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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 623x453, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3983292 No.3983292 [Reply] [Original]


I lost almost all of my money. I am not going to keep that. I lost my life. Before I kill myself, I would like to be sure that I will leave something to my family and my fiance.

If anyone can help, please. Let me die in peace, knowing that I left something more than disappointment and that family could pay for my burial.

Thank you. I wish every one of you more luck and fortune. Be more lucky than me.

>pic related


>> No.3983313

post a pic of a sharpie in your butthole and ill send you 0.5 btc to get back on your feet

>> No.3983323

exactly. Do you really care about your family, OP? Then prove it. We require timestamp.

>> No.3983334

0.5 BTC is almost enough to pay for my burial and leave something to my family and fiance. Will do that, I can't be humiliated more than now. Give me a few minutes to manage that with a timestamp.

I hope you will keep your word as I keep mine. You gave me at least that hope and answered. I thank you for that.

>> No.3983424
File: 1.50 MB, 1141x1705, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I care. I just don't care about myself anymore. My time is over.

I honored your request. Please, keep your word.

>> No.3983430

My BTC address:

>> No.3983434

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.3983439

lol ffs op wtf are you doing

>> No.3983450

Is that Stellar lumens? Wew

>> No.3983453

You actually did you madman, shoot up a jew before you go if they dont dip you the 0.5btc, jews created this system to suck the life out of us

>> No.3983454

lumen will recover retard

get this disgusting shit outta here

>> No.3983458

What caused you to lose all your money?

>> No.3983464

If you have nothing more to lose but your dignity, you would do that to ensure your family will not suffer because of your decisions.

Begging. Like a human trash that I am.

Yes sir.

>> No.3983465

You win the Internet, sir. You are now a /biz/ legend. I suggest you call the suicide hotline 800* two seven three*8255. They can help!

>> No.3983468



There is zero honor in that situation. Holy shit this place not only took your money. They also took your dignity.

This is going to be some fun years.

>> No.3983477

You are a weak patheric man, OP.
Lots of people goes bankrupt without an heroing.

>> No.3983483

I do what I said I would do. That is the way it should be.

I honored my part. I will be dead in a few days I guess (max. few weeks). I have no idea if that is wise to cheat on a dead man. But what the fuck, I do not care, I will become dead soon.

Altcoins, moon missions, no one never really explained me how it works, so I lost almost all my money that I worked for.

I am not falling for that anymore.

>> No.3983492


>> No.3983498

pls do magic mushrooms before you decide on suicide, read a journal article on it "resetting" the depressed mind

>> No.3983500

looks like you never had more than 0.25btc, that's not much money
also you're fat as fuck that's the worst you can do to your body

>> No.3983517

Repeat after me
"I only invest what I can afford to lose"

This is especially critical when you're taking blind gambles off 4chan tips. Fuck dude.

Don't off yourself, just learn from your mistake and do better

>> No.3983527

It is easy to say. I am not going to explain my financial situation and living conditions. The thing is, I am unable now to live, lost all ym savings from childhood plus all savings from my work.

It is easy to say 0.25 BTC is not much when after 180-200h a month you received 0.18 BTC on your account. And you have to pay bills, food, clothes...

I decided.

Dear Anon, I fulfilled your request. Are you there?

>> No.3983539

guys i'm actually willing to send this guy some btc if we all do it together

I'm sure if we all send a trivial amount, it will add up to 0.5 btc

>> No.3983549

>/biz/- Business & Finance

>> No.3983551

I think he left OP, but I'll tell you what: if you can fit TWO sharpies, then I promise I'll put one whole BTC in there. Swear to to God, on my honor. Orange and Black ones, for halloween would be good, if you have those.

>> No.3983557

Fund stop the putty train. You invested way more than you should have and you're now facing consequences. You got greedy, didn't think it through.

I've done the same thing and it fucking sucks.

Learn from it, bounce back, be more careful in the future. This is just one chapter in your life.

>> No.3983563
File: 221 KB, 1776x1332, 22690622_1522982257788397_988721587_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I post a photo of my balance. I will update when anything shows up.

Thank you all in advance. Thank you all.

If you decide to help me, post ITT so I could thank you in my last letter. I will also post that here (with blacked out sensitive and personal information).

>> No.3983575
File: 242 KB, 1920x1290, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then...

>> No.3983576

why was there 32 bitcoin on your address very recently?

>> No.3983584

Is that addressed to me? If yes, I never had even 10% of that...

