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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 553 KB, 2048x1152, 20171020_184015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3981652 No.3981652 [Reply] [Original]

Plushtard here.
I know some of you are sick of my threads,
i know some want me to stay

but i have decided, im killing myself.

> work at kfc
> need 2k until end of month or homeless
> literally not even enough money to make plushies
> have to pull everything out of crypto because of car repair, without which i couldnt even get to the KFC job.

I literally have nothing, browsing /biz/ and seein LINK on discount, seeing btc moon without me being able to do anything..

see you on the other side, whatevery may be there.

This is my last post, fuck you mods for banning me every time.

> best way to kill myself without a gun (germany) please
i thought about just diving headfirst into the concrete somewhere

and please dont be sad about some random offing himself, im happy that this pain will finally end.

>> No.3981678
File: 94 KB, 620x413, 18915340-standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to do it, but if you do, I'll take your wallet off your hands:

>> No.3981679

Dont do it anon
You could die!

>> No.3981691

don't do it. it would be a horrible mistake.

>> No.3981693

Übertreib mal bitte nicht deine Lage, es gibt immer einen Weg raus ohne sich selbst das Leben zu nehmen. Ich selber bin komplett ohne Job aber habe einen Weg gefunden durch Trading mein eigenes Geld zu machen so das ich von Leben kann. Bitte nimm dir nicht das Leben.

>> No.3981707

wtf is that blood in your toilet
stop being a sadfag
if you kys now how will i order a nice plushie from you
also, you can't be homeless in germany, surely the gov't will give you housing, if they are willing to house refugees.

>> No.3981719
File: 286 KB, 855x642, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn...life is hardcore in the plush toy game. If it makes you feel any better I'm like...one state away from Kentucky. Which I would think would be a Mecca of sorts to overseas KFC employees. I don't know how this helps in your situation, but a fun fact none the less.

>> No.3981721


anon. u provide the lols every single time. i legit cheer up when i read ur threads. if my alts will be worth something after fork and actually shoot up. ill legit send u like 200$

ich schwöre wallah

>> No.3981724

you can still make it

>> No.3981730

How deep did you cut yourself plushfag?

>> No.3981731
File: 442 KB, 441x270, cat-snow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

>> No.3981744

Don't do it anon, I've seen all your posts and never posted a comment on them.

Your plushies are not half bad, you got better (it's still not perfect tho)

Anyway, it's just a bad moment in your life, we all have bad moments.

I suggest you to (re)connect with your family, spend some time thinking about what you want to do in life...

There is so much possibility, looks like you aren't physically disabled, you could do so much things.

Reconnect with your family, live in your parents house for a while. It won't kill you I promise.

Or if you have to be homeless, so be it, maybe you won't believe me but I actually am homeless (I live in a van)

It's not the end of the world, you will find your path

I will keep you in my mind anon

>> No.3981746

we love you plushtard, you seriously brighten my day when you post. Don't stop, I think you're awesome and lots of other neet fags do too.

>> No.3981747

If this is the real plush tard post a time stamp proof that says "plushtard420" with a LINK plush with half your hand in the pic.

I will send you 500 link

>> No.3981751

its clearly red food coloring.
he's resorting to extreme marketing tactics to get attention for his shitty situation and lack of funds to make more plushies

life is shit and meaningless. i feel bad for plushtard but i don't have any way of helping him.

>> No.3981754


>> No.3981760


hey OP,

i dont want you to do it. but the thing is, you have to realize that your current situation and misery is based on your current environment.

there are lots of places in the world you can go where the cost of living is several times lower than where you live now, but you can live comfortably in a good spot. Europe, especially places like germany, you can get a great apartment in Berlin for $500 a month, and they have free school and all these programs if you live there for a while.

seriously OP, there are options. don't make a permanent decision when you're looking at a narrow view of things. if you want i can expand on some options available

>> No.3981762

Don't do it man!
ich wollte noch ein von deine link plushtiere kaufen! Crypto is so toll, wart jetz einfach ein Jahr, link wird bestimmt das neue Eth!

>> No.3981773

at least wait until after the fork before killing yourself

thats what im doing lol

>> No.3981809

Don't do it man, go spend some time with the family. Stay safe, we all gon make it one day!

