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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 250x250, XLM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3987681 No.3987681 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3987684
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>> No.3987720
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>> No.3987740


>> No.3987742
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Back under 500. What's habbening guise

>> No.3987763

Its hovering. WHALES WE NEED YOU

>> No.3987796
File: 322 KB, 531x471, 1503295277198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah bruh we're the lumenauts now
dis pump gon be gud

>> No.3987803

WTF!? As buttcoin goes up this goes down.

>> No.3988079

Shoud i sell into btc or eth?

>> No.3988094

dollars bruh

>> No.3988167

Havent verified my id on any exchanges. Should i sell into ETH, due to BTC dump?

>> No.3988169

This is the story of how I get back my Link losses.

>> No.3988179

here we go boiys

>> No.3988202


>> No.3988209

Thx for the heads up
Gonna be a nice 40% probs

>> No.3988210

every paid group is saying the TA looks like this is going to hit 1.0-1.2k sat today

>> No.3988220


>> No.3988231

TA pro here , i agree

>> No.3988237

I somehow doubt this. 600, most likely. 700, possible. 800, unlikely by today.

>> No.3988250

volume growing nice and steady on bittrex , i'm going to take a shower , don't do anything crazy while im gone

>> No.3988257

it will hit resistance at 600 drop back to 500 then whales will accumulate and we will head for 700+

>> No.3988259
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>mfw its literally a rocket
>mfw biz says its a shit
>mfw biz wants to go to the moon
what the fuck is wrong with u?

>> No.3988260

any news? why this pump?

>> No.3988267

If you look at the chart, this was 1000 sat 3 days ago.

>> No.3988269

So should i short it at 580-600?

>> No.3988278

well rumors of 20/20, nothing much. apart from being ridiculously underpriced. i mean comon 0.046 was surely overhyped but back to pre IBM levels?

>> No.3988281

Due to the giant unprecedented news of IBM partnership. Is there any unprecedented news today?

>> No.3988284

You been living under a rock?

>> No.3988288

BTC is dumping, many alts boosted a little right now

>> No.3988321

It's building new levels of support with high volume. I don't know if it'll hit 1000 sat today, but it's not out of the question.

>> No.3988340

I heard some rumours of a new partner tomorrow. Also IBM is part of Hyperledger, doesn't that makes Stellar a part of it too? Little reminder : The governing board of the Hyperledger Project consists of twenty members chaired by Blythe Masters, (CEO of Digital Asset) sauce wikipedia.

>> No.3988341

Nice, I always seem to buy at fresh highs. 530 sats, fuck my lifee

>> No.3988383

> see xlm pumpin
> about to buy
> see /biz/ shillling thread appearing
not buyin, this is just some p&d and it will probably dump soon

>> No.3988399

you will be fine this time

>> No.3988420

Do you think that's it? Seems to have lost momentum

>> No.3988475

buying more

>> No.3988490

No use comparing BTC/sat price right now.

>> No.3988528

Do yourself a favor; buy into XLM right now. Go for a hike. Come back at the end of the day, and enjoy your 40% gains. You can thank me later.

>> No.3988560

too much people shilling makes it obvious, but i'd love to join ur group so I can shill with you guys and make some sweet gainz

>> No.3988563
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>pump and dump
>top 25 marketcap coin
topkek you're never gonna make it, brah

>> No.3988573

Well don't buy now

>> No.3988606

all alts will be going up from here , i mean all
so it doesn't matter what you buy now

>> No.3988612

Short lived pump. BTC is still rising, XLM will hit 700sats after the fork but will dip to 350-400 sats before then.

Cap this.

>> No.3988630

500 is the floor btw

>> No.3988653

We are sitting at 490 sats and 500 is the floor? Huh.

>> No.3988662


>> No.3988668

should have listened to me this is a p&d

>> No.3988685

its not LOL

>> No.3988695


a pnd from 420 sats to 540 hmm...
have you ever been in a pnd?

>> No.3988701

You're not playing slots at the casino, you fucking noob. Learn to trade and ride out the dips like a man. For fucksake, there's some serious retards on /biz. Stay poor.

>> No.3988731

aaaand here we go

>> No.3988742

glad i bought that shit for a quarter cent

>> No.3988764
File: 70 KB, 1270x642, tothemoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the fucking moon!

>> No.3988773


be patient

>> No.3988827


>> No.3988851

a fresh 10k reporting in sir

>> No.3988858

we need btc to go sub 6k again

>> No.3988872

bought 25k ugh

>> No.3988927

We're going to 1250 sats tonight boys!

>> No.3988932

we will make it , one way or another

>> No.3988951

No we are fucking not, we are already out of fuel

>> No.3988975

ye of little faith

>> No.3988985

Price is shooting up right fucking now

>> No.3989010

fookin wot m8? volume still increasing, back over 500sats, probly be at 520 shortly

>> No.3989016

I think /biz needs to learn what a pump and dump is. I've been stock trading, mostly pennies, for upwards of 15 years. A pump and dump is a coordinated price manipulation of a small cap equity. A PnD is not based on any sort of substantial news. XLM is not a PnD as it's rise is based on its partnership with IBM. Simple as that.

