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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 823 KB, 770x1080, 1508507605663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3986927 No.3986927 [Reply] [Original]


Major Aleron Helix reporting in. Understanding can be reached with the no LINKers for the need to reduce the LINK threads on /biz/. Let attempt a productive centralized thread for the discussion of; proof news, slack reconnaissance, speculation, FUD and FOMO, and most important how your gearing up to promote by buying the dip and never selling at a loss with those Mythril Hands.

Bourbon and Joe served over in /v/, gains rifle maintenance over in /k/, and the chaplain is present is /x/ should you need to seek counsel with the Lord in the trying times.

To those new, here is the circulating LINK Marine RANK structure.

- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 750001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

Promotions are abound, what will you tell your grandchildren about serving on the Vanguard of /biz/?

>> No.3986979
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Corporal bro beans repoeting in! About to promote to Sergeant!

>> No.3987013

Major Reporting in.
Went all in on LINK and now I cant move out of my parents apartment. Looks like i'll be a NEET for a while longer.

>> No.3987022


>> No.3987028

Welcome gents.

The best thing you can do now is deep freeze your LINK on MEW and wait 2 years. In the mean time focus on becoming a minimalist and working wage jobs to keep you occupied until the day comes to obtain financial freedom.

>> No.3987046
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General reporting.

Have sold a single LINK. We are down but every new alt is below ICO or hanging in at 2x ICO price just like us. We need to bear out the storm and we will come out victorious.

ENG: below ICO
AST: below ICO
MTH: below ICO
ODN: 2x ICO price
REQ: below ICO
KNC: 2x ICO price
LINK: 2x ICO price

>> No.3987054

Meant to say haven't sold any link's

>> No.3987064

quit using this shitty meme its bad enough links gone to shit and i'm still hodling

>> No.3987096

And how do you think we get through all the FUD dipstick?

Meme culture is what keeps these hands strong

>> No.3987101

Nope I wish. I believe in LINK and was completely convinced it would go to at least $1.00 so i gambled and went all in.

Once it gets back to ~35cents i might sell around 2.5kUSD so i can move out. Not really sure; waiting to see how this will play out.

>> No.3987120
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Good morning Sir.

Agreed. The Mythril handed have been buying the dip and generating solid memes. It would appear the worthy investors grasp the future of LINK and have great patience.

>> No.3987126

Come have a drink son. It only gets better from here.

>> No.3987134
File: 477 KB, 531x460, bagsheavylol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao retards, enjoy your 80% losses if you hold on to this piece of shit

>> No.3987174

Why do you give a shit loser lmao

>> No.3987233

we had the exact same threads about DGB

>> No.3987253

dont remind me im holding 200k of link....

>> No.3987277
File: 53 KB, 530x298, 103822277-GettyImages-495912999.530x298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's safe to say you bought the dip in the LINK General thread.

Your amongst battle hardened allies here.

>> No.3987304

Still in the black faggot

>> No.3987308

well shiet.
i don't know what you investment plan is, but you sure sound high on hopium

>> No.3987320
File: 13 KB, 200x400, 19c60e03-453e-4aeb-b4c0-50bb5d2d7d09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demoted myself to Major during the 8800-9500 pump, but now I promoted myself again to Lieutenant Colonel.

Not selling until a working product is in production.

>> No.3987325

Your a meme machine Major. You need to save these LINK Gen threads so years from now you can compile screen grabs of the FUDs greatest hits.

>> No.3987339

Lieutenant Colonel here
>Colonel soon

>> No.3987370
File: 569 KB, 1024x673, CL-biz-PC-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I have my laptop at work and multi task cranking them out as the ideas roll in.

And oh I have - All the way back to my first thread introducing the rank structure. I seek victory not vengeance but the best way o get both is to one day LIVE WELL - Free from waging.

>> No.3987489


>> No.3987907

We gonna win this war major! $5 link by december. Easy victory

>> No.3987960
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>> No.3987974
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>> No.3987979
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What's the chances of LINK creeping back to 30 cents? I just want off this ride regardless of it's potential.

