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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3978261 No.3978261 [Reply] [Original]

>BTC portfolio enters 6 figure range
>dead inside because hair is thinning
>5'9'' framecel so would look like shit with the meme egghead shaved look
>finasteride and minoxidil dont do shit
>hair transplant is useless unless hairloss is halted

>> No.3978401

>born male
boo fucking hoo

>> No.3978404

Find a hobby instead of being in front of a computer screen all day looking at graphs, fgt.

And shave your head. The faster you stop giving a fuck about your insecurity the faster you'll get over it and move on.

>> No.3978424

you need to wait five to ten more years before taking any action

>> No.3978431

well, I'm balding and ony 0.5btc and it doesn't feel any better trust me
the posibility of making it is the only thing that keeps my alive though

>> No.3978441

you fucking gay fucking shit
so you are a balding malet, what of it?
you've got money, the fuck do you want
do you think you are special? that you should be handed everything on a silver platter? fuck you.

Be glad for what you have, work out, make more money, and fuck whores. Life has been brutal from the very start, didn't you pay attention? You fucking children, I swear.

>> No.3978444

Don't take that shit, man

>> No.3978468

>finasteride and minoxidil dont do shit
You need to give it at least one year, and start early. It's not going to regrow your lost hair though.

>> No.3978486
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>nobody posts JUST

>> No.3978492

Look up Urine Therapy OP

Changed my life

>> No.3978501
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Thanks to Allah for the gift of hair

>> No.3978505

You fucking delusional shit, you don't deserve money.

You are not genetically blessed, so what of it? If you were, there would be no point in compensating by earning money. You can't have it all, you fucking delusional moron.

Fuck you.

>> No.3978524

this is true. Dr Feelgood here. most people respond noticeably but minimally after 3-4 months. reversing (if possible for the person) will happen mostly after 1-3 years! I agree with anon above, Mr PfeRnn though. shave your head, grow a beard and wear non fedora or tilby hats (else I might try and kill you).

>> No.3978542
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>You are not genetically blessed, so what of it? If you were, there would be no point in compensating by earning money.

>> No.3978549

>full head of hair
>full beard
>live in big city
>so poor i have to avoid dates cause I cant pay
I'd switch all of this for 6figs so i can help my mom and family, and myself

sex, girls, and hair aint shit man. The world revolves around money

grow up

>> No.3978581

>implying winning the genetic lottery is not a huge asset in itself

retard. people compensate for shortcomings, moron.

>> No.3978598

You're basically implying if you're tall and not balding there's no point in earning money. I don't think I need to explain how dumb that is.

>> No.3978609

Sounds like you should try that.

>> No.3978636


lol you're gonna have a rude awakening when you're in your thirties, rich, and trying to get with the young cute girls who are utterly unimpressed by your financial independance and lust after thick bearded 6'2 surfer chads.

>> No.3978655

>young cute girls who are utterly unimpressed by your financial independance
No such thing exists

There is a reason why billionaires have literal 10/10 models slobbering on their cock every night

You're fucking retarded. Most bitches will do anything for money, it's in their nature

>> No.3978764

>Implying I didnt already experience love and learned the hard way that girls arent everything.

like said idiot, girls arent everything. they want all your attention, money, and cheat on you.
You really think youre gonna find that young hot girl who loves you for you when she can everyone? Chad or not money comes first dumbass.

>caring about money after years of waisting it on gfs and dates
>not growing up
okay anon

>> No.3978789

Are you that Spanish retard again

>> No.3978813

Who gives a fuck. Accept it and move on. You'll be more confident

>> No.3978822
File: 48 KB, 602x441, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>hair transplant is useless unless hairloss is halted

Seemed to workout pretty good for Elon, who was getting JUST'd by his genetics while he was younger

>> No.3978945

roids + hgh
time to go full joe rogan mode boyo

>> No.3979129

This, minus the beard, plus diabetes.
I'd be putting my towards making others happy so that I too can feel happy

>> No.3979159

Stop eating gluten. Seriously

>> No.3979163

they are pubes, that's why it works.