>> No.3989054

Buywall getting higher at 484 SATS & moving up.It's happening!

>> No.3989076

A good example of a PnD group is the Palm Beach Group. This guy comes out, recommends a coin, based on nothing but speculation and good feels. There's nothing substantial behind his sentiments other than, "durr, this could be a game changer."

>> No.3989098

There are multiple factors, the temporary btc dump and rumour of more news today

>> No.3989135

it's Palm Beach Research Group, the guy behind it literally spends his day researching the best long term investing opportunity, they don't care about PnD, they make 5000% ROI on their investment

>> No.3989136

Absolutely. You have to believe that, if Stellar is able to secure a partnership with IBM, there will be other global tech companies who follow suit. IBM's seal of approval will mean more and partnerships for Stellar.

>> No.3989159

>yeah I just see that ROI on their investment hur dur baguette fag here

>> No.3989166

and it's also good in crypto in general

there is so much room in this space , we are all going to make it

>> No.3989175

I'm not discrediting his knowledge. I'm simply saying, there's no wide scale market news that moves his coins. They only move because he recommends them, not because there's been real world mass adoption of the coins he recommends. He's pure PnD, The fact that people pay him $3000 for a sub is laughable. People will catch on though.

>> No.3989220

I tagged the wrong post on this. Was responding to the guy who is defending Palm Beach Group.

>> No.3989228

paid pnd groups create self-fulfilling prophecy. if they didn't pay to know what to buy they would be a lot less likely to follow through. Its shitty but makes a lot of sense. the bigger the group the better.

>> No.3989261

the hype his monthly report generate are some kind of PnD, and he condemn that himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojjvCiCXr3A&t=75s
I'm no member of this group but so far the calls he made (Neo at 13 cents, monero at 2 dollars and the list goes on).

>> No.3989262

Here's the thing with PnD groups; the only people who listen to them are traders. The market doesn't pay attention. The market is looking for real news about crypto adoption in the real world, not speculation from some youtuber. XLM's partnership with IBM is a good example of what the Market pays attention to. Its' something that everyone can see, not just the traders who are looking for the next PnD.

>> No.3989274

bull confirmation on 5min chart

>> No.3989284

What i'm saying is PnD are a day trader thing, these guys are long term investor, they don't give a shit about 100-200% ROI

>> No.3989291

Any joker could have made those calls. "Hm, I think this will go up." Yeah, no shit, every crypto is going to go up eventually. It's a new market and mass is adoption is in the near future.

>> No.3989311

Oct. 22-25
>Jed McCaleb
>Stellar Development Foundation

>> No.3989330

paid pnd groups aren't on youtube they are in telegram or slack.

Plus most people in crypto are traders, thats a big enough group to get peoples attention. Paid pump n dump people get a coin up 40-50 percent then it gets everyone elses attention then they start buying. I've seen it happen before. doesn't work every time though. The people who really benefit from this are the ones who started the pnd group. Not only can they charge .1-.5btc to join the group, they buy the calls before they tell everyone in their group to buy. it's retarded

>> No.3989341

BULLSHIT. Didn't you see Teeka's pathetic youtube video yesterday about how he was so sorry that his subscribers missed out on the pump? He said he's gonna fix his leak so that only his subs get the pump first.

>> No.3989390

Maybe, but the guy runs a group that charges 3000 bucks yearly for membership, and he doesn't seem to lack followers, also there is so much hype around these announcements that they literally pump coins, last but not least Zencash 300% on a day. This guy and this group is pretty influential (did you see /biz/ before last release?)

>> No.3989417

he wasn't sorry, he condemned "stupid money", mostly greedy /biz/tards and reddit fags buying at all time high

>> No.3989455

He charges $3000 to people who don't know what the fuck they're doing and they have enough money to pay some other guy to think for them. They can wait for an email, plop $100k into a coin, wait a few hours, make gains, then sell and wait for next months email. PnD dude.

>> No.3989476

He absolutely apologized to his subscribers for being late to the pump because his shit got leaked. Deal with it. He's a PnD artist. Nothing more.

>> No.3989489

anyway xlm looks like it's consolidating now , so be ready for a move either way

>> No.3989557
File: 19 KB, 200x200, solarcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's making another big push. You on board?

>> No.3989561

for a sec imagine this, you heard about Pajeet research group back in the days, you got 3000 bucks for play money and join the group, why not it is the overhyped group in crypto right now. You got your first monthly recommendation, the guy recommand to put money on a slow market cap shitcoin name amtshares (lol wtf) made in china. You paid a lot to get into the group, you're pissed, but you paid, so you play the game you put 100 bucks in antshares, that's 100 bucks right not much to worry... 3month later your 100 bucks are worth 27000 bucks, you get your initial investment back, yout get your yearly subscription back.

