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File: 2.27 MB, 1280x720, 1508347889049.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3954656 No.3954656 [Reply] [Original]

My portfolio is over 400k again thanks to Metaverse. I am so thankful, please make it so I can quit my job.

>webm related, because people without metaverse are equivalent to the nignogs in it

>> No.3954711

You can quit your job now.

>> No.3954825

Not really, I'd like to have at least 200k spread across crypto moving forward, and if I cash out 200k I will have to pay about 70k leaving me with 130k...

I can live off 130k for two years only, and it's not even living well.

>> No.3955198

that vid

>> No.3955219

How much are you holding and how much did it cost you to get 400k?

>> No.3955257

If you don't think 65k a year if enough to "live well" then you need to make some serious life changes.

>> No.3955283

my combined investment out of pocket in crypto was $30k.

Holding 35k EPT

>> No.3955339

You have to pay that much in taxes?

>> No.3955628

in california bro :(

>> No.3955672

65k a year might seem a lot to someone who lives rent free in their mother's basement and subsists on a diet of purely mountain dew and hot pockets, but I travel the world, go on dates, look for investment opportunities and have hobbies, and generally do things besides masturbate and play video games so yeah 65k is not a lot at all to me.

>> No.3955726


>I waste money


>> No.3955821

I fuck around 30 women a year and I genuinely enjoy spending time with some of them and engaging in activities with them, which costs money. One day you will understand that what I do isn't a waste of money but the only reason to spend it.

>> No.3955840

snob asshole condescends about how he spends too much money and must feel superior in order to justify frivolous spending. Congratz youre a fag.

>> No.3955847

No it's still a lot, even in cuckifornia. That's like making $100k before taxes and spending all of it without saving anything. That's excessive spending. You could drop $3-4k on rent each month and still have lots of money left over.

>> No.3955869


>> No.3955907

seriously the us is the china of the west, holy fuck guys you are so fucking c u c k e d by both the government, the kikes, and the pay for everything consumerism I have no words for you.

>> No.3955982

Yes I am a fag because I want to live like an adult and eat things besides microwave dinners. Good one.

If my rent was 4k a month, I would only have 25k left to spend on literally everything else. Bill are probably around 700/month (health/car insurance/utilties/phone etc) so that's about 9k a year.

That leaves me with 16k left. That's about 1.3k a month to spend on food and leisure activities.

So like I said, 65k a year post tax is peanuts. Sorry you all are getting red pilled on what it means to live like a human.

>> No.3956022

Do you make 65k a year now?
I get 2500€ a month and live fine with it.

>> No.3956027
File: 68 KB, 800x554, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro I live in san francisco, I pay 65k a MONTH just to rent 10 square feet of some asshole's dining room. I live in a wooden box nigger

>> No.3956169

I make around 180k a year now (pre tax)

is this real? how much do you actually pay for that? Had a friend in Manhattan who paid 800 a month for the top bunk bed in a closet.

>> No.3956186

t. wannabe dan bilzerian 2.0

>> No.3956193

At this point you must be trolling. You can rent a nice apartment or an entire home in SF for $4k. One of the most expensive locations in the world. If you can't get by on less than $4k a month for rent you have a problem. You are going to end up like one of the countless DINKs making $300k and barely making ends meet.

>> No.3956235

god you're a fucking cunt piece of shit

I hope someone puts a bullet through your head

Also, you don't sound white.

>> No.3956275

god, you usfags are probably the most fucked 1st world country one could ever imagine, I'm all for an ethical capitalism, but yours is just borderline retarded, I live in Vienna, the city with the highest quality of living worldwide for the last decade or so and for 2k/month you would get a Villa in the rich suburbs or a loft with a pool or a really comfy and nice pre-wwII flat with like 150qm which is around ~1600 ft

>> No.3956295

lol. An entire home in SF for 4k? You must be shitting me. 4k for a two bedroom two bath where I live in LA (westside). SF is more expensive than LA, it's the second or third most expensive in the world, under HK and tied-ish with London.

what a butthurt fag, maybe you should hate less and work harder.

>> No.3956310


>2 years

What the fuck? I can live 10 years with 130k.

>> No.3956357

except no one wants to live in vienna with a bunch of goofy retarded jew cucked descendants of nazis.