>> No.3981824

Problem with crypto is we all believe in these coins and hope for a better future with the technology. Sadly, when big daddy BTC goes on a rampage, you realise how worthless most of your portfolio is.
Please don't kill yourself pushtard, many of us are down at the moment but it's no reason to fucking give up.

>> No.3981827

Link will reach $5 this november. Dont do it op

>> No.3981832

Please dont. I genuinely like your posts

>> No.3981837

You are a pleasant flower. Don't go.

>> No.3981846

plushtard, here's what's going to happen. you're gonna kill yourself and Sergey is going to release some surprise news, right as you bleed out, and the price of LINK is going to skyrocket, and if you had just stayed alive and held with whatever the fuck amount you have, will be enough for you to continue living and being a plushtard.

this is how the universe works. when you give up on something, that's the exact fucking moment that it reverses.

i am not bullshitting you about this: i gave up on VTC and ZEN just a few days before both spiked like crazy, and i was so disgusted i didn't even want to buy in while they were breaking out.

you are at a low point, perhaps the lowest point, and look, you've got germans writing to you in german. you've got bros here offering to send you 500 link.

stop bleeding red food coloring into the sink and figure out how to turn your life around. also, 2k is way too much for rent, wtf

>> No.3981859
File: 645 KB, 2048x1152, 20171021_072615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its paint

You made me start crying again ty
Parents dont want anything to do with me because i wanted to shelter a girlfriend of mine at our house who got in trouble with the police. Not much contact for 2 years now.

I destroyed my first link plush for the pic in op; but pic related proofs it too i gues
Thanks but i cant take the money; it would be wasted; i am pretty sure i already decided.

It was more of a joke cuz link is falling and most wojaks contain blood; i never cut' myself
You missunderstand; i have literally nothing left ib my bank acc / any coin

>> No.3981880

Its not just the rent; car repair; food; it all sums up.

I could "live" from the state but a car crash fucked it all up

>> No.3981881

Dude fuck don't kill yourself.

What would it take to help more. Look I wanted to kill myself all day today and I was going to. How much LINK do you need just fucking tell me bro I don't know how much more I can spare but please just give us a number and post your ETH wallet. Some financial help may ease the burden.

>> No.3981920


Look my dude don't kill yourself - what would that accomplish? You've obviously made our home board here a little better every time you post, judging by all these responses. Fuck, I don't even own any LINK and I read your threads.and they bring a smile to my face every time.

You're a treasure dude. There only one of you, and even if you don't think anyone else cares about you, we care about you.

Things will get better dude, just hang in there

>> No.3981935

Serious question, why would you risk so much money when you're living paycheck to paycheck unable to pay rent.

Hope you learned your lesson.

Don't kill yourself though.

>> No.3981949

You dont understand; im very thankfull for you trying to help

But if i cant make atleast 2k; all will just crash down ; and your money would be wasted anyway because then im guranteed to off myself

Rather you keep it than givin it to me so i can pay some faggots with it
Called suicide help already but ..m dont even get me started

>> No.3981951

an hero and stream it

alts will continue to drop and youre never see profit cause you fucked up.

>> No.3981960


Please don't bro. Post your ETH address you bastard I will guarantee 500 LINK and potentially more but I bet some other cunts in here can throw some ether or other shit your way.

Please dude dont do it. I got talked out of it today, I literally had high powered drugs I was going to OD on but someone reached out to me. Please bro don't do it

>> No.3981962

>just hang in there

>> No.3981967

I never lost anything; i bought link at 0.2 and was forced to cash it all out on 0.37

It never was much to begin with though

>> No.3981998

i hope you guys are happy

>> No.3982001

>shamelessly begging through emotional manipulation

Wp plushtard, a true biznessman

If you do it why not take some refugees with you and get a rape or two in?

>> No.3982014

Why won't he post his address I'm legit concerned for this nigger

>> No.3982017


If i end up not able to change anything, im either gonna make a giveaway on biz or literally just make max nr of plushies and send them for free. If im offing myself i might as well go negative on my bank

>> No.3982021

i was thinking this too.
i would at least do a reverse allah-snackbar man.
show the Germans someone still has balls.

