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File: 5 KB, 200x200, mon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3994907 No.3994907 [Reply] [Original]

RIP monero


>> No.3994921

ZEN starting a rally as we speak. 360k

>> No.3994936

Even though I am not going to get in on Zen now that it has been pumping. I accidently got out of monero. Sometimes we do get luckily. By accidently I mean I made some cheddar on other coins after I sold for above $95.

>> No.3995009

ZEN MOONING . so much room for growth in that industry in terms of market cap and share

>> No.3995023

This is definitely a buy, but don't buy this right now, wait for a dip to $15-$17. There's a person on another thread who sounds desperate for people to buy ZEN.

>> No.3995049


$15 to $17? Sorry but you lost your chance a few days ago.

Money will come back into alts after the fork and ZEN will release their secure nodes within the next few weeks.

>> No.3995050

I am thinking about putting money into xvg because supposedly wraith is going to be released around the 25th (rumor) but it makes sense.

>> No.3995077

PIVX has the best priv coin solution PoS Zerocoin, and the best most dedicated cult like community. PIVX $20 by Q2 2018. Stay poor or not, up to you.

>> No.3995095

Monero is the only privacy coin that matters. Keep FUDding, idiots. XVG, ZEN, Zcash, PIVX, whatever. All pretenders.

>> No.3995098

HOw do you figure>

>> No.3995105


It's not FUD, it's a legitimate privacy concern.

>> No.3995127

Yeah yeah, every coin is better than monero, monero sucks, it's dead.
Buy Verge, PIVX, Zen, etc.

>> No.3995128

let me guess, the ip shit you have been shilling on muliple threads?


>> No.3995142

How is it shilling if ips are literally being broadcasted publicly? thats a legitimate concern especially if a black hat gets ahold of it. But hey, if you dont care about your wallet getting hacked then thats on you

>> No.3995157


It's not what you think. Also I think you can easily use your wallet through tor/i2p.

You can maybe point plain nodes that are not behind tor, but you can't make up what they are "saying" to each other. Just like with tor if you don't use VPN or bridge.

>> No.3995207


Now this is a sad attempt at FUD. This script literally shows IPs connecting to port 18080 - that's it. If you run any crypto node using your home IP, you're revealing it. If you're too stupid to use a different IP for crypto, kovri will give Monero I2P support and this becomes a non-issue.

>> No.3995233

Read the last replies, like I said I'd wait for them to dump to scoop this up.

>> No.3995296

I guess next week when the Zencash secure nodes which include messaging are released, Zencash will be the most private coin in the market. The JEW did it again.

>> No.3995310

wow its nothing

>> No.3995311

>tfw everyone using this coin to buy drugs have actually been watched this whole time

>tfw BTC is more anonymous

>> No.3995313


We tried to tell them.

>> No.3995392

Any person that seriously cares about their privacy will most likely be using a VPN or Tor when they access their wallet.

>> No.3995458

I can easily hide money in BTC doing this as well. What exact use case does monero have again?

This is more or less the beginning of the end. Even Fluffyponzi has been calling this coin a scam and he's the main dev for Christ's sake.

>> No.3995477


Oh hey look it's this shitty article again. This was made public months ago now. The monero devs are working on new software to hide the IP.

Every other privacy coin is literally trash whether you like it or not. DYOR

>> No.3995520

Fluffy did not call it a scam. He sais "do not buy Monero" because it puts more pressure on him during development to not make any mistakes since millions are involved.

Monero's original coin "bytecoin" IS a scam. But these are two different coins.

YOU CAN NOT HIDE MONEY WITH BTC, literally no. BTC is entirely transparent, tumblers do not work. This shitty FUD every fucking day,

- BTC is 100% traceable by design, Monero is not

>> No.3995598

I was first buying BTC from loacalbitcoins 3 or 4 years ago and have my stash on 6 different wallets.
There is no way any agency knows I'm the owner of the coins unless I do some transaction that's connected to my name.