The qualify of life on the US coasts is beyond any other place in the world. We have the best education, culture, lifestyle, and opportunities.

You're a cucked eurofaggot so maybe you like Vienna because the atmosphere is congruent with your slow and meandering, pointless life choices, but your finest bitches would leave for the states with a guy like me if they had the chance. In a heartbeat.

>> No.3956370


>> No.3956389


Normie fucking shit.

>> No.3956413

what did you buy in at? also what are your other holdings?

congrats anon

>> No.3956482

"We have the best education, culture, lifestyle and opportunities"
What an idiot you are. Open your eyes. US is a shit country built on lies and credit. Your education is shit, your economy is shit, your lifestyle is shit and for your culture you have none !!! You are fucking stupid animals with no history.
You are the perfect example of the USfag. Without Europe history and culture you will be eating your own shit.

>> No.3956495


>> No.3956528


thats why everyone is overweight,brainwashed and in debt KEK

>> No.3956545

This is why non-californians hate us

>> No.3956548

land of the free, you'll never be able to know what that means in your entire lifetime cuck

>> No.3956617
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I could literally go to the beach/mountains every single month without giving up anything on that budget. You're not red pilling anyone, in fact you sound like a manchild who can't cook and calls the handyman every time something simple breaks. You're clearly wasting too much money on dates like a cuck, getting used doesn't make you a man anon.

>> No.3956665


ah you mean the highest percentage of incarcerations rate, the highest amount of mass shootings, the 2nd highest obesity rate, you are almost getting bankrupt when you are getting sick and spend 2 days in the hospital, you have one of the widest gaps between your working poor and your super rich and you literally just voted a reality star with dementia as your president, but please tell me more about being the number one country in the world dear kek

>> No.3956723

All of your art was created by lunatic alcoholics or gay child molestors, shit was good back then but it's been outdone by modern artists. I'd much rather own a Rothko than a Renoir given the choice. European art and history certainly has it's place but American ideals, technology, art, sophistication, and general quality of life have surpassed you Euroidiots by lightyears. We are the greatest country on Earth for ALL people, not just jew-cucked nazi descendants and nigger spicks (aka italians). Every person at the top of their field comes to America because here talent and personal achievement trump's faggoty "tradition". "Tradition" is just so dumb people don't have to think or adapt. Every time I go to Europe people say the dumbest shit, the people there have no fresh ideas and just complain about shit and do nothing about it.

>> No.3956758

Well, I live in walking distance from the beach so I could go everyday if I wanted to. Same with mountains. SoCal is nice you should try coming here sometime OH WAIT it's too expensive for you and your 1.3k a month budget, but yeah... why would you need more money than that?

Buying girls drinks or dinners occasionally doesn't make you a cuck or mean you're being used. It means you're a gentleman- once again, Eurofaggots don't know shit and are basically cavemen compared to bicostal americans.

>> No.3956852

lol nice cope there. Don't deny that you'd still live here if you could, faggot.

>highest incarceration rate
How does this impact my quality of life? I'm not a crack slinging nigger
>2nd highest obesity rate
That's a consequence of having a free culture and capitalism, but the benefits outweigh the cons and not everyone is fat. We also have the fittest people in the world as well and are pioneers in fitness and athletics
>must pay for healthcare
Your healthcare system is shit, and would actually collapse if your population went up by 50%. Stop with the "muh free healthcare" meme. It doesn't work in the end, and our doctors are much better than yours, hence why rich people in Vienna fly to America for their operations.
>wealth gap
comes along with the skill gap, idiot. America is fair, you get what you produce. Some of us produce a lot.
better than hilary at least. Who is your president? Oh yeah, no one cares and no one knows.

open your eyes a little wider, peasant. Try having this thing called, "perspective"

>> No.3957133

how about you send me some coins faggot how about that

you fucking wont

>> No.3957174

70k in taxes? I always wondered how it works when you try to cash out a large sum of money

>> No.3957251

How it works in the US is, you pay a certain amount per bracket (like 0-30k, 30-70k, 70-120k, 120-190k, etc). If you make 120k, then you pay the tax rate at each level for that maximum amount, it's not like you pay the higher 70-120k tax rate on all your earnings, just the earnings in that bracket.

