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File: 283 KB, 1070x1350, Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at 9.43.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3993872 No.3993872 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like Ripple, Steemit, and MaidSafeCoin already have functional Smart Oracles working with the ChainLink network. These are public and already completed, so whatever has happened over the past year adds even more to an already great product

It's being done through Techemy Ltd.


If this was working over a year ago, then they are literally just waiting to drop a ton of new shit all at once and this token WILL skyrocket.

>> No.3993890
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>smartcontract.com ether to usd price public oracle

>> No.3993898
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>BNC Dash price public oracle

>> No.3993902

All it does is pull the price. I hold LINK but this isn't indicative of anything.

>> No.3993912
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>BNC TetherUSD price public oracle

>> No.3993932
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>literally the entire point of LINK
>literally the Oracle problem

>> No.3993933


>> No.3993946

How do you find this shit OP?

>> No.3993954
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Looking forward to actually using this

>> No.3993963

>create smart contract to set price to some API
>sell a guy my mansion, he agrees to pay me monthly via the smart contract at a set $$ price but in monero
>he buys the domain name, rewrites the API, and lists a false lower price
>i been LINKd

>> No.3993970
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>> No.3993978


.... I unironically just googled it

And I actually signed up for a user account on smartcontract.com and have started following the developer guide

>> No.3993982
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unironically I want to know this as well

>> No.3993992

>domain name

this shit's decentralized nigga. there are no domain names.

>> No.3993999
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Is link sitting at this table with Microsoft, Amazon, Paypal, etc? No. Is Ripple sitting at that table? Yes. Please stop trying to coattail the Link scam with Ripple. Pic related.

>> No.3994018

a price feed for a token nobody wants, on a platform who's token nobody wants, through a network who's token nobody wants

>> No.3994020

then you take to him to court as everything is public and cannot be deleted/modified with clear evidence of violating the contract

>> No.3994022

These images say the price is pulled from bravenewcoin.com

Although, there are coins that have used their masternodes to each pull prices by API and get to a consensus on what the real market price is.

>> No.3994023


OP here phone posting....

Sergey walks through it in the 'Ethereum Enthusiasts NYC' video

You niggers should do an ounce of research, fuck. You're lucky I spoon feed you

>> No.3994030
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>> No.3994039


We already knew what LINK can do. How the fuck is this news?

>> No.3994041


>he thinkes they're independent of it serving the same use case

Kek, retard

>> No.3994051

wtf...? you can extrapolate this to apply to every single cryptocurrency, fiat currency, and then goods and services.

or are you going to say no one wants anything and everyone is just sitting in their room lying down and rotting

>responding to bait.

>> No.3994059
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HEY I authored this pastebin

I've been doing my part.

>> No.3994063


I thought LINK was a 'literal worthless shitcoin'?

This would prove otherwise.

Strong use case. Strong history.

>> No.3994081

Oh.,. So you're saying it's already priced in. That sucks :/

>> No.3994122

Trips of Truth

>> No.3994133

you obviously didnt research it, everyone holding already knows this. the reason it still sat at 70 mil mktcp

>> No.3994139


nah, it applies to those three garbage tokens. i'd rather have us dollars.

>> No.3994151
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>a no coiner

>> No.3994167
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>I'd rather hold on to a depreciatinng asset that's unlikited and literally controlled by Jews

Good goy, stay poor

>> No.3994187
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i'm a btc maximalist if it was that hard to infer with your garbage brain

>> No.3994299


>"I'd rather have US dollars"
>"I'm a buttcoin maximalist! "

Kill yourself you loveless virgin faggot

>> No.3994329

GOD DAMN CHAINLink cool as fuck. Regardless of the short term price stuff this is fucking cool

>> No.3994341

>BTC will never be used to run an oracle network.
>BTC will never be the primary coin used for smart contract gas fees.
>BTC will never be used by the banks for international transfers.
>BTC will never rise as fast as the quality alts that do these things
>He's a "Bitcoin maximalist".

>> No.3994356


The the people who put the money into BTC don't give a shit about the technology.

>> No.3994368
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Also, crypto that catches on for monetary transactions (say for buying things) has to not increase too high in value to catch on. BTC on the other hand is not useful to transactions but moons because its designed to be held, not traded.