>> No.3989586

btc dipping xlm shooting>>3989557

much safer bet then solar

>> No.3989613
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>have a nice ass for good vibes

>> No.3989695
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let's go

>> No.3989755

fuck btc is kicking butt right now, not looking good for xlm

>> No.3989824

if btc crashes from here though we may be looking at some sexy gainz

>> No.3989845

that's what im waiting for

but i think it will outperform btc regardless , it's one of the few non shitcoins it the green right now

>> No.3989891

thats why it would be a double whammy if btc goes down since it's already outperforming btc.

like 800btc volume in the lat few hours. might just be getting warmed up

>> No.3989915

we'll just have to wait and see

>> No.3989926

20,000 sats by the end of the night

>> No.3989959

that would make my day

>> No.3989971
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One billions sats by tomorrow

>> No.3989974

i can't even say if you are trolling, that's how good you are

>> No.3990057

1 XLM = 1 BTC end of the month

>> No.3990061


Yes of course im trolling that would put lumens at like a 14billion usd market cap

: D

>> No.3990077

thanks for your honesty, i have faith in humanity again

>> No.3990095

but that's not a completly alien pricing from 6months to 1 year, cheers

>> No.3990176

true. and I'm glad i restored your faith in humanity. that was easy. haha

>> No.3990187

you made me lose my faith in humanity. i thought you were serious

>> No.3990209 [DELETED] 

true. and I'm glad i restored your faith in humanity, that was easy. haha

>> No.3990210

You made me remain indifferent on my faith in humanity.

>> No.3990318

Well if you look at "pro TA" pricing for today, >>3988210

>> No.3990370

watch and watch

>> No.3990385

I wanna go to bed soon guys, where to set sell orders?

>> No.3990395

higher then where you bought

>> No.3990418

501 sat
ty now I can sleep in peace

>> No.3990436

not higher than 550 to be safe

>> No.3990445

well anyone can just say that they know what paid pnd groups are saying without proof. How do we know that paid groups are actually saying that?

but if we were to moon 900-1300 sats would be my reasonable estimate. def not 20,000 sats lol

>> No.3990482

1k sats today, and on what dark ancient hidden knowledge you can predict that? please sensei, i'm all ears enlighten me. and plz don't tell me you are a member of pajeet research group and he just telepathicly transfer you some hidden news

>> No.3990492

that's not going to happen till he wakes up
prevoius resistance was around 580

>> No.3990518

It's actually pretty simple. 1000 sats is retracement back to its 3 day high.

>> No.3990522

Bigger pump happening at 11pm.

>> No.3990536

oh come on please leave them be, palmer is no PnD group, they don't give a shit about 200% ROI, they are long term investor ffs. I don't even know why anyone would think this >in4 it was a troll again, god I'm slow tonight...

>> No.3990541

i never said 1k today , it will get there though
i'm swinging this all day

>> No.3990552

The only thing holding this back right now are the swing traders. Once they get exhausted, the real traders will run this up fast.

>> No.3990556

you forgot to take one big thing in account, 3 days before they announced a big partnership

>> No.3990582

Until who wakes up?

>> No.3990588

god that must be exhausting.
Also can someone plz tell me why i'm being raped by fucking captcha at night? no i'm no fucking robot thanks for asking

>> No.3990619

They officially announced their partnership 6 days ago. It then ran up to 1000 sats.

>> No.3990654

Fuck these day traders with their bots. I want to see a short squeeze!

>> No.3990655

said he's going to bed and where to set sells>>3990582


a bit , but what profit inducing activity isin't

>> No.3990671

can i join the moon mission or is it too late?

>> No.3990677

i'm curious, how much you'll make swing trading this shit? isn't it safier, easier, simpler and sweeter to just hodl this for idk 6 month and make some sweet profit? I mean stellar is here for the long game, solid team, solid tech (more or less sold ripple tech), a centralised approached that may appeal to traditional venture capitalist and the only humanitarian project in the crypto place. Anyway, that's what i'm doing and i've done good so far, sell on time that cover all my investment, meaning that from now on i didn't pay a penny for my bags and i'm only making profit

>> No.3990706

Coins increase in value based upon their real world adoption(see Bitcoin.) Their partnership with IBM is real world adoption. Understand?

>> No.3990707

junmp in, 700-800 is 110% sure in next 6-12h

>> No.3990709

if i were you, i won't buy higher than 475 sats. i'm no financial advisor, neither TA pro...

>> No.3990712
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>> No.3990730

You don't look at charts very much, do you?

>> No.3990731

oh shit boi

>> No.3990742

no, there partnership with IBM is a promise to real world adoption, at this point it is speculation. 1week earlier, for the public stellar was just a humanitarian organisation trying to bank the unbank from Nigeria

>> No.3990757

you are right it certainly is safer , but in the mean time i'm slowly increasing my stack.

how do you know what btc will do , this is a prognosis based on what?