>> No.3983592
File: 110 KB, 1920x1090, 1508290674184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3983599

Ok you can fuck right off lad

>> No.3983603

nevermind, just saw your money go to polo, thought it was yours.

Anyway, I think you're a sexual deviant that gets off showing his butthole.

>> No.3983604

just buy LINK now ! its at tha bottommm !!!!!

>> No.3983618

Why not just hold Stellar until money 20/20 in Vegas in a few days? If you sell now you will be really depressed at the next pump

>> No.3983624
File: 45 KB, 465x576, 0156 - MxBaFDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell gimme your ERC20 address I'll send you 1 ARENA token man

>> No.3983650
File: 1.24 MB, 1776x2540, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All my history. You are mistaken. Compare addresses.

And do not call me a liar.

>> No.3983651
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>> No.3983660
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>> No.3983670
File: 36 KB, 300x360, 1504935255114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should send me .1 litecoin just to piss off the OP. I'll post screencaps...


>> No.3983677

How did you lose he money? What got you into crypto? 4chan? Do you have any experience in finance whatsoever or just tried your luck?

>> No.3983684

Ok, you played me again /biz/. Congratulations.

I trusted you, I begged you, I honored Anons request...

Seems like you never wanted me here. Ok... I understand. I am not getting anything, even if that is not for me and in clear purpose.

Anyway, thank you. I have learned much. However, I feel cheated and sad.

I hope you will never be in a similar situation and I do nmot wish that for anyone, really.

>> No.3983689

you're crying about losing money? judging by your transactions you never had any money in the first place. get a job

>> No.3983705
File: 34 KB, 960x617, Sharpie_Uwi_s_Purple[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been a while...

>> No.3983711
File: 26 KB, 396x400, 0010 - gUKzeUt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude seriously you're on the internet. You might be a good dude but this is too much. Cut your losses, don't look back. Let this be a very valuable lesson. At least you're not the guy who lost several thousand ETH because he didn't secure his wallet. If you want to get back into crypto then you now know what not to do. Don't panic, you'll work your situation out, stay good.

>> No.3983712

I will send my heavy link bags if you show tip of penis

>> No.3983717

Do you have an ltc adress op?
I'll send you 1

>> No.3983745

No worries, we will never be stupid enough to put all our capital into one basket without knowing shit about finance, especially crypto.

>> No.3983748

Bro, my double or nothing offer still stands. 2 Sharpies, your butthole, 1 BTC. That's the deal. I've been waiting here with my mouse hovering over the Send button. I'm getting a little sleepy though, so take advantage of my generosity, please.

>> No.3983787

You're a pathetic waste of life and you will burn in hell. Just wanted to tell you that.

>> No.3983789

LTC: LSTtQndthTkjd5g9qdSLPNnQEkqmkEJoYF

Thank you.

Why would I trust you, if Anon before you did the same and did not deliver what he promised? I guess he had fun making fun of my suffer and my family situation.

I have stable job. But it is eastern europe here. We do not earn, we get what we need to not die. Think on it.

Sorry, as I said before (look above a few lines). Also, I do not have 2 sharpies.

If you are to send it, you would send it after one. I can post here 100 more pics and it is not going to give me anything if you do not want to send. If you, however, want, just please, do that sir.

>> No.3983815

Mate I already consider my link investment as a loss. Either I bag hold this useless shit or give it away

>> No.3983824

I do not care anymore. I am empty. I just want some financial stability to my family and fiance to help them after I am gone.

>> No.3983834

you could sign a message from your wallet to prove your a big daddy whale and you mean business
look at it this way, you drive down to staples, buy a 6 pack of sharpies, that costs what... 4 bucks?
Part of finance is considering returns on investment.
Don't worry anon, I know you'll make the right choice.

>> No.3983835

Trade LINK for ARENA or OHNI?

>> No.3983840

Sharpies in bithole, then you get buttcoin. Surely you can see that that is how is must be. There has to be order, dude. So... if you don't have 2 sharpies, then I will accept a pencil in lieu of one of the sharpies. But it has to be a #2 pencil only.

>> No.3983842

dude wtf dont kill yourself. you'll hurt your family more than you can imagine. things will work out

>> No.3983845

I'm here to moderate this deal. Let's come together and settle it. OP only has one sharpie but it's very possible that he has a television remote, maybe a hammer or similar tool.

>>3983748 , Anon, would you settle for a large object in OPs rectum instead of 2 sharpies?

>> No.3983849

Is this a fucking joke? You lose all your money gambling and now you are begging for donations because your family is fucked? This can't be real.