>> No.3957279

BTC: 1At4zfedWvsrF5GETSZXcUbq5ZQdUxtMUd



ETP: MEyMN1wAT3uA18kEDRc48a34bH1ZAtXTSs

Do it you absolute fucking pussy

>> No.3957325

post pic of a spoon in your ass handle first with time stamp. write on the timestamp "but Neo, there is no spoon"

>> No.3957379

No. I'm not doing shit lmao.

Either I get coins or you're a fag

There's only two paths you can take here anon

>> No.3957462

or the third option: you do it and get some of my peanuts.

>> No.3957473

my anus will never be on the internet you fucking homo

dream on

send coins

>> No.3957485

>We have the best education, culture, lifestyle, and opportunities.


>> No.3957509

alright well I was going to let you do it however you wanted but now you have to be in spread eagle position.

>> No.3957548

Get the fuck off /biz/ you normie cocksucking liberacuck weed smoking faggot

>> No.3958624


He's right about education. Although California is pretty low.

>> No.3958731

Have you ever heard of Ivy Leagues you tool? They are the best universities in the world. The only comparable schools are Oxford and Cambridge.

>> No.3958904

so what, 99% of your own population will never see an Ivy League tier university from within

>> No.3958997

Actually only .5 percent of US undergraduates go to Ivy leagues, which is 1 in every 200 people.

They are exclusive schools, what percentage did you think would go? Dumbass.

Ivys aside, the US is known for our elite education. Any school in our top 50 outclasses any university in any shithole EU country (which is absolutely true now that England has abandoned your failed union, lol)

>> No.3959203

> muh muh most exclusive schools

most retarded people too

>> No.3959385

IM GONA buy ETP now wish me luck bitches

>> No.3959396
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good luck

>> No.3959609


I'm from CA as well and haven't dove into the tax situation yet because I'm still holding, but sort of worried.

>> No.3959754

>We have the best education, culture, lifestyle, and opportunities.

is this ironic or not, I can't tell.

- The US has a bunch of good schools. For like a few k people in a pool of hundrets of millions.
- Every country in the West has more "culture" than the US. Is there anybody honstly denying this? The US doesn't even have 300 year old buildings.
- Lifestyle. Okay maybe I'm not gonna start an argument about what this means. I'm not american, but imho I think of them as archetypical wagies. My bad if that's a prejudice.
- opportunities. Why would these be better than in Germany, for example?

>> No.3959790

You'd think internet tough guys would die off as a trend but nah

>> No.3959814

you are an entitled brat that's all kek

>> No.3959842

Like I said, 1 in 200 US students go to Ivy leagues, how many did you think would get into the best schools in the world you dunce? That's more than Europe... Have you spoken to Spanish or Italian people? They're basically retarded.

You're associating "culture" with age. No shit Europe has more history than the US, but the US has a richer and deeper culture which was formed from people of all nations and colors (yes even niggers and pajeets). We are the best culture in the world because we are made from the best of the world u fucking faggot. No one gives a shit about Belgium princes or faggoty French kings. The USA was the first beacon of freedom and light that shined across the globe. Europe is full of stupid uncultured faggots who think they're cultured but have never even left their tiny shitty country.

In germany you go to school and become a cog in the machine. In America you can be and do whatever you want.

>> No.3959853
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wew are you trying to tell me that you don't want to look like this when you are older?

>> No.3959866

All depends on the person anon. There's no free lunch. Europe is cool and all, but, except maybe for London, you can forget building anything new here. Starting companies, etc. And I'm talking venture capital companies, or doing something with finance, etc. There's a reason every fucking tech company is in the US.

>> No.3959905


everyone here is already well on their way to looking like that

>> No.3960059
File: 703 KB, 870x581, prague4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize you aren't different than all the other ridiculous fucking fools who drank their nation's Kool-aid throughout history, right?

You think most people in the United States does whatever they want? Most people in the United States work shitty retail jobs.

You're an exception to the rule, you might say? Or the fulfilment of the American Dream?

No, you're just a skilled and lucky son of a bitch the same way there are skilled and lucky sons of bitches in Europe, Asia, South America.

I travel and live in places all over the world, there are beautiful things everywhere. I'm spending a few months in Tokyo right now - I was travelling throughout Europe a few months before then. I have a semi-serious recurring health problem, but whenever that flares up I just head back to Canada and get it sorted out. If I needed the best care, whatever, I'd go to the States and get it done, thank-you-for-the-service, and then I'm off.