>> No.3990759

Confirmed! Bogdanoffs are using Lumen to fund their journey back to their home planet.

>> No.3990767

what entry point do you suggest? i bought twice at 395 sats and 405 sats, again i'm no TA pro but i think these are good entry points

>> No.3990775

You really have no clue about investing, do you? A company like IBM doesn't release fake news, because it's illegal per SEC rules. They will use Lumen, just as they said they would.

>> No.3990796

Depends on what kind of gains you want and how long you're willing to hold. This coin is going nowhere but up over the next coming weeks and months.

>> No.3990807

I am not talking about BTC, I make predictions based on psychology and human behaviour (feelings). So far 84,7% of success in my prognosis.

I am holding steady, because I know that tommorow I wake up and earn money.

>> No.3990822

Found the poorfag

>> No.3990840

you do realize we are trading this against btc right..?

>> No.3990859

You guys think it'll reach 1000 tonight?

>> No.3990862

You get me wrong, I wasn't calling fake news or scam, there is just nothing released yet, not product, and this is called speculation, even if it seems highly probable, that's speculation. also IBM was a great hardware company that has not rly shined recently, look at their stock market for the last 2 years. what i'm rly bullish on is the fact that IBM is a member of Hyperledger

>> No.3990882



You have little time

>> No.3990890

Not true. We're trading coins as equity, based upon their real world adoption per their designed function. Lumen is not meant to be BTC. It's not meant to fill that space.

>> No.3990927

we are trading the idea of adoption, the anticipation of the world to come, there are literally less than 1% adoption globally, we are the early adopters.

>> No.3990929

No we are not faggot

>> No.3990951

It doesn't matter if Lumen has been implemented yet. It will be. And IBM, by getting in on blockchain technology, is showing itself to be viable and ahead of the curve. How many big tech companies like IBM are partnering with start up crypto companies? Maybe 1%. This is huge for Stellar.

>> No.3990955

dont call him faggot u faggot he posted a nice booty

>> No.3990968

Her name is Emily Grey by the way

>> No.3990969

IBM is the early adopter. They're ahead of the curve. And they've given massive legitimacy to Stellar. Literally 99.9% of cryptocoins are dreaming of chance to have what Stellar just achieved.

>> No.3990981


>> No.3990997

This hasn't traded sub-500 for hours. He's actually correct. This coin is creating higher lows as it progresses.

>> No.3991003


>> No.3991012

Found the degenerate.

>> No.3991017

equity ? this is pure speculation right now

and we are trading a pair btc/xlm

both currencies have to be taken into account , xlm value depends on btc value ... wtf

>> No.3991022


>> No.3991029

Confirmed partnership with Global tech powerhouse company is not speculation. I'm trying to keep it civil here, but you're really being obtuse.

>> No.3991037


>> No.3991049

as soon as it moons a 10 BTC sell wall appears fck whales

>> No.3991055

Sasha Grey is disgusting.

>> No.3991061

love u xxx

>> No.3991063

i'm taking about speculating the price of the coin , because that's how markets work

they have a partnership , ok , what if they decide to release all the coins and deflate the price , just one example

>> No.3991073

I am more of a Anjelica Ebbi guy myself actually, what are yours?

>> No.3991085

The very fact that there's whales with 10 BTC to throw around watching this coin is good. See the positives, man. For once in your life, hold on for some serious gains. Don't even convert to BTC for the fork. Just hodl this for a few weeks. You wanna make enough to buy a milkshake at Wendy's or a lambo?

>> No.3991088
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>> No.3991091

its the bogadan twins giving plebs a chance to buy in before it moons to 1,000 sats

>> No.3991097

IBM has developped app on blockchain for Hyperledger (a former linux blockchain project, now run by the infamous Blaythe Masters (the woman of my wet dreams)).also i agree with you, this is big for crypto (i don't get why ripple didn't get the partnership with IBM and stellar with Bill Gates), but there is nothing yet, only promises. IBM is 151b market ca, which is more than btc and eth, IBM has a certain aura in the tech industry, but also is far away from its competitors. My point is, sure it's good for crypto especially for stellar (did i mention that i love and support their project and team) and this is pure speculation atm.

>> No.3991105
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>market cap is comparable to network value

>> No.3991106

bitcoin doesn't care, stellar needs this kind of partnership because stellar is a centralised model

>> No.3991116

read all the posts...

>> No.3991129


>> No.3991132

I don't believe that's how these markets work. I believe these crypto markets are based soley on their founding companies ideas. Because there are companies behind these coins. Real world adoption generates publicity for these companies and validates their ideas. Stellar just got its foot inside of a huge door.

>> No.3991143

they can't do that, but i get the idea

>> No.3991151

answer >>3991073
u fuk

>> No.3991180

Because they can't just sell all the coins. It doesn't work that way. Technically speaking, it can't work that way.

