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3969771 No.3969771 [Reply] [Original]

>average millennial can’t even show up to work on time
>expects 50k starting

>> No.3969779

wasnt this on /pol/ recently?

>> No.3969780

I take advantage of flex time because I do my best work in the evening (and have no life).

>> No.3969804

I actually never understood the extreme autism people have over being at work by a specific exact time unless you have to take over someone else’s shift or deal with customers or something.

What fucking difference does it make if I come in at 9 or 9:30 so long as AI put 8 hours in?

>> No.3969829

Yeah but 50k ain't a lot anymore. I remember it was like 100k like 15 years ago. 50k means scraping by.

>> No.3969831

Also I used to come in 15 mins late to my job every day (before I got fired lol) and people’s autism used to flair up over it something fierce. I’m a web dev just for context.

>> No.3969851

Why not 8? Why not 10? Why do people assume you can only retire once you turn 65?

Truth is, it's comfortable to be socially conforming.

>> No.3969873

Have you ever been a supervisor or manager before?

Imagine running a shift where everyone came in whenever they felt like it. Imagine having to go over the plan and talking points from the morning meeting fifty times. Imagine trying to balance labor and assign jobs with no clue who is going to show up or when.

You're fucking retarded, dude.

>> No.3969877

Scraping by with 110k

>> No.3969886

scraping by with 250k

>> No.3969888

Uhhhh what is slack?

>> No.3969902
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Its usually old people; usually useless too. Can't deal with someone/something else doing their job quicker and in less than 8 hours.

>> No.3969905

scraping by with 300k starting (math major quant)

>> No.3969910

Fuck you boomers i made 50k last year at 22 and got all kinds of tax forms and audits bullshit in the mail fuck them

>> No.3969914
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>But a 1 bedroom apartment in Manhattan is soooo expensive

>> No.3969918

Not everyone is an office nerd, dimwit. I run a welding crew. Men with real jobs have to show up in person. Go back to your computer chair and have another donut you worthless slob.

>> No.3969936

Heh that's bullshit, every millennial worker I know is happy to have a job that doesn't have 3 hours daily commute.

>> No.3969937

Yeah it varies with job. I've had work (media) where I was told on day one "it's basically 930-1730, but so long as your work gets done it doesn't really matter when you turn up leave" but jobs like callcentre work/supermarket work and christ knows also the military I've absolutely had to be on time and frequently expected to be at least 5 mins early. Any job where your productivity isn't directly tied to your presence at certain times should ideally have bosses smart enough not to give a fuck when you come/leave so long as you do what you're paid to do.

>> No.3969945

>manual work

Someone replace this tard with a robot.

>> No.3969966


t. Pencil necked omega

>> No.3969971

This, fuck people who are late. It's also a representative of the mentality a person has. A shitty one

>> No.3969990

Ok, well I wasn’t talking about factory workers. Of course they have to show up on time lol.

>> No.3970002

Well, depends on the job. I work as a train mechanic so I have to be at work 6:30. Usually it would go fine to come in 7-7:30 couse mostly its scheduled work where we are allocated more time then we need in order to be able to do a 100% safe job. Sometimes though unexpected problems occur, like last week where I had to emergency fill the hydraulic liquid in the brakes at 6:32 for a train that were scheduled to leave the hangar at 6:57

>> No.3970005


>muh welding so tuff
>t. weak ass manlet

Enjoy throwing your back out at 40. How many hours ya working tomorrow? 12?

>> No.3970014

Waste of a trips. Not every business place in the world are tech startups and you need to go to actual meetings. Not to mention public employment.

>> No.3970031

>been sending out resumes for months
>have a BSc. degree
>have work experience
>not even an interview

>hurr durr why are you so millennials so lazy and don't get out of the house?

hurr durr why don't you fucking boomers retire already?

>> No.3970037

*not every place in the world employs intelligent people

>> No.3970038

Work 6:30-2:00 (40 hrs/week)

First one in so come in at 6:40, take massive dump till 7. Leave at 1:45 each day and take 1 hour lunches with gf 3 days a week.

>> No.3970169

Shows what you know about robots. They can't weld worth shit.

I guess you're one of those dummies that thinks the singularity is right around the corner and that soon you'll have a flying car and a robot gf. lmao

>> No.3970178

i can understand people getting buttblasted over ~15-20 minutes frequently but I worked at a place where I lived like 5 minutes walking distance and I'd usually try to time it so I was right on time like down to the 30 second mark just so I wasn't there waiting for free. Most of the time I'd be either 1 minute early or so and even that annoyed people they'd make comments under their breath like "cuttin it close!" or similar type shit, and if I ever was 1-2 minutes late they'd endlessly whine. I had so many managers approach me, mostly from coworkers crying I think, shit made me sick. I was probably the most efficient and productive employee as well, always met deadlines/quotas, never made mistakes literally ever, never had to ask questions or get any further instruction, I mean I was as close as there was to a prodigy as there could be, and yet still they whined at me for being 45 seconds late here or there, meanwhile other dudes were fucking up their job costing the company $2000 here, $7000 there, losing a customer, on and on, and they seemed immune from harsh criticism despite that. The culture is fucking toxic.

