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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3979729 No.3979729 [Reply] [Original]

>go in for interview at Wageslave job
>have interview
>no contact at all afterwards

>> No.3979739

we'll let you know :^)

>> No.3979852

inb4 they give you a scripted "lol no" email

>> No.3979858

that'd be better than nothing

>> No.3979967

atleast you got an interview

I've sent my resume to 50 companies.


t. 15 year it veteran with Microsoft and Cisco certs

>> No.3979990

oh, you. probably you would be working if you did.

>> No.3980001

I just want to be told I didn't get it
Is it so hard for the PR person to send me a scripted email?

>> No.3980038

You must be one fuck of a retard

>> No.3980056

Its so they can keep you as a potential applicant in the future even if you aren't the best.

I literally applied for some low tier intern job and they didn't answer me then 6 months later when I was working at a different place they call me and ask if I was still available.

>> No.3980110
File: 187 KB, 1137x1137, boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank boomers for turning the employees market into an employers market with free trade with 3rd world shitholes and importing 3rd world niggers

>> No.3980136

m8 it's for an inventory job at Best Buy I don't think they're gonna outsource for that

>> No.3980187


>didn't want to pay you minimum wage
>imports a bajillion 3rd worlders to pay 50 cents an hour under the table

I will be happy once the boomers are all gone

>> No.3980227

supply and demand of workers still come into play, especially all unskilled labour is affected by the unskilled labour market as a whole

>> No.3980238

>go in for interview
>guy tells me i got the job and come in tomorrow
>calls me when i get home and says he jumped the gun and didnt talk it through with his manager
>never hear back from him
I'm sick of living in this hell world.

>> No.3980239
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>not following up
it's like you don't even want it.

>> No.3980247

LMAO it's capitalism, the market will correct itself by having job seekers not incentivize companies that do this! I'm sure it will all work out.

>Adam Smith/Ayn Rand capitalists actually believe this.

>> No.3980260


This shit right here, the fuck is wrong with you OP? You gotta chase the booty and grab on, not just stand there and let it get away.

>> No.3980269

are you a boomer?

>> No.3980287

Ive had companies tell me no before.. desu its not much better than never hearing from them again... in fact it kind of hurt a little bit.

>> No.3980302

i'd rather be told no than be told nothing
no means it's done and over with

>> No.3980583

Almost worse than the boomers are all the female HR cunts who are completely irrational in their hiring process and apply their retarded female sensibilities where they dont belong

>> No.3980613


>tfw one of the first jobs AI will destroy is HR

I can't wait for all those worthless cat ladies to fuck off

>> No.3980672

>imagine the sjw cunts wont program the ai to act like retarded women

>> No.3980734

>blaming boomers
>not blaming banks
Good job goy.

>> No.3980745

>blaming anything other than banks for any kind of societal problem whatsoever
hurr durr goodie goy

>> No.3980774

Why is this a thing? Why don't companies have common decency? Amazon does at least, they tell you pretty quick if you failed the interview.

>> No.3980824

Yeah I hate them. Last interview I had involved 3 people; woman who would be my boss and another manager relevant to the actual job...and some pointless fucking 22 year old girl from HR who had absolutely no fucking reason to be there and was in no way qualified to ask me anything.

I honestly think the only thing keeping most HR departments alive - apart from the fact that like any bureaucracy their primary mission is keeping themselves alive and expanding regardless of cost to the organization - is that they are always nearly 100% female.

Almost everything HR is supposed to do could easily be automated and the departments reduced to a couple of expert employees to oversee everything (inevitably these would be technically competent and legally qualified men) but as this would result in the layoffs of an overwhelmingly female workforce the PR would be pretty disastrous for any company and there would inevitably be a shitload of frivolous 'sex discrimination' lawsuits by said HR cunts being laid off.

>> No.3980826


It won't be artificial intelligence if it's not intelligent

>> No.3980869

>boomer is conditioned to think that the good times are forever and that debt will save them due to rampant consumerism
>this attitude is passed down by the generations, even in a bad economy
>treating the symptom, not the disease
>implying that all nosepasses are elites and that I'm not just following board culture
Who controls the money, Anon?

>> No.3980885

Ok sure but then the stupid fucking boomers should stop whining about millenials. And at some point everyone complicit has to be he held accountable, even if they were brainwashed. We're all victims but that doesn't resolve us of guilt.

>> No.3980894


These boomers and their descendants sound like an awfully easily group to brainwash.

Maybe they weren't meant to succeed

>> No.3980905

>kids are easy to rape maybe they were meant to be raped
Amazing philosophy.

>> No.3980924


So why is nobody protecting the kids?

Somewhere along the lines the parents and leaders let this happen.

>> No.3980960

Some HR woman didn't send me to the hiring manager because I "didn't sound like I wanted to be in management". Bitch, why would I be applying for the job otherwise?

>> No.3980986

Boomers grew up with only tv and radio. And you wonder why they are all brainwashed as fuck? What would you do if you had no source of information except for what the top 5 corporations let you?

>> No.3980994

in order to appeal to those cunts you need to fake a ultra politically correct, overly positive, happy go lucky kind of persona, even if the job application is for mining 2 kilometers underground with a pick axe

>> No.3981008

it wasn't 5 corporations at that time, they didnt even have that excuse

>> No.3981071

Well it was 20 or 30 but still. Same shit. They're the ones that lived the true 1984 reality, we have a huge upper hand because we get to talk to each other (for now).

>> No.3981121

Fair enough. I'm aware that this is a boomer hate thread but I just wanted to point out the bigger picture that I see ignored in multiple threads.

>> No.3981178


>Boomers grew up with only tv and radio. And you wonder why they are all brainwashed as fuck?

I don't wonder why, I know why. They were stupid and naive people who had been outmaneuvered by people with ill intent.

You people seem to forget that life is nothing more than a game of power.

>What would you do if you had no source of information except for what the top 5 corporations let you?

And how did those ebil 5 corporations come to dominate?

>> No.3982091

Not sure what question you're asking. We know better. So we have no excuse to fail like they did.

>> No.3982115

Taking power away from the banks would be a major first step. Actually they're the ones that have fuck up a lot of things around here. I almost feel guilty for investing in LINK because it would give the current establishment more power. But I have to be pragmatic. Not like people that spent centuries gaining power are going to give it up because the internet happened.

>> No.3982149

Go to Hong kong, Singapore or Australia they have some jobs