>> No.3991201

I see a lot of uninformed people, what's your point? People who don't understand where the value in proof of work coins comes from and trying to compare it to stellar is pretty cute.
who's interest is it in to have stellar lumens increase in price? Why should it? Whales are drawing the price up like a syringe so that you useful idiots can provide the liquidity they need to finally unload their heaping bags. This coin has still gone up more than BTC YTD. I'm sure they greatly appreciate your buys though. Oh, and hyperledger doesn't need a native asset.

>> No.3991206

This bid whacking at 530 is incredible. Shorts are holding this back for sure. Squeeze them.

>> No.3991240

it goes up 10 sats and 20 BTC sell wall appears again lol

>> No.3991242
File: 30 KB, 400x400, bogdanoff mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bogdanoffs are only going to give those are have not got in yet one more chance before lift off.

it's up to you if you want on!

>> No.3991243

When inflation is run, nodes carry out the following algorithm:

Calculate the inflation pool by (number of lumens in existence)*(weekly inflation rate) + fee pool.
Calculate the MIN_VOTE by (number of lumens in existence)*.0005. This is .05% of the existing lumens, the minimum amount of votes needed to get any part of the inflation pool.
Tally the votes for each account based on the inflation destination set for every account.
Determine which accounts exceeded the MIN_VOTE. These accounts are the winners.
The winners each get their prorata share of the inflation pool. For example, if a winner gets 2% of the votes, it will get 2% of the inflation pool.
Return any unallocated lumens to the fee pool.

so technically it could if somebody controlled enough nodes

all markers work on supply and demand can't argue with that , how they are created is a different story

>> No.3991248

>who's interest is it in to have stellar lumens increase in price?

It's in the interest of the company an its shareholder(coin owners.) Pretty simple. Buying this coin is an investment in the company. You think Stellar wants to bail on its investors and show itself to be unworthy of future investors? Think, Mcfly, think!

>> No.3991253

Also stellar have other tech, a decentralised exchange for example.

>> No.3991268

Why the fuck are you retards still holding this bag? The IBM news already came out. There is literally no reason why it will shoot back up again. Drop this shit before it goes down to 1 cent and get on BTC before it hits 7k.

>> No.3991275

You faggots burn me pretty consistently with bad trading advice, but I just put $200 in because the 1m/4h chart on polo looks good

>> No.3991283

LINK bagholder looking for cheap entry into XLM confirmed

>> No.3991296

the value in pow comes from electricity usage

>> No.3991302

Wake up /biz. Stellar is going up because of real world application, not pump and dump bullshit ie ZEN. Get in, now.

>> No.3991304

>losing money
>not taking responsibility
>sure son keep going

>> No.3991306

but the function is still the same at any price. it's in the interest of all of the users of the system to have the lowest price possible, not some exorbitant price. why should the price be high because margin traders have inflated it instead of because it is actually in demand? isn't that like asking for a crash?
it comes from the prisoner's dilemma that emerges from electricity cost. there is no such dynamic with lumens.

>> No.3991328

This is just wrong. That's like saying that it doesn't make sense for people to use Bitcoin because the price is going higher. Think Mcfly, Think!

>> No.3991331

i never said there is , xlm uses SCP

>> No.3991335
File: 608 KB, 1280x960, FaceApp_1502404469949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

believe it or not i actually dumped all my Link (and OMG) bags at a minor loss to get on the XML mission. Got in at 450 and 550 sat and dropped out at 840 sat. Dodged 3 bullets in one night

>> No.3991341

Theres going to have to be way more liquidity then there currently is if IBM is going to use it, right?

Isnt the tx fee like .000001 xlm? so even if the price is 100,000 the tx fee is still 1/100 of a cent?

>> No.3991357

Shit son, why not buy back in for some more gains? This time, stay in for a few weeks and buy your mom a dodge viper with the profits.

>> No.3991378


>> No.3991423

guyz this is simple, xlm is a good healthy project, with solid core team, solid advisors ( 3 ceo of billion dollar company), with solid tech and solid partnership with IBM (a bridge to hyperledger), find a good entry point, hold your bags for 6 to 12 months and thank me later.

>> No.3991442

but that is a legitimate concern with using bitcoin as a transactional medium in the amounts that most people make daily purchases in and it's one of the main reasons we are where we are in this current market climate - where have you been?

if it is meant for high volumes of transactions through systems like ACH clients will want the lowest cost no matter how small you can make it seem in examples, economy of scale is what is important here

>> No.3991467

just rebought and its alrdy up 20 sats FEELSGOOD

>> No.3991475

way too fucking stressful. on the night of the moon mission it shot up and then collapsed in less than a day. even if it explodes to 1k i wont really regret not buying. i dont know if whales are manipulating the price or wtf is going on, but i'll consider it when its not so volatile.

>> No.3991478

>but that is a legitimate concern with using bitcoin as a transactional medium in the amounts that most people make daily purchases in and it's one of the main reasons we are where we are in this current market climate - where have you been?