>> No.3982024

This is exactly why i didnt want to post it; knew it would look like this.

>> No.3982038

this is all merkel's fault.
if plushtard really does end himself...that's gonna be what pushes me over the edge.

>> No.3982043


Its gonna get better guys. Much love, but dont give up. Give it time and you will feel happiness again..

>> No.3982045

i would never do that because i know not everyone of them is bad

If i knew how to join isis i would just join and allah akbar in their own base

>> No.3982064

I am a man of my word. Sending from binance right now. Please brother. Just try your best and don't do it.

>> No.3982079

You're a good man. Don't you go do something stupid either now.

>> No.3982082

I was brainstorming a few days ago whst i could do to make money with plushies (the only thing i literally enjoy doing in this shitlife)

If i made like a coin that people can use for my shop ; and gave it like 50% off for early buyer bonus; do you think some people would be interested

>> No.3982094

Write me at chainlinkplushy@gmail.com so i can send it back just incase.

>> No.3982101


>> No.3982104

Kill yourself and dont breed. You clearly have something wrong in your head. Aaah natural selection is so beautiful.

>> No.3982106

Also had the idea of creating a kickstarter but iam scared i would get fucked even harder by chargebacks from random 4chin whales that dont like me

>> No.3982108

I know it's hard but swallow your pride and reconnect with your family.

You're young and have so much things yet to discover. Girls to fuck, to love. Places to go, to live in. Shitty jobs to do, money to make.

Hard times makes strong men

Btw another shitty advice from an anon : happiness won't come if you focus on yourself. I know it's hard to shift this focus but try to be good to other people. Could be anyone, helping an old lady carrying her bags or simply telling your family you care about them..

Another shitty advice : even if you should take the focus out of yourself in your mind, you should take care of your body. Eat good shit and do some exercise will clear your mind and steer you in a clearer path

>> No.3982132

You might be right.
Im not even gonna argue
How could i breed if i cant even sustaib myself

>> No.3982133

I'll write you tomorrow morning for sure please hold it together brother man. I am passing out gotta crash.

We will talk soon I promise to write you in the mornin

>> No.3982134


I'm not sure about the coin or kickstarter but you should definitely continue making the plushies if thats something you enjoy. They are really cool. And I think a lot of people would be interested in them both now and in the future.

>> No.3982142

Iam rather fit; was doing muay thai until i couldnt affory the 50$ monthly anymore

>> No.3982144

No he is not right because he is retarded. People live very different lives, when people have hard times and feel down that does not mean there is something wrong with them.

>> No.3982172

he has run out of funds to cover cost of materials that's part of the reason why he's so despondent.

>> No.3982176

I need to go to bed too.

Stay strong, plushtard

>> No.3982185

careful fucko, you might get b& and v& for talking like that one day. kind of fucked up to say in this case too because it sounds serious.

>> No.3982189

Im just gonna go for a morning walk now and think about life and stuff.

>> No.3982217

consider robbing a bank

>> No.3982220
File: 259 KB, 568x479, 1508373542471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a good plan. I'm gonna write you in the mornin like I said. I want to buy some plushies from you and I'll pay you not only for cost of material but a respectable amount for your time and work.

Your work is so great.

We genuinely value you in this community.

Your life has so much value.

>> No.3982239

>pajeet tries to misuse a decent meme by stealing money from brainlets on a japanese cartoon discussion forum

sent :)

>> No.3982278
File: 491 KB, 1280x885, 1507566901866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dam, im gunna be sad when you go. I actually liked your plushie threads and was super keen on getting one.

sigh, the easiest way is to open the oven door halfway and stick your head inside and just turn on the gas, you will become drowsy and it should take less than 10 minutes.

and yes i appreciate the bitter irony to it since you are from germany and all

Auf Wiedersehen

>> No.3982285
File: 683 KB, 2048x1152, 20171018_173540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a few selfies as proof for threads ; havent posted this yet cuz blurred

No pajeet
There was literally a pajeet scaming on the first day after my linkplush

>> No.3982303

Have you sold any? You should be able to sell these for like $50+, I seen your other threads but never clicked on em.