>> No.3994369
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ripple faggots please cry me a fucking river faggots dieeeeeee aaaaaa

>> No.3994370
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>wat is hyperbole
t. newfag brainlet

>> No.3994419 [DELETED] 

good thing this is crypto and tokens are divisible

>> No.3994429

Keep accumulating fellow linkboi

>> No.3994442

Why wouldnt people want it if Link becomes the first to set up decentralized oracles?

>> No.3994469

They’re holding, no one is this stupid to fud something so fucking promising

>> No.3994485

you fell for a marketing scam.

>> No.3994492

If there was a coin being widely used for transactions it would moon hard.
Bitcoin is a meme and it's value comes from normies confusing it with crypto/blockchain as a whole and buying into it and clever traders capitalizing on this.
Its outdatedness will be its demise. The second it loses its #1 market cap position, people will realize how much they fucked up. And this came close to happening earlier this year.

>> No.3994494

I dont hold Link my self i am just curious

>> No.3994518

kek. if there one thing we know for sure it's that there hasn't been an once of marketing effort put into this project, yet.

>> No.3994584


What's so cool about a price article? If I want to k ow the price I can just look on coinmarketcap

>> No.3994589


Oracle* not article

>> No.3994591

Lel oracles BTFO.

>> No.3994604

how is chainlink a 'decentralized oracle network'. It's an api aggregation service that will render contracts on ethereum. Any of those companies on their braglist could just deploy a smart contract themselves on ethereum today. fucking jokers

>> No.3994614

coinmarketcap is centralized and may or may not be up to date or contain errors when you're trading

>> No.3994637
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>> No.3994659

How would these smart contracts be able to communicate with the real world? wouldnt it be through oracles?

>> No.3994696

Yeah, if all they need to move is erc20 tokens then eth as it stands now is great. Look at the big picture retard

>> No.3994699

I think that would require every data source to be supplying data to smart contracts in the correct format. Smart contracts apparently can't really query current data sources (or make queries at all?)
Besides, the chainlink network will allow rather intensive decentralized off-chain computation to be performed with the data it provides.
I'll trust the people who identified lack of oracles as a problem since before Ethereum even existed to not be making this shit up.

>> No.3994712

>company A deploys a smart contract on ethereum (requires brainlet coding skills and 1 eth)
>company A makes a web app as a demo, or even just attests that the contract address belongs to them via their website.
>company A runs an ethereum fullnode (hard for us, but trivial for them even for the next 10 years of a bloated chain)
>they get all the tx data to their contract from the node. they lookup public addresses from the tx's in their normal old database to see whom or what the tx concerns, and update it based on the data fields in the tx.

that could work with a bank account, you wouldn't even need a usd token or anything. transactions just contain arbitrary data, like any api and you can do anything with them.

>> No.3994720
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Yeah suuuure thing faggot

>> No.3994722
File: 58 KB, 640x454, 14712210_1651138268511115_3558952155077410816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got an extra $1000 sitting around, is there a bottom I should look for before I buy into xpr?

>> No.3994737

Ah the old supercomputer argument.
Is this really so much more economical than just using the chainlink network?

>> No.3994743

Id fomo right now

>> No.3994767
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I know that's a meme, but parsing a transaction receipt from each valid block that comes into your node doesn't take a lot of computing power. then you stick the result in a high perf database. the current software (geth) sucks big balls though. And yeah, in 10 years having a full node will probably require some ungodly san/raid system but what do you think is behind our bank accounts right now?

>> No.3994796

You're that confident?

>> No.3994805




>> No.3994814

Ripple is the future and it is a ticking time bomb man. Now!!

>> No.3994819

What about other block chains?

>> No.3994831

You think btc is going to myspace and leave people scrambling?

>> No.3994835

Not at all but ripple is set to make some huge strides very soon ;)

>> No.3994848

i really hope this happens just so that sperg that was threatening rory to dump his load feels like complete shit.
the gains will only be frosting on top.

>> No.3994862

How soon? You think I can wait till Thursday?

>> No.3994878

that requires a real third party to make the double transaction work. ever used changelly pr shapeshift? in this case, for more complicated tx's CL wants to be changelly. I don't care, that's fine but they will have a lot of competition. If they can wrangle enough companies onto their private network, maybe they will eliminate the choice for them and succeed that way.

>> No.3994894

>bitcoin: a peer-to-peer digital cash
>designed to be held, not traded
>falling for kikestream's """digital gold""" meme

>> No.3995315


>> No.3995357
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