You only live once on this rock, it's fucking moronic to devote yourself to an imaginary ideal, to governments and fucking land with arbitrary borders dividing them.

>> No.3960197
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I live in SoCal too. Nice LA suburbs actually. I split $850 a month with my girlfriend everything included.

At your pace of spending money I'll blow by your $400k in no time. It is sad you have that much in crypto and make 180k a year. You should have been a millionaire within the first couple years of making $180k...

LOL keep living the good life now. Better to live minimalistic for a few years and have financial freedom by 25-30 then live like you. Keep working to live buddy boy

>> No.3960243

>the US has a richer and deeper culture than European countries

I'm a burger and I love this country but that's just fucking retarded, anon.

>> No.3960275 [DELETED] 

Also, for what it's worth, you're a moron with money.

I only have about half of what you have, but it doesn't matter, since in two years time that'd certainly be reversed. I'm staying in $900/month airbnbs and seeing the world for less than it'd cost to live in my home city, while raking in tens of thousands monthly from crypto.

But sure, keep blowing 65k a year. You'll miss it when it's gone.

>> No.3960303
File: 174 KB, 775x581, yoshinoyama--japan-GettyImages-488852217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, for what it's worth, you're a moron with money.

I only have about half of what you have, but it doesn't matter, since in two years time that'd certainly be reversed. I'm staying in $900/month airbnbs and seeing the world for less than it'd cost to live in my home city, while raking in tens of thousands monthly from crypto.

But sure, keep blowing 65k a year. You'll miss it when it's gone.

>> No.3960317

You don't live in "LA" then unless you literally live in a 250 sqft studio with your "gf".

You seem to be missing the big picture. Money is not enough and it's certainly not everything. True, I enjoy a certain lifestyle, but the connections I make and the friends I acquire are more valuable than money. You can be a retarded fat faggot who jacks off on your anime pillow GF and "blow past" my 400k crypto portfolio while I strategically spend my money on mix a diverse investments, leisure, self-improvement (personal trainer, education, etc), women, and friends.

At the end I will have a well balanced life full of richness and meaning, and you will have a cum covered pillow "gf" and you'll start trying to fuck hookers but you'll have no game and they will simply laugh at you and take your money and you will kys.

>> No.3960351

>this thread

This is why the world hates burgers

>> No.3960352

Richer? We have many of the richest people in the world and have a nice gdp per capita if I do say so myself for the 320m people living here (would be hire if we didn't have a diverse population). Deeper? Not by a long shot.

>> No.3960369

Like I told the other fag, you're a weirdo with no friends or connections and no one gives a shit about you or will help you, so the quality of your "experiences" pale in comparison to mine. You don't even know what it's like to live, keep walking around aimlessly in whatever shithole city you're currently in lol

And yeah, 65k is nothing. My high school cost 40k a year. You and I are on different levels, you are a peasant who got lucky and I am classes above you.

>> No.3960375

OP, I died
>nignogs and vid
thanks kek'd

>> No.3960377

higher* fuck me I need to go to sleep.

>> No.3960439
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deluded americucks always make me laugh

>> No.3960470

>makes fun of americans but post images of american celebrity, who comes from Hollywood in america, who literally defines what you think is cool and not cool for you

>> No.3960480

Hey anon, nice. I've invested in a crypto that I'm pretty sure is going to make me rich/retired by January, and insanely rich if I hold it a bit longer after that.

I plan on doing the same thing you're doing. Care to recommend some cool places to see around the world? Memorable cultures as well? No shithole 3rd world countries like India or anyhwere in Africa tho.

>> No.3960496

>reading that much into a reaction image

really grasping at straws m8. america is a shithole soulless country. you have basically no culture even compared to 3rd world shitstains like the Brazil (which is where I live)

>> No.3960547

>brazil, where you can't even walk down a street talking on the phone without some brown nigger child stealing it from your hands

All Brazil is good for is sending bananas to the US so we can put bananas in our protein shakes. The only good looking people in Brazil are that way because of European blood lmao.

>> No.3960615
File: 250 KB, 372x400, creatine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Captain Obvious. Unlike you stupid brainwashed americucks, most educated brazilians aren't patriotic at all.