It's a legitimate concern? Yeah right. Have seen the price? More and more people every day are moving their wealth in Bitcoin and other cryptos. Why do you think faggots like Jamie Dimon are panicking?

>> No.3991496
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do you honestly think arbitrage bots are using bitcoin to send value around between exchanges?

>> No.3991501

It's only stressful because you look at the price all day long. This is why "know what you own" is so important. This swing trading shit if for poorfags and gambling addicts. The money is made in buying a hodling great coins.

>> No.3991511


I dont trust this shit very much thats why I only put $200 in... as long as you don't go YOLO on the shit you're fine to jump in

>> No.3991520

What are you driving at, mcfly?

>> No.3991528


>> No.3991539


>> No.3991541

650-680 then rebuy

>> No.3991554
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>> No.3991579


>> No.3991581


>> No.3991585

wait for dip

>> No.3991606

incoming now

>> No.3991620

it will go a bit higher than 650 then rebuy under 600

>> No.3991622
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>> No.3991624

Dip? hahahahahha

>> No.3991627

we aint done yet

>> No.3991640
File: 197 KB, 383x360, Screen Shot 2017-09-19 at 11.21.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wow.

this is fun to watch.

>> No.3991645

That's IBM buying.

>> No.3991650

>just woke up
>all my funds are already committed to other coins





>> No.3991652

Do i sell to ETH or BTC

>> No.3991663

correct , dip , watch

>> No.3991667

So I transferred 10k to Buttrex in anticipation of selling for some sweet gainz , but Blackwallet treated it as an account merge for some fucking retarded reason, which isn't supported by the exchange... So my XLM is currently MIA. I've raised it with Bittrex support (the tx went through fine - hoping it's just a processing issue) but best case scenario I miss the price rises, worst case it's all gone.

For those that missed the rises ...it could be worse

>> No.3991671

ETH is due for a run.

>> No.3991683

moon mission time

>> No.3991688

I am.

>> No.3991691

Definitely ETH, then switch that to BTC after the fork and hodl it. ETH should rise against BTC after the fork

>> No.3991702

yeah probably not for 3-4 more weeks though

>> No.3991716

Meh, I think it'll go up from here.

>> No.3991718

sub 600 incoming , i'm just taking a little profits

>> No.3991731

Why wouldn't you? If you're staring at the screen, like me, it only makes sense to play the charts.

>> No.3991740

sell NOW, rebuy later

>> No.3991747

yeah, buyers are still thirsty af by the looks of it.

>> No.3991751

you shuld have sold 5 min ago at 630 and rebought the 590

>> No.3991752


>> No.3991757

Dude, no. If you were going to sell, you should have done it at 620. Not sub 600.

>> No.3991758
File: 8 KB, 480x360, 87513AA1-DB88-48B0-8BA1-1FDB46E6A8BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the dip anon. like you forgot to do last time

>> No.3991762

welp im fucking back, who needs sleep

kraken went fucking autistic on me when I tried to sell at 650 fucking hell

>> No.3991765

I legit just got home and saw a red candle, got anxious

>> No.3991768

not yet

>> No.3991790

No worries, anon. We're headed for 800 satoshis tonight.

>> No.3991820

For those looking for an entry point. This should consolidate back to support at 540. It won't go any lower than that.

>> No.3991822
File: 289 KB, 2195x1139, Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at 23.39.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I am being dead serious here.
Just look at the four hour chart, we are headed for the stars. MACD reversal and bullish RSI.
We will find very small resistance at 670 satoshis, however if the volume keeps coming in we could potentially be seeing 1000 sats tonight

>> No.3991842


Just bought at 600, hope I haven't bought at the peak yet again

>> No.3991845

somewhere around that if we get lucky

>> No.3991847

strap in boys

>> No.3991854

What platform are you using? I like that black background. Much easier on the eyes.

>> No.3991860

damn 35btc buy wall at 600 sats on bittrex

>> No.3991881

The buy wall is 24 btc at 600. You're looking at the sum total of buys on the screen.

>> No.3991886

Its coinigy, I hope you fellow Lumeneers are strapped in and ready for the ride

>> No.3991889

the bitch pulled it. and yeah i know.

>> No.3991890

looks like coinigy

>> No.3991901


Seriously though, anyone think I'll get it back?

>> No.3991909
File: 17 KB, 267x100, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you half and hour from now

>> No.3991926

I like it. I may have to try it out.

>> No.3991939

did you transfer BTC or ETH?

>> No.3991944


>> No.3991956

dont do it

>> No.3991966


>> No.3991969

whale here. get ready for it

>> No.3991975

Do it. 700 right now

>> No.3991976

not yet lemme buy back in kraken is doing austistic

>> No.3991979

for what????

>> No.3991984

why did I tell myself not to fomo at 430 sats?
I hate myself

>> No.3991992

Bittrex, son

>> No.3991993

alright fire away boys!

>> No.3991994

I transferred XLM from my wallet to Bittrex to sell, or at least that was the plan...

