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File: 151 KB, 1133x939, enlightenedpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3988717 No.3988717 [Reply] [Original]

Post good altcoins whose market cap is low to invest in. Great tech solving real world problems and huge ROIs potential required.

>25m market cap
>PoS 3.0
>trustless contracting
>decentralized peer to peer private/public marketplaces
>top notch security

>116m market cap
>Decentralized exchange
>blockchains inter communications

>> No.3989208

>Great tech solving real world problems

That never mattered.

>> No.3989229


>> No.3989251


It really didn’t but it will eventually have to if this market is ever going to mature.

>> No.3989268

retire by 2018

>> No.3989294
File: 847 KB, 1984x2560, C26D2FB8-50E1-4D86-BEEC-BEC785D5DD7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest 10x of your life

>> No.3989377

It always mattered.

It only has a future if it solves problems.

>> No.3989399

Ssssh OP don't tell normies about bitbay yet I still need to obtain more

>> No.3989431
File: 525 KB, 1040x1217, bitbayroadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished accumulating a bag for november, so here's the roadmap hehe

>> No.3989452

Bitbay is way too slept on. I wouldn't risk the farm on it but an easy 10x with a little elbow grease and normie adoption.

>> No.3989468

>116m market cap
>Decentralized exchange
>blockchains inter communications

There are plenty of such projects already, how is Blocknet special?

>> No.3989484

BitBay? More like ShitBay, we already have OpenBazaar and it already works. BitBay can fuck off

>> No.3989498

Posw at $5m market cap is the biggest steal of them all

>> No.3989504


Keep telling yourself that buddy.

>> No.3989601

Keep telling myself what? Explain how BitBay is any good

>> No.3989607

Are you talking about Openbazaar and their arbitrated escrow using middleman? whereas BitBay uses double deposit for security, so no third party can intervene? :)

Why use decentralised if you're going to give the power to a middleman anyway? :)

Why the fuck use Openbazaar if there's already amazon? nobody gives a shit about decentralized for it's philosophy, but for it's problem solving :)

>> No.3989620


>> No.3989644

I thought EOS looked pretty cool and maybe somewhat promising. When it tanked recently I bought some more hoping it would recover. What do you guys think of it?

>> No.3989646
File: 684 KB, 557x565, bale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open Bazaar
Literally PajeetBazaar. It is centralized and not safe to use. Also Bitcoin is the biggest shitcoin of all.

Bitbay is literally an hidden gem. It is gonna perform extremely well in the coming year. I am sure of it.

>> No.3989665

Dividends Edition:


>> No.3989670

Nice to see other Bitbay investors, I've looked into it and it looks so solid, huge gains to be made here with their small market cap.

Can't predict when it will take off though, it seems like a moon mission isn't around the corner. But that's not a bad thing, more time to fill our bags lads, the concept is good enough to make it further than all these Bitcoin ripoff shitcoins

>> No.3989826
File: 172 KB, 1233x425, bitbay-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out pic related.
Fully decentralized with no need of middlemen. Anonymous and safe. Flexible as you can use other currencies too. Can make private markets for your economical activities. Literally the dream crypto marketplace.
Go to bitbay.market to learn more.

>> No.3989876

It is censored bullshit market. THe owner himself said he will be shutting down CP stores, which means decentrilized is just a meme and it is not truly "free" market

>> No.3989894

........................... son. Get help

>> No.3989906

if he can "shut down" anything then it is not decentrilized, that is the point

>> No.3989982
File: 42 KB, 1797x188, bitbay2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no owner retard. It is open source and peer to peer, hence decentralized. You can create your private market and be totally free of moderation.
Here is why in more details:

The public marketplace will never allow illegal stuff because the public marketplace is worldwide & mainstream and hence as not all the countries have the same laws nor culture, the most common illegal stuff are not authorized on the public marketplace.
Although you are free to create your private marketplace and sell whatever on it as it is decentralized and anonymous. As long you keep it private and discrete it is fine, but if you get too much known or make too much noise you are risking to get moderated (if you break your local laws). It is unlikely and not guaranteed but even if it happens, you just have to change the address of the private marketplace and it is private and secrete again. Or even better, use multiple private markets that you change the address from time to time. This would be literally the best.

Now you have your answer you disgusting pedophile.

>> No.3989997

SALT even though the market cap is not ultra low. Always bet on the guy giving loans.

>> No.3990004

The virgin ICO investor vs the chad etherdelta discount buyer

>> No.3990066

He can shut it down if a mod finds it
Which is practically impossible if it doesn't leak, because you can make it private.

You can name a market Fvbdtynnddj44f5jfjdn,;sb,
Like that no one could ever find it.