>> No.3970186

>Working as IT System Engineer
>I know most of the shit here
>IT Helpdesk alone
>Backup alone in my hands
>All Cloudapps are handled by me
>Have to know all the shit from my coworkers
>Mostly being at work on 9-10am
>Leaving house 2 hours before
>Leaving at 6pm
>You have to be here at 9am!! If someone is walking into our Office and nobody is there they are lost!!!
>They can write me on our Messenger what is the problem?
>No you have to be here!!
Most of our shit is cloud based or it isnt important
>Asking for a raise
>denied because im always late
>arriving at work for a year almost every day on 9am or before
>Asking for a raise again
>We dont give you a raise, our budget is small for the next year
>Hires two/three more developers for 8-9k each
>Getting a raise in the middle of the year without any discussion.
>Its the amount which i asked before
>People in helpdesk get payed more money then me
>They have to talk to customers, well me too!
>he didnt answered back
>New developer which finished his internship gets payed 1.2k more then me when i finished my intern, even after the raise he still gets payed more

Should i quit?
It's a small company so if im leaving their kinda screwed

>> No.3970195

There are only so many of them tbqh.

>> No.3970237

It’s not when you show up, but how long you stay and how much work you do.

>> No.3970270

Here's what you do.

>Interview at other companies, get an offer or two
>Approach your boss with the offers, demand raise
>(Optional) current boss gives you raise and you use that as leverage for a higher salary with the new jobs
>Quit to the new jobs

>> No.3970272

>work 12 and more hours daily
>have to come in early to make sure bus is in working order
>something is wrong and the repair crew is horribly understaffed
>dispatcher bitches at me that i didnt come in earlier for my 13 hour shift

>> No.3970281

Yes fuck them they deserve to be punished for their retardation.

>> No.3970291


It's coming sooner than those wannabe-alpha loser brainlets realize.

>> No.3970341

>All Cloudapps are handled by me
>Have to know all the shit from my coworkers
>Mostly being at work on 9-10am
>Leaving house 2 hours before
>Leaving at 6pm
>You have to be here at 9am!! If someone is walking into our Office and nobody is there they are lost!!!
>They can write me on our Messenger what is the problem?
>No you have to be here!!
Most of our shit is cloud based or it isnt important
>Asking for a raise
>denied because im always late
>Asking for a raise again
>Hires two/three more developers for 8-9k each
>Getting a raise in the middle of the year without any discussion.
>People in helpdesk get payed more money then me
>They have to talk to customers, well me too!
>he didnt answered back
>New developer which finished his internship gets payed 1.2k more then me when i finished my intern, even after the raise he still gets payed more

You're a whiny faggot and I wouldn't give you a raise either. They're hiring people around you and giving them raises, that should tell you something. You might as well find another job because you've already fucked yourself over by cruising in late all the time and then asking for raises, then bitching about not getting them and sticking your nose in other people's business.

>> No.3970343


>Too stupid to realize how easy Boomers had it

We should be starting off at more than 50K you faggot.

>> No.3970364

Ask them to pay ur raise in sexual favors.

>> No.3970534

It’s because dumb people have nothing else to offer but showing up early and staying late so it’s the metric they judge all others by.

>> No.3970834


Literally never said that, just that anyone with an actual job shows up to it.

Not even 10% of the economy is numales with muh Skype.

>> No.3971210

i'm normally punctual to every job, but for my last one i didn't bother.
I'm a dev and don't have to interact with customers, never miss any meetings...
looking at the codebase apparently they didn't give a single fuck about quality or doing anything right
>html background color encoded in database for every user
>no option to set it
>same html string for all 50,000 users in the database
>most tables in the db have 50 columns or more, usually 2/3rds of it bullshit like above
>got my assignments done and well, customer liked the results.
but employers don't care about any of that. Maybe Im better suited for working alone.

>> No.3971529

kek this desu

>> No.3971860


I didn't know much about this, but I was speaking with my gen x housemate yesterday. Apparently when you have a job you have to keep looking for better jobs. Either hold the other offer over your current employer's head to force them to give you a raise, or jump companies to get more money. Staying at the same place a long time and being a good employee is what cucks do.

Lol I get fired a lot I guess, but every time I end up with a better paying job after so idgaf. If they ask "have you ever been fired" just lie. Everyone is apparently out to fuck you and enslave you for as little pay and as much work as possible, so fuck them first, is the gist I get from the discussion. Work culture is toxic. Joke is on them because I'm going to early retire. I live on sub-poverty cost and make white collar pay. I've never lived on more than 10k a year, and I live in medium high cost of living areas in the US. If I get fired I literally don't have to give a fuck. If I didn't work an entire year I would still be totally fine.