>> No.3992003

anon bought in, time to dump

>> No.3992010

yeah def gonna switch tommorrow, this is even worse than ED

>> No.3992012

Which wallet?

>> No.3992039

Can you trace the transaction in the blockchain? Is it confirmed? How long ago did you send the XLM to bittrex?

>> No.3992041

Sub 600 on bittrex, i want to see 650+ reee

>> No.3992053


Chill anon, look at 1M/4H chart MACD on polo

>> No.3992087


>> No.3992098

Oh shit, my browser crashed, luckily i stop lossed at 620

>> No.3992121


Yeah, I've sent them the tx on stellarchain.io and sent them screencaps of the send / amounts from the wallet. It's all documented, and they will have received it...it's just whether they want to be helpful.

>> No.3992123

We are the #1 thread on /biz! Give yourself a pat on the back.

>> No.3992125

god i hope btc crashes and makes this rise even juicier

>> No.3992139

Lul. Just wait till the 25th, when BTG comes out.

>> No.3992146

If you have confirmation that the transaction completed, then it's in the Bittrex wallet. Unless I'm missing something.

>> No.3992159

You think BTC is going to crash after the fork? Why?

>> No.3992168

its not going to crash, BTG is, and they will sell it into alts

>> No.3992181

Everyone keeps saying that's when alts are going to come back up, we'll see.

what about the segwit2x fork? I mean i guess thats like 3 weeks from the bgold fork. could get some trading in then before switching back to btc.

>> No.3992182

Makes sense.

>> No.3992202

can we hit 1k already

>> No.3992222

at this rate we should hit 1k by about midnight CST

>> No.3992244

Exchanges generally don't support an 'account merge' tx (something stellar does) - Blackwallet seemingly defaulted to this option when I transferred the entire balance. As Bittrex will use essentially one address for a fuckload of different peoples xlm transfers, they're differentiated by memo text and then presumably automatically processed by
them. I provided the memo text, but I'm guessing the automated doodad doesn't pick up merges and hasn't delivered my funbucks. They'd have to go and do it manually.

If that makes sense...

>> No.3992281

The volume is insane

>> No.3992297

25 BTC buy sitting at 610 on bittrex

>> No.3992305

The volume was 20k BTC a few days ago, this is nothing.

>> No.3992309

Im selling at 630. Getting nervous about east coast burgers going to sleep soon.

>> No.3992323

of fuck yeah btc just crashed 80$, xlm might start to get really spicy now

>> No.3992331

Yup, just went to 640. Fuck, clicked to cancel, and it sold

>> No.3992333

yessss crash some more plss

>> No.3992341

Im away from my pc and can't cancel sell set for 700 ish resistance. Am i going to make it

>> No.3992343

its 7:20 on a saturday night in EC burgerland. Got at least 3-4 hours before we start going to sleep.

>> No.3992347


>> No.3992349

you're gonna sell at 700 haha

>> No.3992359

I don't know what to set my sell at. Got in at 415 some time ago.

>> No.3992360

you might have a chance to get back in sub 630 if you're very quick in the next 30 mins or so. or just hope back on at a small loss

>> No.3992361

Id give it 2 hours. I'll rebuy at 625 hopefully i don’t accidentally buy the crash

>> No.3992372
File: 116 KB, 536x640, 1508391546290-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use your phone you fucking brainlet

>> No.3992388


>> No.3992397

guys I need to get in on this moon!

How do I buy 'xlm'?

Is it on Amazon??

>> No.3992408

Kek i cant tell if hes kidding or not

>> No.3992452

no try craiglist

>> No.3992468

New thread

>> No.3992472

i’ve been looking everywhere on gamestop. i cant find this friggin stupid game.

>> No.3992475

buy btc
send btc to bittrex
buy xlm with that btc
don't forget to tip me at least 15% at 1DYdmXTVST59JsqLEGuwD62DdF8tjRdtxz

>> No.3992483

still waiting on my dipper

>> No.3992495

Thanks lad just the motivation i needed moved a xhunk up to 800

>> No.3992497

btc price going down, xlm recovering to previous highs
get in while you can fgts

>> No.3992559

learn to TA retards. rounded bottom on this is so easy to spot, easily reaching previous resistance tonight aka 1ksatoshi
double your money tonight or waste it on a 6pack like some sadfag

>> No.3992593

don't be so sure genius

>> No.3992634

My TA points to the same think, easy money night. I am not even watching anymore I did a Fibonacci retracement and have my sells set up for 50% at 0.00000850 and the remaining at 0.00001, should be another 2 grand richer in the AM. Night everyone.

>> No.3992662

This is hitting a 650 resistance, dont be so sure. We are already back at 615

>> No.3992675

we should be seeing this bounce off at around 580

>> No.3992772

where the fuck did everybody go

>> No.3992815


>> No.3992858

sub 600 incoming

>> No.3992898

aaand its here. still loads of buying support though. someone just cleared out like 40btc in one order.