>> No.3996275
File: 36 KB, 720x639, daily reminder for monero faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are all the faggots talking about monero being anonymous now?


probably in one of those tweets.

>> No.3996302


Monero shills are in denial. Monero just got pumped up by Koreans because they were bored and their exchanges hardly had any coins.

>> No.3996311

from the comments:

>Tried the script and could find some vulnerable users already. So look what the IP is and then shodan.io them to see vulerabilities on their ports. Don’t worry I am a security guy not a hacker. Some of them had web servers running open to path traversal so you could get their wallets because you know where to look for.

this is your average zen/verge investor people.

>> No.3996333

That's the stupidest article I have ever read, I suppose it is aimed for tech illiterate

>> No.3996340

here's the funny thing: if you used any other public blockchain coin, like pivx or dash or verge or zcash/zenwhatever, you could link addresses with transactions and amounts and correlate them with ip addresses

but on monero, all you have is an ip address, and you can't correlate it to anything, because you can't see any addresses or any balances. you literally have no idea what is going on in the blockchain, all you know is that some ip address was connected to it. that's it.

use what little brainpower you have and think about what scenario damages your privacy.

>> No.3996364

Original article. The guy basically thinks he has invented hot water.

>> No.3996383

the best part is the assumption that tor is going to help you. the government has been using timing attacks to locate tor users for years now, and it only makes it easier on blockchains like verge/dash/pivx/zcash/zencash/etc because they can parse the transactions and see the same coins/addresses being used, they don't need an ip address when you're voluntarily linking all of your transactions together by using a public blockchain.

>> No.3996445

verge kids :D everywhere

>> No.3996540

Hey kid, delete this we need to pump ZEN more for daddy. My buddy spent twenty minutes writing up this hit piece.

>> No.3996549
File: 77 KB, 225x238, pump daddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot my avatar. Usually I only get my goons to go on these forums, I don't really know how they work.

>> No.3996645
File: 2.04 MB, 1200x1697, Trust-No-One-Use-Monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no way any agency knows I'm the owner of the coins unless I do some transaction that's connected to my name.

And why would anyone ever want to do that? Face it, Bitcoin is completely useless without using anonymous cash transactions to break the chain. Monero will actually be able to function as money all on it's own.

>> No.3996665
File: 27 KB, 990x420, stealthXST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no room left for big gainz in XMR... XST Stealthcoin is where it's at now. PoS + Tor integration... not to mention it's capable of atomic swaps... Monero is indeed RIP.

>> No.3996689

for your own sake, avoid any coin that mentions "tor" in any way, especially connected to anonymity and privacy. if they're relying on a crutch like tor for privacy, they clearly have no cryptographical experience and their coin is either not private (most of them), or has serious privacy leaks and flaws. there's a reason you dont see any of these shitcoins being used to buy drugs.

>> No.3996709

bahahaha i remember the bagholding days too. Have fun trying to recoup those gainz on a "privacy" coin that specifically told certain full DX's that they wanted no part in compatibility.

>> No.3996720

>not using DNT to buy crack/cocaine

They'll never suspect a thing.

>> No.3996736

Let me clarify for you anon in big letters because I don't think my insider info had enough pull:


>> No.3996753

Nav is the next big privacy coin. So much room to grow too.

>> No.3997377

Was wondering why the sudden interest in NAV and particl in the charts. Yeah, probably room to grow, but Monero's actually still growing itself. The community too strong to be bothered by this kind of FUD plus historically theres always a downtrend before a surge.

>> No.3997401

if you aren't buying zcoin you are an absolute retard.

>> No.3997405

what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.3997427

Hey you're the expert insider right? I contacted Monero directly about being implemented on a fully trustless decentralized exchange and they literally told me to go fuck myself.

An anon coin wanting no part of a DX. Red flag? I think so.

