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3964395 No.3964395 [Reply] [Original]

Is hard Brexit going to happen? How long til we know?
What is likely to happen to the £? Can it sink much lower or is bad certainty better than uncertainty?

>> No.3964438

I fucking hope so

>> No.3964455
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probs already priced in hurr

>> No.3964498


Brexit will absolutely fuck us. This is supposedly from the treasury report that the government tried to bury that said Brexit will be a complete shitshow


>> No.3964505
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God I fucking hope so.

The only way £ tanks is if the UK cucks give in to EU demands to extract a bloodtax, which is almost an inevitability since even the "conservative" party is filled with a bunch of pussy-whipped globalists. There's virtually no hope that this goes bloodlessly, because Brussels needs its pound (hur hur) of flesh.

>> No.3964528

so you're saying hard brexit could boost the pound?

>> No.3964617

I'm saying that it would keep it from plummeting like all the doomsayers are calling for. (Who, coincidentally, all want to stay in the EU.)

There's virtually no way the pound is gonna spike in the short term. Too much governmental control for that to occur. The best you can hope for is a decent balance as the transition occurs.

>> No.3964706

Probably. Short the pound. The current government couldn't negotiate its way out of a paper bag. The british empire is over folks.

>> No.3964803

>treasury report

Treasury is filled with "holier than thou" cunts who think they know everything.

Mervyn King was a lot more optimistic about Brexit

>> No.3964812

I have a bunch of money in £ that i've been wanting to get over to Australia.
I'd been holding off since the £ has been deflated since the referendum (used to be worth almost $2, now it's <$1.70).
I was hoping once some certainty was restored to Britain, the £ might improve a bit (it had clawed back to around $1.75 before the recent election), but now I'm worried that won't happen.
I don't know what to do now since I'm not financially savvy.

>> No.3964894

Should have just cut your losses and bought BTC with your £ earlier in the year.

>> No.3964905

>it used to be $2 : £1

>> No.3964921

Australian dollars

you mean bitcoin? I don't know much about it and didn't think it was a serious option

>> No.3964934

I honestly can't give you more than that. The UK has a way forward that's relatively painless, but the eurocucks are going to drag the UK across a bed of nails. It's not just about the EU's pride, they have to make sure that the UK is an example they can point to if anyone ever threatens to leave the EU ever again. Poland and a couple of other neighboring states are starting to get rowdy, and they have to be crushed.

So the EU is going to whip the UK bloody, and the globalist fucks in parliament are going bend over and take it because they think if they just wait long enough they can come crawling back in a couple years when public sentiment turns against Brexit. They'll point to the shitty policies enacted as punishment and say, "See, we could have avoided all of this mess if we'd just let Brussels keep bleeding us dry. Now why don't you crawl back to Momma Merkel and we can make the pain stop?"

>> No.3965304


Brexit won't be a success. We've not even started building more capacity for customs that we'll need to assess import and export. Expecting that the UK will do well from plunging over the cliff is delusional

>> No.3965363

I hope so as a worst case scenario

>> No.3965997

>implying anything will change post brexit

EU makes a big hoohar for as long as possible until German car sales begin to slow in the UK, eventually EU and UK have to make concessions/leverage other relationships to get the deal they want (same as now but not EU, groundbreaking stuff). Life goes on but the Germans and French make snidy comments at their summits about where the EU centre for spunkology is going to be headquartered. A few companies open 5 employee large offices in the EU just incase. Both UK and EU declare great victory knowing that neither are happy with result. The end

>> No.3966143

fucking delusional cuck kek

>> No.3966158

>People whose only job is to take care of large amounts of money say that we're fucked

Fuck off, if you haven't realised that brexit is a fucking disaster yet, you are fucking deluded.

>> No.3966201

It's going to happen. Pound will dip 30-40% against Euro. UK's food security will collapse. Scotland will abandon the sinking ship. UK exports will dip 70%.

Good times ahead. Going to buy a Aquascutum trenchcoat for pennies :)

>> No.3966242

The EU doesn't have to do shit. It doesn't need access to UK markets. Meanwhile UK will literally die if it can't access EU markets.

>> No.3966413

Is there any chance that the UK govt will cancel Brexit on account of it being a pipe dream? Or will they put party before country?

