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File: 54 KB, 1740x1056, AltsVsBTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3973682 No.3973682 [Reply] [Original]

Hear me out /biz/

I honestly love you all and want all of you to make it.
It makes me really sad seeing red wojak posts.
All I see is poor college student, NEETs , and professional Autists with no knowledge and experience of trading the market.

If you have been in crypto for at least six months and you are not up then please STOP buying and holding alts.

Here is a reality check you can easily verify on tradeview or coinmarketcap: There has not been a single ALT ever, whose ratio went up against BTC consistently for longer then 3 weeks. EVER.
ETH had the best run of all the alts and look at the ratio vs 3 months ago.

ALTs are for trading, not holding. If you can't trade just hold BTC.
Whatever you have left over from your income after paying your bills, just put it in BTC.
That is all you have to do to make money in this market. It really is that easy.

>> No.3973722

That's just one of many examples where you're wrong. More than 50% of alts are up against BTC long term, which means you have the BTC + USD gains if you held those alts since they first came out. Did you do any research?

>> No.3973797
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>> No.3973916

Bump for interest

>> No.3974422

It's worth more btc than it was during ICO. you said
"There has not been a single ALT ever, whose ratio went up against BTC consistently for longer then 3 weeks. EVER."
and Stratis ICO was a lot longer than 3 weeks ago, so you're obviously false. There is at least one alt (hint it's so many more) that has gone up against BTC over a period of more than 3 weeks.

>> No.3974503

Good for you Anon. I am glad you are making mad cash trading STRAT. Enjoy your gains. Obviously this thread is not for you.

>> No.3974553

Learn how to set and accept stop losses. Even if you get stopped out and miss a moon there is always another one. Set my stoploss on XLM today for 515 and felt like shit when I got stopped out but look at it now. Down another 100 sats. I would be FUCKED right now. Instead I'm comfy.

>> No.3974581
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its not that easy.

luckly I got in early ths year and invested 10,000$ into


sideline: 1000$

ETH: 9$ - 300$: 3300%
LTC: 4$ - 60$: 1500%
XMR: 13$ - 90$: 600%
BTC: 890$ - 6000: 670%

so you are sayin an altcoin didnt outperform BTC for over 3 weeks.
my portfolio outperformed BTC more then 3times as much within 10 months.

>> No.3974613

thats called trading and you could of outperformed your portfolio by taking out the gains from your alts and putting them back to BTC in August.

>> No.3974622

Oh ok. Anyways your premise of "ALTs are for trading, not holding." is false, that's all I wanted to say. I'll reiterate: there are many alts that if you bought early you would now be up vs. btc and get the btc gains in addition to the $ gains btc has seen.

>> No.3974664

Ok but this premise is dumb ass hell because it's all based on hindsight.

It's the same as me saying "BTC doesn't outperform the dollar every single day, so what you want to do is sell BTC when it goes up, then buy it back when it's about to go up."

Like how fucking dumb can you be, we all already know that's what we should be doing, it's just very difficult to accurately predict the market every day. Do you think the thing holding us back from being millionaires is that we didn't know this? If I bought and sold at the perfect time every day I'd be a billionaire by now, so why haven't I done this?

>> No.3974670

i am going to correct your statement for you.

> I'll reiterate: there are many alts that if you bought early and then SOLD to BTC you would now be up vs. btc and get the btc gains in addition to the $ gains btc has seen.

>> No.3974716

That is not my premise

Ofcourse it is impossible to call top and bottom.
As a trader you don't worry about getting the top just right, you take your profits and be happy with the profits.

The point is that holding alts long term is a losing game. But you can make some $$$ trading alts short term

The point i am making is if you do not know how to trade and want to make money in crypto the best you can do is just hold BTC

>> No.3974731

of course, afterwards it would be the best decision.
I dont want to trade but maybe I will do a re-allocation

The Bitcoin drama was a fuckin mess at that time, at least BTC finally got Segwit. I really thougth - that if it will happen - I sell some alts for btc, but I didnt. I have to accept that decision.

Before the segwitx2 fork I will do that re-allocation, at whatever ratio.

>> No.3974791

Or buy alts at ICO and hold long term, since so many of them are worth more btc than initially. So again everything you're saying is wrong. Holding alts long term has shown to be a winning game for more than 50% of alts vs. holding bitcoin. If you do not know how to trade and want to make money in crypto the best you can do is actually buy alts early in their lifespan and then hold them. If we're assuming past performance is an indicator of future performance.