>> No.3983860

yeah, we can't do anything on this site but perfect the 'exit scam'

>> No.3983861
File: 346 KB, 936x936, 1500860499603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3983866
File: 125 KB, 1200x1200, jewsdidthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3983878

how'd he lose all his money anyway, wouldn't you have to use a fuckton of leverage?

>> No.3983881

Western european here, i heard girls over there are desperate and would jump on any wester european to get out of that place , also heard you guys are very aggressive people, I'm planning to take a holidays there and go on tinder and take my chances am i likely to get killed ?

>> No.3983890

burger here, i heard girls over there are desperate and would jump on any burger to get out of that place , also heard you guys are very aggressive people, I'm planning to take a holidays there and go on tinder and take my chances am i likely to get killed ?

>> No.3983892

No, something broke, I am sorry but I made a decision. Like with the sharpie... But unfortunately I was played... Eh.

Have fun and count that no one in future will do that with you. You can't even imagine that.

Yes, I became a beggar, it is real.

>> No.3983907
File: 143 KB, 549x653, ecd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Aggressive Western europeans
Have you not heard the news? we are cucks craving for muslim semen specially sweden

>> No.3983910

you shouldn't feel bad, there was a thread 3 days or so ago where 5 or 6 people posted the sharpie pic for only $1000 in bitcoin. OP eventually paid though.

>> No.3983922

ironic considering that arabic people talk like they have cum stuck in their throats

>> No.3983927

Aw can the shit, OP. Seriously. You must take us for some really gullible, and stupid people, huh? You can take your sanctimonious moral high ground act somewhere else. Maybe /b/ will help? Sometimes I wonder if you guys actually convince yourselves that your lies are the truth.

>> No.3983929

i just sent you some LTC bro

also here is a tip for you: if you are still interested in trading, spend at least an hour reading and investigating. don't just have a position on something

>> No.3983943

Can I put two sharpies in my bung for a btc?

>> No.3983949

Yes, of course. My offer still stands.

>> No.3983951

uhhhh.... is that shit on the sharpie?

>> No.3983953

Western Europe used to be the safest place on Earth until they started importing mudslimes by the millions.

>> No.3983954
File: 8 KB, 232x217, asfdafasfsfsaddfas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3983960

I am not OP though, just an entrepreneur.

>> No.3983961

No it's green sick-shit colored ice cream

>> No.3983963

Ok who the fuck invited /pol/? The thread was going just fine...

>> No.3983964

there was one anon who stuck a fucking fork,spoon and knife up there for 1500 link, and the fork was completely smeared in shit after. needless to say, no one paid him either.

>> No.3983970

jesus christ, they need to wipe properly and clean up.

>> No.3983991

Don't fall for bait

>> No.3983993

well you're the same as OP then.

>> No.3984009

I guess we are the same.

>> No.3984012
File: 257 KB, 368x657, 1506798376774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero sum game, do you know what this implies genius?

People like you are needed otherwise we wouldn't be here in the first place, it's that simple.

Anyone giving sympathy is just as bad as OP, and will never succeed in this dog eat dog world, no emotion, no gain.

Kill yourself OP, I mean it.

>> No.3984059

>Altcoins, moon missions, no one never really explained me how it works, so I lost almost all my money that I worked for.

I am not falling for that anymore.
>no one never really explained me how it works

you're fucking pathetic. glad you leave nobody needs people like you. I bet you always were the kind of person to play the victim. I hate people like you

>> No.3984061

No I am not sick I just enjoy seeing natural selection unfold on the internet with charts representing values of myth money backed by white noise to the reality that this is largely a greater fools game. These tokens are dog shit, and you fools are buying them because you're greedy, and it only makes me richer.

>> No.3984074

To make you richer you had to buy the worthless coins before everyone else that means you also fell for the "greater fools game" it also means natural selection will get ride of you

>> No.3984087

doggy dog world you mean

>> No.3984102

There is still a hope. Hop on Chancoin. It is cheap and strongly undervalued. The community is growing. Chancoin offers a tipping extension for 4 Chan, 2 Chan and 8 Chan. Also, developers super duper active. Have fun ;)

>> No.3984103

ahahaha stick a dildo in your butt and ill send you 20 BTC lmao

>> No.3984108


>> No.3984111

This is what women do every day

>> No.3984113

send him 1 BTC first and confirm transaction since you already know he's willing to humiliate himself, then send the other 19 BTC after

>> No.3984115

Send me ur monies b cuz I am a sharpie in da pooper.


>> No.3984122

If this was 100% legit, I'd do it.

