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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3968510 No.3968510 [Reply] [Original]

I've been working at my first job out of uni for about 8 months now as a Recruitment Consultant.

Basically employing people, looking after clients and finding people work.

Good money, around $55k AUD salary.

How do people do this shit their entire lives?

Literally, now that I've started working, all my family and even friends are asking when I'm going to propose to my girlfriend of 5 years, and when we are going to buy a house?

Why the fuck would I want to lock myself into this lifestyle forever by getting a loan out the ass?

I just honestly can't believe that people do this. I'm quitting in January and moving to Thailand with my 50K savings

>> No.3968529

But anon thats what life is about man A house a wife and some childeren and work till your 65 and despressed

THats what real man DO!

>> No.3968541
File: 93 KB, 600x900, 168939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that shitty lip piercing
>that infected belly piercing
Fucking digusting. Post some decent whores or GTFO you bogan piece of shit.

>> No.3968548

True but you forgot manual labor. Only work done by manual labor counts as actual work. At least till you're 65, obviously.

Have fun in Thailand though, good decision.

>> No.3968549

sorry cunt, got you to click though didn't it you salty fuck

>> No.3968593
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I was about to call right, but she got those terrible subdermal piercings, and obviously didn't take care of them because they're completely infected.

Utterly degenerate. Where the fuck are my asian cuties?

>> No.3968599

can't fucking wait to have a piece of land, two cars and a boat that I never take out fishing because I don't have the time.

How fucking exciting.

Just seeing rekt threads on /b/ and it makes me think we're literally just pieces of meat and could get fucked up by a drunk driver at any time and end everything that we are and have ever worked for.

Why the fuck would people take this one opportunity to live just to set themselves up for when they're old as fuck.

Man fuck this shit

>> No.3968607

Hello Anon!

I moved to Vietnam a while back (crypto + saving) and it's been a blast. You can live like a king for the same money you'd consider life support in your home country. I eat out 3 times a day, have a nice apartment in the city center and there's plenty of opportunity for starting your own business.

Do it, make the move. You won't regret it! :)

>> No.3968610
File: 89 KB, 640x853, 212557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's you're accomplishment in life? That you got some random guy on 4chan to click on a picture? Go huff some petrol you shitstain.

>> No.3968624


>$55k AUD
>Good money

Pick one you cuckold

>> No.3968627

why are you so mad, it's fucking funny though don't get me wrong.

The reason for selecting a picture is to get clicks, not as a basis for my life accomplishments.

I feel sorry for you, you really need to chill

>> No.3968642

>first job out of uni

yeah good luck finding better.

it seems the more you earn though, the more fuckery you have to deal with and the more of a senile old prick you become

>> No.3968649

Have fun dying in a thai bath house from a heart attack.

>> No.3968652

Who is she

>> No.3968656


Your first mistake was doing a HR related degree or finding a job in HR, are you gay or something?

>> No.3968666
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thanks mate I will, have fun being a cuck and venting out on here by insulting people that haven't made the terrible mistakes you have.

but sorry mate it won't change anything, keep cucking bro

>> No.3968667

I don't care about the bitchfight but this guy's taste in women is infinitely better

>> No.3968688

I didn't even do HR, i graduated with a commerce degree, applied for this job because it deals with sales, database entry, HR, marketing, KPIs, accounting, finance and projects. Seemed like a good place to get some experience. But now i say fuck that shit it all is depressing as hell

>> No.3968691

do you intend to become a world famous copywriter, or affiliate marketer, or dropshipper in thailand?

>> No.3968695

The kind of beauty that ruins your day. Fuck you man

>> No.3968698

probably just bum around for a few years and actually enjoy my 20s, maybe do some travelling in south east asia, india, nepal etc.

>> No.3968704


Yup and you have to go into the city every day for the rest of your life. Nobody told me that when I was picking my future. Depressing as all hell.

I'm back at uni aiming for a health/sciency career where I'm not stuck on a train for up to 2 hours a day.

>> No.3968710

good luck mate, hope you find happiness

>> No.3968726

see where life takes me, a bit of spontaneity instead of drawing up my life like it's some kind of project with an end goal. sounds fucking great to me

>> No.3968728


bet you are going to fuck the ladyboys

>> No.3968739

hope so senpai

>> No.3968743

I don't think I would mind working all my life though, I feed off it.

I guess it really depends on what you're doing. Stagnant careers are always scary.

>> No.3968766

>stuck on a train
get a motorbike retard

>> No.3968793
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Fuck off, satan.

>> No.3968797

Don't fall for normie-life-jew which is family, loan, kids. I know there can be uge pressure from society but resist and you will be rewarded. Remember to have eyes open for every opportunity life gives you and believe you can be lucky.

>> No.3968802

Sounds like good call desu if you're that unhappy with life and especially if you don't feel that keen on GF even after 5 years - for her sake as well as yours dump her. You don't have a biologoical clock to worry about but she does so do her a favour and kick her out before she's past her best so can find another man. You'll be drowning in Asian puss when you move to Thailand.

>> No.3968842

right one is my ideal body desu, thin waist, fat tits, perfect.

piercings need to go tho

yea the way society is rigged right now is fucking depressing. work your whole life 40+ hours per week (and sometimes a long ass commute) for decade after decade so that when you're 65+ years old and your body's failing you can rest for maybe a decade before your shitting into a bag. Wonderful! and if you dare question it the majority of normies will try to talk down to you for it. Mass brainwashing is all I can say.