>> No.3997435

i don't own any monero, i've got like 20 BTC worth of it, i use it as a service, to protect my privacy, that's it. i'm not going to buy into a fucking shitcoin just because they care about decentralized exchanges, because theyre still shitcoins and theyre still going to zero.

besides, you can do atomic swaps on monero just the same as anything else with no transaction malleability. you certianly don't want to jump on a coin that believes bloating it up with built in exchanges or functionality like that is a good idea.

another public coin. like nav and stealthcoin and all these other pajeet-quality shitcoins the sheep keep flocking to.

what is it with you guys and jumping on dead coins from 2014 at the top of a recent pump and dump?

>> No.3997446

so you're butthurt because they told you to stop wasting their time? a decentralized exchange doesn't need monero or any coin developers to do anything, provided they don't have transaction malleability which is what the segwit deal was about.

i dont understand how you could possibly think that the monero developers would need to be a part of that?

>> No.3997458
File: 37 KB, 670x496, 1497145775009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Precisely sir, let me forward my ports.
Besides. Muh bags are tightly glued to my ass regardless.

>> No.3997492

Transaction Malleability? Segwit and DX/atomic swaps? You know ZERO about the concept my dude.

You don't fucking need Segwit to atomic swap for 1 - you need OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY

For 2 you're literally going to sit here and tell biz that an ANON coin SHOULDN'T be DX compatible and should ONLY be traded on centralized exchanges??... can't make this shit up desu.

>> No.3997514

Monero is old tech. Let this shitcoin bleed out already.

>> No.3997543

how is zcoin public? what does that even mean? it uses zero proof literally the strongest privacy technology available

>> No.3997545

OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY doesn't enable trustless swaps, it's one single part of them that allows for automatic refunds.

monero will end up with the required tech because most of it is necessary for second layers, which all high volume coins are going to need. that's it. they couldn't prevent people from using decentralized exchanges with monero if they tried at that point.

>SHOULDN'T be DX compatible and should ONLY be traded on centralized exchanges
but this isn't the case for monero.

>> No.3997550
File: 137 KB, 236x390, lesson-teacher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he also orchestrated a fake irl Monero event, along with his friends and fellow investors, to inflate the price of his coin, before trying to say that it was just a joke.

I wonder if the money they made by deceiving people is just joke money that you can't really buy stuff with.

>> No.3997559

public "privacy" shitcoin, like every other.

>> No.3997583

you can choose an option to hide the sender of any TX using zero knowledge

>> No.3997604

great, but now your inputs and outputs are linked to public addresses, and timing attacks are possible, and you can still blacklist coins and addresses.

if you want to use a privacy coin, why even bother with one like that? i know all of you are just interested in the pajeet pump and dumps, but seriously, you cant just keep expecting to trick users into using the coins. the people using these things are the kind of people that won't accept a fake.

>> No.3997620

how? you would literally never see the sender of that tx. the address is public but useless in the same way a monero address is

>> No.3997666

because the source of the coins that went into that private transaction, and the output of the coins that came from it, are public, unless every tx is shielded.

the only way these half-baked privacy coins will ever work is if exchanges/services/etc accept and use the private coin directly. and all of these coins have such little volume and users that it's never going to happen, because you can get better privacy by using a private token on ethereum, or confidential transactions when they're added in bitcoin.

the only reason coins like monero are worth shit is because you can't turn bitcoin or ethereum into a fully private coin, but you can implement confidential transactions, or ring signature/zksnark tokens on ethereum. at which point you have to ask what the point of this half-privacy altcoin is?

>> No.3997671

those addresses are minted and spent. untraceable.

>> No.3997680

"Zerocoin works by allowing you to burn coins up (otherwise known a Zerocoin mint) and then later redeem an equivalent number of brand new coins (known as a Zerocoin spend). These coins appear with no prior transaction history and are similar to newly mined coins. The zk-proof is used to prove that you indeed burnt coins without revealing the specific coins that you burnt and therefore are entitled to redeem an equivalent number of new clean coins."