Having lived in the US a decade ago, and visiting my sister who lives there every year for the past 6 years I'll tell you this: US is a soulles shithole. Every city is a copy pasted into each other without any sort of originality. Everything is designed to be used with cars, there's nothing organic about housing and everything seems like just another thing from a production line.

Having also lived in Europe, USA is a piece of hot trash, full of white trash. Next year going to live in Europe, and having the chance to pick between both Europe and USA, I'd rather stay in Brazil than go to americuck burgerland.

>> No.3960675

>there's nothing organic about housing and everything seems like just another thing from a production line

That's because you're basically more monkey than human. you need trees and vines and stick huts to feel good about your surroundings.

It is hard for an uneducated jungle person like you to experience American culture because we are leagues ahead of you in every single way.

>> No.3960686


SF resident here. Insanely expensive. $5k/mo for 2bd shithole that my roomate and I split.

>> No.3960723
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You don't know what my experiences are, I have friends all over the world, some of whom travel with me. I know what it's like to live, I stayed put in one country for most of my life. I have wonderful family and friends waiting there for me.

But I realized that life is short, and there is just so much to see and do. I don't want to go to an office every day, and I don't want to spend 90% of a year in one place so I can spend 10% of the year seeing other places. Why not reverse that?

Also, I'm a big foodie, and there are just too many damn good restaurants outside of my country, too many to see in one lifetime.

I do freelance web development as well, I still have good cashflow. Buy why work from home when I can work from the beach?

I'm grateful for the money I've made, and I don't want to blow it - I want to make the most of it. You don't sound like a very kind person. I hope this is just a character you play on the Internet, otherwise I certainly don't envy you, and certainly not the people in your life.

Awesome! I'm in Tokyo right now, I love it. So many great restaurants, lots of beautiful parks and temples, incredibly cool streets, people are actually pretty friendly - I'm treated a bit differently because I'm not Japanese, but not poorly. I understand it's hard to integrate but it's perfect as a visitor. It's also ridiculously safe.

>> No.3960727
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sick burn mate kek

I still remember how me, German-MonkeyMan went to an American school and basically got better grades than 90% of you dumb americucks while snoozing through school smoking weed.

I mean, maybe you guys are lacking in electrolytes, maybe you need to eat more bananas? For Potassium, ya know.

>> No.3960758

I'm thinking of doing mini-courses in every country I visit so I get to meet people. Have you done something like that? Not necessarily language courses, but that would work.

I'd be planning on taking cooking lessons, or brewing lessons. Anything related to food or to something that would be characteristically different in each country, that way I'd meet locals and learn about the culture through them and the classes.

>> No.3960780

Oh yeah? What are you going to school for?

>> No.3960843

>26 posts form this id
>a larping smug fag
>Californian, probably voted for Hillary judging by the posts
No wonder you are insanely hated to everyone else in burgerland

>> No.3960948

Don't live in Commiefornia then and somewhere reasonably priced.

>> No.3960972

You'll regret it when you're old. You need to balance living your life as a young man and preparing for the future when your body begins to give out. At this rate you're screwed, faggot lmao.

>> No.3961110

Good idea!! For that sort of thing, I've only done airbnb experiences, some of which are cooking lessons but they're just one-off things. Some places have a huge variety of them and they're reasonably priced, $50 to $100ish. I recommend them!

I have 40 years until then, I think I'm good, thanks.
Hopefully my 180k investments grow a bit by the 2050s. Are you for real?

Also it's not like I need health insurance or anything. I'm not American.

>> No.3961128

And sitting in a chair for at least 8 hours a day is how the typical American adult prepares for old age. I'm gonna be walking for 8 hours today. I'll be fine.

>> No.3961137

>betting your entire future on your measly 180k in fake money that could go to zero with intense government oversight

lmao. good luck faggot

>> No.3961247
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>> No.3961252

Well, no. It's a calculated risk, I'm hoping to buy a couple of properties next year and rent them out while I keep travelling. I just hope the crypto bubble doesn't pop before then. But with 400k in crypto, you're taking that risk too - that money's way safer literally anywhere else, the "smart" thing would be to sell it all now, but we aren't doing that, are we?

>My portfolio is over 400k again thanks to Metaverse. I am so thankful, please make it so I can quit my job.

