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File: 89 KB, 1180x788, Gender_Pay_Img_Google_SumOfUs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3990402 No.3990402 [Reply] [Original]

Hi \biz\, how do we solve the Gender Pay Gap.

>> No.3990417

by not perpetuating it anymore because it doesn't exist.

>> No.3990427

killl all men

kill them twice if they're white

>> No.3990444

the studies that claim this exists are very flawed.

>> No.3990508
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>> No.3990534


implying something needs to fixed.

>> No.3990553

Gender pay gap will work itself out as office work becomes even more common, since women excel in sterile environments that only require communication.

I work in tech, at a non-tech company, and women are generally more productive at delivering actual business value. When it comes to autistic things that go on behind the curtain (code quality, good architecture practices, infrastructure maintenance) men are slightly better but women make up for it by having better communication skills with the team.

I see guys across the larger ecosystem of teams are bright, but can't communicate for shit. They work on something well but then don't communicate when they are having issues (pride), where women will be generally more forthcoming about when help is needed. Women are more annoying to work with but better overall in my experience.

>> No.3990559

why should we?

>> No.3990563

How do we solve the Food Gap?

Why is it allowed that women can survive on less calories than men? Does anyone else think this is a bit too much, someone should step in to subsidize men's food.

>> No.3990592

Stop letting them work, and thus, there can be no gap in pay.

>> No.3990598
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Ahahahahah. Hold on....ahaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.3990623

We create higher paying jobs that women are more inclined to take.

The issue that creates the gender pay gap is that according to our economy, men are just objectively creating more value, because much of the work that needs to be done is manual labor, and "gross" work, which men are more likely to do (which is why the gap nearly disappears when you adjust for everything in mens jobs that earns them more money). Instead of taking anyone's money and giving it to anyone else and instead of increasing anyones salary for no reason to try and balance it, try and profit off of the work that women can do better than men and are more likely to take. I don't know what that looks like, but it's why companies profit more off of men than women, it's why the "gender pay gap" exists, and it's why no company is hiring women for the same role to pay them less.

>> No.3990657

how do we solve the me pay gap?

>> No.3990716

There isn't one. Men and women receive different money based on the value they provide.

Women generally don't work as much and choose lower paying jobs.

They also likely are as aggressive at receiving promotions/raises. Which may be the only actual gender related problem.

>> No.3990743

>Gender Pay Gap

>> No.3990792
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>Hi \biz\, how do we solve the Gender Pay Gap.

You let women solve their own problem, plain and simple.

If they want it fixed, they need to solve it. They're grown adults, figure it out. If they need men to hold their hand to solve it, then the pay gap is justified.

Men have been whightnighting women in dating/sex/marriage since the beginning of time. Now men want to whightnight women in the office too because of a pay gap?

I don't think so.

>> No.3990809

I don't like working with women you retard. Just my experience

>> No.3990853

We get women to start paying for dates, let women getting hit a socially acceptable thing, and make women lose power over men in court.

Then we can talk about giving them equal money.

>> No.3990974

> men 4x as likely to die on the job
>even by flawed feminist statistics women only receive 20% less
Tell them to stop their bitching as even under their parameters they have the better deal.

>> No.3990993

Any woman you hire is a potential career ending liability if she decides to "feel harassed"
Any woman you hire can get pregnant at any time and you are forced to pay for her worthless ass.
Majority of women add no real value to the economy and instead flock to non-profits to further push Marxist agendas.
Quality of life and standard of living wad much higher for both sexes in the middle class before women tanked the employment market with cheap labor.
many couples are dual income only because women are made to feel bad about raising children by lesbian marxists and end up paying more in child care costs than the woman makes in salary and they pay tenfold in the untold costs of having dirty strangers raise their children.
The idea that a co-ed workplace is more productive or efficient is a joke, we are animals and the moment the opposite sex enters the room the pheromones start going off. Men evolved to work and hunt with other men. They did not bring women on hunts because when you introduce an attractive female into a group of men it becomes a giant distraction and causes infighting between the men. Same thing happens if you introduce an attractive man into a group of women. Ugly men and women introduced into a group of the opposite sex also creates a distraction and creates unnecessary drama and tension.

>> No.3991032

how bout all the nu-male virtue signaling cucks give 25% of their income to women?

>> No.3991290

How can there be a gender gap when there's 58 gendre AHhahhahaAHAHAHA happity gap zulul ehehehegehehehehe

>> No.3991319


Exactly, how do we solve this problem?
Women are earning more than us.

>> No.3991385

there is none
nothing to solve

fuck off?

>> No.3991394

>Hi \biz\, how do we solve the Gender Pay Gap.
Well either we get rid of males, or we get rid of women. Otherwise it will always exist.

As women are inferior to men in every respect apart from caring/nurturing (2 attributes they actively avoid engaging in these days) the 'gender pay gap' will only disappear either with one of the 2 genders disappearing (hello artificial wombs, sexbots, and r9k homo autismus reigning supreme) or through totalitarian government and legislation which steals from men and gives to less able women to ensure total equality of pay regardless of ability/effort/risk.

>> No.3991421

Woman act to much on emotion , in the best paying jobs you cant be emotional look at crypto for a example

>> No.3991424

>for every dollar a man makes, a woman makes 70 cents
we stop that fucking bitch from leaving that poor bastard with only 30 cents and make her earn her own god damn dollar.

>> No.3991474

FORCE men to work less
FORCE women to work more

>> No.3991649

By destroying feminism of course.

