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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3990153 No.3990153 [Reply] [Original]


>What is Chancoin (4CHN)
Chancoin is a community driven digital currency made for imageboards, discord and edgy internet communities across the web, that integrates tipping, gaming and lots of other fancy features.

>The tipping extentions for Chrome and Firefox
Chrome : https://github.com/VladimirPewtin/CHANCOIN-TippingExtension/releases/download/0.0.5/CHANCOIN_TippingExtension.crx
Firefox : https://github.com/VladimirPewtin/CHANCOIN-TippingExtension/releases/download/0.0.5/CHANCOIN_TippingExtension.xpi





>How do I earn free coins?
Just reply to this thread with "$4CHN:address" in your name field. You can also ontribute to the project, just join the Discord. Or you can be a great /biz/ contributor - give solid advice, post epic maymay and get tipped by fellow Chancoiners!

>Follow us on Twitter!

>JS/Ruby/C/C++ developers are welcome in our core dev team!

>> No.3990162
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Let`s roll!

>> No.3990196

jesus whats this? join this pumpgroup instead https://discord.gg/F7tEJgU

>> No.3990256
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>> No.3990266
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If you buy a shit coin because of a post on 4chan...

>> No.3990274

charles andy straney approves of this scam

>> No.3990349
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>> No.3990420

reddit gold for 4chan

Q: why can't bitcoin or litecoin be used to tip here?
A: because gossamer socks would like to get money. remember, he didn't sign up for this! you should thank him for his hard work!

Q: what is the main feature of chancoin?
A: it is a coin for the chan community

Q: what the fuck does that even mean?
A: it is a coin for the chan community

>> No.3990455


Would it be funny if 4chan admins make their own Blockchain and blocked yours?

>> No.3990473



>> No.3990480
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>> No.3990632

did you even read my post?
it's satire you dumb fuck

>> No.3990818
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Best community ever. Join our Chancoin cult!

>> No.3990917


>> No.3990932

Shitcoin, kys

>> No.3990941
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Happy saturday, ya fegs

>> No.3991047
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peace. love. 420. chancoin

>> No.3991074
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>> No.3991289

>.02 bitshekels has been deposited in your account: the altcoin

eh, why not

>> No.3991305

I think I'm just going to permahold chancoin for the keks just to see where it goes.

>> No.3991401

This is my intro to cryptocurrency. Seeing as it's not costing me anything but shitposting, it's been educational so far. Be nice if this turned into something legit one day, too. 4chan has done crazier things in the past.

>> No.3991460

cant see my deposit of ETH to novaexchange,i got 100 confirmations,anyone know whats goin on?

>> No.3991529

Join us :]

>> No.3991626
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>> No.3991638
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>> No.3991866

I love you faggots

>> No.3992045

Can someone ask Athanasios Mekeridis to make a post here with his Chancoin Wallet in his ''name'' field? He will receive 1000 Chancoins.

>> No.3992064

You realise that Bitcoin or Litecoin transaction cost is far greater than that of Chancoin?

The man feature of Chancoin is tipping extension on 4 Chan, 2 Chan and 8 Chan websites.

>> No.3992706

Andy here.

Little disappointed in the charts, seems that the coin is dead.

>> No.3992781

Lotta negative waves!

>> No.3992872

hey andy its alex your boy from miami

>> No.3993892

Rollin rollin rollin

>> No.3994082

>inb4 never tipperoo'd

>> No.3994086

Everyone needs a dib, m8