>> No.3968870


Anyone of you faggots would come down with oneitis if any of these girls even accidentally looked at you

That not actually bad in oz for a first job. Average in that area would be like 40-45k

>> No.3968875

The secret is to have a job you enjoy so every day is fun. :)

>> No.3968932

>another kangaroo rapist pipes up to defend his boyfriend

>> No.3968947

How you going to cheat on your wife if you don't have one but? 55k is 100% young pussy money. Get some.

>> No.3968991

ya you hear that a lot but for most people it's not so easy. You get a degree or trade and start doing whatever it is you set out to do and then if it turns out the career sucks well you've just wasted a hell of a lot of time if you decide to switch.

Starting your own business is an option but not everyone's cut out to be an entrepreneur.

Ideally yea we all love what we do but I think maybe only 10% manage to have it that way.

>> No.3969200

Kek'd but my point about the girls I reckon 90%+ would go given the opportunity.

>> No.3969209

about the girls still stands*

>> No.3969224

It's almost impossible to know what you really wanna do every day for most of your life until you're 30 or nearing it. Then you either switch careers and your last decade is badically wasted or you just force yourself to keep doing what you've been doing.

Either option is fucked. Basically if you didn't find your passion during childhood you're screwed. Just read biographies of really successful people - they already knew what they wanted to do as kids and started working hard on it while most other kids were just watching porn. This life is a fucking joke.

>> No.3969535


So then what do you do with your life other than working, jerk off to anime girls and walk around forests? Working is apart of being a human, it doesnt have to be bad. Find what you like doing and do that for a job.

>> No.3969675

>how do people do this shit their entire lives
That's the reason we're on this board anon. We are the driven few who don't want to live as slaves and are actually trying to do something about it. Everyone wants to be rich but surprsingly few ever try. Drive is key. Most people don't have the drive.

When I was building my business up I was working 80 hours a week and sleeping on a cot on the floor of my warehouse. I went like this for two years only paying myself enough to physically survive. The rest went into growing my inventory. I had no sex, only saw my closest friends once every 6 months or so, didn't do anything but work. At one point I began to lose my mind and had to take a month off to regain my sanity. Most people wouldn't make sacrifices like that but if you don't want to live the cuck life then you have to make sacrifices and take risks.

>> No.3969744

Are you rich now ? Are you happy ?
I mean I feel i'm experiencing the same path you've done before except I'm working in healthcare so money don't come in. Starting to realise that at 23 my life is probably fucked.

>> No.3969921

I don't consider myself rich yet. I make about $150k a year but I have a nice exit strategy that should raise my annual income to about $250k and cut my work load by 75%. It's going to take another 3-5 years of hard work but I'm only working about 50-60 hours a week now so it's not that bad.

Am I happy? I'm not sure but I'm certainly optimistc and I feel good about what the future holds, which is something I haven't been able to say truthfully for a long time. The only thing I really have an interest in is cars and I'm buying a Lamborghini Huracan some time next year. Maybe I'll be happy then. Either way, I'm going to keep moving forward. That's all we can do, keep moving forward.

>> No.3970459

>be me, 32 years old, programmer 4 years in
>do project alone, nobody to answer to
>get 3700 euros after taxes and shit
>show up at work between 11-12, stay until 5-6ish
>lift 4 times a week
> no intention in buying a house until i made some huge gainz from crypto
>absolutely no intention in marrying

its comfy, but bored as fuck

>> No.3970507
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but "home ownership" is a dream

>> No.3970802


I'm a white European with a good degree in Economics, around 150k EUR in assets and savings (possibly more if I can sell the small stake in a startup I'm holding).

How could I make a living off of this in Thailand? Asking because you obviously put some thought into this. Open to any serious suggestions.

>> No.3970845

before you go can you get me a job?

>> No.3971629
File: 174 KB, 867x898, but I'm not a gold digger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why the fuck would I want to lock myself into this lifestyle forever by getting a loan out the ass?

Your faggot family, or parents anyway, could get away with that. Boomers fucked every subsequent generation in the ass before they were born. Quantum time traveling butt fucking.

Do what you want. Make bank for a few years, save, get some silver, gold, BTC etc to hedge your bets, and then coast by getting an easier, cheaper job.

>> No.3971704
File: 65 KB, 612x654, I'm not a gold digger Part Deux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bumping with I'm Not a Gold Digger 2: The Toasting of the Roastie

>> No.3971850


You are working in the service industry. You are working an unrewarding and non-productive job. It will suck the life out of you. Get a better job that produces something instead of a dead end job like yours. You are basically the cit equivalent of a Macdonald's worker.

TL;DR: people do not work those jobs their entire lives. No more so than they work in a fast food restaurant their entire lives. Unless they are morons.

>> No.3972598

She did nothing wrong.
He didnt either, but she did nothing wrong.

>> No.3973385


>literally wants him to fund her rat race with her Facebook """friends"""
>not wrong

Next you'll say that she needs a good provider for kids, when you damn well she just wants to do the usual conspicuous consumption and money burning of status whoring.

>> No.3973438
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>propose to my girlfriend of 5 years

How about you get the fuck off my board