>> No.3972104

Also, is there any reason not to take contracts?
>3-9 month length
>learn new skill, new xp, gain new references
>don't get super bored and want to kill yourself from doing same shit all your life
Only con is no bennies like health ins but I can just pay in cash at a clinic if I need something. Supposedly contracts are shitty but I only see upside.

>> No.3972162
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The problem with boomers is that they never learned to suffer. The silent generation had WWI, the great depression, and then WWII to live through. The greatest generation had WWII. Boomers were born after WWII when the US was the only industrialized power not bombed to shit or taken over by commies (Argentina). Boomers were incredibly sheltered from what most of the world is like, ie, violence, shit in the streets, and rape. They grew up in a 90% white society, with almost no challenges. They can't even comprehend what it's like to be surrounded by non-Europeans who are incompetent when they're not intentionally malevolent.

Does this mean they have it easier? On an outward level, yes. They've had more material comfort and pleasure than probably any people who have ever lived, except perhaps royalty, and even that is questionable: most royals in history didn't even have what we would consider proper toilets. However, inwardly they're probably more racked with pain than any generation ever. Their worldview centers around themselves. They get confused and turn to rage easily. They refuse any information that doesn't conform with what they already know and every day they're being attacked by more and more of it. Their parents are ashamed of them, their children hate them. Many boomers have no real friends, many are divorced and have been denied access to their children. If they've paid any attention at all, they've seen their country almost completely destroyed. Their children or grandchildren are nuts. Boomers have compromised their morals a million times and continue to do so and each defeat is a spiritual death.

TL; DR Yes, boomers have had it easier than any generation in the history of the world. Because of that they have not learned to suffer and to push back against the world in meaningful ways, hence the useless "marches" which they did for Vietnam and continue to do today. They refuse the truth and because of that have destroyed their souls.

>> No.3972262


They had a say in everything from destroying marriage with the Sexual Revolution, to Feminism, to allowing and even helping Marxism take root in academia, media, and politics. The Marxism and Bolshevism we see coming to fruition now.

If they had devoted that energy to ending the Federal Reserve (the privately owned bank that we're somehow in debt to because they tell us to print currency and then pay it back to them with interest one day even though the government can do that itself) we would not be in this mire. But they were busy getting high and fucking strangers in the mud at Woodstock. They were the original #YOLO generation.

This "debt" is mostly their debt, and many of them will live long enough to reap what they've sown. The recovery since '08 has been entirely superficial, smoke and mirrors of the Federal Reserve. The next crash will be all of that and far more.

Every new generation is a steward, whose foremost task is to preserve the integrity and sustainability of the Nation. If one generation shirks their duty, the next will be disadvantaged in their ability to fulfill theirs, until finally there is nothing left to conserve, nothing to uphold, no sense of ancestral and cultural heritage and pride, no fundamental purpose and meaning. Only submission to the temporal and carnal, with a smug sneer at what is good, prudent, and just.

This is such a precarious continuity and vital struggle, that if only one generation forgets both the past and the future, all is lost.

The United States is already dead, and has been for decades. Everything we see now is only the bloating, the rot, and the parasites. Now we have our own struggle, our own burden on the horizon, which is to create something wholly new, yet still built on the foundation upon which the old structure was, before it was set ablaze in worship of hedonism and base mammalian indulgence.

It falls upon our shoulders to create a New Byzantium.

>> No.3972314
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>not every business place is a tech startup

yeesh sorry bro, now I just feel bad for you tbqfh

>> No.3972452

>It falls upon our shoulders to create a New Byzantium.

Reminder there is literally no one on earth who could stop western nations from taking whatever the fuck we wanted. America alone could destroy every other nation on earth. Imagine how great the economy would be if we started conquering and pillaging again. We'd all be living in fucking mansions. But nooooooooo muh hyuuuuman riiiiiights. Fuck them, browns aren't human. /biz//pol//k/ imperium nao. Kill browns and yellows, take their stuff and land, establish empire. No longer will most of the world be murderous shitholes full of poverty and rape. Under white rule they would be farms, resorts, shining cities, and wildlife/nature refuges with hiking trails and clean, safe campsites. It would be a new garden of eden.
The reason the economy is shit is because we have no new input and it's stagnant. You can only manufacture the same widget and push money around for so long before it turns to shit. Age of Conquest now. Ave Godemperor Trump the Revitalizer.

>> No.3972575


>establish empire

Jesus fuck, everything I said went over your head.

The U.S is already an empire and it is an open, weeping sore of hedonism, graft, the subsidization of failure for generation after generation, and the virtual overtaking, enveloping, and suffocating the visceral. It is in the behavioral sink and suffering a techno meta-death. It is a death cult. It has to die before anything new can be created, and this includes waging wars in the desert for Israel and other special interests which are not our own.

You are the knuckle dragging Neo-Con trash that I will personally bulldoze into mass graves one day.