I hope you quit your job, OP. Good luck to you too :)

>> No.3961295
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OP is right. Coastal America is the best in the world, period.

Get cucked by muzzers more, eurofags

>> No.3961318

kek, they are harmless since they don't know any better so let them bask in their rootless petty lives for a tiny bit longer because it's all coming to an end for them demographically and geopolitically

the next in line are chinks, I'm afraid

>> No.3961830
File: 99 KB, 800x568, 0DYnS84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most areas of the US have very low cost of living. I live in a major city in Florida and my mortgage is literally $150 a month.
None of what you are saying is true. Especially this
>You are fucking stupid animals with no history
White people in the US are descendants of the same people Europeans are so our history is the same.
Not everybody is though. Just like anywhere in the world, different people make different choices and have different results.
I feel pretty free.
All of the things you listed are personal choices people are free to make. Commit crime, go to prison, eat too much, gain weight. And there have been many European politicians that sucked. Burlusconi anyone?
We do have the best of all that though. Not everyone chooses to take advantage of it but if I want to live in tropical paradise, the US has that, if I want to live in frozen Alaska, US has that and everything in between. Thanks to FAFSA, college is essentially free and on and on.
How many Euros go to Oxford again?
Yet you're on a website created by an American bitching about it. Lol.
>300 year old buildings.
Yes it does. Not to mention who cares? Next troll.
Americans are descended from Europeans. The history is the same dumbfuck.
We are hated due to jealousy.

>> No.3961848

Fuck off you disgusting normie cunt

>> No.3962214

The funniest thing about this stupid ass thread is a bunch of buttmad Europoors are arguing with a guy with a 400,000 dollar portfolio, a great job, who fucks regularly. And you basement dwelling fuckboys somehow think you have a better "quality of life" than he does. I don't have half of what the OP claims and I bet anything my quality of life is better than 99 percent of the posters in this thread. Arguing over Europe vs. the US is the dumbest shit as it is basically 6 of one and half-dozen of the other. Individual circumstances vastly outweigh anything else when making that comparison unless you are talking about some eastern Euro shithole or Russia at which point the USA obviously comes out on top. This is basically bike shedding of the highest caliber. Stay poor Euro-bros.

>> No.3962255


why people get so mad about how people choose to spend their money is something that never made sense to me.

trust me, you're better off focusing on yourself. The only valid comparison you can make is to yourself in the past, there is no one who grew up in exactly the same circumstances and is genetically identical, so there's no point in comparing yourself, unless that's where you get your drive from.

>> No.3962260

why hasn't Europe been to the moon yet?

>> No.3962302


I can't believe you bought so much ETP. Assuming a ~200k portfolio before, why did you go so balls deep? What an insane allocation.

>> No.3962307

Because you stole the German v2 rocket engineers who sent the burgers there... another case for a history lesson burger.

>> No.3962326

and I'm a white African giving you your history...

>> No.3962374

Oh yeah. The Nazis. Another great Eurofag innovation. Not surprising that a white "African" would take up for them. I'm guessing you're head is too far up your ass to see the irony. The invasion of Normandy was a mistake.

>> No.3962407

48 years have passed since.

your parents' car has more computing power than the system that was used on the apollo.

>> No.3962432
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first laugh ive had in while. Thanks op

>> No.3962469

>that moment when OP switches to his phone to post

this is getting embarassing dude. Its time to stop

>> No.3962482

What has Africa innovated in the past couple years that has changed how we live or work?

>> No.3962509

I'm not the OP. I just think it's pitiful when a bunch of completely non-selfaware Eurokeks pile on some dude to cover up their own insecurities. Then the punchline at the bottom when an white "African" descendant of some of the worst colonialists in history pipe up to defend the Nazis. You can't make this shit up. It will honestly make me happy when the Muslims outbreed you and take you over. You are a pestilence.

>> No.3962537

You are stupid.

>> No.3962582

>You are stupid.
The literal state of Eurocuck dialectic. No wonder your own women despise you and lust for Mohammed's cock.

>> No.3962769

You seem to have triggered a lot of poorfags lmao

>> No.3962853

>Buying girls drinks or dinners

lmao riiiiight
you should buy some weights, protein and lift instead of buying shit to win hoes, way cheaper in the long run, fellow burger