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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3961475 No.3961475 [Reply] [Original]

I've been here long enough to know this. The biz cycle is pretty predictable: coin gets shilled, partial adoption follows, coin goes up, mass shilling and mass adoption follow and then, coin goes up another 10% and boom, ready to collapse.
Digibyte was exactly like that, ChainLink is DGB's baby.

Vitalik said it was overvaluated. The creator of ethereum put a sword on the coin's head and you think it can still go up? This guy is not some Jamie Dimon who knows fuck what about crypto, so perhaps you should listen to him.

This coin gets shilled 24/7 on this board, which is useless because people already know the existence of it. So why do people do that? Despair. People are desperate because Link clearly is out of fuel, so they shill it to collectively think "hey, look how many we are, we are obviously mooning", which is a major red flag for any investor.

Price has already tanked 40%. Be smart, know when to get out and mainly know when not to get in. Don't waste your money on something that already went 3x ICO price and is forming the bearish head and shoulders pattern.

Put your money on a strong altcoin that will survive the btc appocalypse, some coin that is on a low spot that can easily go up 80% the following months, like Ark, Decred, Litecoin.

Don't be a link marine, listen to Vitalik, me and reason.

>> No.3961533

Nice. Sold 100k

>> No.3961559

>comparing a meme to a revolutionary smartcontract oracle

Problem with literally your entire post OP is that this exact agument could have been made about Ethereum in January 2016. Same for NEO and OMG this year.

Obviously this is actually a good fucking coin. I hope you miss out before the main pump before 2018

>> No.3961661

The creator of ethereum also said ethereum is over priced...

>> No.3961694

I'm not selling. Fuck off Arkie

>> No.3961721

Fuck off you're just jelly you're not a linkmarine

>> No.3961727
File: 248 KB, 1914x745, 4chanlogin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice fud attempt. seriously.

buy high sell low

make sure you act on this so you all miss the moonmission

>> No.3961762

>head and shoulders on all of these. all of them eating shit today, just like chainlink

enjoy bagholding

>> No.3961823

It's not that this coin has no value, it's that value isn't relevant, once the marines give up on any short term movements this will be going at a considerable discount, that is the time to consider taking the bet

>> No.3961824

ppl think digi was just a meme. it was the first segwit coin. rip

>> No.3961843

It had its day and a lot of emotional marines missed out because they didn't realize their beliefs don't matter

>> No.3962058


ride all the way down to 20k because it is overpriced. Money skelly is right again

>> No.3962082

and he's right

>> No.3962106

>Vitalik said it was overvaluated

>> No.3962150

jamie dimon IS crypto you IGNORANT FOOl
he IS SATOSHI its so CLEAR how can you FOOLS not FUCKING SEE that

>> No.3962184

Vitalik ButerinVerified account @VitalikButerin Sep 22
I did not even realize people were using that tweet as an endorsement of their ICO. I never endorsed their ICO. [in RE: mentioning Chainlink in a deleted tweet]

CryptoFox @chloedavids2012 Sep 22
You never endorsed their ICO, but you endorsed the tech, correct?

Vitalik ButerinVerified account @VitalikButerin Sep 22
"Endorse" is such a strong word. Oracles are awesome. Much harder to argue oracles are worth $32m.

>> No.3962203

kek you fucking retard he never said it was overvalued, he questioned if smartcontracts really needed 32 million to develop it

>> No.3962211
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Quality post.

>> No.3962215

Vitalik Buterin said Oracles are awesome.

>> No.3962410

They can't accept it. They need to cope harder

>> No.3962455

I've been /biz/zy since Jan 2016, I have not bought any so far, but to me the LINK hype looks very similar to $6 ETH. I haven't read up on LINK I'm just talking about the hype trend, which is very distinguishable from PnD Moon Missions which are garbage.

>> No.3962474


ehh... that's the actual twitter log you know. take it for what it's worth

>> No.3962478
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>> No.3962494

Nice just applied to SmartContract.com for an internship


>> No.3962511

Step 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5pJL6uJuI4

Step 2: Read the whitepaper again.

Step 3: Put your LINK on your Ledger for a while.

Step 4: Go enjoy life.

>> No.3962543

It was so obvious that it's DGB all over again. I warned anons here in a few threads couple of weeks ago and said just that. The patterns back then and now were the same. Same threads, same type of posts, just different shitcoin.

>> No.3962580

He also said Ethereum is worth $15 at most but the market seems to believe 300 is the right price for Eth for a long time

>> No.3962588

When people say shit like, 'I warned people..' it comes out as ridiculous cuz this is an anonymous board, there ain't no you here just expressions.

>> No.3962589

LINKmarines are retarded and are in for more painful losses.

Decentralized oracles running on a complex network of incentivization (in which you can still falsify data) are so, so stupid. It's a dreadfully complex and flawed solution to the "oracle problem".

I'd rather have a smart contract trust a data feed from Bloomberg, Reuters, etc.

>> No.3962694

As of now decentralized smart contracts can only run within the blockchain. Link will allow it smart contacts to operate everywhere.

>> No.3962707


How the fuck do you think the smart contract knows how and when to reach out to pull the API?

>> No.3962757


You do realize that data companies have developed systems to "push" this information to the blockchain in a standardized, ongoing way, right?

For example, Reuters has a system where a contract can request information and have it programmatically returned

Linkmarines did essentially no market research before making their investment decision.

>> No.3962798


1. I don't see what makes it trustless 2. I find it hard to believe that every company is going to develop their own oracle. 3. It doesn't seem decentralized, either?

>> No.3962938
File: 6 KB, 279x93, thetruth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sir are a fucking cuck.

trusted data is key. how about i give you some clear data? would you trust me? what if you paid me? no??? how about use your fucking brain once anon

decentralised oracles will be revolutionary

>> No.3963007

>not trustless
You fucking autist, normies don't give a shit about anything being trustless, and neither do you. Every time you add funds to an exchange to buy your shitcoins you're engaging in a non-trustless transaction. Does that stop you? No. Do you give a shit? No. You just trust the reputation of the people in charge. That's how it's been for thousands of years and it's going to take a fuckton of incentive for it to change, incentive link is NOT providing with it's overfunded 2-man team and undeveloped product

>> No.3963016

How is LINK different from Microsoft Cryptlets? Honest question, not fud.

>> No.3963022

This fucking Reuters guy again

>> No.3963037

Could this be the computers on every city meme creator?

>> No.3963046


Zero substance in your statement.

P.S. They're not targeting individuals. They're targeting large institutions, and you better fucking believe they want the data to be correct.

>> No.3963095

There is a video of sergey/savior talking about smartcontract working with them on criplets. Would be surprised if it was a direct competitor to chainlink

>> No.3963573

hahahah linkies

>> No.3964623

This isnt even close to dgb, people actually made like 20x from dgb compared to this shit