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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3961147 No.3961147 [Reply] [Original]

What coin is the best to invest now?

>> No.3961166


>> No.3961165


>> No.3961181


>> No.3961196


>> No.3961201


>> No.3961206

One of these is not like the other

>> No.3961212


>> No.3961306

Unironically ARK is your best. They're sponsoring the Javascript hackathon in Romania between tomorrow and the 22nd. The head developer will be hosting an ARK workshop to make themselves well known within the development community.

If the payoff doesn't flip immediately or over the weekend then don't freak out. This is the best coin long-term. Rank 26 right now I believe with potential to hit the top 10 within the next 6 months. I'd invest $300 minimum.

>> No.3961316


>> No.3961350

Link is great long term, but right now it's ENG.

Large developer update tomorrow

Many normie developer wagecucks (hackernews, reddit) will be exposed to it

>> No.3961389

Invest as in hodl ?
You must be pretty chill to invest and not trade.

They all have potential to become big and bring you a lot of cash in the longterm. But you must think of those as an investment and not something to trade for the next moon mission and lose sleep over.

>> No.3961396

ChainTrade. Look it up if you don't believe me. Still under radar... ROI could be fuckhuge.

>> No.3961413

Eng will rocket soon. No doubt.

>> No.3961428

Laughing at these ENG back holders, its getting heavy right? Palm sweaty, knees heavy, shilling crazy

>> No.3961430

COSS.. too many milestones being met right now not to invest, especially with EEA NYC meetup this weekend

>> No.3961439
File: 21 KB, 400x349, 4971BFF1-9775-463B-BB18-954108B08FA6-4966-00000C32DFE2CFCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. Massive potential with this one. Better to get on the boat before it takes off.

>> No.3961476


>> No.3961497

Wow t>>3961413
why do you say it will rocket soon?

>> No.3961528
File: 466 KB, 1040x3114, bitbay2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitbay is the next moon mission. Check out bibay.market.

>> No.3961654

How far can it go?
Are we looking at 10 dollars?

>> No.3961706

I'm guessing around $7 before the EOY, $50 by EOY 2018, $200 EOY 2019

>> No.3961710

This guy working overtime to shill shitty BitBay in all these threads

>> No.3961734



>> No.3961737

bays a great longshot, i don't expect anything soon though, it was more of a may thing

>> No.3961740


>> No.3961818

Do you think is it a good idea to invest on SmartCash?

>> No.3961840

It's tripled in the past 24 hours. Sounds like a great time to buy

>> No.3962168

>>3961671 Nice copy pasta fag.
As I answered already "Kek no, are you so superficial that you only think about money? I truly love bitbay in the first place. It is a genuinely good project that I want to see being used."
The only thing being shitty here is you fudder.

>> No.3962291


all nice looking red candles

>> No.3962298

You earned your 100 zloty for today my friend, thats what matters

>> No.3962305


>> No.3962321

Any coin that hasnt had a chance to moon yet because of this bitcoin drama

LINK, ODN, AST, and probably REQ

whales have been accumulating all of these and will want to sell soon

>> No.3962330

kek thats right buy high sell low classic /biz/

>> No.3962516
File: 28 KB, 400x400, smiggydiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I did but I am shilling on my own free will. I love bitbay because it solves real world problems. All it needs is adoption and thus because I am not a faggot, I don't complain and I try to change things to make them how I want them to be. You should definitely check Bitbay out. It is WORTH IT.

>> No.3962590


>> No.3962596

FENX for sure

>> No.3962609

yep but nonetheless it'll probably go up if the shilling reaches enough normies
getting in now is not a bad idea

>> No.3962618

LINK but not until it goes down to $.20 this weekend. :o)

>> No.3962675
File: 469 KB, 400x218, tumblr_lw2lpjaTt61qdchi5o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 5 of these:

BTC: 1EbC1N12ctHhPZUYHffCzyUbtk1CZdxDBj
ETH: 0x5d54713e65612145cd3559fb13574face1b0adbc
LTC: LVxfjTsNdcjcU5rfB42nFXugvq6WFocA3F
ZEC: t1aoC6uwFcnYGo9nm4HBMyRGm4LXWvTwNud