>> No.3997685

Everyone buy zcash

>> No.3997704


>> No.3997708

timing attacks still possible if you don't wait, so you have to prepare in advance. the point is, why bother with all of that complexity, when you could just use a coin that is private altogether?

>> No.3997717

Snowden called it. This coin is fucked

>> No.3997721

i can't say i would trust a sysadmin for a gov contractor when it comes with cryptoanalysis.

>> No.3997754

The man is a genius. You really think Snowden would randomly call monero "amateur cryptography" if he didn't have an idea about what was going on with these coins.

>> No.3997777

he doesn't, he did shitwork for the government, he doesn't know anything about cryptography.

i agree if monero used zk-proofs it would have better privacy tech, but there are tradeoffs which doing so. ring signatures so far have been "good enough", and as it stands today there simply isn't a coin with better privacy. that's just the cold hard truth of it.

>> No.3997797

>The man is a genius.
No, just no.

>> No.3997810

For wanted people like Snowden, his life actually requires a currency like zcash or monero so it can function with some normality.
Comparing that to some druggy speculator on 4chan, I'm more inclined to believe that Snowden is correct here.

Also, who the fuck who trust Fluffy, he is one of the most dubious characters in crypto.

>> No.3997864

who knows if either of the techniques work at all? ringct has a slight advantage in that it's been under scrutiny for somewhat longer. but it will take a while for that 'headstart' to become insignificant.

>> No.3997909

>security guy not a hacker
must be cissp

>> No.3997916

no it doesn't. he could use bitcoin and he would be fine providing he doesn't use drug markets then attempt to deposit coins into an exchange.

nobody "trusts" that faggot, he didn't even write the code anyway, cryptonote comes from bytecoin.

the point is it doesnt even matter, because rinct in a fully private coin is worlds better than zk-proofs in a partial privacy coin. if zcash came out with full privacy from the start it would indisputably be better from what we know about zk. the point is it didn't, and so you should avoid it if you're being a criminal, or buying drugs online, etc.

>> No.3997938

these people are idiots

this is the exact thing that xvg is solving with tor i2p support

>> No.3997947

you can already run monero over tor, or i2p, or any protocol. you might as well be running bitcoin over tor if that is your waterline for what constitutes privacy.

>> No.3997967

quads of truth. Monero remains king

Also. this fucking article I was actually worried for an exploit but then I read the article and the
"netstat " command.

Oh wow it's fucking NOTTHING lol

>> No.3998102

>this thread

>> No.3998112


>> No.3998122

Hahaha legit, not trying to say I'm an expert at cryptography but jesus christ what people are saying in here.

Monero is still the king, simple as that. It will also get better and better as we go.

>> No.3998145

this thread :
> verge faggots shitting on monero


>> No.3998161

Zencash is LITTERALY shitting on all the others privacy crypto even verge.

Buy now or cry when Zencash go to 200$

>> No.3998176
File: 33 KB, 408x406, 1508496427858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good choice, but the coin that pumped x3 in 2 days.
fucking retard.

>> No.3998193
File: 74 KB, 900x900, 1508046317672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy now or cry
classic pajeet line
you guys gotta mix it up

>> No.3998370

might as well buy the real thing and buy zcash if you want in on zk-snarks.

>> No.3998374
File: 101 KB, 745x961, 6bd69b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snowden uses rubles, not cryptocurrencies. People that actually need cryptocurrencies need and use Monero. DNMs are fast adopting Monero. Gamblers, neo Nazis and innocent people who have received tainted coins have been getting their coinbase accounts closed because of Bitcoin's traceability. This is proof that bitcoin is not fungible and not safe as a store of value or as a medium of exchange, especially when you're doing "illeagal" things.

>> No.3998599


How desperate? :)

>Pump and Dump - Explained

>> No.3998617

dubs confirm