>> No.3993008

wonder where this will take us , volume is fading a bit

>> No.3993127

700 sats when?

>> No.3993147

if i knew , i'd be a rich motherfucker

>> No.3993158

yeah you realize no-one actually knows the answer to that question, right?

>> No.3993171

Because the chinks and pajeets have put up walls on every exchange. A wall is a massive buy/sell on either side of a set number to throttle the exchange. They pumped this up over the last 3 hours (also mini pumps before around 8+ hours ago where they bought their initial XLM at a very low price) spammed boards like this shilling it and getting people to buy buy buy. They have no effectively set their sell wall and to buy now you have to buy their bags. They are dumping their XLM right now while people continue to buy. Once they are done they will remove those 1mil 100k+ buy orders and run with their profits for today. They will do it again in a few days probably until people start to distrust the coin. They have (or had 30min ago) walls up on every exchange.

This does not mean XLM is a bad thing to invest in long-term as their product is good. Currently, at its price, it is easy to manipulate and the rocket ship icon just makes it easier to shill. They prob made 30+BTC off people tonight and they will probably split it between their group.

They do the same with a few other coins on a regular basis.

On the plus side if you can monitor the initial small pumps as they buy into the coin/token you can capitalise yourself by buying in the dip that comes after and then just selling when they erect their walls by watching the sell/buy orders.

>> No.3993202

I mean im not a part of any group and im already up 4 bitcoin on this trade for today so I would say your 30btc estimate is very low lol.

however at this point im trying to make back btc losses

>> No.3993216

it seems to be the truth
i been swinging xlm all day
looks like it's time to get out

>> No.3993228
File: 106 KB, 1148x461, Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at 7.42.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didnt it look like time to get out around 500 sats after it pumped and volume died down? I'd say its pretty hard to tell for sure, either way.

>> No.3993251

I have never done it, It must be more I guess. Pulled the number out my ass to be honest. You could work it out, I mean their walls must have been 3-4mil on the sell side alone and they mostly went. Crazy money for a few hours work. Why am I long-term investing again? lol. I should put my autismo to work and look out for the humps and ride these moon missions. The shilling threads should be enough indi9cator even if its just jump on as its starting.

>> No.3993260
File: 106 KB, 1556x768, xl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's actually when i got in

at 506 , based on rising volume on bittrex

>> No.3993273


I would say so.


You just have to wait till they put up their walls and sell to the buys they put up to force trade into their sells. If you notice what they are doing and buy in early enough you will make a big enough profit.

>> No.3993275

then again looking at my TA right now is a buy for the 5 and 15 min

>> No.3993276

right on. yeah i think we're going to repeat the same thing here in the next hour

>> No.3993294

in other words just because volume died down temporarily doesn't mean it can't come roaring back. it just seems like an almost impossible thing to predict imo.

>> No.3993318

i don't think it'll be as volatile as from 500 to 600 , it started off with around 800btc volume now it's almost 3000 on bittrex , that doesn't spell well .
not saying it can't go up , but i think we wont see a pump like earlier , just sold at 615 but mind you i'm swinging

>> No.3993355


Yeah, that hump before and there was another smaller one before that. Good indicators they are prepping for a pump and dump. If you miss that then the 20 or 30 threads about the coin/token on /biz/ alone should be indicator enough that somethings starting. You won't make as much is you catch it that late but they need to do that to get people to buy. Their work is done now, but you will still get bag holders shilling it for a few more hours maybe even days yet. once that dies down and the price bottoms out they will try again. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

This will only stop if/when XLM actually develops a bigger value due to its product IRL. the problem is they can kill a coin before that happens sometimes, although that is less likely now the coins/tokens actually have some IRL product backing them, unlike the early crypto days when it was a bunch of BTC ripoffs with nothing behind them except code.

the best description I have heard is BTC is the HTTP of crypto and these new coins are web pages (the ripoffs weren't which is why most failed). It could mean BTCs price keeps skyrocketing as the entire market its based on also increase in value. Hopefully, this is another dotcom boom. We shall see. I wouldn't be surprised to see BTC at 20k+ in a few years and many of these smaller companies with the tech behind the coins going along for the ride, If they succeed.

>> No.3993382


I think the main group doing the P&D buggered off and it is maybe a smaller group trying (probably some reddit fags or a discord lot) and then a few bag holders and fish shilling for it to go higher. It might do but meh. They pajeets and chinks got what they came for. they prob had an office of 200+ ppl doing it who got their hourly rate while the boss made a few million lol. Christ it might even be somebody outsourcing to them from the west. Not a bad idea that actually...

>> No.3993489

i agree not a bad idea at all , wish i had 30btc and could organize pumps myself , will get there soon enough.

as for xlm it'll probably hold the 600 for a while and then go either way .

as for btc it's definitely going past 20k imo , and the ones to go along will probably be omg , neo and iota.

look into iota tangle if you haven't already , it's pretty disruptive tech