I think BitBay is one of the more realistic projects. It allows privacy but doesn't make it as easy as some other obscure projects.
So mass adoption is actually possible

>> No.3990087

I still don't understand how is this better than OpenBazaar + TOR.

>> No.3990109

Credit Protocol.

Looking to compete with Venmo.

>> No.3990128

>what is bitcoin: the post

>> No.3990132


>> No.3990169
File: 83 KB, 453x418, bale3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He can but doesn't mean he will. He has no obligations regarding private markets. He is not actually seeking to find them nor he possibly can in most cases. The moderation key is mainly for the public market to ensure that it remains pure and clean for mainstream adoption.
Private markets can basically do whatever they want. Even if a private market get shut down, you can create another directly. You can even create many many private markets mirrors and change them regularly. Private markets have their freedom safe. You literally can't shut them down for good. It is like torrents and private trackers. Hydra.

>> No.3990174

BTC for wealth storage.
ETH with raiden for sending money/back forth.
Good wallet provider for newbies
Merchant facility that handles tax, accounting/invoicing, and accepts BTC/ETH with virtually no fees - REQ/MTH.
LINK - to integrate into main world apps
The rest are useless clone projects that will never amount to anything in the long term.

>> No.3990231

Sounds well thought out in my opinion
This thread convinced me to buy even more bitbay

>> No.3990242

BitBay is really dumb. Bitcoin and Ethereum already have a network affect. If criminals will want a nice decentrilized market they will create it with Ethereum and Bitcoin, done deal. Bitbay has no volatility so nobody will ever fucking use it. Even Open Bazaar is not used, why the fuck would people use BItBay then?

>> No.3990248

TAAS (until the payout in NOV, just look at the recent rise)

>> No.3990276
File: 328 KB, 1000x2823, etherflipinfographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Etherflip (FLIP) - Gambling token similar to Etheroll but with the addition of jackpots and bonuses paid out in other tokens like OMG and FUN. They have a working product and will soon be releasing their website site and a mobile version too.

Marketcap is around 600k at the moment and it is currently only trading on ED.

>> No.3990284

Hey don't blame me for your lack of crypto education.
The problem is centralization and lack of security/reliability. OpenBazaar has both of these problems, while Bitbay solve them all.

Trustless contracting + reputation system to do safe transaction. Extremely secure multi sig wallet with encrypted dual passworded private keys. Anti keylogger system. Decentralized and peer to peer anonymous public/private marketplaces. Open source. Secure anonymous encrypted messaging. Allow any currency for the transaction. PoS coin that do not suffer from PoW. Etc....

Literally is not present in any other projects, despite being the bare minium to have a truly functional and truly decentralized marketplace and contracting platform.
Just check out the Bitbay pics and its website. Bitbay.market.

Recently a guy used it to sell 5 acres of California lands: https://medium.com/@tradersnow/how-i-sold-5-acres-of-land-using-bitbays-trustless-smart-contracts-28f18b83125

Its number of real word use cases are unlimited. You can buy coins from other without using centralizing exchanges and still be sure you won't get cucked. Free of fees.

>> No.3990293
File: 948 KB, 1040x2109, unbreakable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"middlemen", that's why
So it's securing transactions with the help of a moderator.

But a moderator can't solve a dispute, he can't know in case of a problem, who is right and who is not. He isn't god. That's the big problem with ebay and amazon and Openbazaar isn't soling that problem.

With BitBay, no one can create a problem because of the double deposit.
It's explained in the pic, like that you can transact and nobody can scam you.

Also, there is the dynamic peg which allow BitBay to become less volatile and allowing safe transacting, making it able to be adopted far more faster than the other cryptos that will have to deal with volatality for a very long time
Also after dynamic peg, BitBay will be uncrashable :)
So it will be a safe heaven for investors, and then I wil enjoy those comfy ROI's while market is crashing because of yet another fork :)

>> No.3990314

safex beats the shit out of bitbay and is still a scam
btw bitbay is centralized. moderators have keys that can disable illagal markets.
you can argue all you want bagholders, the fact is it's not 100% decentralized.
also it's a scam, but i'll keep that on the low since you dumb asses can never be convinced of logic

>> No.3990335

inb4 b-but the moderators might not see the illegal markets so maybe bitbay would be kind of decentralized!!

>> No.3990448

mass adoption is not possible, because nobody fucking uses shitty BitBay app and what not, so there is no network to speak of.

>> No.3990483
File: 68 KB, 600x600, so-youre-telling-59a3f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean Safe Sex? XD
Safex is not a scam though I think, just shit and vaporware.

How do you expect a market to be adopted by the masses if it isn't moderated?
You have to be realistic here, I don't give a shit about mods deleting listings of some Ak-47 or C4, I want that fucking price to skyrocket because of mass asoption.

