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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3963671 No.3963671 [Reply] [Original]

>group interview

>> No.3964055
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when i get called for a third interview

>> No.3964410
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>S.T.A.R method
>education level

>> No.3964524
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>penis inspection

>> No.3964539
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>salary commensurate with experience

>> No.3965019
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>asks me to talk about my experience and cuts me off 3.5 sentences in

>> No.3965049

I'm literally going on my 3rd interview on tuesday for this fucking position and I'm gonna be there for 8 hours. A FULL FUCKING WORK DAY. They got me by the short hairs though.

>> No.3965061

>the team consists of stuttering potheads

>> No.3965145

ive never had a third interview before. had a second interview, which was pure behavioural questions. first interview was like 2 behavioural questions and a few technical ones. wtf do they ask in a third interview?

>> No.3965175

Usually it consists of phone, behavior/verification and technical. Three in person is way too much

>> No.3965205

This will be my 3rd in person, and I'm told I'm going to be spending time with the whole team and seeing if our personalities fit well, then shadowing an engineer for half the day.

>> No.3965238
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>tell me your biggest weakness

>> No.3965394

after doing one set of interviews at le famous tech company #27 that took a total of about 8 months (i'm actually not sure if I showed up to 5 or 6 meetings, one 3 timezones away) and not getting the job, I decline third interviews now. I'm unemployed, running out of money and I have some very measly contracting work (otherwise i'd actually be on the street now).

so yeah, it's common... no idea what to really do at this point. I'm actually thinking about asking for my old job back.

>> No.3965571

this is so fuckin cancerous. i really despise HR these days

>seeing if our personalities fit well

is this a small company? who gives a shit, as long as you do your work. ive heard of start ups doing 24 hour interviews

>> No.3965589

because part of being an adult is being able to work with people to accomplish a goal.

>> No.3965595
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>> No.3965610

fuck off boomer you had it easy

>> No.3965639

Stop being an autistic sperg and work on your social skills and maybe you could get a job. Or you can keep complaining on 4chan and end up killing your self i dont really give a fuck faggot.

>> No.3965652
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>> No.3965700

how many times are you going to post this, faggot

>> No.3965741

at least i'm not pretending to be the kind of person that wouldn't come here for any reason whatsoever.

>> No.3965751

Fuck off retard this is /biz/ go back to r9k if you want to cry about being a loser.

>> No.3965754

This thread again

>> No.3965768

Yeah it's a pretty small company and the guy I'm dealing with talks a lot about "the right people" which is great in theory, but come on man this is a business it's all about making money nothing more nothing less. I just wish we could all drop the pretense for one minute.

Oh well, they've got what I want so I'll do the dance for them.

>> No.3965942

OP why dont you start your own business
fuck wageslaving

>> No.3966042
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>48 Laws of Power

>> No.3966296 [DELETED] 

During my last job I also started a webshop and another website for myself.

Should I put it on my resume or not mention it?