>> No.3987986
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>get banned on the faggit linktrader subreddit for posting this
lmfao reddit sucks so much

>> No.3988032

I’m holding so much of this, fuck

>> No.3988046
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Same bud

>> No.3988078

Just so you know, there's a typo in your pasta. You should change that colonel ranking from 750001 to 75001 next time you make the thread.

>> No.3988134

I think theres a good chance it'll go up to at least 33 cents in the next week or two; It crashed a fuckton for no good reason. But who the fuck knows, crypto has been doing some unexpected shit.

Def think Binance bots are fucking with it tho

>> No.3988747
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Can someone help with this?

looking to buy a massive amount of ChainLink

>> No.3989612

Ah, my mistake thanks for the heads up.

>> No.3989705
File: 418 KB, 634x771, CH-LH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start at a website called Coinbase.com. here you purchase your Ethereum/ Bitcoin.

The setup an account at Binance.com (Where You Buy ChainLink Tokens)

Send Bitcoin/Ethereum to Binance and purchase LINK.

Finally look up on YouTube how to create a "myetherwallet." Then send your purchased LINK from Binance to this wallet for safe keeping.

>> No.3989714
File: 6 KB, 225x225, the future is now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't understand, but I do now. I started looking into LINK when it was 20 cents. It took me until last night before I realized something. Buy this, now. As much as you can. If you look at the overall picture of what's happening and the wealth being poured into crypto, you'll see that this is just the beginning. And LINK owns over 80% of that space. All the money in crypto flows through this coin. That's it's value, that's what's going to make it rise. What makes LINK valuable? It's LINK. There are around 7.8 billion people in the world right now, and only 1 billion LINK will ever exist. Let that sink in. Not even every person would be able to own a single LINK. Some analysts predict a million dollars per LINK isn't far off. It'll become a status symbol. We memed a president into the white house, this isn't a stretch. I used to laugh at the green text about tipping an escort .000000001 LINK. This is where it's headed, not laughing anymore. Spend 90% on LINK and hold, use 10% to play with alts and grow your LINK stack. Buy now, you're running out of time

>> No.3989731

What game is this, looks comfy

>> No.3989738

Fucking use commas. REEEEEEEE
Fucking LINKies.

>> No.3989760
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The Legend of LINK - Stronghodl

*Only for Real Life

>> No.3990183

Nolinkie here. Tell me why you guys expect to ever sell your bags (and thus why I should invest).

Don't give me the bullshit you got paid for shilling here for weeks rent free. Be honest with me.

>> No.3990326
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First Lieutenant checking in, does anyone know when we can expect running nodes? I want dat sweet passive LINK...

>> No.3990327
File: 845 KB, 1031x569, LZ-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm sure one of the LINK recruiters here can help you with that request. The Link General Threads are for the LINK Marines who are already invested and have faith unshaken.

Kind of a bar where we exchange and engineer memes, and strategize buying the dip. I do however recommend another LINK Marine's thread that would be more suited to your request. >>3988045

>> No.3990363

Came here to find/post this. Gotta love pasta.

>> No.3990398

Has the bleeding stopped? I've had enough of getting JUSTed. Already down 7k.

>> No.3990705

Down 10K, put a meme dressing on it. HODL is all you got left. Also recommend you buy the dip. Place LINK into cold storage and wait 2 years.

>> No.3990804

I can't risk locking up any more of my liquidity.

>> No.3990870

The ChainLink SIBOS conference 2018

>Rory: Mr. Nazarov, have you prepared for the conf-
>Sergey: *flushes toilet*

>> No.3990921

This is a shitty way to justify having two generals.

>> No.3990940
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>> No.3990987

ok we get it. fart jokes. you can stop spamming this everywhere

>> No.3991294
File: 80 KB, 640x1136, YOLO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take it.

>> No.3991435
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Welcome to the ranks Corporal!

>> No.3991536
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Reporting for duty, sir!

>> No.3991701

thats the shittiest portfolio ive seen

>> No.3991728
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>> No.3991769
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>> No.3991851

Notice le Pink Wojackian

>> No.3992043

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel for all this suffering? Will Sergey carry my broken soul to the halls of Valhalla?

