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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3968572 No.3968572 [Reply] [Original]

When link was first shilled here, I did some cursory research and quickly realized that Sergey had neither the experience nor the connections to deliver on what his whitepaper was promising. But once the pre-ICO shilling on /biz/ started reaching astronomical proportions, I knew I had to get in on it because of hype alone. You see, people underestimate the buying power of /biz/, but on low marketcap coins like this, plus considering the fact that many of you faggots shill on twitter and facebook, I knew the post ICO momentum would be there for some serious profits. And I was right. After the ICO, the shilling here was incessant (thanks mods!). As soon as it hit binance, fomo took over and the rest is history. I took profit at 6850, 7925 and finally, when the slowpokes were arriving, I dumped the rest of my bags at 10950. By this point, I had done deeper research and was quite certain that the SWIFT partnership was all smoke and mirrors. And you better believe that right up until 10950, I was here, hour upon hour, every single day, defending this coin, talking up its potential, recommending it to noobs asking for the next 10x coin. Shit, I was even peddling this coin over on reddit for a while!

What you need to understand is that /biz/ is not a friendly place. We're not here to help each other. We're here to make money. If you're too simpleminded to work things like that out for yourself, people like me will exploit you. That's the way this game is played - nothing personal, kid. On to the next coin!

>> No.3968594

When link was first shilled here, I did some cursory research and quickly realized that Sergey had neither the experience nor the connections to deliver on what his whitepaper was promising. But once the pre-ICO shilling on /biz/ started reaching astronomical proportions, I knew I had to get in on it because of hype alone. You see, people underestimate the buying power of /biz/, but on low marketcap coins like this, plus considering the fact that many of you faggots shill on twitter and facebook, I knew the post ICO momentum would be there for some serious profits. And I was right. After the ICO, the shilling here was incessant (thanks mods!). As soon as it hit binance, fomo took over and the rest is history. I took profit at 6850, 7925 and finally, when the slowpokes were arriving, I dumped the rest of my bags at 10950. By this point, I had done deeper research and was quite certain that the SWIFT partnership was all smoke and mirrors. And you better believe that right up until 10950, I was here, hour upon hour, every single day, defending this coin, talking up its potential, recommending it to noobs asking for the next 10x coin. Shit, I was even peddling this coin over on reddit for a while!

What you need to understand is that /biz/ is not a friendly place. We're not here to help each other. We're here to make money. If you're too simpleminded to work things like that out for yourself, people like me will exploit you. That's the way this game is played - nothing personal, kid. On to the next coin!

>> No.3968679
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Just bought another 75k lmao

>> No.3968699

When link was first shilled here, I did some cursory research and quickly realized that Sergey had neither the experience nor the connections to deliver on what his whitepaper was promising. But once the pre-ICO shilling on /biz/ started reaching astronomical proportions, I knew I had to get in on it because of hype alone. You see, people underestimate the buying power of /biz/, but on low marketcap coins like this, plus considering the fact that many of you faggots shill on twitter and facebook, I knew the post ICO momentum would be there for some serious profits. And I was right. After the ICO, the shilling here was incessant (thanks mods!). As soon as it hit binance, fomo took over and the rest is history. I took profit at 6850, 7925 and finally, when the slowpokes were arriving, I dumped the rest of my bags at 10950. By this point, I had done deeper research and was quite certain that the SWIFT partnership was all smoke and mirrors. And you better believe that right up until 10950, I was here, hour upon hour, every single day, defending this coin, talking up its potential, recommending it to noobs asking for the next 10x coin. Shit, I was even peddling this coin over on reddit for a while!

What you need to understand is that /biz/ is not a friendly place. We're not here to help each other. We're here to make money. If you're too simpleminded to work things like that out for yourself, people like me will exploit you. That's the way this game is played - nothing personal, kid. On to the next coin!

>> No.3968711
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this is such a long string of bullshit that it's actually annoying to read
you're probably right, though—if i were in your position, i'd be glad to have gotten out
don't look back, man! i'm here for you! anyone who hasn't sold, though, remember that this coin can only go up by another 15 billion dollars in market cap with the current known facts about it
in other words, link is obviously dying and will never ever recover—not even later today, just for instance

>> No.3968729

more cryptic bullshit from rory that tells us literally nothing

>> No.3968781

>and we cannot always share them
And here it is folks, this is what killed ChainLink.
A round of applause for the devs and the team.

>> No.3968796
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>people like me will exploit you

>> No.3968902

When many people make serious effort posts on the same day telling you it's best for you to sell it's because they want you to sell for their own interests.
When many people make serious effort posts on the same day telling you to buy it's because they want you to buy for their own interests.

Basically, see /biz/ as a barometer of what market manipulators want the masses to do and then do the opposite.

>> No.3968963


>> No.3969004

SWIFT is manipulating you into selling your LINK.

Keep believing.

>> No.3969011

naw, was telling people to sell or not touch it out of the goodness of my heart anon, because sergey didnt have paptents for it just a thesis he did in college

but yeah your logic does make sense in some way

>> No.3969040

thats referring to hyperledger, not LINK.
LINK is still in SWIFT's pussyasshole

>> No.3969062

nice copy pasta.

>> No.3969093

If you think pricing in this market has anything at all to do with fundamentals I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.3969106

Just sold everything thanks op

>> No.3969115


Your stupid Russian bankspam crypto keeps falling in price because it adds no value.

It does the same thing as Azure Cryptlets.

You know what half-rhymes with

> Muh Oracles!!!!???

Mental disorder



You are a cult. This is /biz/

> Please get help


Do your part and respond to every LINK thread with this copy pasta

>> No.3969274
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>not pandering to the smaller demographic and instead focusing on partnerships with institutions and providing big clients with examples of use-cases at sibos; no hyping the project, thus contributing to a model of natural growth in which fewer people are prone to losing money, but all holders are subject to potential enormous gains
>not having any talks with financially huge companies, opting to pander to the much smaller demographic of profiteers who largely don't care too much about the technology (let alone using it), and hyping the coin every day with seemingly unsubstantiated hints of strategic partnerships with american standard, bathroom tile companies, and huge players in the paper towel industry
given their presence at SIBOS and the 5 confirmed banks to be using their tech (/this/ fast), you can probably guess which route they opted to take