>> No.3966460
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UK economy will collapse but NOT because of Brexit, but because of Tory and Labor governments too incompetent to seize the opportunity and make good trade deals.

>> No.3966718


>shits on the Treasury
>proceeds to support unemployed old man former BoE chief

O I am laffin

>> No.3967624

Stay away from that sterling shitcoin

>no fixed cap... Supply increasing exponentially
>you don't legally own deposits
>backed by debt created out of thin air and spiralling out of control
>government can stop you transacting and steal it from you

>> No.3967664


EU doesnt need access to UK markets, but EU members Ireland, Denmark and Netherlands absolutely do or they will go into recession. Germany needs to fuck off for once. EU has billions in profit over the UK-EU trade. UK can import those billions worth of goods from somewhere else if it must. First EU fucks our trade with Russia, now with the UK. What a great fucking partnership.

>> No.3967688

bullish for crypto. you brits should get in while you can, it'll make those crypto gains even sweeter if you get an extra 10-20% because of a dropping pound.

>> No.3967693

>just another state in the EU ruled by Brussels

>> No.3967987

where can I get a beginners crash course on crypto?

>> No.3968070

Everyone seems to be so indecisive toward brexit that the best way forward is to kick poland out and call it a day

>> No.3968334

Screw the UK. Even if Brexit is an economic success, nothing can cure the third world nigger/street shitter infestation its facing.

>> No.3968448
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Shuhs. All we have to do if the economy does collapse is kill all the rioting Marxist peasants on welfare. If we do that and avoid comrade Corbyn getting in then it will be fine. I have already signed up for the RN to bash some communist skulls should the worst come to pass.

>> No.3968475
File: 65 KB, 700x700, 1507391731342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My maniacal laughter as I pump round after round into the scum of society shall be legendary. All the while brandishing my blockfolio of BTC waving it in the dead peasants' faces.

>> No.3968501
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Yes - out of EU and back into Ireland. The mother country is coming for you, paddies.

>> No.3968560

The RN? I'm not familiar. If we could just collapse the welfare state, it'd be enough to send those sub-standard IQ shitskins running back to burkaland

>> No.3968749


>If we could just collapse the welfare state

Royal Navy. I am an old fag (30+) and signed up to study Engineering with them. So far so good. Looking to start in Jan/Feb. I am in it more for the experience and because I want to get into Electrical engineering and perhaps work on automating the workforce eventually. Give it 20 years and if I can put a million factory workers out of jobs I will die happy. The workers can either adapt or die for all I care. It should overload the welfare system causing it to collapse no matter what government is in power.

Well, it is the human rights act of 1998 that Blair introduced that stops us treating anybody on British soil differently welfare wise. So unless that can be revealed then any immigrant let in is immediately afforded all the rights of a citizen who has lived here for decades. So yes, collapsing the welfare system and making it unbearable does seem to be the only option. I believe that is what they are attempting with 'austerity' and Corbyn wants to come and mess it all up. They even tried repealing the HRA a few years ago. I also suspect that Cameron may have been subversively acting in the countries best interest when he allowed a Brexit vote in the first place. He may just be an idiot of course. But that pig fucker could be hailed as a hero in generations to come. Sink or swim at least we are cutting ties to the Soviet states of Europe before we drown.

>> No.3968863
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>> No.3968999

>spends a century invading third-world commonwealth countries.
>complains when people from the commonwealth come to stay.

>> No.3969044
File: 246 KB, 640x850, 1500276243224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK improved those countries. niggers destroy countries. the most prosperous african countries are former colonies. if you don't like white people, move to a black country. it's that simple.

>> No.3969057

I heard the UK is already hosting a lot of russians, are we ready for the communist kingdoms of england?

>> No.3969084

>if you don't like white people, move to a black country. it's that simple.
But you're free to invade black countries even if you don't like black people. Good deal.

>> No.3969094

> Not holding british pounds for the brexwit2x fork

>> No.3969127

im against colonization. white men didnt need black slaves, they should have done the labor themselves. what i said is still true though. keep bitching about white people while living the rest of your life in a white country retard

>> No.3969308

Pound drops, exports increase since the stuff we sell is cheaper. Once were out we can buy food and whatever else cheaper from everywhere outside the eu.
The downside is it won't be the same standards as in the EU market. But it WILL be a lot cheaper.
Fuck the EU.