>> No.3992063

When we reach $100

>> No.3992071


>> No.3992158



>> No.3992164
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Going for long shots for 2+years time. Whacking it on a ledger and forgetting about it. If I wanted to play safe I would have just bought BTC or something, maybe NEO. I didn't want to though :)

>> No.3992455
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Those Digits - See lads it all pans out

>> No.3993038
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captain reporting in

I borrowed to go all in and then some

I hope it goes up so I won't have to sell many to pay for rent next week

>> No.3993321

If it hit $100 I could take a year off amd just day trade. THE DREAM

>> No.3993641


>> No.3994274


>> No.3994361
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Guten Tag Gentlemen, so froh, dass Sie es schaffen konnten ~

>> No.3994900

Good choice

>> No.3995748

They said we would get tired of winning so much!!!

>> No.3995824

If your coin needs "Marines" to keep the price propped up, that's a red flag, just saying.

>> No.3995859

Aesthetic, but yeah probably not the best way to attract new investors

>> No.3995902

Just graduated from Brigadier General to Major General. Let's take this coin back to our rightful place. ONWARD!!

>> No.3995923

1st Lietenant reporting in. Quality meme. The LINK military hierarchy really building a sense of solidarity among us LINK marines.

>> No.3996076

If I bought at 9k sats do I get a promotion because I'm a retard who bought at ATHs double the current price?

>> No.3996106

It will go to one dollar. Just not a ducking month after ICO. Are you daft boy? Why would it already be 1.00? Wait until those
Ducking Normies find out.

>> No.3996173


>> No.3996192


Lmao that literal stuttering pothead faggot

Ultimate accumulate signal

>> No.3996199

He's a failed gaymer, a failed music maker, and an all around dumb wigger DYING to get some attention. Poor guy'll probably an hero when he's wrong yet again.

>> No.3996210

They already have a working product anon..

Do you not research what you invest in?

>> No.3996218

yeah bro ultimate accumulate signal
i saw that video then went and took a second mortgage on my house to buy more chainlink at 10k sats

>checks blockfolio
>proceeds to suicide

>> No.3997094

1LT Goldbeard here; I'd be CPT if I'd taken advantage of the $0.52 peak & $0.22 trough, but I felt safer HOLDING.

>let's hope there's good news monday

>> No.3997120

Plushtard here if you want a chainlink plush drop a mail at
30$ cuz life is hard

>> No.3997736

Plushtard lives! Glad to see your expanding busisness!

>> No.3998444

stronghold 1 it is a very comfy game for RTS

>> No.3998598

i can't believe i fell for this shilling. kill me please

>> No.3998701

dont worry - hail sergey0/

>> No.3999115

.40 can’t major reporting in

>> No.3999150


>> No.3999334

He doesn't want to buy you blindfag, he wants to run a master node after having bought

>> No.3999423

Gen X checking in. You may as well call me a boomer.

Link was great for me until... Did 4 x trades:

Bought at .40 USD (Gen X so we measure things in USD, not SAT scores). Sold at .48

Bought at .40 USD. Sold at .48

Bought at .38 USD. Sold at .53
#really winning

Bought at .38 USD aaaaand holding!

Have my standard sell order in at .48, but man its down to .28 now.

Still was a good run tho.

>> No.3999467

Recently promoted Staff Sergeant reporting in for duty. Have we weathered the worst of the storm yet, lads?

>> No.3999479
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LINK is 63 by marketcap now

Lt. Col here, down 50%

>> No.4000050

You didn't fall for the shill, you made the best financial decision of your life clown.

>> No.4000615
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We Never get tired of winning Boys!

Negative civilian.

Good morning sir! Glad to have you with us.

Welcome LTs! Glad to hear and more importantly see it taking root.

Glad to hear from you Plushbro! Glad your still HODLing with us.

Sir, Good call. Though LINK Marines don't typically day trade it would appear you are within a select class of Special Trading Operations.

SSG Come in have some coffee, and welcome to the fight. Were not done, there's many more Dips and Rises on the horizon. Not to mention the legions of FUD we must battle.

Digits, gloriously checked, and you have a solid point anon.

Email any suggestions you have to the General Threads and/or Rank Structure to: majaleronhelix@gmail.com

>> No.4000673
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>quit using this shitty meme
>I'm still hodling

>> No.4000691

The out themselves with impunity don't they?