earlier.

>> No.3995231

You mean we're actually gonna make it?

>> No.3995275

thats how I sort of feel buying VTC now..

>> No.3995512
File: 27 KB, 220x220, damn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, I thought the correction was over..

>> No.3995643

Bought in at $1.40, hoping to buy a lot more once it dips with money flowing back into BTC here after this dip..

>> No.3995665

I dont want it to dip more than this

>> No.3995699

I don't give a shit I only got to spend $16 when I wanted to spend 2.5k on it, I need the gains more than you anyway faggot

>> No.3995722


>> No.3995724
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1125, 1498295982909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have money problems? lol poor kid

>> No.3995723

trips and this coins dips to 1.8 by sunday night

>> No.3995731

listen bud, daddy really needs this dip so pls sell high right now and just buy back in when it's cheaper since pappa bitcoins is gonna crash this whole ship tonight

none of us would be here if we didn't

>> No.3995747

you sound very desperate pajeet, maybe you could sell more phone plans..

Im here and have no money problems buddy, maybe dont bank your mcdonalds wages on crypto just yet kiddo.

>> No.3995812

If you had no money problems you wouldn't bother investing / trading. Anyone who uses money has "money problems" in the same way every mortal man has "time problems". You're in the system and could always use more, so there's an inherent problem of obtaining more.

And I'm not desperate, but eager. I did my homework on this coin, have saved up a little bit of disposable income and I could use some gains. I've had so many missed opportunities due to not having disposable income at the time. BTC in 2014, ETH in 2015.. I'm don't want to miss this one. I just want my ACH to clear before the moonride so Coinbase doesn't rape me with fees..

I just want one whole bitcoin lol

>> No.3995830

Understandable. It looks like Its taking the dip you wanted too. when are you thinking of buying?

Sorry about giving you a hard time, you just came across very rude at the start.

>> No.3995912

Well I'd like to buy ASAP. I'm waiting for my ACH to clear through Coinbase/GDAX so I don't get fucked with fees, but I can't get photo ID until Monday at earliest (longer if they mail it). So I might just bite the fees in hopes of the moonride paying them off.. I think this is easily a $10+ coin, (I'm conservatively hoping $7 by 2018) so I don't think buying now is bad by any means, but for a 2.5k purchase, coinbase would take a lot of my money. I don't have to pay capital gains tax though, so I suppose it might even that out.

So personally, I'm hoping bitcoin keeps crashing a bit, or at least plateauing for the next couple days to keep VTC on ground level until my ACH clears. There's been lots of hype and hysteria lately. Lots of increased volume and hopefully some noobies with weak hands looking to back out at first dip...

One can hope :) Goddam this photo ID stuff is ruining me though, I don't get why they need it when RobinHood doesn't. Worst part is that they don't accept a passport, and I have that.

>> No.3995958

But I'm also into VTC for it's ideology. I got into it because ASIC farms are the antithesis of a decentralized currency, and while GPU farms could also hypothetically exist en masse as we see with ASIC, the lower entry barrier for GPUs coupled with the massive population already having them might prove vertcoin to be a more decentralized currency.

Plus one click miner is DOPE AF

>> No.3995980

Have you tried other exchanges? I think some are a bit more lenient with photo ID. You could try one of those?

Now looks like a great time to buy in too

>> No.3996002

Is oneclick miner up and running? Im still mining without it.

I agree with the ASIC mining though, but if you google some cloud mining websites, theres some big ones that are still nearly all gpu based but for some reason havent caught on to mining VTC yet.

>> No.3996019

Yeah I guess I should poke around other exchanges.. I was just latched onto Coinbase/GDAX cuz GDAX has a nice API for algotrading and I was looking into playing with that soon.

How much VTC are you holding and when did you buy in?

I really feel the need for a better anonymous coin in the market. I don't trust XMR's fluffyponzi and Zcash fucking sucks.

>> No.3996041

I don't know, my guts telling me to wait this bitcoin dip out and hope VTC sinks. Normally I wouldn't sweat it but it rose from 5-6k way to fast, and crossing from 6k to 5k is going to hurt a lot of weak hands tomorrow. Maybe this upcoming forks will keep it down even longer.

I don't know, you don't go far in crypto if you're too risk averse..

>> No.3996059

Follow your gut :)

>> No.3996080

my guts a risk averse wuss tho lol

>> No.3996306

I purchased a bag of 50 @ $1.50 , then purchased 100 more at $3.00

>> No.3996329

It's an improved LTC, which means everyone dump their LTC into this and we can finally be rid of Charlie Lee once and for all. Do not fuck this up.

>> No.3996346

Is it bad that ive held LTC since $30 and do not feel bad in the slightest about coming over to this better product? I cant stand Charlie Lee on twitter.

>> No.3996713

Are you me?