Id buy one in november when Im not all in everything.

>> No.3982305

My dream would be if a whale wanted like a 2 × 2 meter plush wojak

I could just work on it all day and it would solve all my problems

>> No.3982323

I sold a few yes but i made like 5$ of each. Sold them for 25 (14 shipping + 6 material + 5 for me

But i UNDERSTAND that people donz want to spend more on it

>> No.3982333

OP start your own business and fufkc crypto
Google affiliate marketing and digistore24
You will. Make lots of cash out of nowhere with almost zero start capital

>> No.3982346

Good luck plush tard, your one of the good guys.

>> No.3982350

you're one of the only people on biz I actually like :(

>> No.3982358

I've posted in a few of your threads, mostly telling other people to fuck off for giving you shit. I'm also the guy one state over from Kentucky...kek. But seriously bro, shit may be bad now but it will get better.

You seem to enjoy arts and crafts and working with your hands...have you ever tried your hand at anything besides plushies? Usually that type of detail work plays in nicely to other hobbies...like making candy. I fucking love making homemade candy for people I know. I don't know why, but I just get into it...that and baking. Another thing about candy, people will pay a premium for homemade candy, and ingredients are usually cheap as shit. That would be a good hobby for you to look into.

My girlfriend likes making things as well, she makes hair bows and stuff and sells them online. She can make hundreds of dollars off of these things made out of pennies of material.I'm not saying to ditch the plushies, but maybe look into a niche market of people that don't mind paying for one off items.

>> No.3982359

A Mecca, holy shit lol

>> No.3982367
File: 29 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain more

>> No.3982372

Don't kys. Make Bitbean plushies. It's your only hope.

>> No.3982388

I think you add to this community anon

The world is shit sometimes but by removing yourself from it you are making it shittier. Stick around, be the change etc.

>> No.3982391

Custom made plushies honestly should be selling for more.

I worked with some custom plushie artists back in the day and they were charging all like $50+. I had samples made then had a factory in china mass produce.

Idk how you can make $2k, but if you havent already you should figure out the cheapest you can ship them - weight/packaging, and then make sure you make them under that amount.

We originally had a 12inch tall stuffed animal design and realized it was just ounces over 1lb when all packaged up which pushed domestic shipping from like $3.50 to $6-9 and we had to go back and redo them to eek out that small profit advantage.

>> No.3982410

Anon, I'm waiting to get a job so I can buy one of your plushies, it's gonna take me until next year. If you kill yourself I'll never get one :(

On a serious note, my man, I tell literally everyone this - look into meditation. Literally proven to be extremely helpful in many areas of life.

I actually made an Instagram account, pinkwojak, that I was gonna use for memes / crypto humour. I figure if you want that name, I don't mind dropping it for a tiny fee maybe.

Take care plushtard. Your plushies make me stop want to being a lazy shit when I see them.

>> No.3982425
File: 524 KB, 1280x720, PLUSH BRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLUSHBRO - Don't do it man. Whenever a door closes God opens another one.

It's hard I got that, but suicide is not the way.

>> No.3982440

Post more pics of the chainlink cube plushie

>> No.3982547
File: 1.47 MB, 1703x1530, 20171012_061251-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drop a mail at chainlinkplushy@gmail.com then i can send you some hq pics

>> No.3982577

wtf why are your pics so fuzzy
Get a $100 chink phone man

>> No.3982580
File: 153 KB, 768x768, 1491430623938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this thread? Reddit?

Your plushies are shit and you should kill yourself larper. end of story, nothing more needs to be said

>> No.3982600

Take a look at etsy my friend. If you really just enjoy making these then find niches and sell them. Let me tell you, the afterlife isn't any better. I died for a bit and what I saw was everything. I had everything I wanted. Suddenly nothing mattered because I didn't have to work for anything. Working for things means that you are forgoing pleasure. Working for things is the greatest good. (I was only dead for a little bit but I felt like I was in that state for lifetimes, it was hell).