>> No.3979191
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>severely misspelled reddit.com and ended up here

>> No.3979241

I don't know if you're good looking and/or muscular but if you have good game and can put it down you can mack girls for money and invest in crypto. Just my 2 cents

>> No.3979270

look into RepliCell. Stem cell hair regeneration. Close to being mainstream

>> No.3979284
File: 19 KB, 429x343, 1504810960378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. OP you are in the stage of being a little faggot. It's okay, I was too when I was going bald. I shaved my head and it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, immediate relief, best fucking feeling ever.

I grew a very thick beard and hit the gym, the look I have now matches me more than when I had hair. I still don't care because bitches aren't worth shit, don't buy high and sell low with these tramps.

>> No.3979328

i live in ny, im average, 7/10 on a bad day. thing is girls expect you to pay for everything. drinks, food, thats like $200 on a date easy.

Not even chads can get girls to pay for dates unless you prey on rich ugly girls

>> No.3979364

>Start injecting test
>Scalp micropigmentation

>> No.3979422


That is just wrong.

Women don't respect or lust after air-headed faggot pretty boys like models.

>> No.3979554
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>> No.3979569

>I'd switch all of this for 6figs
no, you wouldn't. you feel this way now because you don't know what's it like to be genetically inferior. money doesn't buy happiness, and that's because it only material and can't be used to fix the way you were born.

>> No.3979585

Who cares
Your concerns with your appearance are functions of the ego and not worth time/stress
Get the money

>> No.3979639

thats why ugly billonaires get accused of rape by half hollywood

you need both looks and money dumbass, and looks is more important than being a billonaire

>> No.3979762

no, money buys opportunities, opportunities buy happiness.

If you think a girl sucking your dick while being broke is happiness over financial freedom youre an idiot.

Sure in a perfect world id have both but being broke sucks no matter what you look like.

yeah looks is more important. Im homeless but girls ask me out expecting for me to pay so Im on top right?! I can barely pay my bills but some thot is texting me so im happy?!?!

grow up.

>> No.3979818

damn i haven't heard that phrase in a long time, wardy

>> No.3979846

>man with money argues money isnt everything
>man with looks argues looks isnt everything

>> No.3980088

>women don't lust after male models

>> No.3980252


A guy with a normal job and 8/10+ looks with no hairloss has a better sex life than a subhuman billonaire, thats my fucking point.

And if you were legit goodlooking, you would get an instagram and make money.

>> No.3980268

By bettter sex life i mean pretty young girls that want to fuck you, not 100000000 hokers you autists.

>> No.3980292

Start lifting you fucking lazy faggot, and shave your fucking head. Stop being a bitch.

>> No.3980296

go get /fit/

>> No.3980316
File: 100 KB, 1243x1059, bone law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifting doesn't grow bone and hair you autists.

>> No.3980318


>> No.3980793

thats what your dad said

>> No.3980858

Why do all you faggots know so much about balding treatments? I feel so sorry for you all.

Shave your head and start going to the gym and compound lifting you fuck.

>> No.3981265

> B O N E S
what part of this dont you understand you coping normie fuck off

>> No.3981289

>implying im homeless
Obviously i was making a point you fucking idiot. HOW COULD I BE HOMELESS POSTING ON /biz/ you dumb fuck.

>pretty young girls that want to fuck you
again, youre missing the point. Thats not happiness. If you really think a wageslave with a gf has a better quality of life than a uggo billionaire youre actually retarted and your bitterness is blinding you.

>> No.3981361

With enough money anyone who isn't hideous can be pretty fit and get enough plastic surgery to be at worst 7/10. Money can buy looks.

>> No.3981906
File: 867 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171020-233033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too beta to shave head
>whine on 4chan


Anyone else always get this one?

Anyway op you might think you look bad with a shaved head but you look worse with a ragged balding mess.

If youre a 5/10 with egghead youre a 3/10 with magic the gathering hair

>> No.3982652


In what way? What changed?