>> No.3984177

/biz/: never misses an opportunity to turn someone's personal tragedy into a cheap shill.

>> No.3984179

ill put a sharpie & a #2 pencil in my butt for a btc.. i just lost everything in UNO

my discord is ebst.rico#2006 lets get it


>> No.3984182

why would you buy a coin whose supply is going to explode over time
lumen is garbage

>> No.3984188

All right. I don't want your damn discord, just your pics. Got the BTC here waiting.

>> No.3984190

>one person apparently gets BTC for putting a sharpie in the pooper
>instant rush of people wanting to do the same

>> No.3984223

Nice thread, looks like you didn't find the hole on your first try based on the sharpie marks on your buttocks.

>> No.3984243

i have the sharpie and loss of conscious/dignity... i just need to be sure of a btc

>> No.3984267

god bless the one anon that delivered

>> No.3984449

OP Here.

That Anon actually donated me 0.09000000 LTC (~0.00086891 BTC).

Thank you. You are the only one, special for me. You sent that even you did not request anything from me.

I wish you all the best.

>> No.3984696

he actually did it.

>> No.3984727

Yes, I did it. And the Anon that requested that cheated...

>> No.3984762

I'm never coming to this site ever again, fuck me.

>> No.3984847
File: 412 KB, 470x470, 1504995524741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That motherfucker better pay up.

>> No.3984919

Life ain't fair, kid

>> No.3985027

Post your BitBean address

>> No.3985037

I do not have BitBean and I do not know what it is. I use Poloniex only...


>> No.3985089


Fucking buy coins like NEO or OMG and wait. How hard can this be?

>> No.3985129

fucking faggot.

>> No.3985141

Is that poo on the end of the sharpie?

>> No.3985158
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 1472114700551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for paying my cocaine this month, loser. :)

I'll be thinking of you while I snort it off my gf's tits ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

>> No.3985159 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone.

I am not going to bother anyone here with long -non interesting story (but if someone is interested, wife lost job, I get sick, cat have nothing to eat etc.). Basically I cant afford to do biz and I am looking for anyone who have good day, good mood, spare coins and believe in good karmic returns for little help. I am not begging for big qualities, Even 0.0001 BTC is enough for me to try to make some returns, anything just to get out of poverty.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day

LTC LVokxz4bV2ANGKo5PuerAh1nUWvwD53oGq
ETH 0xef3cf81fb617a75aeba1b74306468e7873d9f55a

>> No.3985161

He isn't the first or the last.

>> No.3985168

see you tomorrow

>> No.3985173

What if I put the handle of screwdriver? I could really use it. Lost on elix and link.

>> No.3985174

Did you margin trade or something?
You still have the lumens you bought right?
Or did you do something REALLY retarded like borrow money to buy shitcoin?

>> No.3985314

fucking hell, that guy better pay him.

>> No.3985380
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x1242, wonam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3985621

Great bussiness strategy

>> No.3985635

if loosing make you want to suicide you are basically a beta cuck looser stop asking other to support you if you did the wrong choices

>> No.3985691

Shit i just wanna pay off my DUI fines so i can get my liscense back.
BTC: 18VwzzUiSfZ8v3da9buoEUxnpdL1N1saks
ETH: 0x14dFe6cB0206f20F3C5c5D175dF54Fe7B1798471

>> No.3985712

>A Mongolian sand art board told me to invest everything I had in extremely volatile crypto currency in attemps to get rich quick
>I trusted them then lost everything in this risky investment because I did zero research and basically put my entire life savings on black
>Then this same Cambodian toothpick sculpture forum told me they’d give me $3000 if I took a picture with a marker in my butt and I believed them

The absolute state of you. You are a dumbass. No one here wants to help you

>> No.3985731

Someone better screencap this thread. I'm too lazy to do it at the moment but I guess I'll have to if no one else does.

>> No.3985750


You sent him 0.09 ltc ? $0.58, incredible

>> No.3985759
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>> No.3985769
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>> No.3985856

Fuck you OP, you selfish cunt

>> No.3985933

I hope OP dies like a broke faggot and someone find who is behind this BTC adress and send this degenerate picture of him to his family.

We have a new mission guys, let's trace this faggot down.

>> No.3985988

ITT: OP is a faggot who can't handle losing his giant investment of $20

>> No.3986018

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.3986468


>> No.3986580

No fuck off you retard. Why should we help you when some dude is going to stop at your door with some crazy magic beans and you're going to put your house up for it?

>> No.3986621

probably longed at 800 sats on polo, would be fucked