>> No.3982617

Le edgy 4channers can't be nice meme

>> No.3982638 [DELETED] 

do you and your girlfriend have sex

Does she swallow you're semen

>> No.3982649 [DELETED] 

It's the absolute state of /biz/

Literally filled with normans unironically

>> No.3982650

don't do it plushbro

>> No.3982658

Helllllooooo?? This is biz, scam city.

You actually believe thats blood in OPS yoilet? that he isnt just some foreigner trying to scam you? lmao. you have to go back

>> No.3982680 [DELETED] 

For anyone who wants to give their hard-earned BTC to an honest stoic

OP is just a garbage can. A genetic defect.

>> No.3982695


where i previously worked as retail shelf stacker checkout bitch i remember we would get plastic for groceries delivered to us in these huge cardboard rolls, and when we finished them we would leave them for this guy to pick them up and make stuff out of them

i asked him one time and he said he would make cat houses for them and sell them on ebay for 100 bucks a piece, people loved them he said he couldnt make them fast enough and pretty much the most costly material for him was already free

there are ways to make shit that people want everywhere just gotta look

>> No.3982739 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 720x960, 20504244_1643090879042936_2028302419_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so are u tell me if we dont give you btc there will be one less pajeet in this world to worry about giving UN aid to?

>> No.3982745

chill the fuck out plushtard, tell you what, come over to slovenia I'll let you smell my gf's farts

>> No.3982753

I would have to make and sell 135 plushies in 9 days; at 30$.

Its impossible; i promised a christian
Anon who reached out to me i would give it one last shot.

If anyone here is interested im willing to make customstuff like bitbean plushies and pepes and work all night

Please drop a mail at chainlinkplushy@gmail.com

>> No.3982757

Man 25 dollars is fuck all for a custom plush if its halfway decent.
/k/ patch merchants sell their patches for like a 6 to 9 dollars plus shipping, which is a huge markup, and that's considered reasonable.

>> No.3982771

Or if anyone wants a custom pillow i can print anything on them

>> No.3982787

you are german just get social gibs you retard

this thread is bait there are no whites working at kfc in germany (mabye managers)

kys OP

>> No.3982810
File: 598 KB, 2048x1152, 20171021_090308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its not a special skill but you would save the trouble of doing it yourself

The right smaller one

>> No.3982824

OP you got love over here in NZ. would buy a plush if I wasnt dirt broke as well.

Money isnt everything my man. It comes and it goes, but the happiest people I've known have been the poorest. Things get better, I've been in a similar spot. You have the motivation and initiative to go out and produce something independently for money and that in itself is a really great indicator of your future potential. Just keep learning along the way, the more falls you take, the better you'll become.

Keep fighting plushtard, you're a good dude.

>> No.3983121

Nice OC
Almost (ALMOST) as nice as OP's plushies

>> No.3983158

Ok pajeet, at least in the event that it is real I'm not gonna be a shit person by encouraging them to kill themselves.

>> No.3983172

kek. norman checking in.

>> No.3983185

Waaaahhhh i made a bad investment! Grow the fuck up.

>> No.3983192

Find railway or metro and put your neck on railway just before train goes

>> No.3983210

deutscher hier. that is actually true

>> No.3983805

We love you plush tard, don't do it...you are a valuable member of our community and we would all miss you if we didn't see you plush posts and photo..

>> No.3984778
File: 98 KB, 600x500, 1438476202631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the state of /biz/
just wow

>> No.3984837

Wenn du gehen willst hol dir Kohlebrikkets für den Grill. Damit kannst du eine schmerzlose Kohlenmonoxid Vergiftung erzeugen, du merkst nichts und schläfst einfach ein. Musst vorher den Raum Luftdicht isolieren und dann die Briketts anzünden.

Tu es nicht.

>> No.3984961

Don't kill urself you wanker,
Donate some sperm to get some extra money

>> No.3984989

Why you guys don‘t want this guy to off himself?
He did some really shitty decisions that lead him there. Its his time to go now.
also KFC is fucking disgusting, fuckin niggerfood.
Even here in germany the KFC is filled with niggers.

>> No.3985085

Hope you're still with us, plushy friend. I've sent you a message on Reddit.

>> No.3985122
File: 5 KB, 240x227, riku huutia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3985182

Kill yourself.