>> No.3991714
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Establish communism

>> No.3991777

>my property
What is a thieving commie like you doing on the business board?

>> No.3991791

trying to reach lamboland

>> No.3991808

Why don't you go live in a commune?

>> No.3991814

There aren't any here

>> No.3991825

we cant give women more money or else they will cause a jewelry and purse bubble

>> No.3991830

Besides, if I strike gold I can be like soros and pay others to establish communism for me

>> No.3991848

guess what faggot, it doesn't exist.
enterprising capitalists cut corners after instance they can.
That's why during first wave feminism, they hired women to run the phone operator boards. They didn't have to pay them a full wage and the women loved it.
If the gender pay gap still existed now, and women performed just as well in men in all sectors, employers would be hiring women hand over fist.
"Gee, I can pay Stacey 80% what I pay Leonard and get the same output? Looks like we're going to have to lay off Lenny."

>> No.3991896
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>be communist
>get rich
>establish communism
>get hung by comrades

such is life in communism: starvation and murder.

>> No.3991914

No regrets

>> No.3991922

on average, woman earn more than men (for the same work)

the paygap accounts for all men and woman

>> No.3991923

So you want to reach lamboland (aquire property) yet claim to be a communist. Sounds more like you'really just a communist because its currently trendy in some circles. How would you feel if you succeeded, reached lamboland, and then had all of that stolen and given to people who never took the risks you did?

>> No.3991930

1. personal property is not private property
2. >>3991830

>> No.3991973
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at least you don't deny it

>> No.3991977

Horse shit, every communist leader takes all wealth, not some bullshit definition you use to rationalize why you adhere to an ideology harmful to yourself.

>> No.3991999

i keep forgetting normies equate communism with stalinism

i'm against the state altogether

>> No.3992037

I'm glad there are still boards left where seone can post a troll thread and for the most part only receive meme replies and/or troll responses.

>> No.3992040


the communists will take your lambo tho so what's the point?

>for the people

>> No.3992065
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>> No.3992088

I don't speak german

>> No.3992089

Tell me the difference between personal and private property.

>> No.3992120

Nothing, it's the result of freedom.

>> No.3992145

Your car is personal property
Your phone is personal property
Your clothes are personal property
Your flat/house/trailer/whatever you live in and all its contents are personal property

A factory is private property
An office is private property
A space that you rent but don't live in is private property

>> No.3992152
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>> No.3992228

Tell women to do work that actually requires skill
Tell women to work more hours
Tell women to work more often

There you go fag

>> No.3992255


Suppose I rent the factory space from someone who owns the factory.

Suppose I rent my house to someone who owns the house.

I "rent" my phone from my telco for $x/mo

I "own" shares in a company, will you take that from me?

if I "own" my computer but I let people use it as a webservice so that they're renting the compute cycles/storage space then is it personal or private property?

>> No.3992443

Keep in mind that none of what I'm saying is set in stone since there's hundreds of ways this could be done, so don't take this 100% seriously.

The factory would come under the ownership of the workers that work it, depending on your role within it, that would include or not include you

I assume this is a typo and you meant "from" someone that owns the house. You would be probably get ownership of the house

Telco would be transformed into a worker owned company. You would probably keep paying the fee though I imagine it would be substantially less

Depends on your position within the company. If you're an employee and it's an employee stock ownership type of thing, then your stake would probably increase. If you're the majority owner it depends on how socialism/communism/whateverism was achieved. Ranges from a management position in the company to death.

I have no idea, though I imagine as long as you're not exploiting anybody you'd get to keep doing it.

>> No.3992466

good question. im so sick of earning less than female bartenders

>> No.3992507

>karl the cuck
>phil fish
>john oliver
>seth rogan
>louis ck

>> No.3992533

John Green

>> No.3992548
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> be boss
> apparently woman get paid less for the same amount of work
> capitalist society, I need to maximize profit
> hire only woman, or at least more women than men
> profit

We live in a capitalist society, thus if the pay gap existed we would have the above scenario in most companies. We don't so: 1. either there is no pay gap 2. women are paid more because they cannot provide the amount of quality of work done by men

>> No.3992560

Dont solve it!, women don't want it to be solved just for someone to listen to them
when they brag about it.

>> No.3992571

2. women are paid less***

>> No.3993003
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>> No.3993031
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>> No.3993047
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>> No.3993057
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>> No.3993081
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>> No.3993144

There's no gender pay gap in my businesses since i hire no women. Or niggers. Or any subhumans, really.
A business isn't its business model, the economy it's in, or any others factor, it's whether or not it's manned by people.

Only hire people, not women niggers and others subhumans.

>> No.3993160

we don't
why go against nature??

>> No.3993774

Make women taller than men

>> No.3993832

extract women womb for artificial womb.

>> No.3994332

pay gap studies don't adjust for time spent in a career

women drop out of their careers to raise families after meeting men who can support them, then restart when they get bored

men grind, forever, with no end in sight, while they lose most of the money they take home to clothe and feed women.

where's the gender pay study that accounts for % of wages stolen by one partner during a divorce?

>> No.3994387

Do women pay taxes yet?

>> No.3994420

Nope. They are still a net tax drain.

>> No.3994681

Only give jobs to women. Make them give exactly half their wages away and redistribute to men, who will be unemployed. 100% workplace diversity acheived and wage gap finally solved.

>> No.3994773

mind your own business