Would you expect your mother to buy you a new pair of shoes on a site where next to some LSD there is some fucking child porn being listed?
I don't know you neither do I know your mother, but I think I can pretty safely assume you wouldn't expect that from her :)

For the scam part, already answerred you :)

>> No.3990501


probably true. thinking about going back into COSS

>> No.3990502
File: 179 KB, 428x318, bale2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your lack of understanding is painful to read.
The overall crypto market is overall still in baby stage, no one knows what coins the mainstream public will use once it becomes big enough to take off.
It is definitely not Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Anyway Bitcoin is a shitcoin. It is centralized by chinese mining mafias and is literally technologically depreciated compared to altcoins innovations (extremely slow tx processing and enormous waste of energy/ressources = is not viable). Without counting that Bitcoin has literally no innovations except being the first crypto money. Govs know it a shitcoin that will never go mainstream so they plan to keep BTC king.
Let me warm you too that Ethereum is a ticking bomb. It uses PoW like Bitcoin so it has the same problems than it. And, the worst of the worst is that it is fucking bloated to death.
Look: https://etherscan.io/chart/chaindatasizefull
Right now a full node is fucking 350gb and its growth rate keeps getting faster.
This will lead to two options: either it will crash at some point, or either it will get centralized. Also most of its token is vaporware that is not used.

> If criminals will want a nice decentrilized market they will create it with Ethereum and Bitcoin
>thinking crypto is for crimimals
What fucking age are you? 55? Gotta wake up. Crypto is the next economy. Not just for sinful criminals but the whole mainstream market.

>Bitbay has no volatility
It has. And regardless of that, fucking learn economics. Nobody uses currencies that are extremely volatile like crypto because it makes it impossible to use for consumers. You think the dollar would be used if it was as volatile as crypto money? Stability is what permits consumer adoption and that is why the central monetary banks regulate the value of their fiat money.

> Even Open Bazaar is not used, why the fuck would people use BItBay then?
Because OpenBazaar is shit while Bitbay brings game changing solution. Investigate and read more.

>> No.3990516

3 acres of land sold recently :)

>> No.3990560

Network takes time friend :)
You think Facebook got everyone on it from day one :)

Please think before writing, how old are you exactly? :)

>> No.3990570

Thanks based anon for explaining, I'm barely a month into crypto so it's hard for me to keep up.
t. Bitbay bagholder who doesn't trust any other shitcoin

>> No.3990665

>2kk mcap
>conference in 3 days
>2kk macp

>> No.3990672
File: 320 KB, 500x500, bale4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no working product
How much are you paid pajeet?
You are literally spreading lies and just fudding.
All what you said is false and you talk about logic while you are literally inventing shit of your ass. You're pathetic. Go shill your shitcoin elsewhere. This thread is for enlightened coins only.

Bitbay IS used you fudder. And anyway relatively to the global economy, nobody uses cryptocurrencies either you fucking retard. Just like nobody used internet 40 year ago but now it is mainstream. How stupid can you be? "Internet mass adoption is not possible because no one uses internet" could have said anyone 40 years ago but now it is mainstream.

From where is coming all these brainlets fudders??

>> No.3990738

They could be your neighbours
IQ is on the drop everywhere :)

>> No.3990754


>> No.3990776

no real problem but lampix looks good

>> No.3990874 [DELETED] 

Truly hard to imagine some people are THAT dumb.
"My coin is better!! Why?? Because it is better!!"
"your coin is shit!! Why?? Because it is shit!!"

It like arguing with mentally ill children. You cannot argue with them, they are just hysterically repeating the lies that are paid to spread while not listening to any arguments the other party said.
Although it is good to know that Bitbay's success are scaring some people. All successful persons in life are envied by jealous loosers.

>> No.3990893

Truly hard to imagine some people are THAT dumb.
"My coin is better!! Why?? Because it is better!!"
"your coin is shit!! Why?? Because it is shit!!"

It is like arguing with mentally ill children. You cannot argue with them, they are just hysterically repeating the lies that they are paid to spread while not listening to any arguments the other party says.
Although it is good to know that Bitbay's success are scaring some people. All successful persons in life are envied by jealous loosers.

>> No.3990967

I got 500k bay, waiting for the moon mission

>> No.3990982

> Music industry
> Founded by Peter Rafelson
> Pandora & Interscope Records
> Celebrity deals (5 year contracts)
> Creating their own exchange
> <5 mil market cap

>> No.3991058


This market is fucking retarded. I wouldn't have such high hopes if I were competing with pros.

>> No.3991072

ZEN easily most promising small cap

>> No.3991108

COSS will easily 10x-50x within a year

>> No.3991261

unironically TRST