No, even if you didn't sell them to BTC they would still be worth more BTC.

This has to be the dumbest thread I've ever been a part of.

>> No.3974843


he's concern trolling.

plus likely a btc maximalist.

>> No.3974891
File: 116 KB, 1091x712, stratislol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ anon. I think you are not that bright.
I drew a pic for you.

>> No.3975052

not really. I am $$$ maximalist. I don't care what the market chooses as a store of value.
If dingleberries were a lucrative store of value i would be holding dingleberries.

>> No.3975079


you better hold alts then.
buttcoins days are numbered.

>> No.3975138

pretty sure you do hold dingleberries.

>> No.3975177

this is very nice of you OP but youre fuckign retarded. Everyone knows the purpose of trading alts is to accumulate more btc

>> No.3975215

not everyone. but they will learn soon enough i hope because BTC will be 100k in a few years and no one will remember LINK or OMG or NEO

>> No.3975266
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can you buy partial coins? I don't have 6k :(

>> No.3975282

Yes, wtf.

>> No.3975288

Sure anon. What's your address. I will send you a partial coin.

>> No.3975342

>Yes, wtf.


>> No.3975403

You can buy fractions of a coin, you can send fractions of a coin.
Are you really that new?

>> No.3975441

>Are you really that new?


>> No.3975592

How did you find your way here?
I actually think it's easier to start with ETH because it's faster to use, I don't mean as investment though.

>> No.3975699

>How did you find your way here?

I dont really even know. just looking around. I've always been interested but have never really gotten to deep into it.

>> No.3975826

I'm a first timer and every other avenue in my life has failed. This feels like my last shot.

I appreciate what you're saying but I'm still confused and this scares me since I don't have much money to invest.

Is there anything to buy if we can't afford a BTC coin?

>> No.3976057

Bitcoin is just a bookkeeping-system of balances of addresses and transactions between them.
To move coins from one address A to an address B, you sign the transaction with a (almost) unique key. That's the private key.
You see that the private key proves that you own the address A and all funds on it.
I just generated a pair:
Private key:
Public address:

The private key is your 'password' and you should never enter it anywhere/show it to anyone. The public address may be computed by the private key.
You only need to worry about keeping your private key safe, wallet clients handle the rest.
> https://electrum.org/#home
Electrum, for example, just gives you a combination of 12 words, and that's all you need to access all addresses belonging to your wallet.

If you're interested, then download Electrum and create a wallet. It has a very simple interface.
For Ethereum, use myetherwallet.com and generate a wallet. You'll be given a JSON file to download. That file is encrypted and contains your private key. The password, that you enter, is used to decrypt that file, so it should be strong.
To check your balances, you may use blockchain.info or etherscan.io. Those sites let you explore the blockchain.
I didn't give you an Electrum version for Ethereum, because all wallets require you to download the whole blockchain and Ethereum is a mess.

Make a wallet on Myetherwallet.com and post your address.

>> No.3976286

wtf are you talking about dude.

omg made me like 2000% in 2 months
same with ants
walton 500% in a month

are you retarded dude? do you not realise alts are for accumulating more btc in the final end?

and im still holding all of the alts above because they will have better roi than holding btc after fork u brainlet

>> No.3976305


every time btc decides to make a move u brainlet broke retarded maximalists come out of your chithole like a true insect to spit your verbal diarrhea.

not my fault u got burned trading shitcoins u single digit iq monkey.

>> No.3976411
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and i can assure u omg will be here u fucktard. with plasma it will actually be worth something and change the world for the better not like your shitcoin btc who only purpose is rn to buy either said good altcoins or drugs but with fucking insane fees and hours of transaction time.

so in summary:

alts make me more moolah
alts actually help the world

the end. brainlet.

>> No.3976414


yes, as long as you have really strong scissors

jk anon, of course you can buy partial coins. You can buy .00001 BTC if you want.

>> No.3976457

you can buy a fraction of a bitcoin

>> No.3976721

Hi. i started tuesday with 600

Pls and thank you

you're the best, anon. I'll never forget this.

>> No.3976782

OP is the stupidest idiot I've read today.

this explains all
OP says yes but if you traded and made the right moves you could make more
but he won't admit you could trade the btc/fiat and make more too

I'm angry now.

>> No.3976807


>> No.3976957


No way! Any chance your generosity can extend just a tiny bit further, please? :)


>> No.3976985

When are you planning or reentering buddy? Has XLM bottomed out?